+++ /dev/null
-import sys
-for line in file("gl.spec"):
- if line[0]=='#' or line.find(':')>=0:
- continue
- elif line[0]=='\t' and cur_func:
- parts=line.split()
- if parts[0]=="category" and parts[1]==ext:
- funcs.append(cur_func)
- else:
- paren=line.find('(')
- if paren>0:
- cur_func=line[:paren]
-out=file(ext.lower()+".h", "w")
-out.write("#ifndef MSP_GL_%s_\n"%ext.upper())
-out.write("#define MSP_GL_%s_\n"%ext.upper())
-#include "gl.h"
-#include <GL/glext.h>
-namespace Msp {
-namespace GL {
-for f in funcs:
- out.write("extern PFNGL%sPROC gl%s;\n"%(f.upper(), f))
-out.write("\nvoid init_%s();\n"%ext.lower())
-} // namespace GL
-} // namespace Msp
-out=file(ext.lower()+".cpp", "w")
-out.write("#include \"extension.h\"\n")
-out.write("#include \"%s.h\"\n"%ext.lower())
-namespace Msp {
-namespace GL {
-for f in funcs:
- out.write("PFNGL%sPROC gl%s=0;\n"%(f.upper(), f))
-out.write("\nvoid init_%s()\n{\n"%ext.lower())
-for f in funcs:
- out.write("\tgl%s=reinterpret_cast<PFNGL%sPROC>(get_proc_address(\"gl%s\"));\n"%(f, f.upper(), f))
-} // namespace GL
-} // namespace Msp
+++ /dev/null
-def convert_def(fn):
- src=file(fn)
- line=src.readline()
- tw,th,fh,fa,fd=map(int, line.split())
- result="native_size %d;\n"%fh
- result+="ascent %.3f;\n"%(float(fa)/fh)
- result+="descent %.3f;\n"%(float(fd)/fh)
- for line in src.readlines():
- g,x,y,w,h,ox,oy,a=map(int, line.split())
- result+="glyph %d\n{\n"%g
- result+="\ttexcoords %f %f %f %f;\n"%(float(x)/tw, float(th-y-h)/th, float(x+w)/tw, float(th-y)/th)
- result+="\tsize %.3f %.3f;\n"%(float(w)/fh, float(h)/fh)
- result+="\toffset %.3f %.3f;\n"%(float(ox)/fh, float(oy)/fh)
- result+="\tadvance %.3f;\n"%(float(a)/fh)
- result+="};\n"
- return result
-def make_font(fn, size):
- import maketex
- import os
- if os.system("ttf2png \"%s\" -o makefont-tmp.png -d makefont-tmp.def -t -p -s %d"%(fn, size)):
- raise Exception("Could not execute ttf2png")
- result="texture\n{\n"
- result+="wrap CLAMP_TO_EDGE;\n"
- result+=maketex.make_tex("makefont-tmp.png")
- result+="};\n"
- result+=convert_def("makefont-tmp.def")
- os.unlink("makefont-tmp.png")
- os.unlink("makefont-tmp.def")
- return result
-if __name__=="__main__":
- import sys
- if len(sys.argv)<4:
- import os
- print "Usage: %s <font.ttf> <outfile> <size>"%os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
- else:
- out=file(sys.argv[2], "w")
- out.write(make_font(sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[3])))
+++ /dev/null
-def escape(str):
- result=""
- for c in str:
- if c=='"':
- result+='\\"'
- elif c=='\\':
- result+='\\\\'
- elif ord(c)<0x20:
- result+="\\%03o"%ord(c)
- else:
- result+=c
- return result;
-def make_tex(fn):
- import Image
- img=Image.open(fn)
- fmt="".join(img.getbands())
- if fmt=="LA":
- elif fmt=="L":
- result="storage %s %d %d;\n"%(fmt, img.size[0], img.size[1])
- result+="min_filter LINEAR;\n"
- result+="raw_data \""
- data=list(img.getdata())
- for y in range(img.size[1]):
- i=(img.size[1]-1-y)*img.size[0]
- result+=escape("".join(["".join([chr(v) for v in p]) for p in data[i:i+img.size[0]]]))
- result+="\";\n"
- return result
-if __name__=="__main__":
- import sys
- import os
- if len(sys.argv)<2:
- print "Usage: %s <image>"%sys.argv[0]
- else:
- out=file(os.path.splitext(sys.argv[1])[0]+".tex", "w")
- out.write(make_tex(sys.argv[1]))
--- /dev/null
+import sys
