source "shaderlib";
+ incpath "source";
incpath "source/core";
incpath "source/materials";
incpath "source/render";
incpath "source/effects";
incpath "source/animation";
incpath "source/resources";
- incpath "source/glsl";
incpath "source/builders";
install true;
map "source/effects" "include/msp/gl";
map "source/animation" "include/msp/gl";
map "source/resources" "include/msp/gl";
- map "source/glsl" "include/msp/gl";
+ map "source/glsl" "include/msp/gl/glsl";
map "source/builders" "include/msp/gl";
map "extensions" "include/msp/gl/extensions";
#include "error.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "program.h"
-#include "programcompiler.h"
#include "resources.h"
#include "shader.h"
+#include "glsl/compiler.h"
using namespace std;
- ProgramCompiler compiler;
+ SL::Compiler compiler;
if(source.find(';')==string::npos && source.size()>5 && !, 5, ".glsl"))
if(RefPtr<IO::Seekable> io = Resources::get_builtins().open(source))
--- /dev/null
+#include <msp/core/algorithm.h>
+#include <msp/core/raii.h>
+#include <msp/gl/extensions/arb_explicit_attrib_location.h>
+#include <msp/gl/extensions/arb_gpu_shader5.h>
+#include <msp/gl/extensions/arb_uniform_buffer_object.h>
+#include <msp/gl/extensions/ext_gpu_shader4.h>
+#include <msp/gl/extensions/ext_texture_array.h>
+#include <msp/strings/format.h>
+#include <msp/strings/regex.h>
+#include <msp/strings/utils.h>
+#include "error.h"
+#include "compiler.h"
+#include "shader.h"
+#undef interface
+using namespace std;
+namespace {
+const char builtins_src[] =
+ "#pragma MSP stage(vertex)\n"
+ "out gl_PerVertex {\n"
+ " vec4 gl_Position;\n"
+ " float gl_ClipDistance[];\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "#pragma MSP stage(geometry)\n"
+ "in gl_PerVertex {\n"
+ " vec4 gl_Position;\n"
+ " float gl_ClipDistance[];\n"
+ "} gl_in[];\n"
+ "out gl_PerVertex {\n"
+ " vec4 gl_Position;\n"
+ " float gl_ClipDistance[];\n"
+ "};\n";
+namespace Msp {
+namespace GL {
+namespace SL {
+ resources(0),
+ module(0)
+{ }
+ delete module;
+void Compiler::compile(const string &source, const string &src_name)
+ resources = 0;
+ delete module;
+ module = new Module();
+ Parser parser;
+ imported_names.push_back(src_name);
+ append_module(parser.parse(source, src_name, 1));
+ process();
+void Compiler::compile(IO::Base &io, Resources *res, const string &src_name)
+ resources = res;
+ delete module;
+ module = new Module();
+ Parser parser;
+ imported_names.push_back(src_name);
+ append_module(parser.parse(io, src_name, 1));
+ process();
+void Compiler::compile(IO::Base &io, const string &src_name)
+ compile(io, 0, src_name);
+void Compiler::add_shaders(Program &program)
+ if(!module)
+ throw invalid_operation("Compiler::add_shaders");
+ try
+ {
+ for(list<Stage>::iterator i=module->stages.begin(); i!=module->stages.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(i->type==VERTEX)
+ {
+ program.attach_shader_owned(new VertexShader(apply<Formatter>(*i)));
+ for(map<string, unsigned>::iterator j=i->locations.begin(); j!=i->locations.end(); ++j)
+ program.bind_attribute(j->second, j->first);
+ }
+ else if(i->type==GEOMETRY)
+ program.attach_shader_owned(new GeometryShader(apply<Formatter>(*i)));
+ else if(i->type==FRAGMENT)
+ {
+ program.attach_shader_owned(new FragmentShader(apply<Formatter>(*i)));
+ if(EXT_gpu_shader4)
+ {
+ for(map<string, unsigned>::iterator j=i->locations.begin(); j!=i->locations.end(); ++j)
+ program.bind_fragment_data(j->second, j->first);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(const compile_error &e)
+ {
+ static const Regex r_message("^(([0-9]+)\\(([0-9]+)\\) :|ERROR: ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):) (.*)$");
+ vector<string> lines = split(e.what(), '\n');
+ string translated;
+ for(vector<string>::const_iterator i=lines.begin(); i!=lines.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ RegMatch m = r_message.match(*i);
+ if(m)
+ {
+ unsigned index = 0;
+ unsigned line = 0;
+ if(m[2])
+ {
+ index = lexical_cast<unsigned>(m[2].str);
+ line = lexical_cast<unsigned>(m[3].str);
+ }
+ else if(m[4])
+ {
+ index = lexical_cast<unsigned>(m[4].str);
+ line = lexical_cast<unsigned>(m[5].str);
+ }
+ const char *src = "<unknown>";
+ if(index==0)
+ src = "<generated>";
+ else if(index-1<imported_names.size())
+ src = imported_names[index-1].c_str();
+ translated += format("%s:%d: %s", src, line, m[6].str);
+ }
+ else
+ translated += *i;
+ translated += '\n';
+ }
+ throw compile_error(translated);
+ }
+Module *Compiler::create_builtins_module()
+ Parser parser;
+ Module *module = new Module(parser.parse(builtins_src, "<builtin>"));
+ for(list<Stage>::iterator i=module->stages.begin(); i!=module->stages.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ VariableResolver resolver;
+ i->content.visit(resolver);
+ for(map<string, VariableDeclaration *>::iterator j=i->content.variables.begin(); j!=i->content.variables.end(); ++j)
+ j->second->linked_declaration = j->second;
+ }
+ return module;
+Module &Compiler::get_builtins_module()
+ static RefPtr<Module> builtins_module = create_builtins_module();
+ return *builtins_module;
+Stage *Compiler::get_builtins(StageType type)
+ Module &module = get_builtins_module();
+ for(list<Stage>::iterator i=module.stages.begin(); i!=module.stages.end(); ++i)
+ if(i->type==type)
+ return &*i;
+ return 0;
+void Compiler::append_module(Module &mod)
+ vector<Import *> imports = apply<NodeGatherer<Import> >(mod.shared);
+ for(vector<Import *>::iterator i=imports.begin(); i!=imports.end(); ++i)
+ import((*i)->module);
+ apply<NodeRemover>(mod.shared, set<Node *>(imports.begin(), imports.end()));
+ append_stage(mod.shared);
+ for(list<Stage>::iterator i=mod.stages.begin(); i!=mod.stages.end(); ++i)
+ append_stage(*i);
+void Compiler::append_stage(Stage &stage)
+ Stage *target = 0;
+ if(stage.type==SHARED)
+ target = &module->shared;
+ else
+ {
+ list<Stage>::iterator i;
+ for(i=module->stages.begin(); (i!=module->stages.end() && i->type<stage.type); ++i) ;
+ if(i==module->stages.end() || i->type>stage.type)
+ {
+ list<Stage>::iterator j = module->stages.insert(i, stage.type);
+ if(i!=module->stages.end())
+ i->previous = &*j;
+ i = j;
+ if(i!=module->stages.begin())
+ i->previous = &*--j;
+ }
+ target = &*i;
+ }
+ if(stage.required_version>target->required_version)
+ target->required_version = stage.required_version;
+ for(NodeList<Statement>::iterator i=stage.content.body.begin(); i!=stage.content.body.end(); ++i)
+ target->content.body.push_back(*i);
+ apply<DeclarationCombiner>(*target);
+void Compiler::process()
+ for(list<Stage>::iterator i=module->stages.begin(); i!=module->stages.end(); ++i)
+ generate(*i);
+ for(list<Stage>::iterator i=module->stages.begin(); i!=module->stages.end(); )
+ {
+ if(optimize(*i))
+ i = module->stages.begin();
+ else
+ ++i;
+ }
+ for(list<Stage>::iterator i=module->stages.begin(); i!=module->stages.end(); ++i)
+ finalize(*i);
+void Compiler::import(const string &name)
+ string fn = name+".glsl";
+ if(find(imported_names, fn)!=imported_names.end())
+ return;
+ imported_names.push_back(fn);
+ RefPtr<IO::Seekable> io = (resources ? resources->open_raw(fn) : Resources::get_builtins().open(fn));
+ if(!io)
+ throw runtime_error(format("module %s not found", name));
+ Parser import_parser;
+ append_module(import_parser.parse(*io, fn, imported_names.size()));
+void Compiler::generate(Stage &stage)
+ if(module->shared.required_version>stage.required_version)
+ stage.required_version = module->shared.required_version;
+ inject_block(stage.content, module->shared.content);
+ apply<DeclarationReorderer>(stage);
+ apply<FunctionResolver>(stage);
+ apply<VariableResolver>(stage);
+ apply<InterfaceGenerator>(stage);
+ apply<VariableResolver>(stage);
+ apply<DeclarationReorderer>(stage);
+ apply<FunctionResolver>(stage);
+ apply<LegacyConverter>(stage);
+bool Compiler::optimize(Stage &stage)
+ apply<ConstantConditionEliminator>(stage);
+ set<FunctionDeclaration *> inlineable = apply<InlineableFunctionLocator>(stage);
+ apply<FunctionInliner>(stage, inlineable);
+ set<Node *> unused = apply<UnusedVariableLocator>(stage);
+ set<Node *> unused2 = apply<UnusedFunctionLocator>(stage);
+ unused.insert(unused2.begin(), unused2.end());
+ apply<NodeRemover>(stage, unused);
+ return !unused.empty();
+void Compiler::finalize(Stage &stage)
+ if(get_gl_api()==OPENGL_ES2)
+ apply<DefaultPrecisionGenerator>(stage);
+ else
+ apply<PrecisionRemover>(stage);
+void Compiler::inject_block(Block &target, const Block &source)
+ NodeList<Statement>::iterator insert_point = target.body.begin();
+ for(NodeList<Statement>::const_iterator i=source.body.begin(); i!=source.body.end(); ++i)
+ target.body.insert(insert_point, (*i)->clone());
+template<typename T>
+typename T::ResultType Compiler::apply(Stage &stage)
+ T visitor;
+ visitor.apply(stage);
+ return visitor.get_result();
+template<typename T, typename A>
+typename T::ResultType Compiler::apply(Stage &stage, const A &arg)
+ T visitor(arg);
+ visitor.apply(stage);
+ return visitor.get_result();
+ stage(0)
+{ }
+void Compiler::Visitor::apply(Stage &s)
+ SetForScope<Stage *> set(stage, &s);
+ stage->content.visit(*this);
+ remove_node(false)
+{ }
+void Compiler::BlockModifier::flatten_block(Block &block)
+ insert_nodes.insert(insert_nodes.end(), block.body.begin(), block.body.end());
+ remove_node = true;
+void Compiler::BlockModifier::apply_and_increment(Block &block, NodeList<Statement>::iterator &i)
+ block.body.insert(i, insert_nodes.begin(), insert_nodes.end());
+ insert_nodes.clear();
+ if(remove_node)
+ block.body.erase(i++);
+ else
+ ++i;
+ remove_node = false;
+void Compiler::BlockModifier::visit(Block &block)
+ for(NodeList<Statement>::iterator i=block.body.begin(); i!=block.body.end(); )
+ {
+ (*i)->visit(*this);
+ apply_and_increment(block, i);
+ }
+ source_index(0),
+ source_line(1),
+ indent(0),
+ parameter_list(false)
+{ }
+void Compiler::Formatter::apply(Stage &s)
+ GLApi api = get_gl_api();
+ const Version &ver = s.required_version;
+ if(ver)
+ {
+ append(format("#version %d%02d", ver.major, ver.minor));
+ if(api==OPENGL_ES2 && ver>=Version(3, 0))
+ append(" es");
+ formatted += '\n';
+ }
+ for(vector<const Extension *>::const_iterator i=s.required_extensions.begin(); i!=s.required_extensions.end(); ++i)
+ append(format("#extension %s: require\n", (*i)->get_name()));
+ if(!s.required_extensions.empty())
+ formatted += '\n';
+ Visitor::apply(s);
+void Compiler::Formatter::append(const string &text)
+ formatted += text;
+ for(string::const_iterator i=text.begin(); i!=text.end(); ++i)
+ if(*i=='\n')
+ ++source_line;
+void Compiler::Formatter::append(char c)
+ formatted += c;
+ if(c=='\n')
+ ++source_line;
+void Compiler::Formatter::set_source(unsigned index, unsigned line)
+ if(index!=source_index || (index && line!=source_line))
+ {
+ if(index==source_index && line==source_line+1)
+ formatted += '\n';
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned l = line;
+ if(stage->required_version<Version(3, 30))
+ --l;
+ formatted += format("#line %d %d\n", l, index);
+ }
+ }
+ source_index = index;
+ source_line = line;
+void Compiler::Formatter::visit(Literal &literal)
+ append(literal.token);
+void Compiler::Formatter::visit(ParenthesizedExpression &parexpr)
+ append('(');
+ parexpr.expression->visit(*this);
+ append(')');
+void Compiler::Formatter::visit(VariableReference &var)
+ append(;
+void Compiler::Formatter::visit(MemberAccess &memacc)
+ memacc.left->visit(*this);
+ append(format(".%s", memacc.member));
+void Compiler::Formatter::visit(UnaryExpression &unary)
+ if(unary.prefix)
+ append(unary.oper);
+ unary.expression->visit(*this);
+ if(!unary.prefix)
+ append(unary.oper);
+void Compiler::Formatter::visit(BinaryExpression &binary)
+ binary.left->visit(*this);
+ append(binary.oper);
+ binary.right->visit(*this);
+ append(binary.after);
+void Compiler::Formatter::visit(Assignment &assign)
+ assign.left->visit(*this);
+ append(format(" %s ", assign.oper));
+ assign.right->visit(*this);
+void Compiler::Formatter::visit(FunctionCall &call)
+ append(format("%s(",;
+ for(NodeArray<Expression>::iterator i=call.arguments.begin(); i!=call.arguments.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(i!=call.arguments.begin())
+ append(", ");
+ (*i)->visit(*this);
+ }
+ append(')');
+void Compiler::Formatter::visit(ExpressionStatement &expr)
+ expr.expression->visit(*this);
+ append(';');
+void Compiler::Formatter::visit(Block &block)
+ unsigned brace_indent = indent;
+ bool use_braces = (block.use_braces || (indent && block.body.size()!=1));
+ if(use_braces)
+ append(format("%s{\n", string(brace_indent*2, ' ')));
+ SetForScope<unsigned> set(indent, indent+(indent>0 || use_braces));
+ string spaces(indent*2, ' ');
+ for(NodeList<Statement>::iterator i=block.body.begin(); i!=block.body.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(i!=block.body.begin())
+ append('\n');
+ set_source((*i)->source, (*i)->line);
+ append(spaces);
+ (*i)->visit(*this);
+ }
+ if(use_braces)
+ append(format("\n%s}", string(brace_indent*2, ' ')));
+void Compiler::Formatter::visit(Import &import)
+ append(format("import %s;", import.module));
+void Compiler::Formatter::visit(Precision &prec)
+ append(format("precision %s %s;", prec.precision, prec.type));
+void Compiler::Formatter::visit(Layout &layout)
+ append("layout(");
+ for(vector<Layout::Qualifier>::const_iterator i=layout.qualifiers.begin(); i!=layout.qualifiers.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(i!=layout.qualifiers.begin())
+ append(", ");
+ append(i->identifier);
+ if(!i->value.empty())
+ append(format("=%s", i->value));
+ }
+ append(')');
+void Compiler::Formatter::visit(InterfaceLayout &layout)
+ layout.layout.visit(*this);
+ append(format(" %s;", layout.interface));
+void Compiler::Formatter::visit(StructDeclaration &strct)
+ append(format("struct %s\n",;
+ strct.members.visit(*this);
+ append(';');
+void Compiler::Formatter::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
+ if(var.layout)
+ {
+ var.layout->visit(*this);
+ append(' ');
+ }
+ if(var.constant)
+ append("const ");
+ if(!var.interpolation.empty())
+ append(format("%s ", var.interpolation));
+ if(!var.sampling.empty())
+ append(format("%s ", var.sampling));
+ if(!var.interface.empty() && var.interface!=block_interface)
+ {
+ string interface = var.interface;
+ if(stage->required_version<Version(1, 30))
+ {
+ if(stage->type==VERTEX && var.interface=="in")
+ interface = "attribute";
+ else if((stage->type==VERTEX && var.interface=="out") || (stage->type==FRAGMENT && var.interface=="in"))
+ interface = "varying";
+ }
+ append(format("%s ", interface));
+ }
+ if(!var.precision.empty())
+ append(format("%s ", var.precision));
+ append(format("%s %s", var.type,;
+ if(var.array)
+ {
+ append('[');
+ if(var.array_size)
+ var.array_size->visit(*this);
+ append(']');
+ }
+ if(var.init_expression)
+ {
+ append(" = ");
+ var.init_expression->visit(*this);
+ }
+ if(!parameter_list)
+ append(';');
+void Compiler::Formatter::visit(InterfaceBlock &iface)
+ SetForScope<string> set(block_interface, iface.interface);
+ append(format("%s %s\n", iface.interface,;
+ iface.members.visit(*this);
+ append(';');
+void Compiler::Formatter::visit(FunctionDeclaration &func)
+ append(format("%s %s(", func.return_type,;
+ for(NodeArray<VariableDeclaration>::iterator i=func.parameters.begin(); i!=func.parameters.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(i!=func.parameters.begin())
+ append(", ");
+ SetFlag set(parameter_list);
+ (*i)->visit(*this);
+ }
+ append(')');
+ if(func.definition==&func)
+ {
+ append('\n');
+ func.body.visit(*this);
+ }
+ else
+ append(';');
+void Compiler::Formatter::visit(Conditional &cond)
+ append("if(");
+ cond.condition->visit(*this);
+ append(")\n");
+ cond.body.visit(*this);
+ if(!cond.else_body.body.empty())
+ {
+ Conditional *else_cond = dynamic_cast<Conditional *>(cond.else_body.body.front().get());
+ if(cond.else_body.body.size()==1 && else_cond)
+ {
+ append('\n');
+ set_source(else_cond->source, else_cond->line);
+ append(format("%selse ", string(indent*2, ' ')));
+ else_cond->visit(*this);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ append(format("\n%selse\n", string(indent*2, ' ')));
+ cond.else_body.visit(*this);
+ }
+ }
+void Compiler::Formatter::visit(Iteration &iter)
+ if(!iter.init_statement && iter.condition && !iter.loop_expression)
+ {
+ append("while(");
+ iter.condition->visit(*this);
+ append(')');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ append("for(");
+ if(iter.init_statement)
+ iter.init_statement->visit(*this);
+ else
+ append(';');
+ if(iter.condition)
+ {
+ append(' ');
+ iter.condition->visit(*this);
+ }
+ append(';');
+ if(iter.loop_expression)
+ {
+ append(' ');
+ iter.loop_expression->visit(*this);
+ }
+ append(')');
+ }
+ if(iter.body.body.empty())
+ append(" { }");
+ else
+ {
+ append('\n');
+ iter.body.visit(*this);
+ }
+void Compiler::Formatter::visit(Return &ret)
+ append("return");
+ if(ret.expression)
+ {
+ append(' ');
+ ret.expression->visit(*this);
+ }
+ append(';');
+void Compiler::Formatter::visit(Jump &jump)
+ append(jump.keyword);
+ append(';');
+ toplevel(true)
+{ }
+void Compiler::DeclarationCombiner::visit(Block &block)
+ if(!toplevel)
+ return;
+ SetForScope<bool> set(toplevel, false);
+ BlockModifier::visit(block);
+void Compiler::DeclarationCombiner::visit(FunctionDeclaration &func)
+ vector<FunctionDeclaration *> &decls = functions[];
+ if(func.definition)
+ {
+ for(vector<FunctionDeclaration *>::iterator i=decls.begin(); i!=decls.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ (*i)->definition = func.definition;
+ (*i)->body.body.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ decls.push_back(&func);
+void Compiler::DeclarationCombiner::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
+ VariableDeclaration *&ptr = variables[];
+ if(ptr)
+ {
+ ptr->type = var.type;
+ if(var.init_expression)
+ ptr->init_expression = var.init_expression;
+ if(var.layout)
+ {
+ if(ptr->layout)
+ {
+ for(vector<Layout::Qualifier>::iterator i=var.layout->qualifiers.begin(); i!=var.layout->qualifiers.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ bool found = false;
+ for(vector<Layout::Qualifier>::iterator j=ptr->layout->qualifiers.begin(); (!found && j!=ptr->layout->qualifiers.end()); ++j)
+ if(j->identifier==i->identifier)
+ {
+ j->value = i->value;
+ found = true;
+ }
+ if(!found)
+ ptr->layout->qualifiers.push_back(*i);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ ptr->layout = var.layout;
+ }
+ remove_node = true;
+ }
+ else
+ ptr = &var;
+ anonymous(false),
+ record_target(false),
+ assignment_target(0),
+ self_referencing(false)
+{ }
+void Compiler::VariableResolver::apply(Stage &s)
+ SetForScope<Stage *> set(stage, &s);
+ Stage *builtins = get_builtins(stage->type);
+ if(builtins)
+ blocks.push_back(&builtins->content);
+ stage->content.visit(*this);
+ if(builtins)
+ blocks.pop_back();
+void Compiler::VariableResolver::visit(Block &block)
+ blocks.push_back(&block);
+ block.variables.clear();
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(block);
+ blocks.pop_back();
+void Compiler::VariableResolver::visit(VariableReference &var)
+ var.declaration = 0;
+ type = 0;
+ for(vector<Block *>::iterator i=blocks.end(); i!=blocks.begin(); )
+ {
+ --i;
+ map<string, VariableDeclaration *>::iterator j = (*i)->variables.find(;
+ if(j!=(*i)->variables.end())
+ {
+ var.declaration = j->second;
+ type = j->second->type_declaration;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(record_target)
+ {
+ if(assignment_target)
+ {
+ record_target = false;
+ assignment_target = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ assignment_target = var.declaration;
+ }
+ else if(var.declaration && var.declaration==assignment_target)
+ self_referencing = true;
+void Compiler::VariableResolver::visit(MemberAccess &memacc)
+ type = 0;
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(memacc);
+ memacc.declaration = 0;
+ if(type)
+ {
+ map<string, VariableDeclaration *>::iterator i = type->members.variables.find(memacc.member);
+ if(i!=type->members.variables.end())
+ {
+ memacc.declaration = i->second;
+ type = i->second->type_declaration;
+ }
+ else
+ type = 0;
+ }
+void Compiler::VariableResolver::visit(BinaryExpression &binary)
+ if(binary.oper=="[")
+ {
+ {
+ SetForScope<bool> set(record_target, false);
+ binary.right->visit(*this);
+ }
+ type = 0;
+ binary.left->visit(*this);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(binary);
+ type = 0;
+ }
+void Compiler::VariableResolver::visit(Assignment &assign)
+ {
+ SetFlag set(record_target);
+ assignment_target = 0;
+ assign.left->visit(*this);
+ }
+ self_referencing = false;
+ assign.right->visit(*this);
+ assign.self_referencing = (self_referencing || assign.oper!="=");
+ assign.target_declaration = assignment_target;
+void Compiler::VariableResolver::visit(StructDeclaration &strct)
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(strct);
+ blocks.back()->types[] = &strct;
+void Compiler::VariableResolver::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
+ for(vector<Block *>::iterator i=blocks.end(); i!=blocks.begin(); )
+ {
+ --i;
+ map<string, StructDeclaration *>::iterator j = (*i)->types.find(var.type);
+ if(j!=(*i)->types.end())
+ var.type_declaration = j->second;
+ }
+ if(!block_interface.empty() && var.interface.empty())
+ var.interface = block_interface;
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(var);
+ blocks.back()->variables[] = &var;
+ if(anonymous && blocks.size()>1)
+ blocks[blocks.size()-2]->variables[] = &var;
+void Compiler::VariableResolver::visit(InterfaceBlock &iface)
+ SetFlag set(anonymous);
+ SetForScope<string> set2(block_interface, iface.interface);
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(iface);
+void Compiler::FunctionResolver::visit(FunctionCall &call)
+ map<string, vector<FunctionDeclaration *> >::iterator i = functions.find(;
+ if(i!=functions.end())
+ call.declaration = i->second.back();
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(call);
+void Compiler::FunctionResolver::visit(FunctionDeclaration &func)
+ vector<FunctionDeclaration *> &decls = functions[];
+ if(func.definition)
+ {
+ for(vector<FunctionDeclaration *>::iterator i=decls.begin(); i!=decls.end(); ++i)
+ (*i)->definition = func.definition;
+ decls.clear();
+ decls.push_back(&func);
+ }
+ else if(!decls.empty() && decls.back()->definition)
+ func.definition = decls.back()->definition;
+ else
+ decls.push_back(&func);
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(func);
+ scope_level(0)
+{ }
+string Compiler::InterfaceGenerator::get_out_prefix(StageType type)
+ if(type==VERTEX)
+ return "_vs_out_";
+ else if(type==GEOMETRY)
+ return "_gs_out_";
+ else
+ return string();
+void Compiler::InterfaceGenerator::apply(Stage &s)
+ SetForScope<Stage *> set(stage, &s);
+ if(stage->previous)
+ in_prefix = get_out_prefix(stage->previous->type);
+ out_prefix = get_out_prefix(stage->type);
+ stage->content.visit(*this);
+void Compiler::InterfaceGenerator::visit(Block &block)
+ SetForScope<unsigned> set(scope_level, scope_level+1);
+ for(NodeList<Statement>::iterator i=block.body.begin(); i!=block.body.end(); )
+ {
+ (*i)->visit(*this);
+ if(scope_level==1)
+ {
+ for(map<string, RefPtr<VariableDeclaration> >::iterator j=iface_declarations.begin(); j!=iface_declarations.end(); ++j)
+ {
+ NodeList<Statement>::iterator k = block.body.insert(i, j->second);
+ (*k)->visit(*this);
+ }
+ iface_declarations.clear();
+ }
+ apply_and_increment(block, i);
+ }
+string Compiler::InterfaceGenerator::change_prefix(const string &name, const string &prefix) const
+ unsigned offset = (, in_prefix.size(), in_prefix) ? 0 : in_prefix.size());
+ return prefix+name.substr(offset);
+bool Compiler::InterfaceGenerator::generate_interface(VariableDeclaration &var, const string &iface, const string &name)
+ const map<string, VariableDeclaration *> &stage_vars = (iface=="in" ? stage->in_variables : stage->out_variables);
+ if(stage_vars.count(name) || iface_declarations.count(name))
+ return false;
+ VariableDeclaration* iface_var = new VariableDeclaration;
+ iface_var->sampling = var.sampling;
+ iface_var->interface = iface;
+ iface_var->type = var.type;
+ iface_var->type_declaration = var.type_declaration;
+ iface_var->name = name;
+ if(stage->type==GEOMETRY)
+ iface_var->array = ((var.array && var.interface!="in") || iface=="in");
+ else
+ iface_var->array = var.array;
+ if(iface_var->array)
+ iface_var->array_size = var.array_size;
+ if(iface=="in")
+ iface_var->linked_declaration = &var;
+ iface_declarations[name] = iface_var;
+ return true;
+ExpressionStatement &Compiler::InterfaceGenerator::insert_assignment(const string &left, Expression *right)
+ Assignment *assign = new Assignment;
+ VariableReference *ref = new VariableReference;
+ ref->name = left;
+ assign->left = ref;
+ assign->oper = "=";
+ assign->right = right;
+ ExpressionStatement *stmt = new ExpressionStatement;
+ stmt->expression = assign;
+ stmt->visit(*this);
+ insert_nodes.push_back(stmt);
+ return *stmt;
+void Compiler::InterfaceGenerator::visit(VariableReference &var)
+ if(var.declaration || !stage->previous)
+ return;
+ if(iface_declarations.count(
+ return;
+ const map<string, VariableDeclaration *> &prev_out = stage->previous->out_variables;
+ map<string, VariableDeclaration *>::const_iterator i = prev_out.find(;
+ if(i==prev_out.end())
+ i = prev_out.find(;
+ if(i!=prev_out.end())
+ {
+ generate_interface(*i->second, "in", i->second->name);
+ = i->second->name;
+ }
+void Compiler::InterfaceGenerator::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
+ if(var.interface=="out")
+ {
+ if(scope_level==1)
+ stage->out_variables[] = &var;
+ else if(generate_interface(var, "out", change_prefix(, string())))
+ {
+ remove_node = true;
+ if(var.init_expression)
+ {
+ ExpressionStatement &stmt = insert_assignment(, var.init_expression->clone());
+ stmt.source = var.source;
+ stmt.line = var.line;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(var.interface=="in")
+ {
+ stage->in_variables[] = &var;
+ if(var.linked_declaration)
+ var.linked_declaration->linked_declaration = &var;
+ else if(stage->previous)
+ {
+ const map<string, VariableDeclaration *> &prev_out = stage->previous->out_variables;
+ map<string, VariableDeclaration *>::const_iterator i = prev_out.find(;
+ if(i!=prev_out.end())
+ {
