6 def __init__(self, size):
8 self.slots = [-1]*self.size
11 hit = v.index in self.slots
13 self.slots.remove(v.index)
14 self.slots.append(v.index)
19 def fetch_strip(self, strip):
26 def test_strip(self, strip):
28 for i in range(len(strip)):
31 if strip[i].index in self.slots[i:]:
38 self.show_progress = True
39 self.use_strips = True
40 self.use_degen_tris = False
41 self.max_strip_len = 1024
42 self.optimize_cache = True
44 self.material_tex = False
46 def stripify(self, mesh, progress=None):
55 if self.optimize_cache:
56 cache = VertexCache(self.cache_size)
63 # No current island; find any unused face to start from
74 # Find all faces connected to the first one
79 for n in face.get_neighbors():
84 face_neighbors = [f.get_neighbors() for f in island]
86 # Unflag the island for the next phase
90 # Find an unused face with as few unused neighbors as possible, but
91 # at least one. This heuristic gives a preference to faces in corners
92 # or along borders of a non-closed island.
95 for i, f in enumerate(island):
99 score = sum(not n.flag for n in face_neighbors[i])
100 if score>0 and score<best:
105 # Create a strip starting from the face. This will flag the faces.
106 strip = mesh.create_strip(face, self.max_strip_len)
108 island_strips.append(strip)
112 # Couldn't find a candidate face for starting a strip, so we're
113 # done with this island
117 # Find the strip that benefits the most from the current
118 # contents of the vertex cache
120 for i in range(len(island_strips)):
121 hits = cache.test_strip(island_strips[i])
126 strip = island_strips.pop(best)
130 cache.fetch_strip(strip)
132 faces_done += len(island)
134 progress.set_progress(float(faces_done)/len(mesh.faces))
136 # Collect any faces that weren't used in strips
137 loose += [f for f in island if not f.flag]
145 cache = VertexCache(self.cache_size)
148 if self.use_degen_tris and strips:
153 # Generate glue elements, ensuring that the next strip begins at
155 glue = [big_strip[-1], s[0]]
161 total_hits += cache.fetch_strip(glue)
165 total_hits += cache.fetch_strip(s)
168 # Add loose faces to the end. This wastes space, using five
169 # elements per triangle and six elements per quad.
171 order = (-1, -2, 0, 1)
173 order = (0, 1, -1, -2)
174 vertices = [f.vertices[i] for i in order[:len(f.vertices)]]
177 glue = [big_strip[-1], vertices[0]]
180 total_hits += cache.fetch_strip(glue)
182 big_strip += vertices
184 total_hits += cache.fetch_strip(vertices)
191 def export(self, context, out_file, obj=None, progress=None):
193 obj = context.active_object
195 objs = [(obj, mathutils.Matrix())]
202 children.append((c, m*c.matrix_local))
207 raise Exception("Nothing to export")
210 raise Exception("Can only export Mesh data")
212 from .mesh import Mesh
213 from .util import Progress
215 if self.show_progress:
217 progress = Progress(context)
218 progress.set_task("Preparing", 0.0, 0.0)
226 if o.data.winding_test:
229 self.material_tex = True
230 bmesh = o.to_mesh(context.scene, True, "PREVIEW")
231 bmeshes.append(bmesh)
240 progress.set_task("Smoothing", 0.05, 0.35)
241 if mesh.smoothing=="NONE":
243 mesh.split_smooth(progress)
245 if mesh.smoothing!="BLENDER":
246 mesh.compute_normals()
248 if mesh.vertex_groups:
249 mesh.sort_vertex_groups(mesh.max_groups_per_vertex)
251 # Create a mapping from vertex group indices to bone indices
252 first_obj = objs[0][0]
