#include <msp/datafile/collection.h>
#include <msp/strings/format.h>
+#include "error.h"
#include "material.h"
#include "mesh.h"
#include "object.h"
namespace GL {
- meshes(1)
+ lods(1)
{ }
Object::Object(const Mesh *m, const Technique *t)
-// Avoid synthesizing ~RefPtr in files including object.h
- if(meshes[0])
- if(ResourceManager *rm = meshes[0]->get_manager())
- rm->unwatch_resource(*meshes[0], *this);
+ if(lods[0].mesh)
+ if(ResourceManager *rm = lods[0].mesh->get_manager())
+ rm->unwatch_resource(*lods[0].mesh, *this);
-void Object::set_mesh(unsigned i, const Mesh *m)
+Object::LevelOfDetail &Object::get_lod(unsigned i, const char *caller)
- if(i>meshes.size())
- throw out_of_range("Object::set_mesh");
+ if(i>lods.size())
+ throw out_of_range(caller);
+ if(i>0 && (!lods[0].mesh || !lods[0].technique))
+ throw invalid_operation(caller);
- if(i==meshes.size())
- meshes.push_back(m);
- else
- {
- if(i==0 && meshes[i])
- if(ResourceManager *rm = meshes[i]->get_manager())
- rm->unwatch_resource(*meshes[i], *this);
- meshes[i] = m;
- }
- meshes[i].keep();
+ if(i==lods.size())
+ lods.push_back(lods.back());
+ return lods[i];
+void Object::set_mesh(unsigned i, const Mesh *m)
+ RefPtr<const Mesh> &ptr = get_lod(i, "Object::set_mesh").mesh;
+ if(i==0 && ptr)
+ if(ResourceManager *rm = ptr->get_manager())
+ rm->unwatch_resource(*ptr, *this);
+ ptr = m;
+ ptr.keep();
if(i==0 && m)
if(ResourceManager *rm = m->get_manager())
void Object::update_bounding_sphere()
vector<Vector3> points;
- for(vector<RefPtr<const Mesh> >::const_iterator i=meshes.begin(); i!=meshes.end(); ++i)
+ for(vector<LevelOfDetail>::const_iterator i=lods.begin(); i!=lods.end(); ++i)
- if(!*i)
+ if(!i->mesh)
- const VertexArray &vertices = (*i)->get_vertices();
+ const VertexArray &vertices = i->mesh->get_vertices();
int offset = vertices.get_format().offset(VERTEX3);
bool three = true;
const Mesh *Object::get_mesh(unsigned i) const
- if(i>=meshes.size())
+ if(i>=lods.size())
return 0;
- return meshes[i].get();
+ return lods[i].mesh.get();
-void Object::set_technique(const Technique *t)
+void Object::set_technique(unsigned i, const Technique *t)
- technique = t;
- technique.keep();
+ RefPtr<const Technique> &ptr = get_lod(i, "Object::set_technique").technique;
+ ptr = t;
+ ptr.keep();
+const Technique *Object::get_technique(unsigned i) const
+ if(i>=lods.size())
+ return 0;
+ return lods[i].technique.get();
void Object::render(const Tag &tag) const
- const RenderPass *pass = get_pass(tag);
+ const RenderPass *pass = get_pass(tag, 0);
Bind bind_material(pass->get_material());
Bind bind_texturing(pass->get_texturing());
- meshes.front()->draw();
+ lods.front().mesh->draw();
void Object::render(Renderer &renderer, const Tag &tag) const
- const RenderPass *pass = get_pass(tag);
+ const RenderPass *pass = get_pass(tag, 0);
setup_render(renderer, tag);
- meshes.front()->draw(renderer);
+ lods.front().mesh->draw(renderer);
finish_render(renderer, tag);
void Object::render(Renderer &renderer, const ObjectInstance &inst, const Tag &tag) const
- const RenderPass *pass = get_pass(tag);
+ unsigned lod = min<unsigned>(inst.get_level_of_detail(renderer), lods.size()-1);
+ const RenderPass *pass = get_pass(tag, lod);
setup_render(renderer, tag);
inst.setup_render(renderer, tag);
- unsigned lod = min<unsigned>(inst.get_level_of_detail(renderer), meshes.size()-1);
- meshes[lod]->draw(renderer);
+ lods[lod].mesh->draw(renderer);
inst.finish_render(renderer, tag);
finish_render(renderer, tag);
-const RenderPass *Object::get_pass(const Tag &tag) const
+const RenderPass *Object::get_pass(const Tag &tag, unsigned lod) const
- if(!technique)
- throw logic_error("!technique");
- if(!technique->has_pass(tag))
+ const Technique *tech = lods[lod].technique.get();
+ if(!tech)
+ throw logic_error("no technique");
+ if(!tech->has_pass(tag))
return 0;
- return &technique->get_pass(tag);
+ return &tech->get_pass(tag);
void Object::resource_loaded(Resource &res)
- if(!meshes.empty() && &res==meshes.front().get() && bounding_sphere.is_empty())
+ if(&res==lods.front().mesh.get() && bounding_sphere.is_empty())
Object::Loader::Loader(Object &o):
- DataFile::CollectionObjectLoader<Object>(o, 0)
+ LodLoader(o, 0, 0)
Object::Loader::Loader(Object &o, Collection &c):
- DataFile::CollectionObjectLoader<Object>(o, &c)
+ LodLoader(o, 0, &c)
void Object::Loader::init()
- add("mesh", &Loader::mesh_inline);
- add("mesh", &Loader::mesh_inline_lod);
- add("mesh", &Loader::mesh);
- add("mesh", &Loader::mesh_lod);