+ var.linked_declaration = i->second;
+ i->second->linked_declaration = &var;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(var);
+void Compiler::InterfaceGenerator::visit(Passthrough &pass)
+ vector<VariableDeclaration *> pass_vars;
+ for(map<string, VariableDeclaration *>::const_iterator i=stage->in_variables.begin(); i!=stage->in_variables.end(); ++i)
+ pass_vars.push_back(i->second);
+ for(map<string, RefPtr<VariableDeclaration> >::const_iterator i=iface_declarations.begin(); i!=iface_declarations.end(); ++i)
+ if(i->second->interface=="in")
+ pass_vars.push_back(i->second.get());
+ if(stage->previous)
+ {
+ const map<string, VariableDeclaration *> &prev_out = stage->previous->out_variables;
+ for(map<string, VariableDeclaration *>::const_iterator i=prev_out.begin(); i!=prev_out.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ bool linked = false;
+ for(vector<VariableDeclaration *>::const_iterator j=pass_vars.begin(); (!linked && j!=pass_vars.end()); ++j)
+ linked = ((*j)->linked_declaration==i->second);
+ if(!linked && generate_interface(*i->second, "in", i->second->name))
+ pass_vars.push_back(i->second);
+ }
+ }
+ if(stage->type==GEOMETRY)
+ {
+ VariableReference *ref = new VariableReference;
+ ref->name = "gl_in";
+ BinaryExpression *subscript = new BinaryExpression;
+ subscript->left = ref;
+ subscript->oper = "[";
+ subscript->right = pass.subscript;
+ subscript->after = "]";
+ MemberAccess *memacc = new MemberAccess;
+ memacc->left = subscript;
+ memacc->member = "gl_Position";
+ insert_assignment("gl_Position", memacc);
+ }
+ for(vector<VariableDeclaration *>::const_iterator i=pass_vars.begin(); i!=pass_vars.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ string out_name = change_prefix((*i)->name, out_prefix);
+ generate_interface(**i, "out", out_name);
+ VariableReference *ref = new VariableReference;
+ ref->name = (*i)->name;
+ if(pass.subscript)
+ {
+ BinaryExpression *subscript = new BinaryExpression;
+ subscript->left = ref;
+ subscript->oper = "[";
+ subscript->right = pass.subscript;
+ subscript->after = "]";
+ insert_assignment(out_name, subscript);
+ }
+ else
+ insert_assignment(out_name, ref);
+ }
+ remove_node = true;
+ scope_level(0),
+{ }
+void Compiler::DeclarationReorderer::visit(FunctionCall &call)
+ FunctionDeclaration *def = call.declaration;
+ if(def)
+ def = def->definition;
+ if(def && !ordered_funcs.count(def))
+ needed_funcs.insert(def);
+void Compiler::DeclarationReorderer::visit(Block &block)
+ SetForScope<unsigned> set(scope_level, scope_level+1);
+ if(scope_level>1)
+ return Visitor::visit(block);
+ NodeList<Statement>::iterator struct_insert_point = block.body.end();
+ NodeList<Statement>::iterator variable_insert_point = block.body.end();
+ NodeList<Statement>::iterator function_insert_point = block.body.end();
+ unsigned unordered_func_count = 0;
+ bool ordered_any_funcs = false;
+ for(NodeList<Statement>::iterator i=block.body.begin(); i!=block.body.end(); )
+ {
+ (*i)->visit(*this);
+ bool moved = false;
+ if(kind==STRUCT && struct_insert_point!=block.body.end())
+ {
+ block.body.insert(struct_insert_point, *i);
+ moved = true;
+ }
+ else if(kind>STRUCT && struct_insert_point==block.body.end())
+ struct_insert_point = i;
+ if(kind==VARIABLE && variable_insert_point!=block.body.end())
+ {
+ block.body.insert(variable_insert_point, *i);
+ moved = true;
+ }
+ else if(kind>VARIABLE && variable_insert_point==block.body.end())
+ variable_insert_point = i;
+ if(kind==FUNCTION)
+ {
+ if(function_insert_point==block.body.end())
+ function_insert_point = i;
+ if(needed_funcs.empty())
+ {
+ ordered_funcs.insert(i->get());
+ if(i!=function_insert_point)
+ {
+ block.body.insert(function_insert_point, *i);
+ moved = true;
+ }
+ else
+ ++function_insert_point;
+ ordered_any_funcs = true;
+ }
+ else
+ ++unordered_func_count;
+ }
+ if(moved)
+ {
+ if(function_insert_point==i)
+ ++function_insert_point;
+ block.body.erase(i++);
+ }
+ else
+ ++i;
+ if(i==block.body.end() && unordered_func_count)
+ {
+ if(!ordered_any_funcs)
+ // A subset of the remaining functions forms a recursive loop
+ /* TODO pick a function and move it up, adding any necessary
+ declarations */
+ break;
+ i = function_insert_point;
+ unordered_func_count = 0;
+ }
+ }
+void Compiler::DeclarationReorderer::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
+ Visitor::visit(var);
+ kind = VARIABLE;
+void Compiler::DeclarationReorderer::visit(FunctionDeclaration &func)
+ needed_funcs.clear();
+ func.body.visit(*this);
+ needed_funcs.erase(&func);
+ kind = FUNCTION;
+ in_function(0)
+{ }
+void Compiler::InlineableFunctionLocator::visit(FunctionCall &call)
+ FunctionDeclaration *def = call.declaration;
+ if(def && def->definition!=def)
+ def = def->definition;
+ if(def)
+ {
+ unsigned &count = refcounts[def];
+ ++count;
+ if(count>1 || def==in_function)
+ inlineable.erase(def);
+ }
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(call);
+void Compiler::InlineableFunctionLocator::visit(FunctionDeclaration &func)
+ unsigned &count = refcounts[func.definition];
+ if(!count && func.parameters.empty())
+ inlineable.insert(func.definition);
+ SetForScope<FunctionDeclaration *> set(in_function, &func);
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(func);
+ extract_result(0)
+{ }
+Compiler::FunctionInliner::FunctionInliner(const set<FunctionDeclaration *> &in):
+ inlineable(in),
+ extract_result(0)
+{ }
+void Compiler::FunctionInliner::visit_and_inline(RefPtr<Expression> &ptr)
+ inline_result = 0;
+ ptr->visit(*this);
+ if(inline_result)
+ ptr = inline_result;
+void Compiler::FunctionInliner::visit(Block &block)
+ if(extract_result)
+ --extract_result;
+ for(NodeList<Statement>::iterator i=block.body.begin(); i!=block.body.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ (*i)->visit(*this);
+ if(extract_result)
+ --extract_result;
+ }
+void Compiler::FunctionInliner::visit(UnaryExpression &unary)
+ visit_and_inline(unary.expression);
+ inline_result = 0;
+void Compiler::FunctionInliner::visit(BinaryExpression &binary)
+ visit_and_inline(binary.left);
+ visit_and_inline(binary.right);
+ inline_result = 0;
+void Compiler::FunctionInliner::visit(MemberAccess &memacc)
+ visit_and_inline(memacc.left);
+ inline_result = 0;
+void Compiler::FunctionInliner::visit(FunctionCall &call)
+ for(NodeArray<Expression>::iterator i=call.arguments.begin(); i!=call.arguments.end(); ++i)
+ visit_and_inline(*i);
+ FunctionDeclaration *def = call.declaration;
+ if(def && def->definition!=def)
+ def = def->definition;
+ if(def && inlineable.count(def))
+ {
+ extract_result = 2;
+ def->visit(*this);
+ }
+ else
+ inline_result = 0;
+void Compiler::FunctionInliner::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
+ if(var.init_expression)
+ visit_and_inline(var.init_expression);
+ inline_result = 0;
+void Compiler::FunctionInliner::visit(Return &ret)
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(ret);
+ if(extract_result)
+ inline_result = ret.expression->clone();
+ variable_values(0),
+ result(0.0f),
+ result_valid(false)
+{ }
+Compiler::ExpressionEvaluator::ExpressionEvaluator(const ValueMap &v):
+ variable_values(&v),
+ result(0.0f),
+ result_valid(false)
+{ }
+void Compiler::ExpressionEvaluator::visit(Literal &literal)
+ if(literal.token=="true")
+ result = 1.0f;
+ else if(literal.token=="false")
+ result = 0.0f;
+ else
+ result = lexical_cast<float>(literal.token);
+ result_valid = true;
+void Compiler::ExpressionEvaluator::visit(ParenthesizedExpression &parexp)
+ parexp.expression->visit(*this);
+void Compiler::ExpressionEvaluator::visit(VariableReference &var)
+ if(!var.declaration)
+ return;
+ if(variable_values)
+ {
+ ValueMap::const_iterator i = variable_values->find(var.declaration);
+ if(i!=variable_values->end())
+ i->second->visit(*this);
+ }
+ else if(var.declaration->init_expression)
+ var.declaration->init_expression->visit(*this);
+void Compiler::ExpressionEvaluator::visit(UnaryExpression &unary)
+ result_valid = false;
+ unary.expression->visit(*this);
+ if(!result_valid)
+ return;
+ if(unary.oper=="!")
+ result = !result;
+ else
+ result_valid = false;
+void Compiler::ExpressionEvaluator::visit(BinaryExpression &binary)
+ result_valid = false;
+ binary.left->visit(*this);
+ if(!result_valid)
+ return;
+ float left_result = result;
+ result_valid = false;
+ binary.right->visit(*this);
+ if(!result_valid)
+ return;
+ if(binary.oper=="<")
+ result = (left_result<result);
+ else if(binary.oper=="<=")
+ result = (left_result<=result);
+ else if(binary.oper==">")
+ result = (left_result>result);
+ else if(binary.oper==">=")
+ result = (left_result>=result);
+ else if(binary.oper=="==")
+ result = (left_result==result);
+ else if(binary.oper=="!=")
+ result = (left_result!=result);
+ else if(binary.oper=="&&")
+ result = (left_result && result);
+ else if(binary.oper=="||")
+ result = (left_result || result);
+ else
+ result_valid = false;
+ scope_level(0),
+ record_only(false)
+{ }
+void Compiler::ConstantConditionEliminator::visit(Block &block)
+ SetForScope<unsigned> set(scope_level, scope_level+1);
+ BlockModifier::visit(block);
+ for(map<string, VariableDeclaration *>::const_iterator i=block.variables.begin(); i!=block.variables.end(); ++i)
+ variable_values.erase(i->second);
+void Compiler::ConstantConditionEliminator::visit(UnaryExpression &unary)
+ if(VariableReference *var = dynamic_cast<VariableReference *>(unary.expression.get()))
+ if(unary.oper=="++" || unary.oper=="--")
+ variable_values.erase(var->declaration);
+void Compiler::ConstantConditionEliminator::visit(Assignment &assign)
+ variable_values.erase(assign.target_declaration);
+void Compiler::ConstantConditionEliminator::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
+ if(var.constant || scope_level>1)
+ variable_values[&var] = var.init_expression.get();
+void Compiler::ConstantConditionEliminator::visit(Conditional &cond)
+ if(!record_only)
+ {
+ ExpressionEvaluator eval(variable_values);
+ cond.condition->visit(eval);
+ if(eval.result_valid)
+ {
+ flatten_block(eval.result ? cond.body : cond.else_body);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(cond);
+void Compiler::ConstantConditionEliminator::visit(Iteration &iter)
+ if(!record_only)
+ {
+ if(iter.condition)
+ {
+ /* If the loop condition is always false on the first iteration, the
+ entire loop can be removed */
+ if(iter.init_statement)
+ iter.init_statement->visit(*this);
+ ExpressionEvaluator eval(variable_values);
+ iter.condition->visit(eval);
+ if(eval.result_valid && !eval.result)
+ {
+ remove_node = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Record all assignments that occur inside the loop body so those
+ variables won't be considered as constant */
+ SetFlag set_record(record_only);
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(iter);
+ }
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(iter);
+ if(VariableDeclaration *init_decl = dynamic_cast<VariableDeclaration *>(iter.init_statement.get()))
+ variable_values.erase(init_decl);
+ aggregate(0),
+ assignment(0),
+ assignment_target(false),
+ assign_to_subscript(false),
+ global_scope(true)
+{ }
+void Compiler::UnusedVariableLocator::apply(Stage &s)
+ variables.push_back(BlockVariableMap());
+ Visitor::apply(s);
+ BlockVariableMap &global_variables = variables.back();
+ for(BlockVariableMap::iterator i=global_variables.begin(); i!=global_variables.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(i->first->interface=="out" && (s.type==FRAGMENT || i->first->linked_declaration || !i->first->, 3, "gl_")))
+ continue;
+ if(!i->second.referenced)
+ {
+ unused_nodes.insert(i->first);
+ clear_assignments(i->second, true);
+ }
+ }
+ variables.pop_back();
+void Compiler::UnusedVariableLocator::visit(VariableReference &var)
+ map<VariableDeclaration *, Node *>::iterator i = aggregates.find(var.declaration);
+ if(i!=aggregates.end())
+ unused_nodes.erase(i->second);
+ if(var.declaration && !assignment_target)
+ {
+ VariableInfo &var_info = variables.back()[var.declaration];
+ var_info.assignments.clear();
+ var_info.referenced = true;
+ }
+void Compiler::UnusedVariableLocator::visit(MemberAccess &memacc)
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(memacc);
+ unused_nodes.erase(memacc.declaration);
+void Compiler::UnusedVariableLocator::visit(BinaryExpression &binary)
+ if(binary.oper=="[")
+ {
+ if(assignment_target)
+ assign_to_subscript = true;
+ binary.left->visit(*this);
+ SetForScope<bool> set(assignment_target, false);
+ binary.right->visit(*this);
+ }
+ else
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(binary);
+void Compiler::UnusedVariableLocator::visit(Assignment &assign)
+ {
+ assign_to_subscript = false;
+ SetForScope<bool> set(assignment_target, !assign.self_referencing);
+ assign.left->visit(*this);
+ }
+ assign.right->visit(*this);
+ assignment = &assign;
+void Compiler::UnusedVariableLocator::record_assignment(VariableDeclaration &var, Node &node, bool chained)
+ VariableInfo &var_info = variables.back()[&var];
+ if(!chained)
+ clear_assignments(var_info, true);
+ var_info.assignments.push_back(&node);
+ var_info.conditionally_assigned = false;
+void Compiler::UnusedVariableLocator::clear_assignments(VariableInfo &var_info, bool mark_unused)
+ if(mark_unused)
+ {
+ for(vector<Node *>::iterator i=var_info.assignments.begin(); i!=var_info.assignments.end(); ++i)
+ unused_nodes.insert(*i);
+ }
+ var_info.assignments.clear();
+void Compiler::UnusedVariableLocator::visit(ExpressionStatement &expr)
+ assignment = 0;
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(expr);
+ if(assignment && assignment->target_declaration)
+ record_assignment(*assignment->target_declaration, expr, (assignment->self_referencing || assign_to_subscript));
+void Compiler::UnusedVariableLocator::visit(StructDeclaration &strct)
+ SetForScope<Node *> set(aggregate, &strct);
+ unused_nodes.insert(&strct);
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(strct);
+void Compiler::UnusedVariableLocator::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
+ if(aggregate)
+ aggregates[&var] = aggregate;
+ else
+ {
+ variables.back()[&var].local = true;
+ if(var.init_expression)
+ record_assignment(var, *var.init_expression, false);
+ }
+ unused_nodes.erase(var.type_declaration);
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(var);
+void Compiler::UnusedVariableLocator::visit(InterfaceBlock &iface)
+ SetForScope<Node *> set(aggregate, &iface);
+ unused_nodes.insert(&iface);
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(iface);
+void Compiler::UnusedVariableLocator::visit(FunctionDeclaration &func)
+ variables.push_back(BlockVariableMap());
+ {
+ SetForScope<bool> set(global_scope, false);
+ for(NodeArray<VariableDeclaration>::iterator i=func.parameters.begin(); i!=func.parameters.end(); ++i)
+ (*i)->visit(*this);
+ func.body.visit(*this);
+ }
+ BlockVariableMap &block_variables = variables.back();
+ for(BlockVariableMap::iterator i=block_variables.begin(); i!=block_variables.end(); ++i)
+ i->second.conditionally_assigned = true;
+ for(NodeArray<VariableDeclaration>::iterator i=func.parameters.begin(); i!=func.parameters.end(); ++i)
+ block_variables[i->get()].referenced = true;
+ merge_down_variables();
+void Compiler::UnusedVariableLocator::merge_down_variables()
+ BlockVariableMap &parent_variables = variables[variables.size()-2];
+ BlockVariableMap &block_variables = variables.back();
+ for(BlockVariableMap::iterator i=block_variables.begin(); i!=block_variables.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(i->second.local)
+ {
+ if(!i->second.referenced)
+ unused_nodes.insert(i->first);
+ clear_assignments(i->second, i->first->interface!="out");
+ continue;
+ }
+ BlockVariableMap::iterator j = parent_variables.find(i->first);
+ if(j==parent_variables.end())
+ parent_variables.insert(*i);
+ else
+ {
+ if(i->second.referenced || !i->second.conditionally_assigned)
+ clear_assignments(j->second, !i->second.referenced);
+ j->second.conditionally_assigned = i->second.conditionally_assigned;
+ j->second.referenced |= i->second.referenced;
+ j->second.assignments.insert(j->second.assignments.end(), i->second.assignments.begin(), i->second.assignments.end());
+ }
+ }
+ variables.pop_back();
+void Compiler::UnusedVariableLocator::visit(Conditional &cond)
+ cond.condition->visit(*this);
+ variables.push_back(BlockVariableMap());
+ cond.body.visit(*this);
+ BlockVariableMap if_variables;
+ swap(variables.back(), if_variables);
+ cond.else_body.visit(*this);
+ BlockVariableMap &else_variables = variables.back();
+ for(BlockVariableMap::iterator i=else_variables.begin(); i!=else_variables.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ BlockVariableMap::iterator j = if_variables.find(i->first);
+ if(j!=if_variables.end())
+ {
+ i->second.assignments.insert(i->second.assignments.end(), j->second.assignments.begin(), j->second.assignments.end());
+ i->second.conditionally_assigned |= j->second.conditionally_assigned;
+ if_variables.erase(j);
+ }
+ else
+ i->second.conditionally_assigned = true;
+ }
+ for(BlockVariableMap::iterator i=if_variables.begin(); i!=if_variables.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ i->second.conditionally_assigned = true;
+ else_variables.insert(*i);
+ }
+ merge_down_variables();
+void Compiler::UnusedVariableLocator::visit(Iteration &iter)
+ variables.push_back(BlockVariableMap());
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(iter);
+ BlockVariableMap &block_variables = variables.back();
+ for(BlockVariableMap::iterator i=block_variables.begin(); i!=block_variables.end(); ++i)
+ if(!i->second.local && i->second.referenced)
+ i->second.assignments.clear();
+ merge_down_variables();
+ local(false),
+ conditionally_assigned(false),
+ referenced(false)
+{ }
+void Compiler::UnusedFunctionLocator::visit(FunctionCall &call)
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(call);
+ unused_nodes.erase(call.declaration);
+ if(call.declaration && call.declaration->definition!=call.declaration)
+ used_definitions.insert(call.declaration->definition);
+void Compiler::UnusedFunctionLocator::visit(FunctionDeclaration &func)
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(func);
+ if((!="main" || func.body.body.empty()) && !used_definitions.count(&func))
+ unused_nodes.insert(&func);
+Compiler::NodeRemover::NodeRemover(const set<Node *> &r):
+ to_remove(r)
+{ }
+void Compiler::NodeRemover::visit(Block &block)
+ for(NodeList<Statement>::iterator i=block.body.begin(); i!=block.body.end(); )
+ {
+ (*i)->visit(*this);
+ if(to_remove.count(i->get()))
+ block.body.erase(i++);
+ else
+ ++i;
+ }
+void Compiler::NodeRemover::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
+ if(to_remove.count(&var))
+ {
+ stage->in_variables.erase(;
+ stage->out_variables.erase(;
+ stage->locations.erase(;
+ if(var.linked_declaration)
+ var.linked_declaration->linked_declaration = 0;
+ }
+ else if(var.init_expression && to_remove.count(var.init_expression.get()))
+ var.init_expression = 0;
+void Compiler::NodeRemover::visit(Iteration &iter)
+ if(to_remove.count(iter.init_statement.get()))
+ iter.init_statement = 0;
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(iter);
+void Compiler::PrecisionRemover::visit(Precision &)
+ remove_node = true;
+void Compiler::PrecisionRemover::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
+ var.precision.clear();
+ toplevel(true)
+{ }
+void Compiler::DefaultPrecisionGenerator::visit(Block &block)
+ if(toplevel)
+ {
+ SetForScope<bool> set(toplevel, false);
+ BlockModifier::visit(block);
+ }
+ else
+ Visitor::visit(block);
+void Compiler::DefaultPrecisionGenerator::visit(Precision &prec)
+ have_default.insert(prec.type);
+void Compiler::DefaultPrecisionGenerator::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
+ if(var.type_declaration)
+ return;
+ string type = var.type;
+ if(!, 3, "vec") || !, 3, "mat"))
+ type = "float";
+ else if(!, 3, "ivec") || type=="uint")
+ type = "int";
+ if(!have_default.count(type))
+ {
+ Precision *prec = new Precision;
+ if(!, 7, "sampler"))
+ prec->precision = "lowp";
+ else if(stage->type==FRAGMENT)
+ prec->precision = "mediump";
+ else
+ prec->precision = "highp";
+ prec->type = type;
+ insert_nodes.push_back(prec);
+ have_default.insert(type);
+ }
+ target_api(get_gl_api()),
+ target_version(get_glsl_version()),
+ frag_out(0)
+{ }
+Compiler::LegacyConverter::LegacyConverter(const Version &v):
+ target_api(get_gl_api()),
+ target_version(v),
+ frag_out(0)
+{ }
+bool Compiler::LegacyConverter::check_version(const Version &feature_version) const
+ if(target_version<feature_version)
+ return false;
+ else if(stage->required_version<feature_version)
+ stage->required_version = feature_version;
+ return true;
+bool Compiler::LegacyConverter::check_extension(const Extension &extension) const
+ if(!extension)
+ return false;
+ vector<const Extension *>::iterator i = find(stage->required_extensions, &extension);
+ if(i==stage->required_extensions.end())
+ stage->required_extensions.push_back(&extension);
+ return true;
+bool Compiler::LegacyConverter::supports_unified_interface_syntax() const
+ if(target_api==OPENGL_ES2)
+ return check_version(Version(3, 0));
+ else
+ return check_version(Version(1, 30));
+void Compiler::LegacyConverter::visit(VariableReference &var)
+ if(var.declaration==frag_out && !supports_unified_interface_syntax())
+ {
+ = "gl_FragColor";
+ var.declaration = 0;
+ type = "vec4";
+ }
+ else if(var.declaration)
+ type = var.declaration->type;
+ else
+ type = string();
+void Compiler::LegacyConverter::visit(Assignment &assign)
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(assign);
+ if(assign.target_declaration==frag_out && !supports_unified_interface_syntax())
+ assign.target_declaration = 0;
+bool Compiler::LegacyConverter::supports_unified_sampling_functions() const
+ if(target_api==OPENGL_ES2)
+ return check_version(Version(3, 0));
+ else
+ return check_version(Version(1, 30));
+void Compiler::LegacyConverter::visit(FunctionCall &call)
+ if("texture" && !call.declaration && !supports_unified_sampling_functions())
+ {
+ NodeArray<Expression>::iterator i = call.arguments.begin();
+ if(i!=call.arguments.end())
+ {
+ (*i)->visit(*this);
+ if(type=="sampler1D")
+ = "texture1D";
+ else if(type=="sampler2D")
+ = "texture2D";
+ else if(type=="sampler3D")
+ = "texture3D";
+ else if(type=="samplerCube")
+ = "textureCube";
+ else if(type=="sampler1DShadow")
+ = "shadow1D";
+ else if(type=="sampler2DShadow")
+ = "shadow2D";
+ else if(type=="sampler1DArray")
+ {
+ check_extension(EXT_texture_array);
+ = "texture1DArray";
+ }
+ else if(type=="sampler2DArray")
+ {
+ check_extension(EXT_texture_array);
+ = "texture2DArray";
+ }
+ else if(type=="sampler1DArrayShadow")
+ {
+ check_extension(EXT_texture_array);
+ = "shadow1DArray";
+ }
+ else if(type=="sampler2DArrayShadow")
+ {
+ check_extension(EXT_texture_array);
+ = "shadow2DArray";
+ }
+ for(; i!=call.arguments.end(); ++i)
+ (*i)->visit(*this);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(call);
+bool Compiler::LegacyConverter::supports_interface_layouts() const
+ if(target_api==OPENGL_ES2)
+ return check_version(Version(3, 0));
+ else if(check_version(Version(3, 30)))
+ return true;
+ else
+ return check_extension(ARB_explicit_attrib_location);
+bool Compiler::LegacyConverter::supports_centroid_sampling() const
+ if(target_api==OPENGL_ES2)
+ return check_version(Version(3, 0));
+ else if(check_version(Version(1, 20)))
+ return true;
+ else
+ return check_extension(EXT_gpu_shader4);
+bool Compiler::LegacyConverter::supports_sample_sampling() const
+ if(target_api==OPENGL_ES2)
+ return check_version(Version(3, 20));
+ else if(check_version(Version(4, 0)))
+ return true;
+ else
+ return check_extension(ARB_gpu_shader5);
+void Compiler::LegacyConverter::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
+ if(var.layout && !supports_interface_layouts())
+ {
+ vector<Layout::Qualifier>::iterator i;
+ for(i=var.layout->qualifiers.begin(); (i!=var.layout->qualifiers.end() && i->identifier!="location"); ++i) ;
+ if(i!=var.layout->qualifiers.end())
+ {
+ unsigned location = lexical_cast<unsigned>(i->value);
+ if(stage->type==VERTEX && var.interface=="in")
+ {
+ stage->locations[] = location;
+ var.layout->qualifiers.erase(i);
+ }
+ else if(stage->type==FRAGMENT && var.interface=="out")
+ {
+ if(location!=0)
+ static Require _req(EXT_gpu_shader4);
+ stage->locations[] = location;
+ var.layout->qualifiers.erase(i);
+ }
+ if(var.layout->qualifiers.empty())
+ var.layout = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if(var.sampling=="centroid")
+ {
+ if(!supports_centroid_sampling())
+ var.sampling = string();
+ }
+ else if(var.sampling=="sample")
+ {
+ if(!supports_sample_sampling())
+ var.sampling = string();
+ }
+ if((var.interface=="in" || var.interface=="out") && !supports_unified_interface_syntax())
+ {
+ if(stage->type==FRAGMENT && var.interface=="out")
+ {
+ frag_out = &var;
+ remove_node = true;
+ }
+ }
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(var);
+bool Compiler::LegacyConverter::supports_interface_blocks(const string &iface) const
+ if(target_api==OPENGL_ES2)
+ {
+ if(iface=="uniform")
+ return check_version(Version(3, 0));
+ else
+ return check_version(Version(3, 20));
+ }
+ else if(check_version(Version(1, 50)))
+ return true;
+ else if(iface=="uniform")
+ return check_extension(ARB_uniform_buffer_object);
+ else
+ return false;
+void Compiler::LegacyConverter::visit(InterfaceBlock &iface)
+ if(!supports_interface_blocks(iface.interface))
+ flatten_block(iface.members);
+} // namespace SL
+} // namespace GL
+} // namespace Msp
--- /dev/null
+#include <set>
+#include "parser.h"
+#include "program.h"
+#include "resources.h"
+#include "syntax.h"
+namespace Msp {
+namespace GL {
+namespace SL {
+class Compiler
+ struct Visitor: TraversingVisitor
+ {
+ typedef void ResultType;
+ Stage *stage;
+ Visitor();
+ virtual void apply(Stage &);
+ void get_result() const { }
+ };
+ struct BlockModifier: Visitor
+ {
+ bool remove_node;
+ std::vector<RefPtr<Statement> > insert_nodes;
+ BlockModifier();
+ void flatten_block(Block &);
+ void apply_and_increment(Block &, NodeList<Statement>::iterator &);
+ using Visitor::visit;
+ virtual void visit(Block &);
+ };
+ struct Formatter: Visitor
+ {
+ typedef std::string ResultType;
+ std::string formatted;
+ unsigned source_index;
+ unsigned source_line;
