--- /dev/null
+import msp_interface;
+import common;
+import shadow;
+const bool use_base_color_map = false;
+const bool use_metalness_map = false;
+const bool use_roughness_map = false;
+const bool use_occlusion_map = false;
+const bool use_emission = false;
+const bool use_emission_map = false;
+const float PI = 3.1415926535;
+#pragma MSP stage(fragment)
+vec4 get_base_color()
+ if(use_base_color_map)
+ return texture(base_color_map, texcoord.xy);
+ else
+ return pbr_material.base_color;
+float get_metalness_value()
+ if(use_metalness_map)
+ return texture(metalness_map, texcoord.xy).r;
+ else
+ return pbr_material.metalness;
+float get_roughness_value()
+ if(use_roughness_map)
+ return texture(roughness_map, texcoord.xy).r;
+ else
+ return pbr_material.roughness;
+float get_occlusion_value()
+ if(use_occlusion_map)
+ return texture(occlusion_map, texcoord.xy).r;
+ else
+ return 1.0;
+vec3 get_emission_color()
+ if(use_emission_map)
+ return texture(emission_map, texcoord.xy).rgb;
+ else
+ return basic_material.emission.rgb;
+/* Computes the diffuse reflection of the macrosurface */
+vec3 lambert_diffuse(vec3 base_color)
+ // Scale by pi to get a result per steradian, suitable for integration
+ return base_color/PI;
+/* Computes the fraction of microfacets aligned at the halfway vector
+(Trowbridge-Reitz GGX) */
+float normal_distribution_ggxtr(vec3 normal, vec3 halfway, float roughness)
+ float n_dot_h = max(dot(normal, halfway), 0.0);
+ //return n_dot_h;
+ float rough_q = roughness * roughness;
+ rough_q *= rough_q;
+ float denom = n_dot_h*n_dot_h*(rough_q-1)+1;
+ //return (n_dot_h*n_dot_h-0.8)*5.0;
+ //return rough_q*10;
+ // Scale by pi to get a result per steradian, suitable for integration
+ return rough_q/(PI*denom*denom);
+/* Computes shadowing and masking of a microfacet surface from a given
+direction */
+float geometry_schlick_ggx(vec3 normal, vec3 view, float k)
+ float n_dot_v = max(dot(normal, view), 0.0);
+ return n_dot_v/(n_dot_v*(1.0-k)+k);
+/* Computes shadowing and masking of a microfacet surface for a combination of
+look and light directions */
+float geometry_smith(vec3 normal, vec3 look, vec3 light, float roughness)
+ float k = (roughness+1.0)*(roughness+1.0)/8.0;
+ float ggx_look = geometry_schlick_ggx(normal, look, k);
+ float ggx_light = geometry_schlick_ggx(normal, light, k);
+ return ggx_look*ggx_light;
+/* Computes the reflectance of the material at a given reflection angle */
+vec3 fresnel_schlick(vec3 halfway, vec3 look, vec3 base_color, float metalness)
+ // 0.04 is a decent approximation for dielectric base reflectivity
+ vec3 f0 = mix(vec3(0.04), base_color, metalness);
+ return mix(f0, vec3(1.0), pow(1.0-dot(halfway, look), 5.0));
+/* Computes the full contribution of a single light */
+vec3 cooktorrance_one_light_direct(vec3 normal, vec3 look, vec3 light, vec3 light_color, vec3 base_color, float metalness, float roughness)
+ vec3 halfway = normalize(light-look);
+ //return normal;
+ float ndist = normal_distribution_ggxtr(normal, halfway, roughness);
+ float geom = geometry_smith(normal, -look, light, roughness);
+ //return vec3(ndist);
+ vec3 k_spec = fresnel_schlick(halfway, light, base_color, metalness);
+ vec3 k_diff = (1.0-k_spec)*(1.0-metalness);
+ float denom = max(4.0*max(dot(normal, -look), 0.0)*max(dot(normal, light), 0.0), 0.001);
