5 def make_edge_key(i1, i2):
6 return (min(i1, i2), max(i1, i2))
9 def __init__(self, edge):
10 if edge.__class__==Edge:
11 self.smooth = edge.smooth
15 self.vertices = edge.vertices[:]
22 def check_smooth(self, limit):
23 if len(self.faces)!=2:
26 d = self.faces[0].normal.dot(self.faces[1].normal)
27 self.smooth = ((d>limit and self.faces[0].use_smooth and self.faces[1].use_smooth) or d>0.99995)
29 def other_face(self, f):
30 if f.index==self.faces[0].index:
31 if len(self.faces)>=2:
38 def other_vertex(self, v):
39 if v.index==self.vertices[0].index:
40 return self.vertices[1]
42 return self.vertices[0]
46 def __init__(self, vertex):
47 if vertex.__class__==Vertex:
48 self.uvs = vertex.uvs[:]
53 self.index = vertex.index
54 self.co = mathutils.Vector(vertex.co)
55 self.normal = mathutils.Vector(vertex.normal)
60 self.groups = vertex.groups[:]
62 def __cmp__(self, other):
65 return cmp(self.index, other.index)
69 def __init__(self, group):
71 self.group = group.group
72 self.weight = group.weight
79 def __init__(self, pt):
80 self.primitive_type = pt
86 def __init__(self, face):
87 self.index = face.index
89 self.edge_keys = face.edge_keys
90 self.vertices = face.vertices[:]
91 self.loop_indices = face.loop_indices
92 self.normal = face.normal
93 self.use_smooth = face.use_smooth
94 self.material_index = face.material_index
97 def __cmp__(self, other):
100 return cmp(self.index, other.index)
102 def pivot_vertex(self, v):
103 n = self.vertices.index(v)
104 return [(n+i)%len(self.vertices) for i in range(len(self.vertices))]
106 def get_loop_index(self, v):
107 return self.loop_indices[self.vertices.index(v)]
109 def get_edge(self, v1, v2):
110 key = make_edge_key(v1.index, v2.index)
114 raise KeyError("No edge %s"%(key,))
116 def other_edge(self, e, v):
118 if d!=e and v in d.vertices:
121 def get_neighbors(self):
122 neighbors = [e.other_face(self) for e in self.edges]
123 return list(filter(bool, neighbors))
127 def __init__(self, e):
129 self.vertices = e.vertices[:]
134 def __init__(self, arg):
140 self.uvs = [mathutils.Vector(d.uv) for d in arg.data]
145 dot = self.name.find('.')
147 ext = self.name[dot:]
148 if ext.startswith(".unit") and ext[5:].isdigit():
149 self.unit = int(ext[5:])
155 def __init__(self, l):
157 self.colors = [c.color[:] for c in l.data]
161 def __init__(self, mesh):
162 self.name = mesh.name
164 self.smoothing = mesh.smoothing
165 self.use_uv = mesh.use_uv
166 self.tangent_uvtex = mesh.tangent_uvtex
167 self.use_strips = mesh.use_strips
168 self.use_patches = mesh.use_patches
169 self.use_lines = mesh.use_lines
170 self.vertex_groups = mesh.vertex_groups
173 self.vertices = [Vertex(v) for v in mesh.vertices]
174 if self.vertex_groups:
175 for v in self.vertices:
176 v.groups = [VertexGroup(g) for g in v.groups]
178 self.faces = [Face(f) for f in mesh.polygons]
179 self.edges = [Edge(e) for e in mesh.edges]
180 self.loops = mesh.loops[:]
181 self.materials = mesh.materials[:]
183 self.use_auto_smooth = mesh.use_auto_smooth
184 self.auto_smooth_angle = mesh.auto_smooth_angle
185 self.max_groups_per_vertex = mesh.max_groups_per_vertex
187 # Clone only the desired UV layers
188 if mesh.use_uv=='NONE' or not mesh.uv_layers:
191 self.uv_layers = [UvLayer(u) for u in mesh.uv_layers if u.data]
193 # Assign texture unit numbers to UV layers that lack one
194 missing_unit = [u for u in self.uv_layers if u.unit is None]
196 missing_unit = sorted(missing_unit, key=(lambda u: u.name))
197 used_units = [u.unit for u in self.uv_layers if u.unit is not None]
198 for u, n in zip(missing_unit, (i for i in itertools.count() if i not in used_units)):
201 self.uv_layers = sorted(self.uv_layers, key=(lambda u: u.unit))
203 if mesh.use_uv=='UNIT0' and self.uv_layers:
204 self.uv_layers = [self.uv_layers[0]]
205 if self.uv_layers[0].unit!=0:
209 if mesh.vertex_colors:
210 self.colors = ColorLayer(mesh.vertex_colors[0])
212 # Rewrite links between elements to point to cloned data, or create links
213 # where they don't exist
214 edge_map = {e.key: e for e in self.edges}
216 if len(f.vertices)>4 and not mesh.use.patches:
217 raise ValueError("Unsupported face on mesh {}: N-gon".format(self.name))