+ unsigned indent;
+ bool parameter_list;
+ std::string block_interface;
+ Formatter();
+ virtual void apply(Stage &);
+ const std::string &get_result() const { return formatted; }
+ using Visitor::visit;
+ void append(const std::string &);
+ void append(char);
+ void set_source(unsigned, unsigned);
+ virtual void visit(Block &);
+ virtual void visit(Literal &);
+ virtual void visit(ParenthesizedExpression &);
+ virtual void visit(VariableReference &);
+ virtual void visit(MemberAccess &);
+ virtual void visit(UnaryExpression &);
+ virtual void visit(BinaryExpression &);
+ virtual void visit(Assignment &);
+ virtual void visit(FunctionCall &);
+ virtual void visit(ExpressionStatement &);
+ virtual void visit(Import &);
+ virtual void visit(Precision &);
+ virtual void visit(Layout &);
+ virtual void visit(InterfaceLayout &);
+ virtual void visit(StructDeclaration &);
+ virtual void visit(VariableDeclaration &);
+ virtual void visit(InterfaceBlock &);
+ virtual void visit(FunctionDeclaration &);
+ virtual void visit(Conditional &);
+ virtual void visit(Iteration &);
+ virtual void visit(Return &);
+ virtual void visit(Jump &);
+ };
+ template<typename T>
+ struct NodeGatherer: Visitor
+ {
+ typedef std::vector<T *> ResultType;
+ std::vector<T *> nodes;
+ const ResultType &get_result() const { return nodes; }
+ using Visitor::visit;
+ virtual void visit(T &n) { nodes.push_back(&n); }
+ };
+ struct DeclarationCombiner: BlockModifier
+ {
+ bool toplevel;
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<FunctionDeclaration *> > functions;
+ std::map<std::string, VariableDeclaration *> variables;
+ DeclarationCombiner();
+ using Visitor::visit;
+ virtual void visit(Block &);
+ virtual void visit(FunctionDeclaration &);
+ virtual void visit(VariableDeclaration &);
+ };
+ struct VariableResolver: Visitor
+ {
+ std::vector<Block *> blocks;
+ StructDeclaration *type;
+ bool anonymous;
+ std::string block_interface;
+ bool record_target;
+ VariableDeclaration *assignment_target;
+ bool self_referencing;
+ VariableResolver();
+ virtual void apply(Stage &);
+ using Visitor::visit;
+ virtual void visit(Block &);
+ virtual void visit(VariableReference &);
+ virtual void visit(MemberAccess &);
+ virtual void visit(BinaryExpression &);
+ virtual void visit(Assignment &);
+ virtual void visit(StructDeclaration &);
+ virtual void visit(VariableDeclaration &);
+ virtual void visit(InterfaceBlock &);
+ };
+ struct FunctionResolver: Visitor
+ {
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<FunctionDeclaration *> > functions;
+ using Visitor::visit;
+ virtual void visit(FunctionCall &);
+ virtual void visit(FunctionDeclaration &);
+ };
+ struct InterfaceGenerator: BlockModifier
+ {
+ std::string in_prefix;
+ std::string out_prefix;
+ unsigned scope_level;
+ std::map<std::string, RefPtr<VariableDeclaration> > iface_declarations;
+ InterfaceGenerator();
+ static std::string get_out_prefix(StageType);
+ virtual void apply(Stage &);
+ using Visitor::visit;
+ virtual void visit(Block &);
+ std::string change_prefix(const std::string &, const std::string &) const;
+ bool generate_interface(VariableDeclaration &, const std::string &, const std::string &);
+ ExpressionStatement &insert_assignment(const std::string &, Expression *);
+ virtual void visit(VariableReference &);
+ virtual void visit(VariableDeclaration &);
+ virtual void visit(Passthrough &);
+ };
+ struct DeclarationReorderer: Visitor
+ {
+ enum DeclarationKind
+ {
+ };
+ unsigned scope_level;
+ DeclarationKind kind;
+ std::set<Node *> ordered_funcs;
+ std::set<Node *> needed_funcs;
+ DeclarationReorderer();
+ using Visitor::visit;
+ virtual void visit(Block &);
+ virtual void visit(FunctionCall &);
+ virtual void visit(InterfaceLayout &) { kind = LAYOUT; }
+ virtual void visit(StructDeclaration &) { kind = STRUCT; }
+ virtual void visit(VariableDeclaration &);
+ virtual void visit(InterfaceBlock &) { kind = VARIABLE; }
+ virtual void visit(FunctionDeclaration &);
+ };
+ struct InlineableFunctionLocator: Visitor
+ {
+ typedef std::set<FunctionDeclaration *> ResultType;
+ std::map<FunctionDeclaration *, unsigned> refcounts;
+ std::set<FunctionDeclaration *> inlineable;
+ FunctionDeclaration *in_function;
+ InlineableFunctionLocator();
+ const ResultType &get_result() const { return inlineable; }
+ using Visitor::visit;
+ virtual void visit(FunctionCall &);
+ virtual void visit(FunctionDeclaration &);
+ };
+ struct FunctionInliner: Visitor
+ {
+ std::set<FunctionDeclaration *> inlineable;
+ unsigned extract_result;
+ RefPtr<Expression> inline_result;
+ FunctionInliner();
+ FunctionInliner(const std::set<FunctionDeclaration *> &);
+ void visit_and_inline(RefPtr<Expression> &);
+ using Visitor::visit;
+ virtual void visit(Block &);
+ virtual void visit(UnaryExpression &);
+ virtual void visit(BinaryExpression &);
+ virtual void visit(MemberAccess &);
+ virtual void visit(FunctionCall &);
+ virtual void visit(VariableDeclaration &);
+ virtual void visit(Return &);
+ };
+ struct ExpressionEvaluator: NodeVisitor
+ {
+ typedef std::map<VariableDeclaration *, Expression *> ValueMap;
+ const ValueMap *variable_values;
+ float result;
+ bool result_valid;
+ ExpressionEvaluator();
+ ExpressionEvaluator(const ValueMap &);
+ using NodeVisitor::visit;
+ virtual void visit(Literal &);
+ virtual void visit(ParenthesizedExpression &);
+ virtual void visit(VariableReference &);
+ virtual void visit(UnaryExpression &);
+ virtual void visit(BinaryExpression &);
+ };
+ struct ConstantConditionEliminator: BlockModifier
+ {
+ unsigned scope_level;
+ bool record_only;
+ ExpressionEvaluator::ValueMap variable_values;
+ ConstantConditionEliminator();
+ using Visitor::visit;
+ virtual void visit(Block &);
+ virtual void visit(UnaryExpression &);
+ virtual void visit(Assignment &);
+ virtual void visit(VariableDeclaration &);
+ virtual void visit(Conditional &);
+ virtual void visit(Iteration &);
+ };
+ struct UnusedVariableLocator: Visitor
+ {
+ struct VariableInfo
+ {
+ bool local;
+ std::vector<Node *> assignments;
+ bool conditionally_assigned;
+ bool referenced;
+ VariableInfo();
+ };
+ typedef std::set<Node *> ResultType;
+ typedef std::map<VariableDeclaration *, VariableInfo> BlockVariableMap;
+ std::set<Node *> unused_nodes;
+ std::map<VariableDeclaration *, Node *> aggregates;
+ Node *aggregate;
+ std::vector<BlockVariableMap> variables;
+ Assignment *assignment;
+ bool assignment_target;
+ bool assign_to_subscript;
+ bool global_scope;
+ UnusedVariableLocator();
+ virtual void apply(Stage &);
+ const ResultType &get_result() const { return unused_nodes; }
+ using Visitor::visit;
+ virtual void visit(VariableReference &);
+ virtual void visit(MemberAccess &);
+ virtual void visit(BinaryExpression &);
+ virtual void visit(Assignment &);
+ void record_assignment(VariableDeclaration &, Node &, bool);
+ void clear_assignments(VariableInfo &, bool);
+ virtual void visit(ExpressionStatement &);
+ virtual void visit(StructDeclaration &);
+ virtual void visit(VariableDeclaration &);
+ virtual void visit(InterfaceBlock &);
+ virtual void visit(FunctionDeclaration &);
+ void merge_down_variables();
+ virtual void visit(Conditional &);
+ virtual void visit(Iteration &);
+ };
+ struct UnusedFunctionLocator: Visitor
+ {
+ typedef std::set<Node *> ResultType;
+ std::set<Node *> unused_nodes;
+ std::set<FunctionDeclaration *> used_definitions;
+ const ResultType &get_result() const { return unused_nodes; }
+ using Visitor::visit;
+ virtual void visit(FunctionCall &);
+ virtual void visit(FunctionDeclaration &);
+ };
+ struct NodeRemover: Visitor
+ {
+ std::set<Node *> to_remove;
+ NodeRemover() { }
+ NodeRemover(const std::set<Node *> &);
+ using Visitor::visit;
+ virtual void visit(Block &);
+ virtual void visit(VariableDeclaration &);
+ virtual void visit(Iteration &);
+ };
+ struct PrecisionRemover: BlockModifier
+ {
+ using Visitor::visit;
+ virtual void visit(Precision &);
+ virtual void visit(VariableDeclaration &);
+ };
+ struct DefaultPrecisionGenerator: BlockModifier
+ {
+ bool toplevel;
+ std::set<std::string> have_default;
+ DefaultPrecisionGenerator();
+ using Visitor::visit;
+ virtual void visit(Block &);
+ virtual void visit(Precision &);
+ virtual void visit(VariableDeclaration &);
+ };
+ struct LegacyConverter: BlockModifier
+ {
+ GLApi target_api;
+ Version target_version;
+ std::string type;
+ VariableDeclaration *frag_out;
+ LegacyConverter();
+ LegacyConverter(const Version &);
+ bool check_version(const Version &) const;
+ bool check_extension(const Extension &) const;
+ using Visitor::visit;
+ bool supports_unified_interface_syntax() const;
+ virtual void visit(VariableReference &);
+ virtual void visit(Assignment &);
+ bool supports_unified_sampling_functions() const;
+ virtual void visit(FunctionCall &);
+ bool supports_interface_layouts() const;
+ bool supports_centroid_sampling() const;
+ bool supports_sample_sampling() const;
+ virtual void visit(VariableDeclaration &);
+ bool supports_interface_blocks(const std::string &) const;
+ virtual void visit(InterfaceBlock &);
+ };
+ Resources *resources;
+ Module *module;
+ std::vector<std::string> imported_names;
+ Compiler();
+ ~Compiler();
+ void compile(const std::string &, const std::string & = "<string>");
+ void compile(IO::Base &, Resources * = 0, const std::string & = "<file>");
+ void compile(IO::Base &, const std::string &);
+ void add_shaders(Program &);
+ static Module *create_builtins_module();
+ static Module &get_builtins_module();
+ static Stage *get_builtins(StageType);
+ void append_module(Module &);
+ void append_stage(Stage &);
+ void process();
+ void import(const std::string &);
+ void generate(Stage &);
+ bool optimize(Stage &);
+ void finalize(Stage &);
+ static void inject_block(Block &, const Block &);
+ template<typename T>
+ static typename T::ResultType apply(Stage &);
+ template<typename T, typename A>
+ static typename T::ResultType apply(Stage &, const A &);
+} // namespace SL
+} // namespace GL
+} // namespace Msp
--- /dev/null
+#include <msp/core/raii.h>
+#include <msp/strings/format.h>
+#include <msp/strings/regex.h>
+#include "parser.h"
+#undef interface
+using namespace std;
+namespace Msp {
+namespace GL {
+namespace SL {
+Parser::Operator Parser::operators[] =
+ { "[", 2, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { "(", 2, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { ".", 2, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { "++", 2, POSTFIX, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { "--", 2, POSTFIX, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { "++", 3, PREFIX, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
+ { "--", 3, PREFIX, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
+ { "+", 3, PREFIX, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
+ { "-", 3, PREFIX, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
+ { "~", 3, PREFIX, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
+ { "!", 3, PREFIX, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
+ { "*", 4, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { "/", 4, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { "%", 4, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { "+", 5, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { "-", 5, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { "<<", 6, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { ">>", 6, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { "<", 7, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { ">", 7, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { "<=", 7, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { ">=", 7, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { "==", 8, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { "!=", 8, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { "&", 9, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { "^", 10, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { "|", 11, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { "&&", 12, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { "^^", 13, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { "||", 14, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { "?", 15, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
+ { ":", 15, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
+ { "=", 16, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
+ { "+=", 16, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
+ { "-=", 16, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
+ { "*=", 16, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
+ { "/=", 16, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
+ { "%=", 16, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
+ { "<<=", 16, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
+ { ">>=", 16, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
+ { "&=", 16, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
+ { "^=", 16, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
+ { "|=", 16, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
+ { ",", 17, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
+ { { 0 }, 18, NO_OPERATOR, LEFT_TO_RIGHT }
+ module(0)
+{ }
+ delete module;
+Module &Parser::parse(const string &s, const string &n, unsigned i)
+ source = s;
+ source_name = n;
+ source_index = i;
+ parse_source();
+ return *module;
+Module &Parser::parse(IO::Base &io, const string &n, unsigned i)
+ source = string();
+ source_name = n;
+ source_index = i;
+ while(!io.eof())
+ {
+ char buffer[4096];
+ unsigned len =, sizeof(buffer));
+ source.append(buffer, len);
+ }
+ parse_source();
+ return *module;
+void Parser::parse_source()
+ while(1)
+ {
+ string::size_type slashes = source.find("//////");
+ if(slashes==string::npos)
+ break;
+ string::size_type newline = source.find('\n', slashes);
+ string pragma = format("#pragma MSP stage(%s)", source.substr(slashes+6, newline-slashes-6));
+ source.replace(slashes, newline-slashes, pragma);
+ }
+ delete module;
+ module = new Module;
+ cur_stage = &module->shared;
+ iter = source.begin();
+ source_end = source.end();
+ current_line = 1;
+ allow_preprocess = true;
+ while(RefPtr<Statement> statement = parse_global_declaration())
+ cur_stage->content.body.push_back(statement);
+string Parser::format_error(const std::string &message)
+ string location = format("%s:%d: ", source_name, current_line);
+ return location+message;
+string Parser::format_syntax_error(const std::string &expected)
+ return format_error(format("Syntax error at '%s': expected %s", last_token, expected));
+const string &Parser::peek_token(unsigned index)
+ while(next_tokens.size()<=index)
+ next_tokens.push_back(parse_token_());
+ return (last_token = next_tokens[index]);
+const string &Parser::parse_token()
+ if(!next_tokens.empty())
+ {
+ last_token = next_tokens.front();
+ next_tokens.pop_front();
+ return last_token;
+ }
+ return (last_token = parse_token_());
+string Parser::parse_token_()
+ while(1)
+ {
+ skip_comment_and_whitespace();
+ if(iter==source_end)
+ return string();
+ else if(allow_preprocess && *iter=='#')
+ {
+ allow_preprocess = false;
+ SetForScope<deque<string> > clear_tokens(next_tokens, deque<string>());
+ preprocess();
+ }
+ else if(isalpha(*iter) || *iter=='_')
+ return parse_identifier();
+ else if(isdigit(*iter))
+ return parse_number();
+ else
+ return parse_other();
+ }
+string Parser::parse_identifier()
+ string ident;
+ while(iter!=source_end)
+ {
+ if(isalnum(*iter) || *iter=='_')
+ ident += *iter++;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ return ident;
+string Parser::parse_number()
+ bool accept_sign = false;
+ string number;
+ while(iter!=source_end)
+ {
+ if(isdigit(*iter) || *iter=='.')
+ number += *iter++;
+ else if(*iter=='e' || *iter=='E')
+ {
+ number += *iter++;
+ accept_sign = true;
+ }
+ else if(accept_sign && (*iter=='+' || *iter=='-'))
+ number += *iter++;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ return number;
+string Parser::parse_other()
+ if(iter==source_end)
+ return string();
+ string token(1, *iter++);
+ for(unsigned i=1; (i<3 && iter!=source_end); ++i)
+ {
+ bool matched = false;
+ for(const Operator *j=operators; (!matched && j->type); ++j)
+ {
+ matched = (j->token[i]==*iter);
+ for(unsigned k=0; (matched && k<i && j->token[k]); ++k)
+ matched = (j->token[k]==token[k]);
+ }
+ if(!matched)
+ break;
+ token += *iter++;
+ }
+ return token;
+void Parser::skip_comment_and_whitespace()
+ unsigned comment = 0;
+ while(iter!=source_end)
+ {
+ if(comment==0)
+ {
+ if(*iter=='/')
+ comment = 1;
+ else if(!isspace(*iter))
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(comment==1)
+ {
+ if(*iter=='/')
+ comment = 2;
+ else if(*iter=='*')
+ comment = 3;
+ else
+ {
+ comment = 0;
+ --iter;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(comment==2)
+ {
+ if(*iter=='\n')
+ comment = 0;
+ }
+ else if(comment==3 && *iter=='*')
+ comment = 4;
+ else if(comment==4)
+ {
+ if(*iter=='/')
+ comment = 0;
+ else if(*iter!='*')
+ comment = 3;
+ }
+ if(*iter=='\n')
+ {
+ ++current_line;
+ allow_preprocess = (comment<3);
+ }
+ ++iter;
+ }
+void Parser::expect(const string &token)
+ string parsed = parse_token();
+ if(parsed!=token)
+ throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error(format("'%s'", token)));
+string Parser::expect_type()
+ string token = parse_token();
+ if(!is_type(token))
+ throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("a type"));
+ return token;
+string Parser::expect_identifier()
+ string token = parse_token();
+ if(!is_identifier(token))
+ throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("an identifier"));
+ return token;
+bool Parser::check(const string &token)
+ bool result = (peek_token()==token);
+ if(result)
+ parse_token();
+ return result;
+bool Parser::is_interface_qualifier(const string &token)
+ return (token=="uniform" || token=="in" || token=="out");
+bool Parser::is_sampling_qualifier(const string &token)
+ return (token=="centroid" || token=="sample");
+bool Parser::is_interpolation_qualifier(const string &token)
+ return (token=="smooth" || token=="flat" || token=="noperspective");
+bool Parser::is_precision_qualifier(const string &token)
+ return (token=="highp" || token=="mediump" || token=="lowp");
+bool Parser::is_qualifier(const string &token)
+ return (token=="const" ||
+ is_interface_qualifier(token) ||
+ is_sampling_qualifier(token) ||
+ is_interpolation_qualifier(token) ||
+ is_precision_qualifier(token));
+bool Parser::is_builtin_type(const string &token)
+ static Regex re("^(void|float|int|bool|[ib]?vec[234]|mat[234](x[234])?|sampler((1D|2D|Cube)(Array)?(Shadow)?|3D))$");
+ return re.match(token);
+bool Parser::is_type(const string &token)
+ return is_builtin_type(token) || declared_types.count(token);
+bool Parser::is_identifier(const string &token)
+ static Regex re("^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$");
+ return re.match(token);
+void Parser::preprocess()
+ expect("#");
+ string::const_iterator line_end = iter;
+ for(; (line_end!=source_end && *line_end!='\n'); ++line_end) ;
+ SetForScope<string::const_iterator> stop_at_line_end(source_end, line_end);
+ string token = peek_token();
+ if(token=="pragma")
+ preprocess_pragma();
+ else if(token=="version")
+ preprocess_version();
+ else if(token=="define" || token=="undef" || token=="if" || token=="ifdef" || token=="ifndef" || token=="else" ||
+ token=="elif" || token=="endif" || token=="error" || token=="extension" || token=="line")
+ throw runtime_error(format_error(format("Unsupported preprocessor directive '%s'", token)));
+ else if(!token.empty())
+ throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("a preprocessor directive"));
+ iter = line_end;
+void Parser::preprocess_version()
+ expect("version");
+ string token = parse_token();
+ unsigned version = lexical_cast<unsigned>(token);
+ cur_stage->required_version = Version(version/100, version%100);
+ token = parse_token();
+ if(!token.empty())
+ throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("end of line"));
+void Parser::preprocess_pragma()
+ expect("pragma");
+ string token = parse_token();
+ if(token=="MSP")
+ preprocess_pragma_msp();
+void Parser::preprocess_pragma_msp()
+ string token = peek_token();
+ if(token=="stage")
+ preprocess_stage();
+ else
+ throw runtime_error(format_error(format("Unrecognized MSP pragma '%s'", token)));
+ token = parse_token();
+ if(!token.empty())
+ throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("end of line"));
+void Parser::preprocess_stage()
+ if(!allow_stage_change)
+ throw runtime_error(format_error("Changing stage not allowed here"));
+ expect("stage");
+ expect("(");
+ string token = expect_identifier();
+ StageType stage = SHARED;
+ if(token=="vertex")
+ stage = VERTEX;
+ else if(token=="geometry")
+ stage = GEOMETRY;
+ else if(token=="fragment")
+ stage = FRAGMENT;
+ else
+ throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("stage identifier"));
+ expect(")");
+ if(stage<=cur_stage->type)
+ throw runtime_error(format_error(format("Stage '%s' not allowed here", token)));
+ module->stages.push_back(stage);
+ if(cur_stage->type!=SHARED)
+ module->stages.back().previous = cur_stage;
+ cur_stage = &module->stages.back();
+RefPtr<Statement> Parser::parse_global_declaration()
+ allow_stage_change = true;
+ string token = peek_token();
+ allow_stage_change = false;
+ if(token=="import")
+ return parse_import();
+ else if(token=="precision")
+ return parse_precision();
+ else if(token=="layout")
+ {
+ RefPtr<Layout> layout = parse_layout();
+ token = peek_token();
+ if(is_interface_qualifier(token) && peek_token(1)==";")
+ {
+ RefPtr<InterfaceLayout> iface_lo = new InterfaceLayout;
+ iface_lo->source = source_index;
+ iface_lo->line = current_line;
+ iface_lo->layout.qualifiers = layout->qualifiers;
+ iface_lo->interface = parse_token();
+ expect(";");
+ return iface_lo;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RefPtr<VariableDeclaration> var = parse_variable_declaration();
+ var->layout = layout;
+ return var;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(token=="struct")
+ return parse_struct_declaration();
+ else if(is_interface_qualifier(token))
+ {
+ string next = peek_token(1);
+ if(is_type(next) || is_qualifier(next))
+ return parse_variable_declaration();
+ else
+ return parse_interface_block();
+ }
+ else if(is_qualifier(token))
+ return parse_variable_declaration();
+ else if(is_type(token))
+ {
+ if(peek_token(2)=="(")
+ return parse_function_declaration();
+ else
+ return parse_variable_declaration();
+ }
+ else if(token.empty())
+ return 0;
+ else
+ throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("a global declaration"));
+RefPtr<Statement> Parser::parse_statement()
+ string token = peek_token();
+ if(token=="if")
+ return parse_conditional();
+ else if(token=="for")
+ return parse_for();
+ else if(token=="while")
+ return parse_while();
+ else if(token=="passthrough")
+ return parse_passthrough();
+ else if(token=="return")
+ return parse_return();
+ else if(token=="break" || token=="continue" || token=="discard")
+ {
+ RefPtr<Jump> jump = new Jump;
+ jump->source = source_index;
+ jump->line = current_line;
+ jump->keyword = parse_token();
+ expect(";");
+ return jump;
+ }
+ else if(is_qualifier(token) || is_type(token))
+ return parse_variable_declaration();
+ else if(!token.empty())
+ {
+ RefPtr<ExpressionStatement> expr = new ExpressionStatement;
+ expr->source = source_index;
+ expr->line = current_line;
+ expr->expression = parse_expression();
+ expect(";");
+ return expr;
+ }
+ else
+ throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("a statement"));
+RefPtr<Import> Parser::parse_import()
+ if(cur_stage->type!=SHARED)
+ throw runtime_error(format_error("Imports are only allowed in the shared section"));
+ expect("import");
+ RefPtr<Import> import = new Import;
+ import->source = source_index;
+ import->line = current_line;
+ import->module = expect_identifier();
+ expect(";");
+ return import;
+RefPtr<Precision> Parser::parse_precision()
+ expect("precision");
+ RefPtr<Precision> precision = new Precision;
+ precision->source = source_index;
+ precision->line = current_line;
+ precision->precision = parse_token();
+ if(!is_precision_qualifier(precision->precision))
+ throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("a precision qualifier"));
+ precision->type = parse_token();
+ // Not entirely accurate; only float, int and sampler types are allowed
+ if(!is_builtin_type(precision->type))
+ throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("a builtin type"));
+ expect(";");
+ return precision;
+RefPtr<Layout> Parser::parse_layout()
+ expect("layout");
+ expect("(");
+ RefPtr<Layout> layout = new Layout;
+ while(1)
+ {
+ string token = parse_token();
+ if(token==")")
+ throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("a layout qualifier name"));
+ layout->qualifiers.push_back(Layout::Qualifier());
+ Layout::Qualifier &qual = layout->qualifiers.back();
+ qual.identifier = token;
+ if(check("="))
+ qual.value = parse_token();
+ if(peek_token()==")")
+ break;
+ expect(",");
+ }
+ expect(")");
+ return layout;
+void Parser::parse_block(Block &block, bool require_braces)
+ bool have_braces = (require_braces || peek_token()=="{");
+ if(have_braces)
+ expect("{");
+ if(have_braces)
+ {
+ while(peek_token()!="}")
+ block.body.push_back(parse_statement());
+ }
+ else
+ block.body.push_back(parse_statement());
+ block.use_braces = (require_braces || block.body.size()!=1);
+ if(have_braces)
+ expect("}");
+RefPtr<Expression> Parser::parse_expression(unsigned precedence)
+ RefPtr<Expression> left;
+ VariableReference *left_var = 0;
+ while(1)
+ {
+ string token = peek_token();
+ const Operator *oper = 0;
+ for(Operator *i=operators; (!oper && i->type); ++i)
+ if(token==i->token && (!left || i->type!=PREFIX) && (left || i->type!=POSTFIX))
+ oper = i;
+ if(token==";" || token==")" || token=="]" || token=="," || (oper && precedence && oper->precedence>=precedence))
+ {
+ if(left)
+ return left;
+ else
+ throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("an expression"));
+ }
+ else if(left)
+ {
+ if(token=="(")
+ {
+ if(!left_var)
+ throw runtime_error(format_error("Syntax error before '(': function name must be an identifier"));
+ left = parse_function_call(*left_var);
+ }
+ else if(token==".")