+ return max(dot(normal, light), 0.0)*(k_diff*lambert_diffuse(base_color)+k_spec*ndist*geom/denom);
+vec3 cooktorrance_lighting(vec3 normal, vec3 look, vec3 base_color, float metalness, float roughness)
+ vec3 light;
+ if(use_normal_map)
+ light = normalize(tbn_light_dir);
+ else
+ light = normalize(eye_light_dir);
+ float shadow = get_shadow_factor(0);
+ vec3 color = cooktorrance_one_light_direct(normal, look, light, light_sources[0].diffuse.rgb, base_color, metalness, roughness)*shadow;
+ color *= get_occlusion_value();
+ if(use_emission)
+ color += get_emission_color();
+ return color;
+void main()
+ vec3 normal;
+ vec3 look;
+ if(use_normal_map)
+ {
+ normal = get_fragment_normal();
+ look = normalize(tbn_look_dir);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ normal = normalize(eye_normal);
+ look = normalize(eye_look_dir);
+ }
+ vec4 base_color = get_base_color();
+ float metalness = get_metalness_value();
+ float roughness = get_roughness_value();
+ vec3 lit_color = cooktorrance_lighting(normal, look, base_color.rgb, metalness, roughness);
+ frag_color = vec4(lit_color, base_color.a);
float reflectivity;
+struct PbrMaterialParameters
+ vec4 base_color;
+ vec4 emission;
+ float metalness;
+ float roughness;
struct ClipPlane
vec4 equation;
BasicMaterialParameters basic_material;
+uniform PbrMaterial
+ PbrMaterialParameters pbr_material;
uniform Lighting
// Declared as an array for compatibility reasons
uniform sampler2D diffuse_map;
uniform sampler2D specular_map;
uniform sampler2D shininess_map;
+uniform sampler2D base_color_map;
+uniform sampler2D metalness_map;
+uniform sampler2D roughness_map;
+uniform sampler2D occlusion_map;
uniform sampler2D emission_map;
uniform sampler2D normal_map;
#include <msp/strings/format.h>
#include "basicmaterial.h"
#include "gl.h"
+#include "pbrmaterial.h"
#include "resources.h"
#include "texturing.h"
#include "uniform.h"
+ registry.register_type<PbrMaterial>("pbr");
return registry;
--- /dev/null
+#include "pbrmaterial.h"
+using namespace std;
+namespace Msp {
+namespace GL {
+ receive_shadows(false)
+ set_base_color(0.8f);
+ set_metalness(0.0f);
+ set_roughness(0.5f);
+ set_emission(0.0f);
+string PbrMaterial::create_program_source() const
+ string source = "import cooktorrance;\n";
+ if(base_color.texture)
+ source += "const bool use_base_color_map = true;\n";
+ if(normal.texture)
+ source += "const bool use_normal_map = true;\n";
+ if(metalness.texture)
+ source += "const bool use_metalness_map = true;\n";
+ if(roughness.texture)
+ source += "const bool use_roughness_map = true;\n";
+ if(occlusion.texture)
+ source += "const bool use_occlusion_map = true;\n";
+ if(emission.texture || emission.value.r || emission.value.g || emission.value.b)
+ {
+ source += "const bool use_emission = true;\n";
+ if(emission.texture)
+ source += "const bool use_emission_map = true;\n";
+ }
+ if(receive_shadows)
+ source += "const bool use_shadow_map = true;\n";
+ return source;
+void PbrMaterial::attach_textures_to(Texturing &texturing, ProgramData &tex_shdata) const
+ attach_texture_to(base_color.texture, texturing, tex_shdata, "base_color_map");
+ attach_texture_to(metalness.texture, texturing, tex_shdata, "metalness_map");
+ attach_texture_to(roughness.texture, texturing, tex_shdata, "roughness_map");
+ attach_texture_to(normal.texture, texturing, tex_shdata, "normal_map");