219 f.vertices = [self.vertices[i] for i in f.vertices]
223 for k in f.edge_keys:
229 e.vertices = [self.vertices[i] for i in e.vertices]
233 # Store loose edges as lines
234 if mesh.use_lines and not mesh.use_patches:
235 self.lines = [Line(e) for e in self.edges if not e.faces]
239 # Check if tangent vectors are needed
240 if mesh.tangent_vecs=='NO':
241 self.tangent_vecs = False
242 elif mesh.tangent_vecs=='YES':
243 self.tangent_vecs = True
244 elif mesh.tangent_vecs=='AUTO':
245 from .material import Material
246 self.tangent_vecs = False
247 for m in self.materials:
250 normal_prop = next((p for p in mat.properties if p.tex_keyword=="normal_map"), None)
251 if normal_prop and normal_prop.texture:
252 self.tangent_vecs = True
256 def transform(self, matrix):
257 for v in self.vertices:
260 def splice(self, other):
261 if len(self.uv_layers)!=len(other.uv_layers):
262 raise ValueError("Meshes {} and {} have incompatible UV layers".format(self.name, other.name))
263 for i, u in enumerate(self.uv_layers):
264 if u.name!=other.uv_layers[i].name:
265 raise ValueError("Meshes {} and {} have incompatible UV layers".format(self.name, other.name))
267 # Merge materials and form a lookup from source material indices to the
268 # merged material list
270 for m in other.materials:
271 if m in self.materials:
272 material_lookup.append(self.materials.index(m))
274 material_lookup.append(len(self.materials))
275 self.materials.append(m)
277 # Append data and adjust indices where necessary. Since the data is
278 # spliced from the source mesh, rebuilding references is not necessary.
279 for i, u in enumerate(self.uv_layers):
280 u.uvs += other.uv_layers[i].uvs
284 self.colors.colors += other.colors.colors
286 self.colors.colors += [(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)]*len(other.loops)
288 self.colors = ColorLayer(other.colors.name)
289 self.colors.colors = [(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)]*len(self.loops)+other.colors.colors
291 offset = len(self.vertices)
292 self.vertices += other.vertices
293 for v in self.vertices[offset:]:
296 loop_offset = len(self.loops)
297 self.loops += other.loops
299 offset = len(self.faces)
300 self.faces += other.faces
301 for f in self.faces[offset:]:
303 f.loop_indices = range(f.loop_indices.start+offset, f.loop_indices.stop+offset)
305 f.material_index = material_lookup[f.material_index]
307 offset = len(self.edges)
308 self.edges += other.edges
309 for e in self.edges[offset:]:
311 e.key = make_edge_key(e.vertices[0].index, e.vertices[1].index)
313 self.lines += other.lines
315 def prepare_triangles(self, task):
319 face_count = len(self.faces)
320 for i in range(face_count):
322 nverts = len(f.vertices)
326 # Calculate normals at each vertex of the face
328 for j in range(nverts):
329 edge_vecs.append(f.vertices[(j+1)%nverts].co-f.vertices[j].co)
332 for j in range(nverts):
333 normals.append(edge_vecs[j-1].cross(edge_vecs[j]).normalized())
335 # Check which diagonal results in a flatter triangulation
336 flatness1 = normals[0].dot(normals[2])
337 flatness2 = normals[1].dot(normals[3])
338 cut_index = 1 if flatness1>flatness2 else 0
341 nf.index = len(self.faces)
342 self.faces.append(nf)
345 ne.index = len(self.edges)
346 self.edges.append(ne)
348 nf.vertices = [f.vertices[cut_index], f.vertices[2], f.vertices[3]]
349 nf.loop_indices = [f.loop_indices[cut_index], f.loop_indices[2], f.loop_indices[3]]
350 for v in nf.vertices:
353 ne.vertices = [f.vertices[cut_index], f.vertices[2+cut_index]]
354 for v in ne.vertices:
356 ne.key = make_edge_key(ne.vertices[0].index, ne.vertices[1].index)
359 f.vertices[3-cut_index].faces.remove(f)
360 del f.vertices[3-cut_index]
361 f.loop_indices = [f.loop_indices[0], f.loop_indices[1], f.loop_indices[2+cut_index]]
365 nf.edges = [ne, f.edges[2], f.edges[3]]
366 f.edges = [f.edges[0], f.edges[1], ne]
368 nf.edges = [f.edges[1], f.edges[2], ne]
369 f.edges = [f.edges[0], ne, f.edges[3]]
375 f.normal = normals[1-cut_index]
376 nf.normal = normals[3-cut_index]
378 task.set_progress(i/face_count)
380 def prepare_smoothing(self, task):
382 if self.smoothing=='NONE':
387 elif self.use_auto_smooth:
388 smooth_limit = math.cos(self.auto_smooth_angle)
391 e.check_smooth(smooth_limit)
393 subtask = task.task("Sharp edges", 0.7)
394 self.split_vertices(self.find_smooth_group, subtask)
396 if self.smoothing!='BLENDER':
397 subtask = task.task("Updating normals", 1.0)
398 self.compute_normals(subtask)
400 def prepare_vertex_groups(self, obj):
401 if not self.vertex_groups:
404 for v in self.vertices:
406 weight_sum = sum(g.weight for g in v.groups)
407 v.groups = sorted(v.groups, key=(lambda g: g.weight), reverse=True)[:self.max_groups_per_vertex]
408 weight_scale = weight_sum/sum(g.weight for g in v.groups)
410 g.weight *= weight_scale
411 while len(v.groups)<self.max_groups_per_vertex:
412 v.groups.append(VertexGroup(None))
414 if obj.parent and obj.parent.type=="ARMATURE":
415 armature = obj.parent.data
416 bone_indices = {b.name: i for i, b in enumerate(armature.bones)}
417 group_index_map = {i: i for i in range(len(obj.vertex_groups))}
418 for g in first_obj.vertex_groups:
419 if g.name in bone_indices:
420 group_index_map[g.index] = bone_indices[g.name]
422 for v in self.vertices:
424 g.group = group_index_map[g.group]
426 def prepare_uv(self, task):
427 # Form a list of UV layers referenced by materials with the array atlas
429 array_uv_layers = [] #[t.uv_layer for m in self.materials if m.array_atlas for t in m.texture_slots if t and t.texture_coords=='UV']
430 array_uv_layers = [u for u in self.uv_layers if u.name in array_uv_layers]
435 if f.material_index<len(self.materials):
436 mat = self.materials[f.material_index]
437 if mat and mat.array_atlas:
438 layer = mat.array_layer
440 for l in array_uv_layers:
441 for i in f.loop_indices:
442 l.uvs[i] = mathutils.Vector((*l.uvs[i], layer))
444 # Split by the UV layer used for tangent vectors first so connectivity
445 # remains intact for tangent vector computation
446 tangent_layer_index = -1
447 if self.tangent_vecs:
448 if self.tangent_uvtex:
449 uv_names = [u.name for u in self.uv_layers]
450 if self.tangent_uvtex in uv_names:
451 tangent_layer_index = uv_names.index(self.tangent_uvtex)
452 elif self.uv_layers[0].unit==0:
453 tangent_layer_index = 0
455 if tangent_layer_index<0:
456 raise Exception("Invalid configuration on mesh {}: No tangent UV layer".format(self.name))
458 prog_count = len(self.uv_layers)
459 if tangent_layer_index>=0:
461 task.set_slices(prog_count)
463 if tangent_layer_index>=0:
464 subtask = task.next_slice("Computing tangents")
465 self.split_vertices(self.find_uv_group, subtask, tangent_layer_index)
466 subtask = task.next_slice(self.tangent_uvtex)
467 self.compute_tangents(tangent_layer_index, subtask)
469 # Split by the remaining UV layers
470 for i, u in enumerate(self.uv_layers):
471 if i==tangent_layer_index:
474 subtask = task.next_slice(u.name)
475 self.split_vertices(self.find_uv_group, subtask, i)
477 # Copy UVs from layers to vertices
478 for v in self.vertices:
480 # All faces still connected to the vertex have the same UV value
482 i = f.get_loop_index(v)
483 v.uvs = [u.uvs[i] for u in self.uv_layers]
485 v.uvs = [(0.0, 0.0)]*len(self.uv_layers)
487 def prepare_colors(self, task):
491 self.split_vertices(self.find_color_group, task)
493 for v in self.vertices:
496 v.color = self.colors.colors[f.get_loop_index(v)]
498 v.color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
500 def split_vertices(self, find_group_func, task, *args):
501 vertex_count = len(self.vertices)
502 for i in range(vertex_count):
507 # Find all groups of faces on this vertex
511 groups.append(find_group_func(v, f, *args))
513 # Give groups after the first separate copies of the vertex
516 nv.index = len(self.vertices)
517 self.vertices.append(nv)
520 e_faces_in_g = [f for f in e.faces if f in g]
524 if len(e_faces_in_g)<len(e.faces):
525 # Create a copy of an edge at the boundary of the group
527 ne.index = len(self.edges)
528 self.edges.append(ne)
530 ne.other_vertex(v).edges.append(ne)
532 for f in e_faces_in_g:
534 f.edges[f.edges.index(e)] = ne
539 e.vertices[e.vertices.index(v)] = nv
542 e.key = make_edge_key(e.vertices[0].index, e.vertices[1].index)
544 # Filter out any edges that were removed from the original vertex