+ {
+ RefPtr<MemberAccess> memacc = new MemberAccess;
+ memacc->left = left;
+ parse_token();
+ memacc->member = expect_identifier();
+ left = memacc;
+ }
+ else if(oper && oper->type==POSTFIX)
+ {
+ RefPtr<UnaryExpression> unary = new UnaryExpression;
+ unary->oper = parse_token();
+ unary->prefix = false;
+ unary->expression = left;
+ left = unary;
+ }
+ else if(oper && oper->type==BINARY)
+ left = parse_binary(left, oper);
+ else
+ throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("an operator"));
+ left_var = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(token=="(")
+ {
+ parse_token();
+ RefPtr<ParenthesizedExpression> parexpr = new ParenthesizedExpression;
+ parexpr->expression = parse_expression();
+ expect(")");
+ left = parexpr;
+ }
+ else if(isdigit(token[0]) || token=="true" || token=="false")
+ {
+ RefPtr<Literal> literal = new Literal;
+ literal->token = parse_token();
+ left = literal;
+ }
+ else if(is_identifier(token))
+ {
+ RefPtr<VariableReference> var = new VariableReference;
+ var->name = expect_identifier();
+ left = var;
+ left_var = var.get();
+ }
+ else if(oper && oper->type==PREFIX)
+ {
+ RefPtr<UnaryExpression> unary = new UnaryExpression;
+ unary->oper = parse_token();
+ unary->prefix = true;
+ unary->expression = parse_expression(oper->precedence);
+ left = unary;
+ }
+ else
+ throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("an expression"));
+ }
+ }
+RefPtr<BinaryExpression> Parser::parse_binary(const RefPtr<Expression> &left, const Operator *oper)
+ RefPtr<BinaryExpression> binary = (oper->precedence==16 ? new Assignment : new BinaryExpression);
+ binary->left = left;
+ binary->oper = parse_token();
+ if(binary->oper=="[")
+ {
+ binary->right = parse_expression();
+ expect("]");
+ binary->after = "]";
+ }
+ else
+ binary->right = parse_expression(oper->precedence+(oper->assoc==RIGHT_TO_LEFT));
+ return binary;
+RefPtr<FunctionCall> Parser::parse_function_call(const VariableReference &var)
+ RefPtr<FunctionCall> call = new FunctionCall;
+ call->name =;
+ call->constructor = is_type(call->name);
+ expect("(");
+ while(peek_token()!=")")
+ {
+ if(!call->arguments.empty())
+ expect(",");
+ call->arguments.push_back(parse_expression());
+ }
+ expect(")");
+ return call;
+RefPtr<StructDeclaration> Parser::parse_struct_declaration()
+ expect("struct");
+ RefPtr<StructDeclaration> strct = new StructDeclaration;
+ strct->source = source_index;
+ strct->line = current_line;
+ strct->name = expect_identifier();
+ parse_block(strct->members, true);
+ expect(";");
+ declared_types.insert(strct->name);
+ return strct;
+RefPtr<VariableDeclaration> Parser::parse_variable_declaration()
+ RefPtr<VariableDeclaration> var = new VariableDeclaration;
+ var->source = source_index;
+ var->line = current_line;
+ string token = peek_token();
+ while(is_qualifier(token))
+ {
+ parse_token();
+ if(is_interface_qualifier(token))
+ var->interface = token;
+ else if(is_sampling_qualifier(token))
+ var->sampling = token;
+ else if(is_interpolation_qualifier(token))
+ var->interpolation = token;
+ else if(is_precision_qualifier(token))
+ var->precision = token;
+ else if(token=="const")
+ var->constant = true;
+ token = peek_token();
+ }
+ var->type = expect_type();
+ var->name = expect_identifier();
+ if(check("["))
+ {
+ var->array = true;
+ if(!check("]"))
+ {
+ var->array_size = parse_expression();
+ expect("]");
+ }
+ }
+ if(check("="))
+ var->init_expression = parse_expression();
+ expect(";");
+ return var;
+RefPtr<FunctionDeclaration> Parser::parse_function_declaration()
+ RefPtr<FunctionDeclaration> func = new FunctionDeclaration;
+ func->source = source_index;
+ func->line = current_line;
+ func->return_type = expect_type();
+ func->name = expect_identifier();
+ expect("(");
+ while(peek_token()!=")")
+ {
+ if(!func->parameters.empty())
+ expect(",");
+ RefPtr<VariableDeclaration> var = new VariableDeclaration;
+ string token = peek_token();
+ if(token=="in" || token=="out" || token=="inout")
+ var->interface = parse_token();
+ var->type = expect_type();
+ var->name = expect_identifier();
+ func->parameters.push_back(var);
+ }
+ expect(")");
+ string token = peek_token();
+ if(token=="{")
+ {
+ func->definition = func.get();
+ parse_block(func->body, true);
+ }
+ else if(token==";")
+ parse_token();
+ else
+ throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("'{' or ';'"));
+ return func;
+RefPtr<InterfaceBlock> Parser::parse_interface_block()
+ RefPtr<InterfaceBlock> iface = new InterfaceBlock;
+ iface->source = source_index;
+ iface->line = current_line;
+ iface->interface = parse_token();
+ if(!is_interface_qualifier(iface->interface))
+ throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("an interface qualifier"));
+ iface->name = expect_identifier();
+ parse_block(iface->members, true);
+ if(!check(";"))
+ {
+ iface->instance_name = expect_identifier();
+ if(check("["))
+ {
+ iface->array = true;
+ expect("]");
+ }
+ expect(";");
+ }
+ return iface;
+RefPtr<Conditional> Parser::parse_conditional()
+ expect("if");
+ RefPtr<Conditional> cond = new Conditional;
+ cond->source = source_index;
+ cond->line = current_line;
+ expect("(");
+ cond->condition = parse_expression();
+ expect(")");
+ parse_block(cond->body, false);
+ string token = peek_token();
+ if(token=="else")
+ {
+ parse_token();
+ parse_block(cond->else_body, false);
+ }
+ return cond;
+RefPtr<Iteration> Parser::parse_for()
+ expect("for");
+ RefPtr<Iteration> loop = new Iteration;
+ loop->source = source_index;
+ loop->line = current_line;
+ expect("(");
+ string token = peek_token();
+ if(is_type(token))
+ loop->init_statement = parse_statement();
+ else
+ {
+ if(token!=";")
+ {
+ RefPtr<ExpressionStatement> expr = new ExpressionStatement;
+ expr->expression = parse_expression();
+ loop->init_statement = expr;
+ }
+ expect(";");
+ }
+ if(peek_token()!=";")
+ loop->condition = parse_expression();
+ expect(";");
+ if(peek_token()!=")")
+ loop->loop_expression = parse_expression();
+ expect(")");
+ parse_block(loop->body, false);
+ return loop;
+RefPtr<Iteration> Parser::parse_while()
+ expect("while");
+ RefPtr<Iteration> loop = new Iteration;
+ loop->source = source_index;
+ loop->line = current_line;
+ expect("(");
+ loop->condition = parse_expression();
+ expect(")");
+ parse_block(loop->body, false);
+ return loop;
+RefPtr<Passthrough> Parser::parse_passthrough()
+ expect("passthrough");
+ RefPtr<Passthrough> pass = new Passthrough;
+ pass->source = source_index;
+ pass->line = current_line;
+ if(cur_stage->type==GEOMETRY)
+ {
+ expect("[");
+ pass->subscript = parse_expression();
+ expect("]");
+ }
+ expect(";");
+ return pass;
+RefPtr<Return> Parser::parse_return()
+ expect("return");
+ RefPtr<Return> ret = new Return;
+ ret->source = source_index;
+ ret->line = current_line;
+ if(peek_token()!=";")
+ ret->expression = parse_expression();
+ expect(";");
+ return ret;
+} // namespace SL
+} // namespace GL
+} // namespace Msp
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef MSP_GL_SL_PARSER_H_
+#define MSP_GL_SL_PARSER_H_
+#include <deque>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <msp/io/base.h>
+#include "syntax.h"
+namespace Msp {
+namespace GL {
+namespace SL {
+class Parser
+ enum OperatorType
+ {
+ };
+ enum Associativity
+ {
+ };
+ struct Operator
+ {
+ const char token[4];
+ unsigned precedence;
+ OperatorType type;
+ Associativity assoc;
+ };
+ std::string source;
+ std::string source_name;
+ unsigned source_index;
+ unsigned current_line;
+ std::string::const_iterator iter;
+ std::string::const_iterator source_end;
+ bool allow_preprocess;
+ bool allow_stage_change;
+ std::string last_token;
+ std::deque<std::string> next_tokens;
+ Module *module;
+ Stage *cur_stage;
+ std::set<std::string> declared_types;
+ static Operator operators[];
+ Parser();
+ ~Parser();
+ Module &parse(const std::string &, const std::string &, unsigned = 0);
+ Module &parse(IO::Base &, const std::string &, unsigned = 0);
+ void parse_source();
+ std::string format_error(const std::string &);
+ std::string format_syntax_error(const std::string &);
+ const std::string &peek_token(unsigned = 0);
+ const std::string &parse_token();
+ std::string parse_token_();
+ std::string parse_identifier();
+ std::string parse_number();
+ std::string parse_other();
+ void skip_comment_and_whitespace();
+ void expect(const std::string &);
+ std::string expect_type();
+ std::string expect_identifier();
+ bool check(const std::string &);
+ static bool is_interface_qualifier(const std::string &);
+ static bool is_sampling_qualifier(const std::string &);
+ static bool is_interpolation_qualifier(const std::string &);
+ static bool is_precision_qualifier(const std::string &);
+ static bool is_qualifier(const std::string &);
+ static bool is_builtin_type(const std::string &);
+ bool is_type(const std::string &);
+ bool is_identifier(const std::string &);
+ void preprocess();
+ void preprocess_version();
+ void preprocess_pragma();
+ void preprocess_pragma_msp();
+ void preprocess_stage();
+ RefPtr<Statement> parse_global_declaration();
+ RefPtr<Statement> parse_statement();
+ RefPtr<Import> parse_import();
+ RefPtr<Precision> parse_precision();
+ RefPtr<Layout> parse_layout();
+ void parse_block(Block &, bool);
+ RefPtr<Expression> parse_expression(unsigned = 0);
+ RefPtr<BinaryExpression> parse_binary(const RefPtr<Expression> &, const Operator *);
+ RefPtr<FunctionCall> parse_function_call(const VariableReference &);
+ RefPtr<StructDeclaration> parse_struct_declaration();
+ RefPtr<VariableDeclaration> parse_variable_declaration();
+ RefPtr<FunctionDeclaration> parse_function_declaration();
+ RefPtr<InterfaceBlock> parse_interface_block();
+ RefPtr<Conditional> parse_conditional();
+ RefPtr<Iteration> parse_for();
+ RefPtr<Iteration> parse_while();
+ RefPtr<Passthrough> parse_passthrough();
+ RefPtr<Return> parse_return();
+} // namespace SL
+} // namespace GL
+} // namespace Msp
+++ /dev/null
-#include <msp/core/algorithm.h>
-#include <msp/core/raii.h>
-#include <msp/gl/extensions/arb_explicit_attrib_location.h>
-#include <msp/gl/extensions/arb_gpu_shader5.h>
-#include <msp/gl/extensions/arb_uniform_buffer_object.h>
-#include <msp/gl/extensions/ext_gpu_shader4.h>
-#include <msp/gl/extensions/ext_texture_array.h>
-#include <msp/strings/format.h>
-#include <msp/strings/regex.h>
-#include <msp/strings/utils.h>
-#include "error.h"
-#include "program.h"
-#include "programcompiler.h"
-#include "resources.h"
-#include "shader.h"
-#undef interface
-using namespace std;
-namespace {
-const char builtins_src[] =
- "#pragma MSP stage(vertex)\n"
- "out gl_PerVertex {\n"
- " vec4 gl_Position;\n"
- " float gl_ClipDistance[];\n"
- "};\n"
- "#pragma MSP stage(geometry)\n"
- "in gl_PerVertex {\n"
- " vec4 gl_Position;\n"
- " float gl_ClipDistance[];\n"
- "} gl_in[];\n"
- "out gl_PerVertex {\n"
- " vec4 gl_Position;\n"
- " float gl_ClipDistance[];\n"
- "};\n";
-namespace Msp {
-namespace GL {
-using namespace ProgramSyntax;
- resources(0),
- module(0)
-{ }
- delete module;
-void ProgramCompiler::compile(const string &source, const string &src_name)
- resources = 0;
- delete module;
- module = new Module();
- ProgramParser parser;
- imported_names.push_back(src_name);
- append_module(parser.parse(source, src_name, 1));
- process();
-void ProgramCompiler::compile(IO::Base &io, Resources *res, const string &src_name)
- resources = res;
- delete module;
- module = new Module();
- ProgramParser parser;
- imported_names.push_back(src_name);
- append_module(parser.parse(io, src_name, 1));
- process();
-void ProgramCompiler::compile(IO::Base &io, const string &src_name)
- compile(io, 0, src_name);
-void ProgramCompiler::add_shaders(Program &program)
- if(!module)
- throw invalid_operation("ProgramCompiler::add_shaders");
- try
- {
- for(list<Stage>::iterator i=module->stages.begin(); i!=module->stages.end(); ++i)
- {
- if(i->type==VERTEX)
- {
- program.attach_shader_owned(new VertexShader(apply<Formatter>(*i)));
- for(map<string, unsigned>::iterator j=i->locations.begin(); j!=i->locations.end(); ++j)
- program.bind_attribute(j->second, j->first);
- }
- else if(i->type==GEOMETRY)
- program.attach_shader_owned(new GeometryShader(apply<Formatter>(*i)));
- else if(i->type==FRAGMENT)
- {
- program.attach_shader_owned(new FragmentShader(apply<Formatter>(*i)));
- if(EXT_gpu_shader4)
- {
- for(map<string, unsigned>::iterator j=i->locations.begin(); j!=i->locations.end(); ++j)
- program.bind_fragment_data(j->second, j->first);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- catch(const compile_error &e)
- {
- static const Regex r_message("^(([0-9]+)\\(([0-9]+)\\) :|ERROR: ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):) (.*)$");
- vector<string> lines = split(e.what(), '\n');
- string translated;
- for(vector<string>::const_iterator i=lines.begin(); i!=lines.end(); ++i)
- {
- RegMatch m = r_message.match(*i);
- if(m)
- {
- unsigned index = 0;
- unsigned line = 0;
- if(m[2])
- {
- index = lexical_cast<unsigned>(m[2].str);
- line = lexical_cast<unsigned>(m[3].str);
- }
- else if(m[4])
- {
- index = lexical_cast<unsigned>(m[4].str);
- line = lexical_cast<unsigned>(m[5].str);
- }
- const char *src = "<unknown>";
- if(index==0)
- src = "<generated>";
- else if(index-1<imported_names.size())
- src = imported_names[index-1].c_str();
- translated += format("%s:%d: %s", src, line, m[6].str);
- }
- else
- translated += *i;
- translated += '\n';
- }
- throw compile_error(translated);
- }
-Module *ProgramCompiler::create_builtins_module()
- ProgramParser parser;
- Module *module = new Module(parser.parse(builtins_src, "<builtin>"));
- for(list<Stage>::iterator i=module->stages.begin(); i!=module->stages.end(); ++i)
- {
- VariableResolver resolver;
- i->content.visit(resolver);
- for(map<string, VariableDeclaration *>::iterator j=i->content.variables.begin(); j!=i->content.variables.end(); ++j)
- j->second->linked_declaration = j->second;
- }
- return module;
-Module &ProgramCompiler::get_builtins_module()
- static RefPtr<Module> builtins_module = create_builtins_module();
- return *builtins_module;
-Stage *ProgramCompiler::get_builtins(StageType type)
- Module &module = get_builtins_module();
- for(list<Stage>::iterator i=module.stages.begin(); i!=module.stages.end(); ++i)
- if(i->type==type)
- return &*i;
- return 0;
-void ProgramCompiler::append_module(ProgramSyntax::Module &mod)
- vector<Import *> imports = apply<NodeGatherer<Import> >(mod.shared);
- for(vector<Import *>::iterator i=imports.begin(); i!=imports.end(); ++i)
- import((*i)->module);
- apply<NodeRemover>(mod.shared, set<Node *>(imports.begin(), imports.end()));
- append_stage(mod.shared);
- for(list<Stage>::iterator i=mod.stages.begin(); i!=mod.stages.end(); ++i)
- append_stage(*i);
-void ProgramCompiler::append_stage(Stage &stage)
- Stage *target = 0;
- if(stage.type==SHARED)
- target = &module->shared;
- else
- {
- list<Stage>::iterator i;
- for(i=module->stages.begin(); (i!=module->stages.end() && i->type<stage.type); ++i) ;
- if(i==module->stages.end() || i->type>stage.type)
- {
- list<Stage>::iterator j = module->stages.insert(i, stage.type);
- if(i!=module->stages.end())
- i->previous = &*j;
- i = j;
- if(i!=module->stages.begin())
- i->previous = &*--j;
- }
- target = &*i;
- }
- if(stage.required_version>target->required_version)
- target->required_version = stage.required_version;
- for(NodeList<Statement>::iterator i=stage.content.body.begin(); i!=stage.content.body.end(); ++i)
- target->content.body.push_back(*i);
- apply<DeclarationCombiner>(*target);
-void ProgramCompiler::process()
- for(list<Stage>::iterator i=module->stages.begin(); i!=module->stages.end(); ++i)
- generate(*i);
- for(list<Stage>::iterator i=module->stages.begin(); i!=module->stages.end(); )
- {
- if(optimize(*i))
- i = module->stages.begin();
- else
- ++i;
- }
- for(list<Stage>::iterator i=module->stages.begin(); i!=module->stages.end(); ++i)
- finalize(*i);
-void ProgramCompiler::import(const string &name)
- string fn = name+".glsl";
- if(find(imported_names, fn)!=imported_names.end())
- return;
- imported_names.push_back(fn);
- RefPtr<IO::Seekable> io = (resources ? resources->open_raw(fn) : Resources::get_builtins().open(fn));
- if(!io)
- throw runtime_error(format("module %s not found", name));
- ProgramParser import_parser;
- append_module(import_parser.parse(*io, fn, imported_names.size()));
-void ProgramCompiler::generate(Stage &stage)
- if(module->shared.required_version>stage.required_version)
- stage.required_version = module->shared.required_version;
- inject_block(stage.content, module->shared.content);
- apply<DeclarationReorderer>(stage);
- apply<FunctionResolver>(stage);
- apply<VariableResolver>(stage);
- apply<InterfaceGenerator>(stage);
- apply<VariableResolver>(stage);
- apply<DeclarationReorderer>(stage);
- apply<FunctionResolver>(stage);
- apply<LegacyConverter>(stage);
-bool ProgramCompiler::optimize(Stage &stage)
- apply<ConstantConditionEliminator>(stage);
- set<FunctionDeclaration *> inlineable = apply<InlineableFunctionLocator>(stage);
- apply<FunctionInliner>(stage, inlineable);
- set<Node *> unused = apply<UnusedVariableLocator>(stage);
- set<Node *> unused2 = apply<UnusedFunctionLocator>(stage);
- unused.insert(unused2.begin(), unused2.end());
- apply<NodeRemover>(stage, unused);
- return !unused.empty();
-void ProgramCompiler::finalize(Stage &stage)
- if(get_gl_api()==OPENGL_ES2)
- apply<DefaultPrecisionGenerator>(stage);
- else
- apply<PrecisionRemover>(stage);
-void ProgramCompiler::inject_block(Block &target, const Block &source)
- NodeList<Statement>::iterator insert_point = target.body.begin();
- for(NodeList<Statement>::const_iterator i=source.body.begin(); i!=source.body.end(); ++i)
- target.body.insert(insert_point, (*i)->clone());
-template<typename T>
-typename T::ResultType ProgramCompiler::apply(Stage &stage)
- T visitor;
- visitor.apply(stage);
- return visitor.get_result();
-template<typename T, typename A>
-typename T::ResultType ProgramCompiler::apply(Stage &stage, const A &arg)
- T visitor(arg);
- visitor.apply(stage);
- return visitor.get_result();
- stage(0)
-{ }
-void ProgramCompiler::Visitor::apply(Stage &s)
- SetForScope<Stage *> set(stage, &s);
- stage->content.visit(*this);
- remove_node(false)
-{ }
-void ProgramCompiler::BlockModifier::flatten_block(Block &block)
- insert_nodes.insert(insert_nodes.end(), block.body.begin(), block.body.end());
- remove_node = true;
-void ProgramCompiler::BlockModifier::apply_and_increment(Block &block, NodeList<Statement>::iterator &i)
- block.body.insert(i, insert_nodes.begin(), insert_nodes.end());
- insert_nodes.clear();
- if(remove_node)
- block.body.erase(i++);
- else
- ++i;
- remove_node = false;
-void ProgramCompiler::BlockModifier::visit(Block &block)
- for(NodeList<Statement>::iterator i=block.body.begin(); i!=block.body.end(); )
- {
- (*i)->visit(*this);
- apply_and_increment(block, i);
- }
- source_index(0),
- source_line(1),
- indent(0),
- parameter_list(false)
-{ }
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::apply(ProgramSyntax::Stage &s)
- GLApi api = get_gl_api();
- const Version &ver = s.required_version;
- if(ver)
- {
- append(format("#version %d%02d", ver.major, ver.minor));
- if(api==OPENGL_ES2 && ver>=Version(3, 0))
- append(" es");
- formatted += '\n';
- }
- for(vector<const Extension *>::const_iterator i=s.required_extensions.begin(); i!=s.required_extensions.end(); ++i)
- append(format("#extension %s: require\n", (*i)->get_name()));
- if(!s.required_extensions.empty())
- formatted += '\n';
- Visitor::apply(s);
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::append(const string &text)
- formatted += text;
- for(string::const_iterator i=text.begin(); i!=text.end(); ++i)
- if(*i=='\n')
- ++source_line;
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::append(char c)
- formatted += c;
- if(c=='\n')
- ++source_line;
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::set_source(unsigned index, unsigned line)
- if(index!=source_index || (index && line!=source_line))
- {
- if(index==source_index && line==source_line+1)
- formatted += '\n';
- else
- {
- unsigned l = line;
- if(stage->required_version<Version(3, 30))
- --l;
- formatted += format("#line %d %d\n", l, index);
- }
- }
- source_index = index;
- source_line = line;
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::visit(Literal &literal)
- append(literal.token);
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::visit(ParenthesizedExpression &parexpr)
- append('(');
- parexpr.expression->visit(*this);
- append(')');
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::visit(VariableReference &var)
- append(;
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::visit(MemberAccess &memacc)
- memacc.left->visit(*this);
- append(format(".%s", memacc.member));
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::visit(UnaryExpression &unary)
- if(unary.prefix)
- append(unary.oper);
- unary.expression->visit(*this);
- if(!unary.prefix)
- append(unary.oper);
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::visit(BinaryExpression &binary)
- binary.left->visit(*this);
- append(binary.oper);
- binary.right->visit(*this);
- append(binary.after);
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::visit(Assignment &assign)
- assign.left->visit(*this);
- append(format(" %s ", assign.oper));
- assign.right->visit(*this);
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::visit(FunctionCall &call)
- append(format("%s(",;
- for(NodeArray<Expression>::iterator i=call.arguments.begin(); i!=call.arguments.end(); ++i)
- {
- if(i!=call.arguments.begin())
- append(", ");
- (*i)->visit(*this);
- }
- append(')');
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::visit(ExpressionStatement &expr)
- expr.expression->visit(*this);
- append(';');
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::visit(Block &block)
