8 return 1.055*(l**(1/2.4))-0.055
13 return os.path.split(fp)[1]
17 def external_name(out_file, ext, index):
18 path, base = os.path.split(out_file.filename)
19 base = os.path.splitext(base)[0]
21 base += "_lod{}".format(index)
27 self.material_tex = False
28 self.srgb_colors = True
30 self.separate_mesh = False
31 self.shared_mesh = True
32 self.separate_tech = False
33 self.external_tech = True
34 self.shared_tech = True
35 self.export_lods = True
37 def export(self, context, out_file, objs=None, progress=None):
39 obj = context.active_object
44 for c in obj.children:
46 if c.lod_index>=len(lods):
47 lods += [None]*(c.lod_index+1-len(lods))
50 from .outfile import open_output
51 out_file = open_output(out_file)
53 p1 = max(((v.co, v.co.length) for v in obj.data.vertices), key=lambda x:x[1])[0]
54 p2 = max(((v.co, (v.co-p1).length) for v in obj.data.vertices), key=lambda x:x[1])[0]
56 radius = (p1-p2).length/2
57 for v in obj.data.vertices:
60 center += d*(1-radius/d.length)/2
61 radius = (radius+d.length)/2
63 out_file.write("bounding_sphere_hint", center[0], center[1], center[2], radius)
66 prev_tech = (None, None)
67 for i, l in enumerate(lods):
69 out_file.begin("level_of_detail", i)
72 if i==0 or l.data.name!=prev_mesh:
73 mesh = self.export_object_mesh(context, out_file, l, objs, progress)
74 prev_mesh = l.data.name
78 if l.material_slots and l.material_slots[0].material:
79 mat = l.material_slots[0].material.name
82 if self.external_tech and l.technique!=prev_tech[0]:
84 if i==0 or not same_tech:
85 self.export_object_technique(l, mesh, out_file, i)
86 prev_tech = (l.technique, mat)
91 def export_object_mesh(self, context, out_file, lod, objs, progress):
92 from .export_mesh import MeshExporter
93 mesh_export = MeshExporter()
94 for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
95 setattr(mesh_export, k, v)
98 if lod.lod_for_parent:
99 lod_index = lod.lod_index
101 if self.separate_mesh:
102 from .outfile import open_output
103 path, name = external_name(out_file, ".mesh", lod_index)
105 name = lod.data.name+".mesh"
106 mesh_out = open_output(os.path.join(path, name))
107 mesh = mesh_export.export(context, mesh_out, objs, progress)
108 out_file.write("mesh", '"{}"'.format(name))
110 out_file.begin("mesh")
111 mesh = mesh_export.export(context, out_file, objs, progress)
116 def export_object_technique(self, obj, mesh, out_file, lod_index):
118 self.colormap = linear_to_srgb
120 self.colormap = lambda x: x
123 if obj.material_slots:
124 material = obj.material_slots[0].material
126 from .outfile import open_output
127 path, name = external_name(out_file, ".tech", lod_index)
129 if self.external_tech and obj.technique:
130 if obj.inherit_tech and material and (obj.override_material or material.texture_slots):
131 out_file.begin("technique")
132 out_file.begin("inherit", '"{}"'.format(obj.technique))
133 for slot in material.texture_slots:
134 if slot and slot.texture.type=="IMAGE":
135 name = image_name(slot.texture.image)
136 if slot.use_map_color_diffuse:
137 out_file.write("texture", '"diffuse_map"', '"{}"'.format(name))
138 elif slot.use_map_normal:
139 out_file.write("texture", '"normal_map"', '"{}"'.format(name))
140 if obj.override_material:
141 mat_name = material.name+".mat"
142 mat_out = open_output(os.path.join(path, mat_name))
143 self.export_material(material, mat_out)
144 out_file.write("material", '"surface"', '"{}"'.format(mat_name))
148 out_file.write("technique", '"{}"'.format(obj.technique))
149 elif self.separate_tech:
150 if self.shared_tech and material:
151 name = material.name+".tech"
152 tech_out = open_output(os.path.join(path, name))
153 self.export_technique_definition(material, mesh, tech_out)
154 out_file.write("technique", '"{}"'.format(name))
156 out_file.begin("technique")
157 self.export_technique_definition(material, mesh, out_file)
160 def export_technique_definition(self, material, mesh, out_file):
161 out_file.begin("pass", '""')
165 if self.material_tex:
166 out_file.begin("material")
167 out_file.write("diffuse", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
170 for u in mesh.uv_layers:
171 if u.name=="material_tex":
173 out_file.begin("texunit", index)
174 out_file.begin("texture2d")
175 out_file.write("min_filter", "NEAREST")
176 out_file.write("mag_filter", "NEAREST")
177 out_file.write("storage", "RGB", len(mesh.materials), 1)
179 for m in mesh.materials:
180 color = [int(cm(c)*255) for c in m.diffuse_color*mat.diffuse_intensity]
181 texdata += "\\x%02X\\x%02X\\x%02X"%tuple(color)
183 out_file.write("raw_data", texdata)
187 out_file.begin("material")
188 self.export_material(material, out_file)
191 if self.textures!="NONE":
192 for slot in material.texture_slots:
197 if tex.type!="IMAGE":
201 for u in mesh.uv_layers:
202 if u.name==slot.uv_layer:
205 index = mesh.uv_layers[0].unit
207 out_file.begin("texunit", index)
208 if self.textures=="INLINE":
209 out_file.begin("texture2d")
210 out_file.write("min_filter", "LINEAR")
211 out_file.write("storage", "RGBA", tex.image.size[0], tex.image.size[1])
213 for p in tex.image.pixels:
214 texdata += "\\x%02X"%int(p*255)
216 out_file.write("raw_data", texdata)
219 out_file.write("texture", '"%s"'%image_name(tex.image))
224 def export_material(self, mat, out_file):
226 if any((s and s.use_map_color_diffuse) for s in mat.texture_slots):
227 out_file.write("diffuse", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
228 amb = cm(mat.ambient)
229 out_file.write("ambient", amb, amb, amb, 1.0)
231 diff = mat.diffuse_color*mat.diffuse_intensity
232 out_file.write("diffuse", cm(diff.r), cm(diff.g), cm(diff.b), 1.0)
233 amb = diff*mat.ambient
234 out_file.write("ambient", cm(amb.r), cm(amb.g), cm(amb.b), 1.0)
235 spec = mat.specular_color*mat.specular_intensity
236 out_file.write("specular", spec.r, spec.g, spec.b, 1.0)
237 out_file.write("shininess", mat.specular_hardness);