545 v.edges = [e for e in v.edges if v in e.vertices]
549 f.vertices[f.vertices.index(v)] = nv
552 task.set_progress(i/vertex_count)
554 def find_smooth_group(self, vertex, face):
557 edges = [e for e in face.edges if vertex in e.vertices]
569 e = f.other_edge(e, vertex)
573 def find_uv_group(self, vertex, face, index):
574 layer = self.uv_layers[index]
575 uv = layer.uvs[face.get_loop_index(vertex)]
579 for f in vertex.faces:
580 if not f.flag and layer.uvs[f.get_loop_index(vertex)]==uv:
586 def find_color_group(self, vertex, face):
587 color = self.colors.colors[face.get_loop_index(vertex)]
591 for f in vertex.faces:
592 if not f.flag and self.colors.colors[f.get_loop_index(vertex)]==color:
598 def compute_normals(self, task):
599 for i, v in enumerate(self.vertices):
600 v.normal = mathutils.Vector()
602 vi = f.pivot_vertex(v)
603 edge1 = f.vertices[vi[1]].co-v.co
604 edge2 = f.vertices[vi[-1]].co-v.co
605 if edge1.length and edge2.length:
606 # Use the angle between edges as a weighting factor. This gives
607 # more consistent normals on bends with an inequal number of
608 # faces on each side.
609 v.normal += f.normal*edge1.angle(edge2)
614 v.normal = mathutils.Vector((0, 0, 1))
616 task.set_progress(i/len(self.vertices))
618 def compute_tangents(self, index, task):
619 layer_uvs = self.uv_layers[index].uvs
621 for i, v in enumerate(self.vertices):
622 v.tan = mathutils.Vector()
624 vi = f.pivot_vertex(v)
625 uv0 = layer_uvs[f.loop_indices[vi[0]]]
626 uv1 = layer_uvs[f.loop_indices[vi[1]]]
627 uv2 = layer_uvs[f.loop_indices[vi[-1]]]
632 edge1 = f.vertices[vi[1]].co-f.vertices[vi[0]].co
633 edge2 = f.vertices[vi[-1]].co-f.vertices[vi[0]].co
634 div = (du1*dv2-du2*dv1)
636 mul = edge1.angle(edge2)/div
637 v.tan += (edge1*dv2-edge2*dv1)*mul
642 task.set_progress(i/len(self.vertices))
644 def prepare_sequence(self, task):
646 subtask = task.task("Reordering patches", 0.5)
647 self.reorder_patches(subtask)
649 subtask = task.task("Building sequence", 1.0)
650 self.build_patch_sequence(subtask)
652 subtask = task.task("Reordering faces", 0.5)
653 self.reorder_faces(subtask)
655 subtask = task.task("Building sequence", 1.0)
657 self.build_tristrip_sequence(subtask)
659 self.build_triangle_sequence(subtask)
662 self.build_line_sequence()
664 self.reorder_vertices()
666 def build_tristrip_sequence(self, task):
668 for i, f in enumerate(self.faces):
671 # Rotate the first three vertices so that the new face can be added
672 if sequence[0] in f.vertices and sequence[1] not in f.vertices:
673 sequence.append(sequence[0])
675 elif sequence[2] not in f.vertices and sequence[1] in f.vertices:
676 sequence.insert(0, sequence[-1])
679 if sequence[-1] not in f.vertices:
682 to_add = [v for v in f.vertices if v!=sequence[-1] and v!=sequence[-2]]
684 if (f.vertices[1]==sequence[-1]) != (len(sequence)%2==1):
686 sequence.append(sequence[-1])
690 self.batches.append(Batch("TRIANGLE_STRIP"))
691 sequence = self.batches[-1].vertices
692 sequence += f.vertices
694 task.set_progress(i/len(self.faces))
696 def build_triangle_sequence(self, task):
697 batch = Batch("TRIANGLES")
699 batch.vertices += f.vertices
700 self.batches.append(batch)
702 def build_line_sequence(self):
703 batch = Batch("LINES")
705 batch.vertices += l.vertices
706 self.batches.append(batch)
708 def build_patch_sequence(self, task):
712 if len(f.vertices)!=current_size:
713 current_size = len(f.vertices)
714 self.batches.append(Batch("PATCHES"))
715 self.batches[-1].patch_size = current_size
716 sequence = self.batches[-1].vertices
718 sequence += f.vertices
720 def reorder_faces(self, task):
721 # Tom Forsyth's vertex cache optimization algorithm
722 # http://eelpi.gotdns.org/papers/fast_vert_cache_opt.html
727 last_triangle_score = 0.75
728 cache_decay_power = 1.5
729 valence_boost_scale = 2.0
730 valence_boost_power = -0.5
735 # Keep track of the score and number of unused faces for each vertex
736 vertex_info = [[0, len(v.faces)] for v in self.vertices]
737 for vi in vertex_info:
739 vi[0] = valence_boost_scale*(vi[1]**valence_boost_power)
747 # Previous iteration gave no candidate for best face (or this is
748 # the first iteration). Scan all faces for the highest score.