- unsigned brace_indent = indent;
- bool use_braces = (block.use_braces || (indent && block.body.size()!=1));
- if(use_braces)
- append(format("%s{\n", string(brace_indent*2, ' ')));
- SetForScope<unsigned> set(indent, indent+(indent>0 || use_braces));
- string spaces(indent*2, ' ');
- for(NodeList<Statement>::iterator i=block.body.begin(); i!=block.body.end(); ++i)
- {
- if(i!=block.body.begin())
- append('\n');
- set_source((*i)->source, (*i)->line);
- append(spaces);
- (*i)->visit(*this);
- }
- if(use_braces)
- append(format("\n%s}", string(brace_indent*2, ' ')));
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::visit(Import &import)
- append(format("import %s;", import.module));
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::visit(Precision &prec)
- append(format("precision %s %s;", prec.precision, prec.type));
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::visit(Layout &layout)
- append("layout(");
- for(vector<Layout::Qualifier>::const_iterator i=layout.qualifiers.begin(); i!=layout.qualifiers.end(); ++i)
- {
- if(i!=layout.qualifiers.begin())
- append(", ");
- append(i->identifier);
- if(!i->value.empty())
- append(format("=%s", i->value));
- }
- append(')');
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::visit(InterfaceLayout &layout)
- layout.layout.visit(*this);
- append(format(" %s;", layout.interface));
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::visit(StructDeclaration &strct)
- append(format("struct %s\n",;
- strct.members.visit(*this);
- append(';');
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
- if(var.layout)
- {
- var.layout->visit(*this);
- append(' ');
- }
- if(var.constant)
- append("const ");
- if(!var.interpolation.empty())
- append(format("%s ", var.interpolation));
- if(!var.sampling.empty())
- append(format("%s ", var.sampling));
- if(!var.interface.empty() && var.interface!=block_interface)
- {
- string interface = var.interface;
- if(stage->required_version<Version(1, 30))
- {
- if(stage->type==VERTEX && var.interface=="in")
- interface = "attribute";
- else if((stage->type==VERTEX && var.interface=="out") || (stage->type==FRAGMENT && var.interface=="in"))
- interface = "varying";
- }
- append(format("%s ", interface));
- }
- if(!var.precision.empty())
- append(format("%s ", var.precision));
- append(format("%s %s", var.type,;
- if(var.array)
- {
- append('[');
- if(var.array_size)
- var.array_size->visit(*this);
- append(']');
- }
- if(var.init_expression)
- {
- append(" = ");
- var.init_expression->visit(*this);
- }
- if(!parameter_list)
- append(';');
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::visit(InterfaceBlock &iface)
- SetForScope<string> set(block_interface, iface.interface);
- append(format("%s %s\n", iface.interface,;
- iface.members.visit(*this);
- append(';');
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::visit(FunctionDeclaration &func)
- append(format("%s %s(", func.return_type,;
- for(NodeArray<VariableDeclaration>::iterator i=func.parameters.begin(); i!=func.parameters.end(); ++i)
- {
- if(i!=func.parameters.begin())
- append(", ");
- SetFlag set(parameter_list);
- (*i)->visit(*this);
- }
- append(')');
- if(func.definition==&func)
- {
- append('\n');
- func.body.visit(*this);
- }
- else
- append(';');
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::visit(Conditional &cond)
- append("if(");
- cond.condition->visit(*this);
- append(")\n");
- cond.body.visit(*this);
- if(!cond.else_body.body.empty())
- {
- Conditional *else_cond = dynamic_cast<Conditional *>(cond.else_body.body.front().get());
- if(cond.else_body.body.size()==1 && else_cond)
- {
- append('\n');
- set_source(else_cond->source, else_cond->line);
- append(format("%selse ", string(indent*2, ' ')));
- else_cond->visit(*this);
- }
- else
- {
- append(format("\n%selse\n", string(indent*2, ' ')));
- cond.else_body.visit(*this);
- }
- }
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::visit(Iteration &iter)
- if(!iter.init_statement && iter.condition && !iter.loop_expression)
- {
- append("while(");
- iter.condition->visit(*this);
- append(')');
- }
- else
- {
- append("for(");
- if(iter.init_statement)
- iter.init_statement->visit(*this);
- else
- append(';');
- if(iter.condition)
- {
- append(' ');
- iter.condition->visit(*this);
- }
- append(';');
- if(iter.loop_expression)
- {
- append(' ');
- iter.loop_expression->visit(*this);
- }
- append(')');
- }
- if(iter.body.body.empty())
- append(" { }");
- else
- {
- append('\n');
- iter.body.visit(*this);
- }
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::visit(Return &ret)
- append("return");
- if(ret.expression)
- {
- append(' ');
- ret.expression->visit(*this);
- }
- append(';');
-void ProgramCompiler::Formatter::visit(Jump &jump)
- append(jump.keyword);
- append(';');
- toplevel(true)
-{ }
-void ProgramCompiler::DeclarationCombiner::visit(Block &block)
- if(!toplevel)
- return;
- SetForScope<bool> set(toplevel, false);
- BlockModifier::visit(block);
-void ProgramCompiler::DeclarationCombiner::visit(FunctionDeclaration &func)
- vector<FunctionDeclaration *> &decls = functions[];
- if(func.definition)
- {
- for(vector<FunctionDeclaration *>::iterator i=decls.begin(); i!=decls.end(); ++i)
- {
- (*i)->definition = func.definition;
- (*i)->body.body.clear();
- }
- }
- decls.push_back(&func);
-void ProgramCompiler::DeclarationCombiner::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
- VariableDeclaration *&ptr = variables[];
- if(ptr)
- {
- ptr->type = var.type;
- if(var.init_expression)
- ptr->init_expression = var.init_expression;
- if(var.layout)
- {
- if(ptr->layout)
- {
- for(vector<Layout::Qualifier>::iterator i=var.layout->qualifiers.begin(); i!=var.layout->qualifiers.end(); ++i)
- {
- bool found = false;
- for(vector<Layout::Qualifier>::iterator j=ptr->layout->qualifiers.begin(); (!found && j!=ptr->layout->qualifiers.end()); ++j)
- if(j->identifier==i->identifier)
- {
- j->value = i->value;
- found = true;
- }
- if(!found)
- ptr->layout->qualifiers.push_back(*i);
- }
- }
- else
- ptr->layout = var.layout;
- }
- remove_node = true;
- }
- else
- ptr = &var;
- anonymous(false),
- record_target(false),
- assignment_target(0),
- self_referencing(false)
-{ }
-void ProgramCompiler::VariableResolver::apply(Stage &s)
- SetForScope<Stage *> set(stage, &s);
- Stage *builtins = get_builtins(stage->type);
- if(builtins)
- blocks.push_back(&builtins->content);
- stage->content.visit(*this);
- if(builtins)
- blocks.pop_back();
-void ProgramCompiler::VariableResolver::visit(Block &block)
- blocks.push_back(&block);
- block.variables.clear();
- TraversingVisitor::visit(block);
- blocks.pop_back();
-void ProgramCompiler::VariableResolver::visit(VariableReference &var)
- var.declaration = 0;
- type = 0;
- for(vector<Block *>::iterator i=blocks.end(); i!=blocks.begin(); )
- {
- --i;
- map<string, VariableDeclaration *>::iterator j = (*i)->variables.find(;
- if(j!=(*i)->variables.end())
- {
- var.declaration = j->second;
- type = j->second->type_declaration;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(record_target)
- {
- if(assignment_target)
- {
- record_target = false;
- assignment_target = 0;
- }
- else
- assignment_target = var.declaration;
- }
- else if(var.declaration && var.declaration==assignment_target)
- self_referencing = true;
-void ProgramCompiler::VariableResolver::visit(MemberAccess &memacc)
- type = 0;
- TraversingVisitor::visit(memacc);
- memacc.declaration = 0;
- if(type)
- {
- map<string, VariableDeclaration *>::iterator i = type->members.variables.find(memacc.member);
- if(i!=type->members.variables.end())
- {
- memacc.declaration = i->second;
- type = i->second->type_declaration;
- }
- else
- type = 0;
- }
-void ProgramCompiler::VariableResolver::visit(BinaryExpression &binary)
- if(binary.oper=="[")
- {
- {
- SetForScope<bool> set(record_target, false);
- binary.right->visit(*this);
- }
- type = 0;
- binary.left->visit(*this);
- }
- else
- {
- TraversingVisitor::visit(binary);
- type = 0;
- }
-void ProgramCompiler::VariableResolver::visit(Assignment &assign)
- {
- SetFlag set(record_target);
- assignment_target = 0;
- assign.left->visit(*this);
- }
- self_referencing = false;
- assign.right->visit(*this);
- assign.self_referencing = (self_referencing || assign.oper!="=");
- assign.target_declaration = assignment_target;
-void ProgramCompiler::VariableResolver::visit(StructDeclaration &strct)
- TraversingVisitor::visit(strct);
- blocks.back()->types[] = &strct;
-void ProgramCompiler::VariableResolver::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
- for(vector<Block *>::iterator i=blocks.end(); i!=blocks.begin(); )
- {
- --i;
- map<string, StructDeclaration *>::iterator j = (*i)->types.find(var.type);
- if(j!=(*i)->types.end())
- var.type_declaration = j->second;
- }
- if(!block_interface.empty() && var.interface.empty())
- var.interface = block_interface;
- TraversingVisitor::visit(var);
- blocks.back()->variables[] = &var;
- if(anonymous && blocks.size()>1)
- blocks[blocks.size()-2]->variables[] = &var;
-void ProgramCompiler::VariableResolver::visit(InterfaceBlock &iface)
- SetFlag set(anonymous);
- SetForScope<string> set2(block_interface, iface.interface);
- TraversingVisitor::visit(iface);
-void ProgramCompiler::FunctionResolver::visit(FunctionCall &call)
- map<string, vector<FunctionDeclaration *> >::iterator i = functions.find(;
- if(i!=functions.end())
- call.declaration = i->second.back();
- TraversingVisitor::visit(call);
-void ProgramCompiler::FunctionResolver::visit(FunctionDeclaration &func)
- vector<FunctionDeclaration *> &decls = functions[];
- if(func.definition)
- {
- for(vector<FunctionDeclaration *>::iterator i=decls.begin(); i!=decls.end(); ++i)
- (*i)->definition = func.definition;
- decls.clear();
- decls.push_back(&func);
- }
- else if(!decls.empty() && decls.back()->definition)
- func.definition = decls.back()->definition;
- else
- decls.push_back(&func);
- TraversingVisitor::visit(func);
- scope_level(0)
-{ }
-string ProgramCompiler::InterfaceGenerator::get_out_prefix(StageType type)
- if(type==VERTEX)
- return "_vs_out_";
- else if(type==GEOMETRY)
- return "_gs_out_";
- else
- return string();
-void ProgramCompiler::InterfaceGenerator::apply(Stage &s)
- SetForScope<Stage *> set(stage, &s);
- if(stage->previous)
- in_prefix = get_out_prefix(stage->previous->type);
- out_prefix = get_out_prefix(stage->type);
- stage->content.visit(*this);
-void ProgramCompiler::InterfaceGenerator::visit(Block &block)
- SetForScope<unsigned> set(scope_level, scope_level+1);
- for(NodeList<Statement>::iterator i=block.body.begin(); i!=block.body.end(); )
- {
- (*i)->visit(*this);
- if(scope_level==1)
- {
- for(map<string, RefPtr<VariableDeclaration> >::iterator j=iface_declarations.begin(); j!=iface_declarations.end(); ++j)
- {
- NodeList<Statement>::iterator k = block.body.insert(i, j->second);
- (*k)->visit(*this);
- }
- iface_declarations.clear();
- }
- apply_and_increment(block, i);
- }
-string ProgramCompiler::InterfaceGenerator::change_prefix(const string &name, const string &prefix) const
- unsigned offset = (, in_prefix.size(), in_prefix) ? 0 : in_prefix.size());
- return prefix+name.substr(offset);
-bool ProgramCompiler::InterfaceGenerator::generate_interface(VariableDeclaration &var, const string &iface, const string &name)
- const map<string, VariableDeclaration *> &stage_vars = (iface=="in" ? stage->in_variables : stage->out_variables);
- if(stage_vars.count(name) || iface_declarations.count(name))
- return false;
- VariableDeclaration* iface_var = new VariableDeclaration;
- iface_var->sampling = var.sampling;
- iface_var->interface = iface;
- iface_var->type = var.type;
- iface_var->type_declaration = var.type_declaration;
- iface_var->name = name;
- if(stage->type==GEOMETRY)
- iface_var->array = ((var.array && var.interface!="in") || iface=="in");
- else
- iface_var->array = var.array;
- if(iface_var->array)
- iface_var->array_size = var.array_size;
- if(iface=="in")
- iface_var->linked_declaration = &var;
- iface_declarations[name] = iface_var;
- return true;
-ExpressionStatement &ProgramCompiler::InterfaceGenerator::insert_assignment(const string &left, ProgramSyntax::Expression *right)
- Assignment *assign = new Assignment;
- VariableReference *ref = new VariableReference;
- ref->name = left;
- assign->left = ref;
- assign->oper = "=";
- assign->right = right;
- ExpressionStatement *stmt = new ExpressionStatement;
- stmt->expression = assign;
- stmt->visit(*this);
- insert_nodes.push_back(stmt);
- return *stmt;
-void ProgramCompiler::InterfaceGenerator::visit(VariableReference &var)
- if(var.declaration || !stage->previous)
- return;
- if(iface_declarations.count(
- return;
- const map<string, VariableDeclaration *> &prev_out = stage->previous->out_variables;
- map<string, VariableDeclaration *>::const_iterator i = prev_out.find(;
- if(i==prev_out.end())
- i = prev_out.find(;
- if(i!=prev_out.end())
- {
- generate_interface(*i->second, "in", i->second->name);
- = i->second->name;
- }
-void ProgramCompiler::InterfaceGenerator::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
- if(var.interface=="out")
- {
- if(scope_level==1)
- stage->out_variables[] = &var;
- else if(generate_interface(var, "out", change_prefix(, string())))
- {
- remove_node = true;
- if(var.init_expression)
- {
- ExpressionStatement &stmt = insert_assignment(, var.init_expression->clone());
- stmt.source = var.source;
- stmt.line = var.line;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- else if(var.interface=="in")
- {
- stage->in_variables[] = &var;
- if(var.linked_declaration)
- var.linked_declaration->linked_declaration = &var;
- else if(stage->previous)
- {
- const map<string, VariableDeclaration *> &prev_out = stage->previous->out_variables;
- map<string, VariableDeclaration *>::const_iterator i = prev_out.find(;
- if(i!=prev_out.end())
- {
- var.linked_declaration = i->second;
- i->second->linked_declaration = &var;
- }
- }
- }
- TraversingVisitor::visit(var);
-void ProgramCompiler::InterfaceGenerator::visit(Passthrough &pass)
- vector<VariableDeclaration *> pass_vars;
- for(map<string, VariableDeclaration *>::const_iterator i=stage->in_variables.begin(); i!=stage->in_variables.end(); ++i)
- pass_vars.push_back(i->second);
- for(map<string, RefPtr<VariableDeclaration> >::const_iterator i=iface_declarations.begin(); i!=iface_declarations.end(); ++i)
- if(i->second->interface=="in")
- pass_vars.push_back(i->second.get());
- if(stage->previous)
- {
- const map<string, VariableDeclaration *> &prev_out = stage->previous->out_variables;
- for(map<string, VariableDeclaration *>::const_iterator i=prev_out.begin(); i!=prev_out.end(); ++i)
- {
- bool linked = false;
- for(vector<VariableDeclaration *>::const_iterator j=pass_vars.begin(); (!linked && j!=pass_vars.end()); ++j)
- linked = ((*j)->linked_declaration==i->second);
- if(!linked && generate_interface(*i->second, "in", i->second->name))
- pass_vars.push_back(i->second);
- }
- }
- if(stage->type==GEOMETRY)
- {
- VariableReference *ref = new VariableReference;
- ref->name = "gl_in";
- BinaryExpression *subscript = new BinaryExpression;
- subscript->left = ref;
- subscript->oper = "[";
- subscript->right = pass.subscript;
- subscript->after = "]";
- MemberAccess *memacc = new MemberAccess;
- memacc->left = subscript;
- memacc->member = "gl_Position";
- insert_assignment("gl_Position", memacc);
- }
- for(vector<VariableDeclaration *>::const_iterator i=pass_vars.begin(); i!=pass_vars.end(); ++i)
- {
- string out_name = change_prefix((*i)->name, out_prefix);
- generate_interface(**i, "out", out_name);
- VariableReference *ref = new VariableReference;
- ref->name = (*i)->name;
- if(pass.subscript)
- {
- BinaryExpression *subscript = new BinaryExpression;
- subscript->left = ref;
- subscript->oper = "[";
- subscript->right = pass.subscript;
- subscript->after = "]";
- insert_assignment(out_name, subscript);
- }
- else
- insert_assignment(out_name, ref);
- }
- remove_node = true;
- scope_level(0),
-{ }
-void ProgramCompiler::DeclarationReorderer::visit(FunctionCall &call)
- FunctionDeclaration *def = call.declaration;
- if(def)
- def = def->definition;
- if(def && !ordered_funcs.count(def))
- needed_funcs.insert(def);
-void ProgramCompiler::DeclarationReorderer::visit(Block &block)
- SetForScope<unsigned> set(scope_level, scope_level+1);
- if(scope_level>1)
- return Visitor::visit(block);
- NodeList<Statement>::iterator struct_insert_point = block.body.end();
- NodeList<Statement>::iterator variable_insert_point = block.body.end();
- NodeList<Statement>::iterator function_insert_point = block.body.end();
- unsigned unordered_func_count = 0;
- bool ordered_any_funcs = false;
- for(NodeList<Statement>::iterator i=block.body.begin(); i!=block.body.end(); )
- {
- (*i)->visit(*this);
- bool moved = false;
- if(kind==STRUCT && struct_insert_point!=block.body.end())
- {
- block.body.insert(struct_insert_point, *i);
- moved = true;
- }
- else if(kind>STRUCT && struct_insert_point==block.body.end())
- struct_insert_point = i;
- if(kind==VARIABLE && variable_insert_point!=block.body.end())
- {
- block.body.insert(variable_insert_point, *i);
- moved = true;
- }
- else if(kind>VARIABLE && variable_insert_point==block.body.end())
- variable_insert_point = i;
- if(kind==FUNCTION)
- {
- if(function_insert_point==block.body.end())
- function_insert_point = i;
- if(needed_funcs.empty())
- {
- ordered_funcs.insert(i->get());
- if(i!=function_insert_point)
- {
- block.body.insert(function_insert_point, *i);
- moved = true;
- }
- else
- ++function_insert_point;
- ordered_any_funcs = true;
- }
- else
- ++unordered_func_count;
- }
- if(moved)
- {
- if(function_insert_point==i)
- ++function_insert_point;
- block.body.erase(i++);
- }
- else
- ++i;
- if(i==block.body.end() && unordered_func_count)
- {
- if(!ordered_any_funcs)
- // A subset of the remaining functions forms a recursive loop
- /* TODO pick a function and move it up, adding any necessary
- declarations */
- break;
- i = function_insert_point;
- unordered_func_count = 0;
- }
- }
-void ProgramCompiler::DeclarationReorderer::visit(ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration &var)
- Visitor::visit(var);
- kind = VARIABLE;
-void ProgramCompiler::DeclarationReorderer::visit(FunctionDeclaration &func)
- needed_funcs.clear();
- func.body.visit(*this);
- needed_funcs.erase(&func);
- kind = FUNCTION;
- in_function(0)
-{ }
-void ProgramCompiler::InlineableFunctionLocator::visit(FunctionCall &call)
- FunctionDeclaration *def = call.declaration;
- if(def && def->definition!=def)
- def = def->definition;
- if(def)
- {
- unsigned &count = refcounts[def];
- ++count;
- if(count>1 || def==in_function)
- inlineable.erase(def);
- }
- TraversingVisitor::visit(call);
-void ProgramCompiler::InlineableFunctionLocator::visit(FunctionDeclaration &func)
- unsigned &count = refcounts[func.definition];
- if(!count && func.parameters.empty())
- inlineable.insert(func.definition);
- SetForScope<FunctionDeclaration *> set(in_function, &func);
- TraversingVisitor::visit(func);
- extract_result(0)
-{ }
-ProgramCompiler::FunctionInliner::FunctionInliner(const set<FunctionDeclaration *> &in):
- inlineable(in),
- extract_result(0)
-{ }
-void ProgramCompiler::FunctionInliner::visit_and_inline(RefPtr<Expression> &ptr)
- inline_result = 0;
- ptr->visit(*this);
- if(inline_result)
- ptr = inline_result;
-void ProgramCompiler::FunctionInliner::visit(Block &block)
- if(extract_result)
- --extract_result;
- for(NodeList<Statement>::iterator i=block.body.begin(); i!=block.body.end(); ++i)
- {
- (*i)->visit(*this);
- if(extract_result)
- --extract_result;
- }
-void ProgramCompiler::FunctionInliner::visit(UnaryExpression &unary)
- visit_and_inline(unary.expression);
- inline_result = 0;
-void ProgramCompiler::FunctionInliner::visit(BinaryExpression &binary)
- visit_and_inline(binary.left);
- visit_and_inline(binary.right);
- inline_result = 0;
-void ProgramCompiler::FunctionInliner::visit(MemberAccess &memacc)
- visit_and_inline(memacc.left);
- inline_result = 0;
-void ProgramCompiler::FunctionInliner::visit(FunctionCall &call)
- for(NodeArray<Expression>::iterator i=call.arguments.begin(); i!=call.arguments.end(); ++i)
- visit_and_inline(*i);
- FunctionDeclaration *def = call.declaration;
- if(def && def->definition!=def)
- def = def->definition;
- if(def && inlineable.count(def))
- {
- extract_result = 2;
- def->visit(*this);
- }
- else
- inline_result = 0;
-void ProgramCompiler::FunctionInliner::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
- if(var.init_expression)
- visit_and_inline(var.init_expression);
- inline_result = 0;
-void ProgramCompiler::FunctionInliner::visit(Return &ret)
- TraversingVisitor::visit(ret);
- if(extract_result)
- inline_result = ret.expression->clone();
- variable_values(0),
- result(0.0f),
- result_valid(false)
-{ }
-ProgramCompiler::ExpressionEvaluator::ExpressionEvaluator(const ValueMap &v):
- variable_values(&v),
- result(0.0f),
- result_valid(false)
-{ }
-void ProgramCompiler::ExpressionEvaluator::visit(Literal &literal)
- if(literal.token=="true")
- result = 1.0f;
- else if(literal.token=="false")
- result = 0.0f;
- else
- result = lexical_cast<float>(literal.token);
- result_valid = true;
-void ProgramCompiler::ExpressionEvaluator::visit(ParenthesizedExpression &parexp)
- parexp.expression->visit(*this);
-void ProgramCompiler::ExpressionEvaluator::visit(VariableReference &var)
- if(!var.declaration)
- return;
- if(variable_values)
- {
- ValueMap::const_iterator i = variable_values->find(var.declaration);
- if(i!=variable_values->end())
- i->second->visit(*this);
- }
- else if(var.declaration->init_expression)
- var.declaration->init_expression->visit(*this);
-void ProgramCompiler::ExpressionEvaluator::visit(UnaryExpression &unary)
- result_valid = false;
- unary.expression->visit(*this);
- if(!result_valid)
- return;
- if(unary.oper=="!")