- add("technique", &Loader::technique_inline);
- add("technique", &Loader::technique);
+ add("level_of_detail", &Loader::level_of_detail);
void Object::Loader::finish()
-void Object::Loader::mesh_inline()
+void Object::Loader::level_of_detail(unsigned i)
- RefPtr<Mesh> msh = new Mesh;
- load_sub(*msh);
- obj.meshes.front() = msh;
+ LodLoader ldr(obj, i, coll);
+ load_sub_with(ldr);
-void Object::Loader::mesh_inline_lod(unsigned l)
+Object::LodLoader::LodLoader(Object &o, unsigned i, Collection *c):
+ DataFile::CollectionObjectLoader<Object>(o, c),
+ index(i),
+ lod(obj.get_lod(index, "Object::LodLoader::LodLoader"))
- if(l>obj.meshes.size())
- throw out_of_range("Object::Loader::mesh_inline_lod");
+ add("mesh", &LodLoader::mesh_inline);
+ add("mesh", &LodLoader::mesh);
+ add("technique", &LodLoader::technique_inline);
+ add("technique", &LodLoader::technique);
- RefPtr<Mesh> msh = new Mesh;
- load_sub(*msh);
- if(l==obj.meshes.size())
- obj.meshes.push_back(msh);
- else
- obj.meshes[l] = msh;
+void Object::LodLoader::mesh(const string &n)
+ obj.set_mesh(index, &get_collection().get<Mesh>(n));
-void Object::Loader::mesh(const std::string &n)
+void Object::LodLoader::mesh_inline()
- obj.set_mesh(&get_collection().get<Mesh>(n));
+ RefPtr<Mesh> msh = new Mesh;
+ load_sub(*msh);
+ lod.mesh = msh;
-void Object::Loader::mesh_lod(unsigned l, const string &n)
+void Object::LodLoader::technique(const std::string &n)
- obj.set_mesh(l, &get_collection().get<Mesh>(n));
+ obj.set_technique(index, &get_collection().get<Technique>(n));
-void Object::Loader::technique_inline()
+void Object::LodLoader::technique_inline()
RefPtr<Technique> tech = new Technique;
load_sub(*tech, get_collection());
- obj.technique = tech;
-void Object::Loader::technique(const std::string &n)
- obj.set_technique(&get_collection().get<Technique>(n));
+ lod.technique = tech;
} // namespace GL
In many cases, it's desirable to include multiple copies of an Object in a
Scene, with different model matrices. ObjectInstances can be used to alter the
rendering of an object on a per-instance basis.
+Objects can have multiple levels of detail. The most detailed level has index
+0, with increasing indices having less detail. When rendering an instance, the
+instance's get_level_of_detail method is called to determine which LoD to use.
class Object: public Renderable, private ResourceWatcher
+ struct LevelOfDetail;
+ class LodLoader: public DataFile::CollectionObjectLoader<Object>
+ {
+ private:
+ unsigned index;
+ LevelOfDetail &lod;
+ public:
+ LodLoader(Object &, unsigned, Collection *);
+ private:
+ void mesh(const std::string &);
+ void mesh_inline();
+ void technique(const std::string &);
+ void technique_inline();
+ };
- class Loader: public DataFile::CollectionObjectLoader<Object>
+ class Loader: public LodLoader
Loader(Object &);
void init();
virtual void finish();
- void mesh_inline();
- void mesh_inline_lod(unsigned);
- void mesh(const std::string &);
- void mesh_lod(unsigned, const std::string &);
- void technique_inline();
- void technique(const std::string &);
+ void level_of_detail(unsigned);
- std::vector<RefPtr<const Mesh> > meshes;
- RefPtr<const Technique> technique;
+ struct LevelOfDetail
+ {
+ RefPtr<const Mesh> mesh;
+ RefPtr<const Technique> technique;
+ };
+ std::vector<LevelOfDetail> lods;
Geometry::BoundingSphere<float, 3> bounding_sphere;
Object(const Mesh *, const Technique *);
+ LevelOfDetail &get_lod(unsigned, const char *);
+ /** Sets the mesh for the highest level of detail (index 0). */
void set_mesh(const Mesh *m) { set_mesh(0, m); }
+ /** Sets the mesh for a given level of detail. Previous LoDs must have been
+ defined. */
void set_mesh(unsigned, const Mesh *);
void update_bounding_sphere();
const Mesh *get_mesh(unsigned = 0) const;
- void set_technique(const Technique *);
- const Technique *get_technique() const { return technique.get(); }
+ /** Sets the technique for the highest level of detail (index 0). */
+ void set_technique(const Technique *t) { set_technique(0, t); }
+ /** Sets the technique for a given level of detail. Previous LoDs must have
+ been defined. */
+ void set_technique(unsigned, const Technique *);
+ const Technique *get_technique(unsigned = 0) const;
virtual const Geometry::BoundingSphere<float, 3> *get_bounding_sphere() const { return &bounding_sphere; }
virtual void finish_render(Renderer &, const Tag &) const { }
- const RenderPass *get_pass(const Tag &) const;
+ const RenderPass *get_pass(const Tag &, unsigned) const;
virtual void resource_loaded(Resource &);