3 def create_technique_resource(material, resources):
4 from .datafile import Resource, Statement
5 tech_res = Resource(material.name+".tech", "technique")
7 mat_res = resources[material.name+".mat"]
9 st = Statement("pass", "")
11 st.sub.append(tech_res.create_embed_statement("material", mat_res))
13 if material.render_mode=='CUSTOM':
14 shader = material.shader
15 if shader.endswith(".glsl"):
17 st.sub.append(Statement("shader", shader))
20 ss = Statement("uniforms")
21 for u in material.uniforms:
22 ss.sub.append(Statement("uniform", u.name, *u.values[:u.size]))
25 tech_res.statements.append(st)
29 class MaterialExporter:
31 self.use_textures = True
32 self.inline_texture_data = False
34 def create_texture_exporter(self):
35 from .export_texture import TextureExporter
36 texture_export = TextureExporter()
37 texture_export.inline_data = self.inline_texture_data
40 def export_technique_resources(self, material, resources):
41 from .export_texture import SamplerExporter
42 texture_export = self.create_texture_exporter()
43 sampler_export = SamplerExporter()
45 from .material import Material
46 material = Material(material)
49 for p in material.properties:
51 tex_name = p.texture.image.name+".tex2d"
52 if tex_name not in resources:
53 resources[tex_name] = texture_export.export_texture(p.texture, p.tex_usage)
55 samp_name = sampler_export.get_sampler_name(p.texture)
56 if samp_name not in resources:
57 resources[samp_name] = sampler_export.export_sampler(p.texture)
59 mat_name = material.name+".mat"
60 if mat_name not in resources:
62 resources[mat_name] = self.export_material(material, resources=resources)
64 resources[mat_name] = None
66 def export_technique(self, material, *, resources):
67 return create_technique_resource(material, resources)
69 def export_material(self, material, *, resources):
70 from .datafile import Resource, Statement
71 mat_res = Resource(material.name+".mat", "material")
73 if material.type!="pbr" and material.type!="unlit":
74 raise Exception("Can't export unknown material type "+material.type)
76 st = Statement(material.type)
77 for p in material.properties:
78 ss = self.create_property_statement(mat_res, p, resources)
82 textures = [p.texture for p in material.properties if p.texture]
83 if textures and not textures[0].default_filter:
84 from .export_texture import SamplerExporter
85 sampler_export = SamplerExporter()
86 st.sub.append(mat_res.create_reference_statement("sampler", resources[sampler_export.get_sampler_name(textures[0])]))
87 mat_res.statements.append(st)
91 def create_property_statement(self, mat_res, prop, resources):
92 from .datafile import Statement
93 if self.use_textures and prop.texture:
94 tex_res = resources[prop.texture.image.name+".tex2d"]
95 from .util import basename
96 fn = basename(prop.texture.image.filepath)
97 if prop.texture.default_filter and fn:
98 return Statement(prop.tex_keyword, fn)
100 return mat_res.create_reference_statement(prop.tex_keyword, tex_res)
101 elif not prop.keyword:
103 elif type(prop.value)==tuple:
104 return Statement(prop.keyword, *prop.value)
106 return Statement(prop.keyword, prop.value)
109 class MaterialAtlasExporter:
113 def export_technique_resources(self, material_atlas, resources):
114 from .datafile import Resource, Statement, Token
115 base_color_name = material_atlas.name+"_base_color.tex2d"
116 base_color_res = resources.get(base_color_name)
117 if not base_color_res:
118 base_color_res = Resource(base_color_name, "texture2d")
120 base_color_res.statements.append(Statement("storage", Token('SRGB_ALPHA'), *material_atlas.size))
121 base_color_res.statements.append(Statement("raw_data", material_atlas.base_color_data))
123 resources[base_color_name] = base_color_res
125 sampler_name = "nearest.samp"
126 sampler_res = resources.get(sampler_name)
128 sampler_res = Resource(sampler_name, "sampler")
130 sampler_res.statements.append(Statement("filter", Token('NEAREST')))
132 resources[sampler_name] = sampler_res
134 mat_name = material_atlas.name+".mat"
135 if mat_name not in resources:
136 mat_res = Resource(mat_name, "material")
137 st = Statement("pbr")
138 st.sub.append(mat_res.create_reference_statement("base_color_map", base_color_res))
139 st.sub.append(mat_res.create_reference_statement("sampler", sampler_res))
140 mat_res.statements.append(st)
142 resources[mat_name] = mat_res
144 def export_technique(self, material_atlas, *, resources):
145 return create_technique_resource(material_atlas, resources)