+ attach_texture_to(occlusion.texture, texturing, tex_shdata, "occlusion_map");
+ attach_texture_to(emission.texture, texturing, tex_shdata, "emission_map");
+void PbrMaterial::set_base_color(const Color &color)
+ base_color.value = color;
+ shdata.uniform("material.base_color", color);
+void PbrMaterial::set_base_color_map(const Texture *tex)
+ base_color.texture = tex;
+void PbrMaterial::set_normal_map(const Texture *tex)
+ normal.texture = tex;
+void PbrMaterial::set_metalness(float value)
+ metalness.value = value;
+ shdata.uniform("material.metalness", value);
+void PbrMaterial::set_metalness_map(const Texture *tex)
+ metalness.texture = tex;
+void PbrMaterial::set_roughness(float value)
+ roughness.value = value;
+ shdata.uniform("material.roughness", value);
+void PbrMaterial::set_roughness_map(const Texture *tex)
+ roughness.texture = tex;
+void PbrMaterial::set_occlusion_map(const Texture *tex)
+ occlusion.texture = tex;
+void PbrMaterial::set_emission(const Color &color)
+ emission.value = color;
+ shdata.uniform("material.emission", color);
+void PbrMaterial::set_emission_map(const Texture *tex)
+ emission.texture = tex;
+void PbrMaterial::set_receive_shadows(bool s)
+ receive_shadows = s;
+DataFile::Loader::ActionMap PbrMaterial::Loader::shared_actions;
+PbrMaterial::Loader::Loader(PbrMaterial &m):
+ DerivedObjectLoader<PbrMaterial, Material::LoaderBase<PbrMaterial> >(m)
+ set_actions(shared_actions);
+PbrMaterial::Loader::Loader(PbrMaterial &m, Collection &c):
+ DerivedObjectLoader<PbrMaterial, Material::LoaderBase<PbrMaterial> >(m, c)
+ set_actions(shared_actions);
+void PbrMaterial::Loader::init_actions()
+ add_property("base_color", &PbrMaterial::set_base_color, &PbrMaterial::set_base_color_map, true);
+ add_property("normal", &PbrMaterial::set_normal_map);
+ add_property("metalness", &PbrMaterial::set_metalness, &PbrMaterial::set_metalness_map);
+ add_property("roughness", &PbrMaterial::set_roughness, &PbrMaterial::set_roughness_map);
+ add_property("occlusion", &PbrMaterial::set_occlusion_map);
+ add_property("emission", &PbrMaterial::set_emission, &PbrMaterial::set_emission_map, false);
+ add("receive_shadows", &PbrMaterial::receive_shadows);
+} // namespace GL
+} // namespace Msp
--- /dev/null
+#include "material.h"
+namespace Msp {
+namespace GL {
+class PbrMaterial: public Material
+ class Loader: public DataFile::DerivedObjectLoader<PbrMaterial, Material::LoaderBase<PbrMaterial> >
+ {
+ private:
+ static ActionMap shared_actions;
+ public:
+ Loader(PbrMaterial &);
+ Loader(PbrMaterial &, Collection &);
+ private:
+ virtual void init_actions();
+ };
+ Property<Color> base_color;
+ Property<Vector3> normal;
+ Property<float> metalness;
+ Property<float> roughness;
+ Property<float> occlusion;
+ Property<Color> emission;
+ bool receive_shadows;
+ PbrMaterial();
+ virtual std::string create_program_source() const;
+ virtual void attach_textures_to(Texturing &, ProgramData &) const;
+ void set_base_color(const Color &);
+ void set_base_color_map(const Texture *);
+ void set_normal_map(const Texture *);
+ void set_metalness(float);
+ void set_metalness_map(const Texture *);
+ void set_roughness(float);
+ void set_roughness_map(const Texture *);
+ void set_occlusion_map(const Texture *);
+ void set_emission(const Color &);
+ void set_emission_map(const Texture *);
+ void set_receive_shadows(bool);
+} // namespace GL
+} // namespace Msp