--- /dev/null
+import _pbr_prefilter;
+#pragma MSP stage(vertex)
+layout(location=0) in vec4 vertex;
+void main()
+ gl_Position = vertex;
+ out vec2 texcoord = vertex.xy*0.5+0.5;
+#pragma MSP stage(fragment)
+layout(location=0) out vec2 frag_out;
+void main()
+ vec3 normal = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ vec3 look_dir = vec3(sqrt(1.0-texcoord.y*texcoord.y), 0.0, -texcoord.y);
+ float roughness = texcoord.x;
+ float geom_k = roughness*roughness/2.0;
+ float geom_look = -look_dir.z/(geom_k-look_dir.z*(1.0-geom_k));
+ vec2 sum = vec2(0.0);
+ for(int i=0; i<n_samples; ++i)
+ {
+ vec3 halfway = ndist_ggxtr_importance_sample(hammersley(i, n_samples), roughness);
+ vec3 light_dir = reflect(look_dir, halfway);
+ if(light_dir.z>0)
+ {
+ float geom_light = light_dir.z/(geom_k+light_dir.z*(1.0-geom_k));
+ float geom = geom_look*geom_light;
+ // Look_dir points towards the surface, so the dot product is negated
+ float half_dot_look = dot(halfway, look_dir);
+ float ng = geom*half_dot_look/(halfway.z*look_dir.z);
+ float a = pow(max(1+half_dot_look, 0.0), 5.0);
+ sum += vec2(ng*(1-a), ng*a);
+ }
+ }
+ frag_out = sum/n_samples;
--- /dev/null
+uniform PrecalcParams
+ int n_samples;
+const float PI = 3.1415926535;
+vec2 hammersley(int i, int count)
+ float y = bitfieldReverse(uint(i))*2.3283064e-10;
+ return vec2(float(i)/count, y);
+vec3 uv_to_hemisphere(float u, float v)
+ float phi = u*2.0*PI;
+ float r = sqrt(1.0-v*v);
+ return vec3(cos(phi)*r, sin(phi)*r, v);
+vec3 ndist_ggxtr_importance_sample(vec2 uv, float roughness)
+ float rough_q = roughness*roughness;
+ rough_q *= rough_q;
+ float v = sqrt((1.0-uv.y)/(1.0+(rough_q-1.0)*uv.y));
+ return uv_to_hemisphere(uv.x, v);
uniform sampler2D roughness_map;
uniform sampler2D occlusion_map;
uniform sampler2D emission_map;
+uniform sampler2D fresnel_lookup;
layout(constant_id=auto) const bool use_base_color_map = false;
layout(constant_id=auto) const bool use_metalness_map = false;
return max(dot(normal, light), 0.0)*light_color*(k_diff*lambert_diffuse(base_color)+k_spec*ndist*geom/spec_denom);
+vec3 cooktorrance_environment(vec3 normal, vec3 look, vec3 base_color, float metalness, float roughness)
+ vec3 f0 = mix(vec3(0.04), base_color, metalness);
+ vec2 scale_bias = texture(fresnel_lookup, vec2(roughness, max(dot(normal, -look), 0.0))).rg;
+ vec3 k_spec = f0*scale_bias.x+scale_bias.y;
+ vec3 k_diff = (1.0-k_spec)*(1.0-metalness);
+ return (k_diff*base_color+k_spec)*ambient_color.rgb;
vec3 cooktorrance_lighting(vec3 normal, vec3 look, vec3 base_color, float metalness, float roughness)
vec3 light = normalize(world_light_dir);
float shadow = get_shadow_factor(0);
vec3 color = cooktorrance_one_light_direct(normal, look, light, light_sources[0].color, base_color, metalness, roughness)*shadow;
+ color += cooktorrance_environment(normal, look, base_color, metalness, roughness);
color *= get_occlusion_value();
+#include "framebuffer.h"
+#include "mesh.h"
#include "pbrmaterial.h"
+#include "renderer.h"
+#include "resources.h"
+#include "texture2d.h"
using namespace std;
+ Tag("fresnel_lookup"),
+ fresnel_lookup(get_or_create_fresnel_lookup())
+const Texture2D &PbrMaterial::get_or_create_fresnel_lookup()
+ Resources &resources = Resources::get_global();
+ static const string name = "_pbr_env_fresnel_lookup.tex2d";
+ Texture2D *fresnel_lookup = resources.find<Texture2D>(name);
+ if(fresnel_lookup)
+ return *fresnel_lookup;
+ fresnel_lookup = new Texture2D;
+ fresnel_lookup->storage(RG8, 128, 128, 1);
+ resources.add(name, fresnel_lookup);
+ const Program &shprog = resources.get<Program>("_pbr_fresnel_lookup.glsl.shader");
+ ProgramData shdata;
+ shdata.uniform("n_samples", 1024);
+ const Mesh &mesh = resources.get<Mesh>("_fullscreen_quad.mesh");
+ Framebuffer fresnel_lookup_fbo;
+ fresnel_lookup_fbo.attach(COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, *fresnel_lookup);
+ Bind bind_fbo(fresnel_lookup_fbo);
+ Renderer renderer;
+ renderer.set_shader_program(&shprog, &shdata);
+ mesh.draw(renderer);
+ return *fresnel_lookup;
void PbrMaterial::fill_program_info(string &module_name, map<string, int> &spec_values) const
module_name = "cooktorrance.glsl";
return occlusion.texture;
else if(tag==texture_tags[5])
return emission.texture;
+ else if(tag==texture_tags[6])
+ return &fresnel_lookup;
return 0;
namespace Msp {
namespace GL {
+class Texture2D;
class PbrMaterial: public Material
Property<float> roughness;
Property<float> occlusion;
Property<Color> emission;
+ const Texture2D &fresnel_lookup;
static const Tag texture_tags[];
+ static const Texture2D &get_or_create_fresnel_lookup();
virtual void fill_program_info(std::string &, std::map<std::string, int> &) const;