+for line in file("gl.spec"):
+ if line[0]=='#' or line.find(':')>=0:
+ continue
+ elif line[0]=='\t' and cur_func:
+ parts=line.split()
+ if parts[0]=="category" and parts[1]==ext:
+ funcs.append(cur_func)
+ else:
+ paren=line.find('(')
+ if paren>0:
+ cur_func=line[:paren]
+out=file(ext.lower()+".h", "w")
+out.write("#ifndef MSP_GL_%s_\n"%ext.upper())
+out.write("#define MSP_GL_%s_\n"%ext.upper())
+#include "gl.h"
+#include <GL/glext.h>
+namespace Msp {
+namespace GL {
+for f in funcs:
+ out.write("extern PFNGL%sPROC gl%s;\n"%(f.upper(), f))
+out.write("\nvoid init_%s();\n"%ext.lower())
+} // namespace GL
+} // namespace Msp
+out=file(ext.lower()+".cpp", "w")
+out.write("#include \"extension.h\"\n")
+out.write("#include \"%s.h\"\n"%ext.lower())
+namespace Msp {
+namespace GL {
+for f in funcs:
+ out.write("PFNGL%sPROC gl%s=0;\n"%(f.upper(), f))
+out.write("\nvoid init_%s()\n{\n"%ext.lower())
+for f in funcs:
+ out.write("\tgl%s=reinterpret_cast<PFNGL%sPROC>(get_proc_address(\"gl%s\"));\n"%(f, f.upper(), f))
+} // namespace GL
+} // namespace Msp
--- /dev/null
+def convert_def(fn):
+ src=file(fn)
+ line=src.readline()
+ tw,th,fh,fa,fd=map(int, line.split())
+ result="native_size %d;\n"%fh
+ result+="ascent %.3f;\n"%(float(fa)/fh)
+ result+="descent %.3f;\n"%(float(fd)/fh)
+ for line in src.readlines():
+ g,x,y,w,h,ox,oy,a=map(int, line.split())
+ result+="glyph %d\n{\n"%g
+ result+="\ttexcoords %f %f %f %f;\n"%(float(x)/tw, float(th-y-h)/th, float(x+w)/tw, float(th-y)/th)
+ result+="\tsize %.3f %.3f;\n"%(float(w)/fh, float(h)/fh)
+ result+="\toffset %.3f %.3f;\n"%(float(ox)/fh, float(oy)/fh)
+ result+="\tadvance %.3f;\n"%(float(a)/fh)
+ result+="};\n"
+ return result
+def make_font(fn, size):
+ import maketex
+ import os
+ if os.system("ttf2png \"%s\" -o makefont-tmp.png -d makefont-tmp.def -t -p -s %d"%(fn, size)):
+ raise Exception("Could not execute ttf2png")
+ result="texture\n{\n"
+ result+="wrap CLAMP_TO_EDGE;\n"
+ result+=maketex.make_tex("makefont-tmp.png")
+ result+="};\n"
+ result+=convert_def("makefont-tmp.def")
+ os.unlink("makefont-tmp.png")
+ os.unlink("makefont-tmp.def")
+ return result
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ import sys
+ if len(sys.argv)<4:
+ import os
+ print "Usage: %s <font.ttf> <outfile> <size>"%os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+ else:
+ out=file(sys.argv[2], "w")
+ out.write(make_font(sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[3])))
--- /dev/null
+def escape(str):
+ result=""
+ for c in str:
+ if c=='"':
+ result+='\\"'
+ elif c=='\\':
+ result+='\\\\'
+ elif ord(c)<0x20:
+ result+="\\%03o"%ord(c)
+ else:
+ result+=c
+ return result;
+def make_tex(fn):
+ import Image
+ img=Image.open(fn)
+ fmt="".join(img.getbands())
+ if fmt=="LA":
+ elif fmt=="L":
+ result="storage %s %d %d;\n"%(fmt, img.size[0], img.size[1])
+ result+="min_filter LINEAR;\n"
+ result+="raw_data \""
+ data=list(img.getdata())
+ for y in range(img.size[1]):
+ i=(img.size[1]-1-y)*img.size[0]
+ result+=escape("".join(["".join([chr(v) for v in p]) for p in data[i:i+img.size[0]]]))
+ result+="\";\n"
+ return result
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ import sys
+ import os
+ if len(sys.argv)<2:
+ print "Usage: %s <image>"%sys.argv[0]
+ else:
+ out=file(os.path.splitext(sys.argv[1])[0]+".tex", "w")
+ out.write(make_tex(sys.argv[1]))