253 group_index_map = dict((i, i) for i in range(len(first_obj.vertex_groups)))
254 if first_obj.parent and first_obj.parent.type=="ARMATURE":
255 armature = first_obj.parent.data
256 bone_indices = dict((armature.bones[i].name, i) for i in range(len(armature.bones)))
257 for g in first_obj.vertex_groups:
258 if g.name in bone_indices:
259 group_index_map[g.index] = bone_indices[g.name]
261 if self.material_tex and mesh.materials:
262 mesh.generate_material_uv()
266 if mesh.uv_layers and (mesh.use_uv!="NONE" or self.material_tex):
267 # Figure out which UV layers to export
268 if mesh.use_uv=="ALL":
269 texunits = range(len(mesh.uv_layers))
270 elif self.material_tex:
271 # The material UV layer is always the last one
272 texunits = [len(mesh.uv_layers)-1]
275 for i, u in enumerate(mesh.uv_layers):
279 texunits = [(i, mesh.uv_layers[i]) for i in texunits]
280 texunits = [u for u in texunits if not u[1].hidden]
283 # TBN coordinates must be generated before vertices are split by any other layer
284 uv_names = [u.name for i, u in texunits]
285 if mesh.tbn_uvtex in uv_names:
286 tbn_index = uv_names.index(mesh.tbn_uvtex)
287 unit = texunits[tbn_index]
288 del texunits[tbn_index]
289 texunits.insert(0, unit)
291 for i, u in texunits:
293 progress.set_task("Splitting UVs", 0.35+0.3*i/len(texunits), 0.35+0.3*(i+1)/len(texunits))
294 mesh.split_uv(i, progress)
295 if mesh.tbn_vecs and u.name==mesh.tbn_uvtex:
305 progress.set_task("Creating strips", 0.65, 0.95)
306 strips, loose = self.stripify(mesh, progress)
309 progress.set_task("Writing file", 0.95, 1.0)
311 from .outfile import open_output
312 out_file = open_output(out_file)
316 for i, u in texunits:
317 size = str(len(mesh.vertices[0].uvs[i]))
318 if u.unit==0 or force_unit0:
319 fmt.append("TEXCOORD"+size)
321 fmt.append("TEXCOORD%s_%d"%(size, u.unit))
323 fmt += ["TANGENT3", "BINORMAL3"]
324 if mesh.vertex_groups:
325 fmt.append("ATTRIB%d_5"%(mesh.max_groups_per_vertex*2))
326 fmt.append("VERTEX3")
327 out_file.begin("vertices", *fmt)
333 for v in mesh.vertices:
335 out_file.write("normal3", *v.normal)
337 for i, u in texunits:
338 if v.uvs[i]!=uvs.get(i):
339 size = str(len(v.uvs[i]))
340 if u.unit==0 or force_unit0:
341 out_file.write("texcoord"+size, *v.uvs[i])
343 out_file.write("multitexcoord"+size, u.unit, *v.uvs[i])
347 out_file.write("tangent3", *v.tan)
350 out_file.write("binormal3", *v.bino)
352 if mesh.vertex_groups:
353 group_attr = [(group_index_map[g.group], g.weight*v.group_weight_scale) for g in v.groups[:mesh.max_groups_per_vertex]]
354 while len(group_attr)<mesh.max_groups_per_vertex:
355 group_attr.append((0, 0.0))
356 group_attr = list(itertools.chain(*group_attr))
357 if group_attr!=group:
358 out_file.write("attrib%d"%len(group_attr), 5, *group_attr)
360 out_file.write("vertex3", *v.co)
363 out_file.begin("batch", "TRIANGLE_STRIP")
367 indices.append(v.index)
369 out_file.write("indices", *indices)
372 out_file.write("indices", *indices)
376 out_file.begin("batch", "TRIANGLES")
378 for i in range(2, len(f.vertices)):
379 out_file.write("indices", f.vertices[0].index, f.vertices[i-1].index, f.vertices[i].index)
382 if mesh.use_lines and mesh.lines:
383 out_file.begin("batch", "LINES")
385 out_file.write("indices", l.vertices[0].index, l.vertices[1].index)
389 out_file.write("winding", "COUNTERCLOCKWISE")
392 progress.set_task("Done", 1.0, 1.0)
395 bpy.data.meshes.remove(m)