map<string, UniformInfo>::const_iterator i = uniforms.find(n);
+ {
+ if(n[n.size()-1]==']')
+ {
+ string::size_type open_bracket = n.rfind('[');
+ if(open_bracket!=string::npos)
+ {
+ /* The requested name looks like an array. glGetActiveUniform only
+ gives us the first element of the array, so try to look that up and
+ add an offset. */
+ int offset = lexical_cast<unsigned>(n.substr(open_bracket+1, n.size()-2-open_bracket));
+ i = uniforms.find(n.substr(0, open_bracket)+"[0]");
+ if(i!=uniforms.end() && offset<i->second.size)
+ return i->second.location+offset;
+ }
+ }
return -1;
+ }
return i->second.location;