- result = !result;
- else
- result_valid = false;
-void ProgramCompiler::ExpressionEvaluator::visit(BinaryExpression &binary)
- result_valid = false;
- binary.left->visit(*this);
- if(!result_valid)
- return;
- float left_result = result;
- result_valid = false;
- binary.right->visit(*this);
- if(!result_valid)
- return;
- if(binary.oper=="<")
- result = (left_result<result);
- else if(binary.oper=="<=")
- result = (left_result<=result);
- else if(binary.oper==">")
- result = (left_result>result);
- else if(binary.oper==">=")
- result = (left_result>=result);
- else if(binary.oper=="==")
- result = (left_result==result);
- else if(binary.oper=="!=")
- result = (left_result!=result);
- else if(binary.oper=="&&")
- result = (left_result && result);
- else if(binary.oper=="||")
- result = (left_result || result);
- else
- result_valid = false;
- scope_level(0),
- record_only(false)
-{ }
-void ProgramCompiler::ConstantConditionEliminator::visit(Block &block)
- SetForScope<unsigned> set(scope_level, scope_level+1);
- BlockModifier::visit(block);
- for(map<string, VariableDeclaration *>::const_iterator i=block.variables.begin(); i!=block.variables.end(); ++i)
- variable_values.erase(i->second);
-void ProgramCompiler::ConstantConditionEliminator::visit(UnaryExpression &unary)
- if(VariableReference *var = dynamic_cast<VariableReference *>(unary.expression.get()))
- if(unary.oper=="++" || unary.oper=="--")
- variable_values.erase(var->declaration);
-void ProgramCompiler::ConstantConditionEliminator::visit(Assignment &assign)
- variable_values.erase(assign.target_declaration);
-void ProgramCompiler::ConstantConditionEliminator::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
- if(var.constant || scope_level>1)
- variable_values[&var] = var.init_expression.get();
-void ProgramCompiler::ConstantConditionEliminator::visit(Conditional &cond)
- if(!record_only)
- {
- ExpressionEvaluator eval(variable_values);
- cond.condition->visit(eval);
- if(eval.result_valid)
- {
- flatten_block(eval.result ? cond.body : cond.else_body);
- return;
- }
- }
- TraversingVisitor::visit(cond);
-void ProgramCompiler::ConstantConditionEliminator::visit(Iteration &iter)
- if(!record_only)
- {
- if(iter.condition)
- {
- /* If the loop condition is always false on the first iteration, the
- entire loop can be removed */
- if(iter.init_statement)
- iter.init_statement->visit(*this);
- ExpressionEvaluator eval(variable_values);
- iter.condition->visit(eval);
- if(eval.result_valid && !eval.result)
- {
- remove_node = true;
- return;
- }
- }
- /* Record all assignments that occur inside the loop body so those
- variables won't be considered as constant */
- SetFlag set_record(record_only);
- TraversingVisitor::visit(iter);
- }
- TraversingVisitor::visit(iter);
- if(VariableDeclaration *init_decl = dynamic_cast<VariableDeclaration *>(iter.init_statement.get()))
- variable_values.erase(init_decl);
- aggregate(0),
- assignment(0),
- assignment_target(false),
- assign_to_subscript(false),
- global_scope(true)
-{ }
-void ProgramCompiler::UnusedVariableLocator::apply(Stage &s)
- variables.push_back(BlockVariableMap());
- Visitor::apply(s);
- BlockVariableMap &global_variables = variables.back();
- for(BlockVariableMap::iterator i=global_variables.begin(); i!=global_variables.end(); ++i)
- {
- if(i->first->interface=="out" && (s.type==FRAGMENT || i->first->linked_declaration || !i->first->, 3, "gl_")))
- continue;
- if(!i->second.referenced)
- {
- unused_nodes.insert(i->first);
- clear_assignments(i->second, true);
- }
- }
- variables.pop_back();
-void ProgramCompiler::UnusedVariableLocator::visit(VariableReference &var)
- map<VariableDeclaration *, Node *>::iterator i = aggregates.find(var.declaration);
- if(i!=aggregates.end())
- unused_nodes.erase(i->second);
- if(var.declaration && !assignment_target)
- {
- VariableInfo &var_info = variables.back()[var.declaration];
- var_info.assignments.clear();
- var_info.referenced = true;
- }
-void ProgramCompiler::UnusedVariableLocator::visit(MemberAccess &memacc)
- TraversingVisitor::visit(memacc);
- unused_nodes.erase(memacc.declaration);
-void ProgramCompiler::UnusedVariableLocator::visit(BinaryExpression &binary)
- if(binary.oper=="[")
- {
- if(assignment_target)
- assign_to_subscript = true;
- binary.left->visit(*this);
- SetForScope<bool> set(assignment_target, false);
- binary.right->visit(*this);
- }
- else
- TraversingVisitor::visit(binary);
-void ProgramCompiler::UnusedVariableLocator::visit(Assignment &assign)
- {
- assign_to_subscript = false;
- SetForScope<bool> set(assignment_target, !assign.self_referencing);
- assign.left->visit(*this);
- }
- assign.right->visit(*this);
- assignment = &assign;
-void ProgramCompiler::UnusedVariableLocator::record_assignment(VariableDeclaration &var, Node &node, bool chained)
- VariableInfo &var_info = variables.back()[&var];
- if(!chained)
- clear_assignments(var_info, true);
- var_info.assignments.push_back(&node);
- var_info.conditionally_assigned = false;
-void ProgramCompiler::UnusedVariableLocator::clear_assignments(VariableInfo &var_info, bool mark_unused)
- if(mark_unused)
- {
- for(vector<Node *>::iterator i=var_info.assignments.begin(); i!=var_info.assignments.end(); ++i)
- unused_nodes.insert(*i);
- }
- var_info.assignments.clear();
-void ProgramCompiler::UnusedVariableLocator::visit(ExpressionStatement &expr)
- assignment = 0;
- TraversingVisitor::visit(expr);
- if(assignment && assignment->target_declaration)
- record_assignment(*assignment->target_declaration, expr, (assignment->self_referencing || assign_to_subscript));
-void ProgramCompiler::UnusedVariableLocator::visit(StructDeclaration &strct)
- SetForScope<Node *> set(aggregate, &strct);
- unused_nodes.insert(&strct);
- TraversingVisitor::visit(strct);
-void ProgramCompiler::UnusedVariableLocator::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
- if(aggregate)
- aggregates[&var] = aggregate;
- else
- {
- variables.back()[&var].local = true;
- if(var.init_expression)
- record_assignment(var, *var.init_expression, false);
- }
- unused_nodes.erase(var.type_declaration);
- TraversingVisitor::visit(var);
-void ProgramCompiler::UnusedVariableLocator::visit(InterfaceBlock &iface)
- SetForScope<Node *> set(aggregate, &iface);
- unused_nodes.insert(&iface);
- TraversingVisitor::visit(iface);
-void ProgramCompiler::UnusedVariableLocator::visit(FunctionDeclaration &func)
- variables.push_back(BlockVariableMap());
- {
- SetForScope<bool> set(global_scope, false);
- for(NodeArray<VariableDeclaration>::iterator i=func.parameters.begin(); i!=func.parameters.end(); ++i)
- (*i)->visit(*this);
- func.body.visit(*this);
- }
- BlockVariableMap &block_variables = variables.back();
- for(BlockVariableMap::iterator i=block_variables.begin(); i!=block_variables.end(); ++i)
- i->second.conditionally_assigned = true;
- for(NodeArray<VariableDeclaration>::iterator i=func.parameters.begin(); i!=func.parameters.end(); ++i)
- block_variables[i->get()].referenced = true;
- merge_down_variables();
-void ProgramCompiler::UnusedVariableLocator::merge_down_variables()
- BlockVariableMap &parent_variables = variables[variables.size()-2];
- BlockVariableMap &block_variables = variables.back();
- for(BlockVariableMap::iterator i=block_variables.begin(); i!=block_variables.end(); ++i)
- {
- if(i->second.local)
- {
- if(!i->second.referenced)
- unused_nodes.insert(i->first);
- clear_assignments(i->second, i->first->interface!="out");
- continue;
- }
- BlockVariableMap::iterator j = parent_variables.find(i->first);
- if(j==parent_variables.end())
- parent_variables.insert(*i);
- else
- {
- if(i->second.referenced || !i->second.conditionally_assigned)
- clear_assignments(j->second, !i->second.referenced);
- j->second.conditionally_assigned = i->second.conditionally_assigned;
- j->second.referenced |= i->second.referenced;
- j->second.assignments.insert(j->second.assignments.end(), i->second.assignments.begin(), i->second.assignments.end());
- }
- }
- variables.pop_back();
-void ProgramCompiler::UnusedVariableLocator::visit(Conditional &cond)
- cond.condition->visit(*this);
- variables.push_back(BlockVariableMap());
- cond.body.visit(*this);
- BlockVariableMap if_variables;
- swap(variables.back(), if_variables);
- cond.else_body.visit(*this);
- BlockVariableMap &else_variables = variables.back();
- for(BlockVariableMap::iterator i=else_variables.begin(); i!=else_variables.end(); ++i)
- {
- BlockVariableMap::iterator j = if_variables.find(i->first);
- if(j!=if_variables.end())
- {
- i->second.assignments.insert(i->second.assignments.end(), j->second.assignments.begin(), j->second.assignments.end());
- i->second.conditionally_assigned |= j->second.conditionally_assigned;
- if_variables.erase(j);
- }
- else
- i->second.conditionally_assigned = true;
- }
- for(BlockVariableMap::iterator i=if_variables.begin(); i!=if_variables.end(); ++i)
- {
- i->second.conditionally_assigned = true;
- else_variables.insert(*i);
- }
- merge_down_variables();
-void ProgramCompiler::UnusedVariableLocator::visit(Iteration &iter)
- variables.push_back(BlockVariableMap());
- TraversingVisitor::visit(iter);
- BlockVariableMap &block_variables = variables.back();
- for(BlockVariableMap::iterator i=block_variables.begin(); i!=block_variables.end(); ++i)
- if(!i->second.local && i->second.referenced)
- i->second.assignments.clear();
- merge_down_variables();
- local(false),
- conditionally_assigned(false),
- referenced(false)
-{ }
-void ProgramCompiler::UnusedFunctionLocator::visit(FunctionCall &call)
- TraversingVisitor::visit(call);
- unused_nodes.erase(call.declaration);
- if(call.declaration && call.declaration->definition!=call.declaration)
- used_definitions.insert(call.declaration->definition);
-void ProgramCompiler::UnusedFunctionLocator::visit(FunctionDeclaration &func)
- TraversingVisitor::visit(func);
- if((!="main" || func.body.body.empty()) && !used_definitions.count(&func))
- unused_nodes.insert(&func);
-ProgramCompiler::NodeRemover::NodeRemover(const set<Node *> &r):
- to_remove(r)
-{ }
-void ProgramCompiler::NodeRemover::visit(Block &block)
- for(NodeList<Statement>::iterator i=block.body.begin(); i!=block.body.end(); )
- {
- (*i)->visit(*this);
- if(to_remove.count(i->get()))
- block.body.erase(i++);
- else
- ++i;
- }
-void ProgramCompiler::NodeRemover::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
- if(to_remove.count(&var))
- {
- stage->in_variables.erase(;
- stage->out_variables.erase(;
- stage->locations.erase(;
- if(var.linked_declaration)
- var.linked_declaration->linked_declaration = 0;
- }
- else if(var.init_expression && to_remove.count(var.init_expression.get()))
- var.init_expression = 0;
-void ProgramCompiler::NodeRemover::visit(Iteration &iter)
- if(to_remove.count(iter.init_statement.get()))
- iter.init_statement = 0;
- TraversingVisitor::visit(iter);
-void ProgramCompiler::PrecisionRemover::visit(Precision &)
- remove_node = true;
-void ProgramCompiler::PrecisionRemover::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
- var.precision.clear();
- toplevel(true)
-{ }
-void ProgramCompiler::DefaultPrecisionGenerator::visit(Block &block)
- if(toplevel)
- {
- SetForScope<bool> set(toplevel, false);
- BlockModifier::visit(block);
- }
- else
- Visitor::visit(block);
-void ProgramCompiler::DefaultPrecisionGenerator::visit(Precision &prec)
- have_default.insert(prec.type);
-void ProgramCompiler::DefaultPrecisionGenerator::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
- if(var.type_declaration)
- return;
- string type = var.type;
- if(!, 3, "vec") || !, 3, "mat"))
- type = "float";
- else if(!, 3, "ivec") || type=="uint")
- type = "int";
- if(!have_default.count(type))
- {
- Precision *prec = new Precision;
- if(!, 7, "sampler"))
- prec->precision = "lowp";
- else if(stage->type==FRAGMENT)
- prec->precision = "mediump";
- else
- prec->precision = "highp";
- prec->type = type;
- insert_nodes.push_back(prec);
- have_default.insert(type);
- }
- target_api(get_gl_api()),
- target_version(get_glsl_version()),
- frag_out(0)
-{ }
-ProgramCompiler::LegacyConverter::LegacyConverter(const Version &v):
- target_api(get_gl_api()),
- target_version(v),
- frag_out(0)
-{ }
-bool ProgramCompiler::LegacyConverter::check_version(const Version &feature_version) const
- if(target_version<feature_version)
- return false;
- else if(stage->required_version<feature_version)
- stage->required_version = feature_version;
- return true;
-bool ProgramCompiler::LegacyConverter::check_extension(const Extension &extension) const
- if(!extension)
- return false;
- vector<const Extension *>::iterator i = find(stage->required_extensions, &extension);
- if(i==stage->required_extensions.end())
- stage->required_extensions.push_back(&extension);
- return true;
-bool ProgramCompiler::LegacyConverter::supports_unified_interface_syntax() const
- if(target_api==OPENGL_ES2)
- return check_version(Version(3, 0));
- else
- return check_version(Version(1, 30));
-void ProgramCompiler::LegacyConverter::visit(VariableReference &var)
- if(var.declaration==frag_out && !supports_unified_interface_syntax())
- {
- = "gl_FragColor";
- var.declaration = 0;
- type = "vec4";
- }
- else if(var.declaration)
- type = var.declaration->type;
- else
- type = string();
-void ProgramCompiler::LegacyConverter::visit(Assignment &assign)
- TraversingVisitor::visit(assign);
- if(assign.target_declaration==frag_out && !supports_unified_interface_syntax())
- assign.target_declaration = 0;
-bool ProgramCompiler::LegacyConverter::supports_unified_sampling_functions() const
- if(target_api==OPENGL_ES2)
- return check_version(Version(3, 0));
- else
- return check_version(Version(1, 30));
-void ProgramCompiler::LegacyConverter::visit(FunctionCall &call)
- if("texture" && !call.declaration && !supports_unified_sampling_functions())
- {
- NodeArray<Expression>::iterator i = call.arguments.begin();
- if(i!=call.arguments.end())
- {
- (*i)->visit(*this);
- if(type=="sampler1D")
- = "texture1D";
- else if(type=="sampler2D")
- = "texture2D";
- else if(type=="sampler3D")
- = "texture3D";
- else if(type=="samplerCube")
- = "textureCube";
- else if(type=="sampler1DShadow")
- = "shadow1D";
- else if(type=="sampler2DShadow")
- = "shadow2D";
- else if(type=="sampler1DArray")
- {
- check_extension(EXT_texture_array);
- = "texture1DArray";
- }
- else if(type=="sampler2DArray")
- {
- check_extension(EXT_texture_array);
- = "texture2DArray";
- }
- else if(type=="sampler1DArrayShadow")
- {
- check_extension(EXT_texture_array);
- = "shadow1DArray";
- }
- else if(type=="sampler2DArrayShadow")
- {
- check_extension(EXT_texture_array);
- = "shadow2DArray";
- }
- for(; i!=call.arguments.end(); ++i)
- (*i)->visit(*this);
- }
- }
- else
- TraversingVisitor::visit(call);
-bool ProgramCompiler::LegacyConverter::supports_interface_layouts() const
- if(target_api==OPENGL_ES2)
- return check_version(Version(3, 0));
- else if(check_version(Version(3, 30)))
- return true;
- else
- return check_extension(ARB_explicit_attrib_location);
-bool ProgramCompiler::LegacyConverter::supports_centroid_sampling() const
- if(target_api==OPENGL_ES2)
- return check_version(Version(3, 0));
- else if(check_version(Version(1, 20)))
- return true;
- else
- return check_extension(EXT_gpu_shader4);
-bool ProgramCompiler::LegacyConverter::supports_sample_sampling() const
- if(target_api==OPENGL_ES2)
- return check_version(Version(3, 20));
- else if(check_version(Version(4, 0)))
- return true;
- else
- return check_extension(ARB_gpu_shader5);
-void ProgramCompiler::LegacyConverter::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
- if(var.layout && !supports_interface_layouts())
- {
- vector<Layout::Qualifier>::iterator i;
- for(i=var.layout->qualifiers.begin(); (i!=var.layout->qualifiers.end() && i->identifier!="location"); ++i) ;
- if(i!=var.layout->qualifiers.end())
- {
- unsigned location = lexical_cast<unsigned>(i->value);
- if(stage->type==VERTEX && var.interface=="in")
- {
- stage->locations[] = location;
- var.layout->qualifiers.erase(i);
- }
- else if(stage->type==FRAGMENT && var.interface=="out")
- {
- if(location!=0)
- static Require _req(EXT_gpu_shader4);
- stage->locations[] = location;
- var.layout->qualifiers.erase(i);
- }
- if(var.layout->qualifiers.empty())
- var.layout = 0;
- }
- }
- if(var.sampling=="centroid")
- {
- if(!supports_centroid_sampling())
- var.sampling = string();
- }
- else if(var.sampling=="sample")
- {
- if(!supports_sample_sampling())
- var.sampling = string();
- }
- if((var.interface=="in" || var.interface=="out") && !supports_unified_interface_syntax())
- {
- if(stage->type==FRAGMENT && var.interface=="out")
- {
- frag_out = &var;
- remove_node = true;
- }
- }
- TraversingVisitor::visit(var);
-bool ProgramCompiler::LegacyConverter::supports_interface_blocks(const string &iface) const
- if(target_api==OPENGL_ES2)
- {
- if(iface=="uniform")
- return check_version(Version(3, 0));
- else
- return check_version(Version(3, 20));
- }
- else if(check_version(Version(1, 50)))
- return true;
- else if(iface=="uniform")
- return check_extension(ARB_uniform_buffer_object);
- else
- return false;
-void ProgramCompiler::LegacyConverter::visit(InterfaceBlock &iface)
- if(!supports_interface_blocks(iface.interface))
- flatten_block(iface.members);
-} // namespace GL
-} // namespace Msp
+++ /dev/null
-#include <set>
-#include "programparser.h"
-#include "programsyntax.h"
-namespace Msp {
-namespace GL {
-class Program;
-class Resources;
-class ProgramCompiler
- struct Visitor: ProgramSyntax::TraversingVisitor
- {
- typedef void ResultType;
- ProgramSyntax::Stage *stage;
- Visitor();
- virtual void apply(ProgramSyntax::Stage &);
- void get_result() const { }
- };
- struct BlockModifier: Visitor
- {
- bool remove_node;
- std::vector<RefPtr<ProgramSyntax::Statement> > insert_nodes;
- BlockModifier();
- void flatten_block(ProgramSyntax::Block &);
- void apply_and_increment(ProgramSyntax::Block &, ProgramSyntax::NodeList<ProgramSyntax::Statement>::iterator &);
- using Visitor::visit;
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Block &);
- };
- struct Formatter: Visitor
- {
- typedef std::string ResultType;
- std::string formatted;
- unsigned source_index;
- unsigned source_line;
- unsigned indent;
- bool parameter_list;
- std::string block_interface;
- Formatter();
- virtual void apply(ProgramSyntax::Stage &);
- const std::string &get_result() const { return formatted; }
- using Visitor::visit;
- void append(const std::string &);
- void append(char);
- void set_source(unsigned, unsigned);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Block &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Literal &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::ParenthesizedExpression &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::VariableReference &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::MemberAccess &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::UnaryExpression &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::BinaryExpression &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Assignment &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::FunctionCall &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::ExpressionStatement &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Import &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Precision &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Layout &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::InterfaceLayout &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::StructDeclaration &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::InterfaceBlock &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::FunctionDeclaration &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Conditional &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Iteration &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Return &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Jump &);
- };
- template<typename T>
- struct NodeGatherer: Visitor
- {
- typedef std::vector<T *> ResultType;
- std::vector<T *> nodes;
- const ResultType &get_result() const { return nodes; }
- using Visitor::visit;
- virtual void visit(T &n) { nodes.push_back(&n); }
- };
- struct DeclarationCombiner: BlockModifier
- {
- bool toplevel;
- std::map<std::string, std::vector<ProgramSyntax::FunctionDeclaration *> > functions;
- std::map<std::string, ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration *> variables;
- DeclarationCombiner();
- using Visitor::visit;
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Block &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::FunctionDeclaration &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration &);
- };
- struct VariableResolver: Visitor
- {
- std::vector<ProgramSyntax::Block *> blocks;
- ProgramSyntax::StructDeclaration *type;
- bool anonymous;
- std::string block_interface;
- bool record_target;
- ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration *assignment_target;
- bool self_referencing;
- VariableResolver();
- virtual void apply(ProgramSyntax::Stage &);
- using Visitor::visit;
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Block &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::VariableReference &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::MemberAccess &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::BinaryExpression &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Assignment &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::StructDeclaration &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::InterfaceBlock &);
- };
- struct FunctionResolver: Visitor
- {
- std::map<std::string, std::vector<ProgramSyntax::FunctionDeclaration *> > functions;
- using Visitor::visit;
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::FunctionCall &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::FunctionDeclaration &);
- };
- struct InterfaceGenerator: BlockModifier
- {
- std::string in_prefix;
- std::string out_prefix;
- unsigned scope_level;
- std::map<std::string, RefPtr<ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration> > iface_declarations;
- InterfaceGenerator();
- static std::string get_out_prefix(ProgramSyntax::StageType);
- virtual void apply(ProgramSyntax::Stage &);
- using Visitor::visit;
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Block &);
- std::string change_prefix(const std::string &, const std::string &) const;
- bool generate_interface(ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration &, const std::string &, const std::string &);
- ProgramSyntax::ExpressionStatement &insert_assignment(const std::string &, ProgramSyntax::Expression *);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::VariableReference &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Passthrough &);
- };
- struct DeclarationReorderer: Visitor
- {
- enum DeclarationKind
- {
- };
- unsigned scope_level;
- DeclarationKind kind;
- std::set<ProgramSyntax::Node *> ordered_funcs;
- std::set<ProgramSyntax::Node *> needed_funcs;
- DeclarationReorderer();
- using Visitor::visit;
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Block &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::FunctionCall &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::InterfaceLayout &) { kind = LAYOUT; }
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::StructDeclaration &) { kind = STRUCT; }
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::InterfaceBlock &) { kind = VARIABLE; }
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::FunctionDeclaration &);
- };
- struct InlineableFunctionLocator: Visitor
- {
- typedef std::set<ProgramSyntax::FunctionDeclaration *> ResultType;
- std::map<ProgramSyntax::FunctionDeclaration *, unsigned> refcounts;
- std::set<ProgramSyntax::FunctionDeclaration *> inlineable;
- ProgramSyntax::FunctionDeclaration *in_function;
- InlineableFunctionLocator();
- const ResultType &get_result() const { return inlineable; }
- using Visitor::visit;
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::FunctionCall &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::FunctionDeclaration &);
- };
- struct FunctionInliner: Visitor
- {
- std::set<ProgramSyntax::FunctionDeclaration *> inlineable;
- unsigned extract_result;
- RefPtr<ProgramSyntax::Expression> inline_result;
- FunctionInliner();
- FunctionInliner(const std::set<ProgramSyntax::FunctionDeclaration *> &);
- void visit_and_inline(RefPtr<ProgramSyntax::Expression> &);
- using Visitor::visit;
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Block &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::UnaryExpression &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::BinaryExpression &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::MemberAccess &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::FunctionCall &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Return &);
- };
- struct ExpressionEvaluator: ProgramSyntax::NodeVisitor
- {
- typedef std::map<ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration *, ProgramSyntax::Expression *> ValueMap;
- const ValueMap *variable_values;
- float result;
- bool result_valid;
- ExpressionEvaluator();
- ExpressionEvaluator(const ValueMap &);
- using ProgramSyntax::NodeVisitor::visit;
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Literal &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::ParenthesizedExpression &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::VariableReference &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::UnaryExpression &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::BinaryExpression &);
- };
- struct ConstantConditionEliminator: BlockModifier
- {
- unsigned scope_level;
- bool record_only;
- ExpressionEvaluator::ValueMap variable_values;
- ConstantConditionEliminator();
- using Visitor::visit;
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Block &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::UnaryExpression &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Assignment &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Conditional &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Iteration &);
- };
- struct UnusedVariableLocator: Visitor
- {
- struct VariableInfo
- {
- bool local;
- std::vector<ProgramSyntax::Node *> assignments;
- bool conditionally_assigned;
- bool referenced;
- VariableInfo();
- };
- typedef std::set<ProgramSyntax::Node *> ResultType;
- typedef std::map<ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration *, VariableInfo> BlockVariableMap;
- std::set<ProgramSyntax::Node *> unused_nodes;
- std::map<ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration *, ProgramSyntax::Node *> aggregates;
- ProgramSyntax::Node *aggregate;
- std::vector<BlockVariableMap> variables;
- ProgramSyntax::Assignment *assignment;
- bool assignment_target;
- bool assign_to_subscript;
- bool global_scope;
- UnusedVariableLocator();
- virtual void apply(ProgramSyntax::Stage &);
- const ResultType &get_result() const { return unused_nodes; }
- using Visitor::visit;
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::VariableReference &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::MemberAccess &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::BinaryExpression &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Assignment &);
- void record_assignment(ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration &, ProgramSyntax::Node &, bool);
- void clear_assignments(VariableInfo &, bool);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::ExpressionStatement &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::StructDeclaration &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::InterfaceBlock &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::FunctionDeclaration &);
- void merge_down_variables();
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Conditional &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Iteration &);
- };
- struct UnusedFunctionLocator: Visitor
- {
- typedef std::set<ProgramSyntax::Node *> ResultType;
- std::set<ProgramSyntax::Node *> unused_nodes;
- std::set<ProgramSyntax::FunctionDeclaration *> used_definitions;
- const ResultType &get_result() const { return unused_nodes; }
- using Visitor::visit;
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::FunctionCall &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::FunctionDeclaration &);
- };
- struct NodeRemover: Visitor
- {
- std::set<ProgramSyntax::Node *> to_remove;
- NodeRemover() { }
- NodeRemover(const std::set<ProgramSyntax::Node *> &);
- using Visitor::visit;
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Block &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Iteration &);
- };
- struct PrecisionRemover: BlockModifier
- {
- using Visitor::visit;
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Precision &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration &);
- };
- struct DefaultPrecisionGenerator: BlockModifier
- {
- bool toplevel;
- std::set<std::string> have_default;
- DefaultPrecisionGenerator();
- using Visitor::visit;
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Block &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Precision &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration &);
- };
- struct LegacyConverter: BlockModifier
- {
- GLApi target_api;
- Version target_version;
- std::string type;
- ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration *frag_out;
- LegacyConverter();
- LegacyConverter(const Version &);
- bool check_version(const Version &) const;
- bool check_extension(const Extension &) const;
- using Visitor::visit;
- bool supports_unified_interface_syntax() const;
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::VariableReference &);
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::Assignment &);
- bool supports_unified_sampling_functions() const;
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::FunctionCall &);
- bool supports_interface_layouts() const;
- bool supports_centroid_sampling() const;
- bool supports_sample_sampling() const;
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration &);
- bool supports_interface_blocks(const std::string &) const;
- virtual void visit(ProgramSyntax::InterfaceBlock &);
- };
- Resources *resources;
- ProgramSyntax::Module *module;
- std::vector<std::string> imported_names;
- ProgramCompiler();
- ~ProgramCompiler();
- void compile(const std::string &, const std::string & = "<string>");
- void compile(IO::Base &, Resources * = 0, const std::string & = "<file>");
- void compile(IO::Base &, const std::string &);
- void add_shaders(Program &);
- static ProgramSyntax::Module *create_builtins_module();
- static ProgramSyntax::Module &get_builtins_module();
- static ProgramSyntax::Stage *get_builtins(ProgramSyntax::StageType);
- void append_module(ProgramSyntax::Module &);
- void append_stage(ProgramSyntax::Stage &);
- void process();
- void import(const std::string &);
- void generate(ProgramSyntax::Stage &);
- bool optimize(ProgramSyntax::Stage &);
- void finalize(ProgramSyntax::Stage &);
- static void inject_block(ProgramSyntax::Block &, const ProgramSyntax::Block &);
- template<typename T>
- static typename T::ResultType apply(ProgramSyntax::Stage &);
- template<typename T, typename A>
- static typename T::ResultType apply(ProgramSyntax::Stage &, const A &);
-} // namespace GL
-} // namespace Msp
+++ /dev/null
-#include <msp/core/raii.h>
-#include <msp/strings/format.h>
-#include <msp/strings/regex.h>
-#include "programparser.h"
-#undef interface
-using namespace std;
-namespace Msp {
-namespace GL {
-using namespace ProgramSyntax;
-ProgramParser::Operator ProgramParser::operators[] =
- { "[", 2, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { "(", 2, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { ".", 2, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { "++", 2, POSTFIX, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { "--", 2, POSTFIX, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { "++", 3, PREFIX, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
- { "--", 3, PREFIX, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
- { "+", 3, PREFIX, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
- { "-", 3, PREFIX, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
- { "~", 3, PREFIX, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
- { "!", 3, PREFIX, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
- { "*", 4, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { "/", 4, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { "%", 4, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { "+", 5, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { "-", 5, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { "<<", 6, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { ">>", 6, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { "<", 7, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { ">", 7, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { "<=", 7, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { ">=", 7, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { "==", 8, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { "!=", 8, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { "&", 9, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { "^", 10, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { "|", 11, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { "&&", 12, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { "^^", 13, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { "||", 14, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { "?", 15, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
- { ":", 15, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
- { "=", 16, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
- { "+=", 16, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
- { "-=", 16, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
- { "*=", 16, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
- { "/=", 16, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
- { "%=", 16, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
- { "<<=", 16, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
- { ">>=", 16, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
- { "&=", 16, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
- { "^=", 16, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
- { "|=", 16, BINARY, RIGHT_TO_LEFT },
- { ",", 17, BINARY, LEFT_TO_RIGHT },
- { { 0 }, 18, NO_OPERATOR, LEFT_TO_RIGHT }
- module(0)
-{ }
- delete module;
-Module &ProgramParser::parse(const string &s, const string &n, unsigned i)
- source = s;
- source_name = n;
- source_index = i;
- parse_source();
- return *module;
-Module &ProgramParser::parse(IO::Base &io, const string &n, unsigned i)
- source = string();
- source_name = n;
- source_index = i;
- while(!io.eof())
- {
- char buffer[4096];
- unsigned len =, sizeof(buffer));
- source.append(buffer, len);
- }
- parse_source();
- return *module;
-void ProgramParser::parse_source()
- while(1)
- {
- string::size_type slashes = source.find("//////");
- if(slashes==string::npos)
- break;
- string::size_type newline = source.find('\n', slashes);
- string pragma = format("#pragma MSP stage(%s)", source.substr(slashes+6, newline-slashes-6));
- source.replace(slashes, newline-slashes, pragma);
- }
- delete module;
- module = new Module;
- cur_stage = &module->shared;
- iter = source.begin();
- source_end = source.end();
- current_line = 1;
- allow_preprocess = true;
- while(RefPtr<Statement> statement = parse_global_declaration())
- cur_stage->content.body.push_back(statement);
-string ProgramParser::format_error(const std::string &message)
- string location = format("%s:%d: ", source_name, current_line);
- return location+message;
-string ProgramParser::format_syntax_error(const std::string &expected)
- return format_error(format("Syntax error at '%s': expected %s", last_token, expected));
-const string &ProgramParser::peek_token(unsigned index)
- while(next_tokens.size()<=index)
- next_tokens.push_back(parse_token_());
- return (last_token = next_tokens[index]);
-const string &ProgramParser::parse_token()
- if(!next_tokens.empty())
- {
- last_token = next_tokens.front();
- next_tokens.pop_front();
- return last_token;
- }
- return (last_token = parse_token_());
-string ProgramParser::parse_token_()
- while(1)
- {
- skip_comment_and_whitespace();
- if(iter==source_end)
- return string();
- else if(allow_preprocess && *iter=='#')
- {
- allow_preprocess = false;
- SetForScope<deque<string> > clear_tokens(next_tokens, deque<string>());
- preprocess();
- }
- else if(isalpha(*iter) || *iter=='_')
- return parse_identifier();
- else if(isdigit(*iter))
- return parse_number();
- else
- return parse_other();
- }
-string ProgramParser::parse_identifier()
- string ident;
- while(iter!=source_end)
- {
- if(isalnum(*iter) || *iter=='_')
- ident += *iter++;
- else
- break;
- }
- return ident;
-string ProgramParser::parse_number()
- bool accept_sign = false;
- string number;
- while(iter!=source_end)
- {
- if(isdigit(*iter) || *iter=='.')
