]> git.tdb.fi Git - ttf2png.git/summary
descriptionA program to convert truetype fonts to png images
last changeWed, 31 Mar 2021 11:27:05 +0000 (14:27 +0300)
2021-03-31 Mikko RasaBump version to 2.0 master
2021-03-31 Mikko RasaReject reversed code point ranges
2021-03-31 Mikko RasaAccept 0 as a valid code point
2021-03-31 Mikko RasaUse pkg-config to get freetype compile info
2021-03-31 Mikko RasaAdd the -b option to help text
2018-05-05 Mikko RasaUse the bool type for the used glyph array in render_packed
2018-05-05 Mikko RasaRework the definition file format
2018-05-05 Mikko RasaRefactor image initialization
2018-05-05 Mikko RasaPerform color inversion and npot rounding in save_png
2018-05-04 Mikko RasaUpdate copyright at the top of the .c file
2018-05-04 Mikko RasaFix incorrect pointer initialization
2018-05-04 Mikko RasaAdd an option to control distance field border zone
2018-05-04 Mikko RasaSlightly refactor how the font size is set
2018-05-04 Mikko RasaImprove distance field accuracy
2018-05-04 Mikko RasaUse euclidean distance instead of manhattan distance
2018-05-03 Mikko RasaAllocate slightly larger image when creating packed...
12 years ago 1.0
12 years ago 0.3
12 years ago 0.2.2
12 years ago 0.2.1
12 years ago 0.2
12 years ago 0.1.1
12 years ago 0.1
3 years ago master