754 score = sum(vertex_info[v.index][0] for v in f.vertices)
762 reordered_faces.append(face)
765 for v in face.vertices:
766 vertex_info[v.index][1] -= 1
768 # Shuffle the vertex into the front of the cache
769 if v in cached_vertices:
770 cached_vertices.remove(v)
771 cached_vertices.insert(0, v)
773 # Update scores for all vertices in the cache
774 for i, v in enumerate(cached_vertices):
777 score += last_triangle_score
778 elif i<max_cache_size:
779 score += (1-(i-3)/(max_cache_size-3))**cache_decay_power
780 if vertex_info[v.index][1]:
781 score += valence_boost_scale*(vertex_info[v.index][1]**valence_boost_power)
782 vertex_info[v.index][0] = score
786 for v in cached_vertices:
789 score = sum(vertex_info[fv.index][0] for fv in f.vertices)
794 del cached_vertices[max_cache_size:]
797 task.set_progress(n_processed/len(self.faces))
799 self.faces = reordered_faces
800 for i, f in enumerate(self.faces):
803 def reorder_patches(self, task):
818 current_size = len(f.vertices)
819 elif len(f.vertices)!=current_size:
822 reordered_faces.append(f)
826 task.set_progress(n_processed/len(self.faces))
831 def reorder_vertices(self):
832 for v in self.vertices:
835 reordered_vertices = []
836 for b in self.batches:
839 v.index = len(reordered_vertices)
840 reordered_vertices.append(v)
842 for v in self.vertices:
844 v.index = len(reordered_vertices)
845 reordered_vertices.append(v)
847 self.vertices = reordered_vertices
850 e.key = make_edge_key(e.vertices[0].index, e.vertices[1].index)
853 def create_mesh_from_object(ctx, obj):
855 raise Exception("Object {} is not a mesh".format(obj.name))
857 task = ctx.task("Collecting mesh data", 0.2)
859 objs = [(obj, mathutils.Matrix())]
865 if c.type=="MESH" and c.compound:
866 objs.append((c, m*c.matrix_local))
868 dg = ctx.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
872 eval_obj = o.evaluated_get(dg)
873 bmesh = eval_obj.to_mesh()
875 # Object.to_mesh does not copy custom properties
876 bmesh.smoothing = o.data.smoothing
877 bmesh.use_lines = o.data.use_lines
878 bmesh.vertex_groups = o.data.vertex_groups
879 bmesh.max_groups_per_vertex = o.data.max_groups_per_vertex
880 bmesh.use_uv = o.data.use_uv
881 bmesh.tangent_vecs = o.data.tangent_vecs
882 bmesh.tangent_uvtex = o.data.tangent_uvtex
887 for i, s in enumerate(eval_obj.material_slots):
889 me.materials[i] = s.material
896 mesh.name = obj.data.name
898 task = ctx.task("Triangulating", 0.3)
899 mesh.prepare_triangles(task)
900 task = ctx.task("Smoothing", 0.5)
901 mesh.prepare_smoothing(task)
902 task = ctx.task("Vertex groups", 0.6)
903 mesh.prepare_vertex_groups(obj)
904 task = ctx.task("Preparing UVs", 0.75)
905 mesh.prepare_uv(task)
906 task = ctx.task("Preparing vertex colors", 0.85)
907 mesh.prepare_colors(task)
908 task = ctx.task("Render sequence", 1.0)
909 mesh.prepare_sequence(task)