- number += *iter++;
- else if(*iter=='e' || *iter=='E')
- {
- number += *iter++;
- accept_sign = true;
- }
- else if(accept_sign && (*iter=='+' || *iter=='-'))
- number += *iter++;
- else
- break;
- }
- return number;
-string ProgramParser::parse_other()
- if(iter==source_end)
- return string();
- string token(1, *iter++);
- for(unsigned i=1; (i<3 && iter!=source_end); ++i)
- {
- bool matched = false;
- for(const Operator *j=operators; (!matched && j->type); ++j)
- {
- matched = (j->token[i]==*iter);
- for(unsigned k=0; (matched && k<i && j->token[k]); ++k)
- matched = (j->token[k]==token[k]);
- }
- if(!matched)
- break;
- token += *iter++;
- }
- return token;
-void ProgramParser::skip_comment_and_whitespace()
- unsigned comment = 0;
- while(iter!=source_end)
- {
- if(comment==0)
- {
- if(*iter=='/')
- comment = 1;
- else if(!isspace(*iter))
- break;
- }
- else if(comment==1)
- {
- if(*iter=='/')
- comment = 2;
- else if(*iter=='*')
- comment = 3;
- else
- {
- comment = 0;
- --iter;
- break;
- }
- }
- else if(comment==2)
- {
- if(*iter=='\n')
- comment = 0;
- }
- else if(comment==3 && *iter=='*')
- comment = 4;
- else if(comment==4)
- {
- if(*iter=='/')
- comment = 0;
- else if(*iter!='*')
- comment = 3;
- }
- if(*iter=='\n')
- {
- ++current_line;
- allow_preprocess = (comment<3);
- }
- ++iter;
- }
-void ProgramParser::expect(const string &token)
- string parsed = parse_token();
- if(parsed!=token)
- throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error(format("'%s'", token)));
-string ProgramParser::expect_type()
- string token = parse_token();
- if(!is_type(token))
- throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("a type"));
- return token;
-string ProgramParser::expect_identifier()
- string token = parse_token();
- if(!is_identifier(token))
- throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("an identifier"));
- return token;
-bool ProgramParser::check(const string &token)
- bool result = (peek_token()==token);
- if(result)
- parse_token();
- return result;
-bool ProgramParser::is_interface_qualifier(const string &token)
- return (token=="uniform" || token=="in" || token=="out");
-bool ProgramParser::is_sampling_qualifier(const string &token)
- return (token=="centroid" || token=="sample");
-bool ProgramParser::is_interpolation_qualifier(const string &token)
- return (token=="smooth" || token=="flat" || token=="noperspective");
-bool ProgramParser::is_precision_qualifier(const string &token)
- return (token=="highp" || token=="mediump" || token=="lowp");
-bool ProgramParser::is_qualifier(const string &token)
- return (token=="const" ||
- is_interface_qualifier(token) ||
- is_sampling_qualifier(token) ||
- is_interpolation_qualifier(token) ||
- is_precision_qualifier(token));
-bool ProgramParser::is_builtin_type(const string &token)
- static Regex re("^(void|float|int|bool|[ib]?vec[234]|mat[234](x[234])?|sampler((1D|2D|Cube)(Array)?(Shadow)?|3D))$");
- return re.match(token);
-bool ProgramParser::is_type(const string &token)
- return is_builtin_type(token) || declared_types.count(token);
-bool ProgramParser::is_identifier(const string &token)
- static Regex re("^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$");
- return re.match(token);
-void ProgramParser::preprocess()
- expect("#");
- string::const_iterator line_end = iter;
- for(; (line_end!=source_end && *line_end!='\n'); ++line_end) ;
- SetForScope<string::const_iterator> stop_at_line_end(source_end, line_end);
- string token = peek_token();
- if(token=="pragma")
- preprocess_pragma();
- else if(token=="version")
- preprocess_version();
- else if(token=="define" || token=="undef" || token=="if" || token=="ifdef" || token=="ifndef" || token=="else" ||
- token=="elif" || token=="endif" || token=="error" || token=="extension" || token=="line")
- throw runtime_error(format_error(format("Unsupported preprocessor directive '%s'", token)));
- else if(!token.empty())
- throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("a preprocessor directive"));
- iter = line_end;
-void ProgramParser::preprocess_version()
- expect("version");
- string token = parse_token();
- unsigned version = lexical_cast<unsigned>(token);
- cur_stage->required_version = Version(version/100, version%100);
- token = parse_token();
- if(!token.empty())
- throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("end of line"));
-void ProgramParser::preprocess_pragma()
- expect("pragma");
- string token = parse_token();
- if(token=="MSP")
- preprocess_pragma_msp();
-void ProgramParser::preprocess_pragma_msp()
- string token = peek_token();
- if(token=="stage")
- preprocess_stage();
- else
- throw runtime_error(format_error(format("Unrecognized MSP pragma '%s'", token)));
- token = parse_token();
- if(!token.empty())
- throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("end of line"));
-void ProgramParser::preprocess_stage()
- if(!allow_stage_change)
- throw runtime_error(format_error("Changing stage not allowed here"));
- expect("stage");
- expect("(");
- string token = expect_identifier();
- StageType stage = SHARED;
- if(token=="vertex")
- stage = VERTEX;
- else if(token=="geometry")
- stage = GEOMETRY;
- else if(token=="fragment")
- stage = FRAGMENT;
- else
- throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("stage identifier"));
- expect(")");
- if(stage<=cur_stage->type)
- throw runtime_error(format_error(format("Stage '%s' not allowed here", token)));
- module->stages.push_back(stage);
- if(cur_stage->type!=SHARED)
- module->stages.back().previous = cur_stage;
- cur_stage = &module->stages.back();
-RefPtr<Statement> ProgramParser::parse_global_declaration()
- allow_stage_change = true;
- string token = peek_token();
- allow_stage_change = false;
- if(token=="import")
- return parse_import();
- else if(token=="precision")
- return parse_precision();
- else if(token=="layout")
- {
- RefPtr<Layout> layout = parse_layout();
- token = peek_token();
- if(is_interface_qualifier(token) && peek_token(1)==";")
- {
- RefPtr<InterfaceLayout> iface_lo = new InterfaceLayout;
- iface_lo->source = source_index;
- iface_lo->line = current_line;
- iface_lo->layout.qualifiers = layout->qualifiers;
- iface_lo->interface = parse_token();
- expect(";");
- return iface_lo;
- }
- else
- {
- RefPtr<VariableDeclaration> var = parse_variable_declaration();
- var->layout = layout;
- return var;
- }
- }
- else if(token=="struct")
- return parse_struct_declaration();
- else if(is_interface_qualifier(token))
- {
- string next = peek_token(1);
- if(is_type(next) || is_qualifier(next))
- return parse_variable_declaration();
- else
- return parse_interface_block();
- }
- else if(is_qualifier(token))
- return parse_variable_declaration();
- else if(is_type(token))
- {
- if(peek_token(2)=="(")
- return parse_function_declaration();
- else
- return parse_variable_declaration();
- }
- else if(token.empty())
- return 0;
- else
- throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("a global declaration"));
-RefPtr<Statement> ProgramParser::parse_statement()
- string token = peek_token();
- if(token=="if")
- return parse_conditional();
- else if(token=="for")
- return parse_for();
- else if(token=="while")
- return parse_while();
- else if(token=="passthrough")
- return parse_passthrough();
- else if(token=="return")
- return parse_return();
- else if(token=="break" || token=="continue" || token=="discard")
- {
- RefPtr<Jump> jump = new Jump;
- jump->source = source_index;
- jump->line = current_line;
- jump->keyword = parse_token();
- expect(";");
- return jump;
- }
- else if(is_qualifier(token) || is_type(token))
- return parse_variable_declaration();
- else if(!token.empty())
- {
- RefPtr<ExpressionStatement> expr = new ExpressionStatement;
- expr->source = source_index;
- expr->line = current_line;
- expr->expression = parse_expression();
- expect(";");
- return expr;
- }
- else
- throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("a statement"));
-RefPtr<Import> ProgramParser::parse_import()
- if(cur_stage->type!=SHARED)
- throw runtime_error(format_error("Imports are only allowed in the shared section"));
- expect("import");
- RefPtr<Import> import = new Import;
- import->source = source_index;
- import->line = current_line;
- import->module = expect_identifier();
- expect(";");
- return import;
-RefPtr<Precision> ProgramParser::parse_precision()
- expect("precision");
- RefPtr<Precision> precision = new Precision;
- precision->source = source_index;
- precision->line = current_line;
- precision->precision = parse_token();
- if(!is_precision_qualifier(precision->precision))
- throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("a precision qualifier"));
- precision->type = parse_token();
- // Not entirely accurate; only float, int and sampler types are allowed
- if(!is_builtin_type(precision->type))
- throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("a builtin type"));
- expect(";");
- return precision;
-RefPtr<Layout> ProgramParser::parse_layout()
- expect("layout");
- expect("(");
- RefPtr<Layout> layout = new Layout;
- while(1)
- {
- string token = parse_token();
- if(token==")")
- throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("a layout qualifier name"));
- layout->qualifiers.push_back(Layout::Qualifier());
- Layout::Qualifier &qual = layout->qualifiers.back();
- qual.identifier = token;
- if(check("="))
- qual.value = parse_token();
- if(peek_token()==")")
- break;
- expect(",");
- }
- expect(")");
- return layout;
-void ProgramParser::parse_block(Block &block, bool require_braces)
- bool have_braces = (require_braces || peek_token()=="{");
- if(have_braces)
- expect("{");
- if(have_braces)
- {
- while(peek_token()!="}")
- block.body.push_back(parse_statement());
- }
- else
- block.body.push_back(parse_statement());
- block.use_braces = (require_braces || block.body.size()!=1);
- if(have_braces)
- expect("}");
-RefPtr<Expression> ProgramParser::parse_expression(unsigned precedence)
- RefPtr<Expression> left;
- VariableReference *left_var = 0;
- while(1)
- {
- string token = peek_token();
- const Operator *oper = 0;
- for(Operator *i=operators; (!oper && i->type); ++i)
- if(token==i->token && (!left || i->type!=PREFIX) && (left || i->type!=POSTFIX))
- oper = i;
- if(token==";" || token==")" || token=="]" || token=="," || (oper && precedence && oper->precedence>=precedence))
- {
- if(left)
- return left;
- else
- throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("an expression"));
- }
- else if(left)
- {
- if(token=="(")
- {
- if(!left_var)
- throw runtime_error(format_error("Syntax error before '(': function name must be an identifier"));
- left = parse_function_call(*left_var);
- }
- else if(token==".")
- {
- RefPtr<MemberAccess> memacc = new MemberAccess;
- memacc->left = left;
- parse_token();
- memacc->member = expect_identifier();
- left = memacc;
- }
- else if(oper && oper->type==POSTFIX)
- {
- RefPtr<UnaryExpression> unary = new UnaryExpression;
- unary->oper = parse_token();
- unary->prefix = false;
- unary->expression = left;
- left = unary;
- }
- else if(oper && oper->type==BINARY)
- left = parse_binary(left, oper);
- else
- throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("an operator"));
- left_var = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if(token=="(")
- {
- parse_token();
- RefPtr<ParenthesizedExpression> parexpr = new ParenthesizedExpression;
- parexpr->expression = parse_expression();
- expect(")");
- left = parexpr;
- }
- else if(isdigit(token[0]) || token=="true" || token=="false")
- {
- RefPtr<Literal> literal = new Literal;
- literal->token = parse_token();
- left = literal;
- }
- else if(is_identifier(token))
- {
- RefPtr<VariableReference> var = new VariableReference;
- var->name = expect_identifier();
- left = var;
- left_var = var.get();
- }
- else if(oper && oper->type==PREFIX)
- {
- RefPtr<UnaryExpression> unary = new UnaryExpression;
- unary->oper = parse_token();
- unary->prefix = true;
- unary->expression = parse_expression(oper->precedence);
- left = unary;
- }
- else
- throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("an expression"));
- }
- }
-RefPtr<BinaryExpression> ProgramParser::parse_binary(const RefPtr<Expression> &left, const Operator *oper)
- RefPtr<BinaryExpression> binary = (oper->precedence==16 ? new Assignment : new BinaryExpression);
- binary->left = left;
- binary->oper = parse_token();
- if(binary->oper=="[")
- {
- binary->right = parse_expression();
- expect("]");
- binary->after = "]";
- }
- else
- binary->right = parse_expression(oper->precedence+(oper->assoc==RIGHT_TO_LEFT));
- return binary;
-RefPtr<FunctionCall> ProgramParser::parse_function_call(const VariableReference &var)
- RefPtr<FunctionCall> call = new FunctionCall;
- call->name =;
- call->constructor = is_type(call->name);
- expect("(");
- while(peek_token()!=")")
- {
- if(!call->arguments.empty())
- expect(",");
- call->arguments.push_back(parse_expression());
- }
- expect(")");
- return call;
-RefPtr<StructDeclaration> ProgramParser::parse_struct_declaration()
- expect("struct");
- RefPtr<StructDeclaration> strct = new StructDeclaration;
- strct->source = source_index;
- strct->line = current_line;
- strct->name = expect_identifier();
- parse_block(strct->members, true);
- expect(";");
- declared_types.insert(strct->name);
- return strct;
-RefPtr<VariableDeclaration> ProgramParser::parse_variable_declaration()
- RefPtr<VariableDeclaration> var = new VariableDeclaration;
- var->source = source_index;
- var->line = current_line;
- string token = peek_token();
- while(is_qualifier(token))
- {
- parse_token();
- if(is_interface_qualifier(token))
- var->interface = token;
- else if(is_sampling_qualifier(token))
- var->sampling = token;
- else if(is_interpolation_qualifier(token))
- var->interpolation = token;
- else if(is_precision_qualifier(token))
- var->precision = token;
- else if(token=="const")
- var->constant = true;
- token = peek_token();
- }
- var->type = expect_type();
- var->name = expect_identifier();
- if(check("["))
- {
- var->array = true;
- if(!check("]"))
- {
- var->array_size = parse_expression();
- expect("]");
- }
- }
- if(check("="))
- var->init_expression = parse_expression();
- expect(";");
- return var;
-RefPtr<FunctionDeclaration> ProgramParser::parse_function_declaration()
- RefPtr<FunctionDeclaration> func = new FunctionDeclaration;
- func->source = source_index;
- func->line = current_line;
- func->return_type = expect_type();
- func->name = expect_identifier();
- expect("(");
- while(peek_token()!=")")
- {
- if(!func->parameters.empty())
- expect(",");
- RefPtr<VariableDeclaration> var = new VariableDeclaration;
- string token = peek_token();
- if(token=="in" || token=="out" || token=="inout")
- var->interface = parse_token();
- var->type = expect_type();
- var->name = expect_identifier();
- func->parameters.push_back(var);
- }
- expect(")");
- string token = peek_token();
- if(token=="{")
- {
- func->definition = func.get();
- parse_block(func->body, true);
- }
- else if(token==";")
- parse_token();
- else
- throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("'{' or ';'"));
- return func;
-RefPtr<InterfaceBlock> ProgramParser::parse_interface_block()
- RefPtr<InterfaceBlock> iface = new InterfaceBlock;
- iface->source = source_index;
- iface->line = current_line;
- iface->interface = parse_token();
- if(!is_interface_qualifier(iface->interface))
- throw runtime_error(format_syntax_error("an interface qualifier"));
- iface->name = expect_identifier();
- parse_block(iface->members, true);
- if(!check(";"))
- {
- iface->instance_name = expect_identifier();
- if(check("["))
- {
- iface->array = true;
- expect("]");
- }
- expect(";");
- }
- return iface;
-RefPtr<Conditional> ProgramParser::parse_conditional()
- expect("if");
- RefPtr<Conditional> cond = new Conditional;
- cond->source = source_index;
- cond->line = current_line;
- expect("(");
- cond->condition = parse_expression();
- expect(")");
- parse_block(cond->body, false);
- string token = peek_token();
- if(token=="else")
- {
- parse_token();
- parse_block(cond->else_body, false);
- }
- return cond;
-RefPtr<Iteration> ProgramParser::parse_for()
- expect("for");
- RefPtr<Iteration> loop = new Iteration;
- loop->source = source_index;
- loop->line = current_line;
- expect("(");
- string token = peek_token();
- if(is_type(token))
- loop->init_statement = parse_statement();
- else
- {
- if(token!=";")
- {
- RefPtr<ExpressionStatement> expr = new ExpressionStatement;
- expr->expression = parse_expression();
- loop->init_statement = expr;
- }
- expect(";");
- }
- if(peek_token()!=";")
- loop->condition = parse_expression();
- expect(";");
- if(peek_token()!=")")
- loop->loop_expression = parse_expression();
- expect(")");
- parse_block(loop->body, false);
- return loop;
-RefPtr<Iteration> ProgramParser::parse_while()
- expect("while");
- RefPtr<Iteration> loop = new Iteration;
- loop->source = source_index;
- loop->line = current_line;
- expect("(");
- loop->condition = parse_expression();
- expect(")");
- parse_block(loop->body, false);
- return loop;
-RefPtr<Passthrough> ProgramParser::parse_passthrough()
- expect("passthrough");
- RefPtr<Passthrough> pass = new Passthrough;
- pass->source = source_index;
- pass->line = current_line;
- if(cur_stage->type==GEOMETRY)
- {
- expect("[");
- pass->subscript = parse_expression();
- expect("]");
- }
- expect(";");
- return pass;
-RefPtr<Return> ProgramParser::parse_return()
- expect("return");
- RefPtr<Return> ret = new Return;
- ret->source = source_index;
- ret->line = current_line;
- if(peek_token()!=";")
- ret->expression = parse_expression();
- expect(";");
- return ret;
-} // namespace GL
-} // namespace Msp
+++ /dev/null
-#include <deque>
-#include <map>
-#include <set>
-#include <string>
-#include <msp/io/base.h>
-#include "programsyntax.h"
-namespace Msp {
-namespace GL {
-class ProgramParser
- enum OperatorType
- {
- };
- enum Associativity
- {
- };
- struct Operator
- {
- const char token[4];
- unsigned precedence;
- OperatorType type;
- Associativity assoc;
- };
- std::string source;
- std::string source_name;
- unsigned source_index;
- unsigned current_line;
- std::string::const_iterator iter;
- std::string::const_iterator source_end;
- bool allow_preprocess;
- bool allow_stage_change;
- std::string last_token;
- std::deque<std::string> next_tokens;
- ProgramSyntax::Module *module;
- ProgramSyntax::Stage *cur_stage;
- std::set<std::string> declared_types;
- static Operator operators[];
- ProgramParser();
- ~ProgramParser();
- ProgramSyntax::Module &parse(const std::string &, const std::string &, unsigned = 0);
- ProgramSyntax::Module &parse(IO::Base &, const std::string &, unsigned = 0);
- void parse_source();
- std::string format_error(const std::string &);
- std::string format_syntax_error(const std::string &);
- const std::string &peek_token(unsigned = 0);
- const std::string &parse_token();
- std::string parse_token_();
- std::string parse_identifier();
- std::string parse_number();
- std::string parse_other();
- void skip_comment_and_whitespace();
- void expect(const std::string &);
- std::string expect_type();
- std::string expect_identifier();
- bool check(const std::string &);
- static bool is_interface_qualifier(const std::string &);
- static bool is_sampling_qualifier(const std::string &);
- static bool is_interpolation_qualifier(const std::string &);
- static bool is_precision_qualifier(const std::string &);
- static bool is_qualifier(const std::string &);
- static bool is_builtin_type(const std::string &);
- bool is_type(const std::string &);
- bool is_identifier(const std::string &);
- void preprocess();
- void preprocess_version();
- void preprocess_pragma();
- void preprocess_pragma_msp();
- void preprocess_stage();
- RefPtr<ProgramSyntax::Statement> parse_global_declaration();
- RefPtr<ProgramSyntax::Statement> parse_statement();
- RefPtr<ProgramSyntax::Import> parse_import();
- RefPtr<ProgramSyntax::Precision> parse_precision();
- RefPtr<ProgramSyntax::Layout> parse_layout();
- void parse_block(ProgramSyntax::Block &, bool);
- RefPtr<ProgramSyntax::Expression> parse_expression(unsigned = 0);
- RefPtr<ProgramSyntax::BinaryExpression> parse_binary(const RefPtr<ProgramSyntax::Expression> &, const Operator *);
- RefPtr<ProgramSyntax::FunctionCall> parse_function_call(const ProgramSyntax::VariableReference &);
- RefPtr<ProgramSyntax::StructDeclaration> parse_struct_declaration();
- RefPtr<ProgramSyntax::VariableDeclaration> parse_variable_declaration();
- RefPtr<ProgramSyntax::FunctionDeclaration> parse_function_declaration();
- RefPtr<ProgramSyntax::InterfaceBlock> parse_interface_block();
- RefPtr<ProgramSyntax::Conditional> parse_conditional();
- RefPtr<ProgramSyntax::Iteration> parse_for();
- RefPtr<ProgramSyntax::Iteration> parse_while();
- RefPtr<ProgramSyntax::Passthrough> parse_passthrough();
- RefPtr<ProgramSyntax::Return> parse_return();
-} // namespace GL
-} // namespace Msp
+++ /dev/null
-#include "programsyntax.h"
-using namespace std;
-namespace Msp {
-namespace GL {
-namespace ProgramSyntax {
-template<typename C>
-NodeContainer<C>::NodeContainer(const NodeContainer &c):
- C(c)
- for(typename C::iterator i=this->begin(); i!=this->end(); ++i)
- *i = (*i)->clone();
- source(0),
- line(1)
-{ }
- use_braces(false)
-{ }
-void Block::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
-void Literal::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
-void ParenthesizedExpression::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
- declaration(0)
-{ }
-void VariableReference::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
-void MemberAccess::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
- prefix(true)
-{ }
-void UnaryExpression::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
-void BinaryExpression::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
- self_referencing(false),
- target_declaration(0)
-{ }
-void Assignment::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
- declaration(0),
- constructor(false)
-{ }
-void FunctionCall::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
-void ExpressionStatement::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
-void Import::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
-void Precision::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
-void Layout::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
-void InterfaceLayout::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
- members.use_braces = true;
-void StructDeclaration::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
- constant(false),
- type_declaration(0),
- array(false),
- linked_declaration(0)
-{ }
-void VariableDeclaration::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
- array(false)
- members.use_braces = true;
-void InterfaceBlock::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
- definition(0)
-{ }
-FunctionDeclaration::FunctionDeclaration(const FunctionDeclaration &other):
- return_type(other.return_type),
- name(,
- parameters(other.parameters),
- definition(other.definition==&other ? this : other.definition),
- body(other.body)
-{ }
-void FunctionDeclaration::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
-void Conditional::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
-void Iteration::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
-void Passthrough::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
-void Return::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
-void Jump::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
- visitor.visit(*this);
-void NodeVisitor::visit(Assignment &assign)
- visit(static_cast<BinaryExpression &>(assign));
-void TraversingVisitor::visit(Block &block)
- for(NodeList<Statement>::iterator i=block.body.begin(); i!=block.body.end(); ++i)
- (*i)->visit(*this);
-void TraversingVisitor::visit(ParenthesizedExpression &parexpr)
- parexpr.expression->visit(*this);
-void TraversingVisitor::visit(MemberAccess &memacc)
- memacc.left->visit(*this);
-void TraversingVisitor::visit(UnaryExpression &unary)
- unary.expression->visit(*this);
-void TraversingVisitor::visit(BinaryExpression &binary)
- binary.left->visit(*this);
- binary.right->visit(*this);
-void TraversingVisitor::visit(FunctionCall &call)
- for(NodeArray<Expression>::iterator i=call.arguments.begin(); i!=call.arguments.end(); ++i)
- (*i)->visit(*this);
-void TraversingVisitor::visit(ExpressionStatement &expr)
- expr.expression->visit(*this);
-void TraversingVisitor::visit(InterfaceLayout &layout)
- layout.layout.visit(*this);
-void TraversingVisitor::visit(StructDeclaration &strct)
- strct.members.visit(*this);
-void TraversingVisitor::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
- if(var.layout)
- var.layout->visit(*this);
- if(var.init_expression)
- var.init_expression->visit(*this);
- if(var.array_size)
- var.array_size->visit(*this);
-void TraversingVisitor::visit(InterfaceBlock &iface)
- iface.members.visit(*this);
-void TraversingVisitor::visit(FunctionDeclaration &func)
- for(NodeArray<VariableDeclaration>::iterator i=func.parameters.begin(); i!=func.parameters.end(); ++i)
- (*i)->visit(*this);
- func.body.visit(*this);
-void TraversingVisitor::visit(Conditional &cond)
- cond.condition->visit(*this);
- cond.body.visit(*this);
- cond.else_body.visit(*this);
-void TraversingVisitor::visit(Iteration &iter)
- if(iter.init_statement)
- iter.init_statement->visit(*this);
- if(iter.condition)
- iter.condition->visit(*this);
- if(iter.loop_expression)
- iter.loop_expression->visit(*this);
- iter.body.visit(*this);
-void TraversingVisitor::visit(Passthrough &pass)
- if(pass.subscript)
- pass.subscript->visit(*this);
-void TraversingVisitor::visit(Return &ret)
- if(ret.expression)
- ret.expression->visit(*this);
-Stage::Stage(StageType t):
- type(t),
- previous(0)
-{ }
- shared(SHARED)
-{ }
-} // namespace ProgramSyntax
-} // namespace GL
-} // namespace Msp
+++ /dev/null
-#include <list>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <msp/core/refptr.h>
-#include "extension.h"
-#include "uniform.h"
-#pragma push_macro("interface")
-#undef interface
-namespace Msp {
-namespace GL {
-namespace ProgramSyntax {
-struct NodeVisitor;
-struct Node
- Node() { }
- Node(const Node &) { }
- Node &operator=(const Node &);
- virtual ~Node() { }
- virtual Node *clone() const = 0;
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &) = 0;
-template<typename T>
-class NodePtr: public RefPtr<T>
- NodePtr() { }
- NodePtr(T *p): RefPtr<T>(p) { }
- NodePtr(const NodePtr &p): RefPtr<T>(p ? p->clone() : 0) { }
- NodePtr &operator=(const NodePtr &p) { RefPtr<T>::operator=(p); return *this; }
- template<typename U>
- NodePtr(const RefPtr<U> &p): RefPtr<T>(p) { }
- template<typename U>
- NodePtr(const NodePtr<U> &p): RefPtr<T>(p ? p->clone() : 0) { }
-template<typename C>
-class NodeContainer: public C
- NodeContainer() { }
- NodeContainer(const NodeContainer &);
-template<typename T>
-class NodeList: public NodeContainer<std::list<RefPtr<T> > >
-{ };
-template<typename T>
-class NodeArray: public NodeContainer<std::vector<RefPtr<T> > >
-{ };
-struct StructDeclaration;
-struct VariableDeclaration;
-struct FunctionDeclaration;
-struct Statement: Node
- unsigned source;
- unsigned line;
- Statement();
- virtual Statement *clone() const = 0;
-struct Block: Node
- NodeList<Statement> body;
- bool use_braces;
- std::map<std::string, StructDeclaration *> types;
- std::map<std::string, VariableDeclaration *> variables;
- Block();
- virtual Block *clone() const { return new Block(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct Expression: Node
- virtual Expression *clone() const = 0;
-struct Literal: Expression
- std::string token;
- virtual Literal *clone() const { return new Literal(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct ParenthesizedExpression: Expression
- NodePtr<Expression> expression;
- virtual ParenthesizedExpression *clone() const { return new ParenthesizedExpression(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct VariableReference: Expression
- std::string name;
- VariableDeclaration *declaration;
- VariableReference();
- virtual VariableReference *clone() const { return new VariableReference(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct MemberAccess: Expression
- NodePtr<Expression> left;
- std::string member;
- VariableDeclaration *declaration;
- virtual MemberAccess *clone() const { return new MemberAccess(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct UnaryExpression: Expression
- std::string oper;
- NodePtr<Expression> expression;
- bool prefix;
- UnaryExpression();
- virtual UnaryExpression *clone() const { return new UnaryExpression(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct BinaryExpression: Expression
- NodePtr<Expression> left;
- std::string oper;
- NodePtr<Expression> right;
- std::string after;
- virtual BinaryExpression *clone() const { return new BinaryExpression(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct Assignment: BinaryExpression
- bool self_referencing;
- VariableDeclaration *target_declaration;
- Assignment();
- virtual Assignment *clone() const { return new Assignment(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct FunctionCall: Expression
- std::string name;
- FunctionDeclaration *declaration;
- bool constructor;
- NodeArray<Expression> arguments;
- FunctionCall();
- virtual FunctionCall *clone() const { return new FunctionCall(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct ExpressionStatement: Statement
- NodePtr<Expression> expression;
- virtual ExpressionStatement *clone() const { return new ExpressionStatement(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct Import: Statement
- std::string module;
- virtual Import *clone() const { return new Import(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct Precision: Statement
- std::string precision;
- std::string type;
- virtual Precision *clone() const { return new Precision(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct Layout: Node
- struct Qualifier
- {
- // TODO the standard calls this name, not identifier
- std::string identifier;
- std::string value;
- };
- std::vector<Qualifier> qualifiers;
- virtual Layout *clone() const { return new Layout(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct InterfaceLayout: Statement
- std::string interface;
- Layout layout;
- virtual InterfaceLayout *clone() const { return new InterfaceLayout(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct StructDeclaration: Statement
- std::string name;
- Block members;
- StructDeclaration();
- virtual StructDeclaration *clone() const { return new StructDeclaration(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct VariableDeclaration: Statement
- bool constant;
- std::string sampling;
- std::string interpolation;
- std::string interface;
- std::string precision;
- std::string type;
- StructDeclaration *type_declaration;
- std::string name;
- bool array;
- NodePtr<Expression> array_size;
- NodePtr<Expression> init_expression;
- VariableDeclaration *linked_declaration;
- NodePtr<Layout> layout;
- VariableDeclaration();
- virtual VariableDeclaration *clone() const { return new VariableDeclaration(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct InterfaceBlock: Statement
- std::string interface;
- std::string name;
- Block members;
- std::string instance_name;
- bool array;
- InterfaceBlock();
- virtual InterfaceBlock *clone() const { return new InterfaceBlock(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct FunctionDeclaration: Statement
- std::string return_type;
- std::string name;
- NodeArray<VariableDeclaration> parameters;
- FunctionDeclaration *definition;
- Block body;
- FunctionDeclaration();
- FunctionDeclaration(const FunctionDeclaration &);
- virtual FunctionDeclaration *clone() const { return new FunctionDeclaration(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct Conditional: Statement
- NodePtr<Expression> condition;
- Block body;
- Block else_body;
- virtual Conditional *clone() const { return new Conditional(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct Iteration: Statement
- NodePtr<Node> init_statement;
- NodePtr<Expression> condition;
- NodePtr<Expression> loop_expression;
- Block body;
- virtual Iteration *clone() const { return new Iteration(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct Passthrough: Statement
- NodePtr<Expression> subscript;
- virtual Passthrough *clone() const { return new Passthrough(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct Return: Statement
- NodePtr<Expression> expression;
- virtual Return *clone() const { return new Return(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct Jump: Statement
- std::string keyword;
- virtual Jump *clone() const { return new Jump(*this); }
- virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
-struct NodeVisitor
- virtual ~NodeVisitor() { }
- virtual void visit(Block &) { }
- virtual void visit(Literal &) { }
- virtual void visit(ParenthesizedExpression &) { }
- virtual void visit(VariableReference &) { }
- virtual void visit(MemberAccess &) { }
- virtual void visit(UnaryExpression &) { }
- virtual void visit(BinaryExpression &) { }
- virtual void visit(Assignment &);
- virtual void visit(FunctionCall &) { }
- virtual void visit(ExpressionStatement &) { }
- virtual void visit(Import &) { }
- virtual void visit(Precision &) { }
- virtual void visit(Layout &) { }
- virtual void visit(InterfaceLayout &) { }
- virtual void visit(StructDeclaration &) { }
- virtual void visit(VariableDeclaration &) { }
- virtual void visit(InterfaceBlock &) { }
- virtual void visit(FunctionDeclaration &) { }
- virtual void visit(Conditional &) { }
- virtual void visit(Iteration &) { }
- virtual void visit(Passthrough &) { }
- virtual void visit(Return &) { }
- virtual void visit(Jump &) { }
-struct TraversingVisitor: NodeVisitor
- using NodeVisitor::visit;
- virtual void visit(Block &);
- virtual void visit(ParenthesizedExpression &);
- virtual void visit(MemberAccess &);
- virtual void visit(UnaryExpression &);
- virtual void visit(BinaryExpression &);
- virtual void visit(FunctionCall &);
- virtual void visit(ExpressionStatement &);
- virtual void visit(InterfaceLayout &);
- virtual void visit(StructDeclaration &);
- virtual void visit(VariableDeclaration &);
- virtual void visit(InterfaceBlock &);
- virtual void visit(FunctionDeclaration &);
- virtual void visit(Conditional &);
- virtual void visit(Iteration &);
- virtual void visit(Passthrough &);
- virtual void visit(Return &);
-enum StageType
-struct Stage
- StageType type;
- Stage *previous;
- ProgramSyntax::Block content;
- std::map<std::string, VariableDeclaration *> in_variables;
- std::map<std::string, VariableDeclaration *> out_variables;
- std::map<std::string, unsigned> locations;
- Version required_version;
- std::vector<const Extension *> required_extensions;
- Stage(StageType);
-struct Module
- Stage shared;
- std::list<Stage> stages;
- Module();
-} // namespace ProgramSyntax
-} // namespace GL
-} // namespace Msp
-#pragma pop_macro("interface")
--- /dev/null
+#include "syntax.h"
+using namespace std;
+namespace Msp {
+namespace GL {
+namespace SL {
+template<typename C>
+NodeContainer<C>::NodeContainer(const NodeContainer &c):
+ C(c)
+ for(typename C::iterator i=this->begin(); i!=this->end(); ++i)
+ *i = (*i)->clone();
+ source(0),
+ line(1)
+{ }
+ use_braces(false)
+{ }
+void Block::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+void Literal::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+void ParenthesizedExpression::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+ declaration(0)
+{ }
+void VariableReference::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+void MemberAccess::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+ prefix(true)
+{ }
+void UnaryExpression::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+void BinaryExpression::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+ self_referencing(false),
+ target_declaration(0)
+{ }
+void Assignment::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+ declaration(0),
+ constructor(false)
+{ }
+void FunctionCall::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+void ExpressionStatement::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+void Import::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+void Precision::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+void Layout::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+void InterfaceLayout::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+ members.use_braces = true;
+void StructDeclaration::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+ constant(false),
+ type_declaration(0),
+ array(false),
+ linked_declaration(0)
+{ }
+void VariableDeclaration::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+ array(false)
+ members.use_braces = true;
+void InterfaceBlock::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+ definition(0)
+{ }
+FunctionDeclaration::FunctionDeclaration(const FunctionDeclaration &other):
+ return_type(other.return_type),
+ name(,
+ parameters(other.parameters),
+ definition(other.definition==&other ? this : other.definition),
+ body(other.body)
+{ }
+void FunctionDeclaration::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+void Conditional::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+void Iteration::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+void Passthrough::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+void Return::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+void Jump::visit(NodeVisitor &visitor)
+ visitor.visit(*this);
+void NodeVisitor::visit(Assignment &assign)
+ visit(static_cast<BinaryExpression &>(assign));
+void TraversingVisitor::visit(Block &block)
+ for(NodeList<Statement>::iterator i=block.body.begin(); i!=block.body.end(); ++i)
+ (*i)->visit(*this);
+void TraversingVisitor::visit(ParenthesizedExpression &parexpr)
+ parexpr.expression->visit(*this);
+void TraversingVisitor::visit(MemberAccess &memacc)
+ memacc.left->visit(*this);
+void TraversingVisitor::visit(UnaryExpression &unary)
+ unary.expression->visit(*this);
+void TraversingVisitor::visit(BinaryExpression &binary)
+ binary.left->visit(*this);
+ binary.right->visit(*this);
+void TraversingVisitor::visit(FunctionCall &call)
+ for(NodeArray<Expression>::iterator i=call.arguments.begin(); i!=call.arguments.end(); ++i)
+ (*i)->visit(*this);
+void TraversingVisitor::visit(ExpressionStatement &expr)
+ expr.expression->visit(*this);
+void TraversingVisitor::visit(InterfaceLayout &layout)
+ layout.layout.visit(*this);
+void TraversingVisitor::visit(StructDeclaration &strct)
+ strct.members.visit(*this);
+void TraversingVisitor::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
+ if(var.layout)
+ var.layout->visit(*this);
+ if(var.init_expression)
+ var.init_expression->visit(*this);
+ if(var.array_size)
+ var.array_size->visit(*this);
+void TraversingVisitor::visit(InterfaceBlock &iface)
+ iface.members.visit(*this);
+void TraversingVisitor::visit(FunctionDeclaration &func)
+ for(NodeArray<VariableDeclaration>::iterator i=func.parameters.begin(); i!=func.parameters.end(); ++i)
+ (*i)->visit(*this);
+ func.body.visit(*this);
+void TraversingVisitor::visit(Conditional &cond)
+ cond.condition->visit(*this);
+ cond.body.visit(*this);
+ cond.else_body.visit(*this);
+void TraversingVisitor::visit(Iteration &iter)
+ if(iter.init_statement)
+ iter.init_statement->visit(*this);
+ if(iter.condition)
+ iter.condition->visit(*this);
+ if(iter.loop_expression)
+ iter.loop_expression->visit(*this);
+ iter.body.visit(*this);
+void TraversingVisitor::visit(Passthrough &pass)
+ if(pass.subscript)
+ pass.subscript->visit(*this);
+void TraversingVisitor::visit(Return &ret)
+ if(ret.expression)
+ ret.expression->visit(*this);
+Stage::Stage(StageType t):
+ type(t),
+ previous(0)
+{ }
+ shared(SHARED)
+{ }
+} // namespace SL
+} // namespace GL
+} // namespace Msp
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef MSP_GL_SL_SYNTAX_H_
+#define MSP_GL_SL_SYNTAX_H_
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <msp/core/refptr.h>
+#include "extension.h"
+#include "uniform.h"
+#pragma push_macro("interface")
+#undef interface
+namespace Msp {
+namespace GL {
+namespace SL {
+struct NodeVisitor;
+struct Node
+ Node() { }
+ Node(const Node &) { }
+ Node &operator=(const Node &);
+ virtual ~Node() { }
+ virtual Node *clone() const = 0;
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &) = 0;
+template<typename T>
+class NodePtr: public RefPtr<T>
+ NodePtr() { }
+ NodePtr(T *p): RefPtr<T>(p) { }
+ NodePtr(const NodePtr &p): RefPtr<T>(p ? p->clone() : 0) { }
+ NodePtr &operator=(const NodePtr &p) { RefPtr<T>::operator=(p); return *this; }
+ template<typename U>
+ NodePtr(const RefPtr<U> &p): RefPtr<T>(p) { }
+ template<typename U>
+ NodePtr(const NodePtr<U> &p): RefPtr<T>(p ? p->clone() : 0) { }
+template<typename C>
+class NodeContainer: public C
+ NodeContainer() { }
+ NodeContainer(const NodeContainer &);
+template<typename T>
+class NodeList: public NodeContainer<std::list<RefPtr<T> > >
+{ };
+template<typename T>
+class NodeArray: public NodeContainer<std::vector<RefPtr<T> > >
+{ };
+struct StructDeclaration;
+struct VariableDeclaration;
+struct FunctionDeclaration;
+struct Statement: Node
+ unsigned source;
+ unsigned line;
+ Statement();
+ virtual Statement *clone() const = 0;
+struct Block: Node
+ NodeList<Statement> body;
+ bool use_braces;
+ std::map<std::string, StructDeclaration *> types;
+ std::map<std::string, VariableDeclaration *> variables;
+ Block();
+ virtual Block *clone() const { return new Block(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct Expression: Node
+ virtual Expression *clone() const = 0;
+struct Literal: Expression
+ std::string token;
+ virtual Literal *clone() const { return new Literal(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct ParenthesizedExpression: Expression
+ NodePtr<Expression> expression;
+ virtual ParenthesizedExpression *clone() const { return new ParenthesizedExpression(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct VariableReference: Expression
+ std::string name;
+ VariableDeclaration *declaration;
+ VariableReference();
+ virtual VariableReference *clone() const { return new VariableReference(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct MemberAccess: Expression
+ NodePtr<Expression> left;
+ std::string member;
+ VariableDeclaration *declaration;
+ virtual MemberAccess *clone() const { return new MemberAccess(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct UnaryExpression: Expression
+ std::string oper;
+ NodePtr<Expression> expression;
+ bool prefix;
+ UnaryExpression();
+ virtual UnaryExpression *clone() const { return new UnaryExpression(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct BinaryExpression: Expression
+ NodePtr<Expression> left;
+ std::string oper;
+ NodePtr<Expression> right;
+ std::string after;
+ virtual BinaryExpression *clone() const { return new BinaryExpression(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct Assignment: BinaryExpression
+ bool self_referencing;
+ VariableDeclaration *target_declaration;
+ Assignment();
+ virtual Assignment *clone() const { return new Assignment(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct FunctionCall: Expression
+ std::string name;
+ FunctionDeclaration *declaration;
+ bool constructor;
+ NodeArray<Expression> arguments;
+ FunctionCall();
+ virtual FunctionCall *clone() const { return new FunctionCall(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct ExpressionStatement: Statement
+ NodePtr<Expression> expression;
+ virtual ExpressionStatement *clone() const { return new ExpressionStatement(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct Import: Statement
+ std::string module;
+ virtual Import *clone() const { return new Import(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct Precision: Statement
+ std::string precision;
+ std::string type;
+ virtual Precision *clone() const { return new Precision(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct Layout: Node
+ struct Qualifier
+ {
+ // TODO the standard calls this name, not identifier
+ std::string identifier;
+ std::string value;
+ };
+ std::vector<Qualifier> qualifiers;
+ virtual Layout *clone() const { return new Layout(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct InterfaceLayout: Statement
+ std::string interface;
+ Layout layout;
+ virtual InterfaceLayout *clone() const { return new InterfaceLayout(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct StructDeclaration: Statement
+ std::string name;
+ Block members;
+ StructDeclaration();
+ virtual StructDeclaration *clone() const { return new StructDeclaration(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct VariableDeclaration: Statement
+ bool constant;
+ std::string sampling;
+ std::string interpolation;
+ std::string interface;
+ std::string precision;
+ std::string type;
+ StructDeclaration *type_declaration;
+ std::string name;
+ bool array;
+ NodePtr<Expression> array_size;
+ NodePtr<Expression> init_expression;
+ VariableDeclaration *linked_declaration;
+ NodePtr<Layout> layout;
+ VariableDeclaration();
+ virtual VariableDeclaration *clone() const { return new VariableDeclaration(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct InterfaceBlock: Statement
+ std::string interface;
+ std::string name;
+ Block members;
+ std::string instance_name;
+ bool array;
+ InterfaceBlock();
+ virtual InterfaceBlock *clone() const { return new InterfaceBlock(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct FunctionDeclaration: Statement
+ std::string return_type;
+ std::string name;
+ NodeArray<VariableDeclaration> parameters;
+ FunctionDeclaration *definition;
+ Block body;
+ FunctionDeclaration();
+ FunctionDeclaration(const FunctionDeclaration &);
+ virtual FunctionDeclaration *clone() const { return new FunctionDeclaration(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct Conditional: Statement
+ NodePtr<Expression> condition;
+ Block body;
+ Block else_body;
+ virtual Conditional *clone() const { return new Conditional(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct Iteration: Statement
+ NodePtr<Node> init_statement;
+ NodePtr<Expression> condition;
+ NodePtr<Expression> loop_expression;
+ Block body;
+ virtual Iteration *clone() const { return new Iteration(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct Passthrough: Statement
+ NodePtr<Expression> subscript;
+ virtual Passthrough *clone() const { return new Passthrough(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct Return: Statement
+ NodePtr<Expression> expression;
+ virtual Return *clone() const { return new Return(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct Jump: Statement
+ std::string keyword;
+ virtual Jump *clone() const { return new Jump(*this); }
+ virtual void visit(NodeVisitor &);
+struct NodeVisitor
+ virtual ~NodeVisitor() { }
+ virtual void visit(Block &) { }
+ virtual void visit(Literal &) { }
+ virtual void visit(ParenthesizedExpression &) { }
+ virtual void visit(VariableReference &) { }
+ virtual void visit(MemberAccess &) { }
+ virtual void visit(UnaryExpression &) { }
+ virtual void visit(BinaryExpression &) { }
+ virtual void visit(Assignment &);
+ virtual void visit(FunctionCall &) { }
+ virtual void visit(ExpressionStatement &) { }
+ virtual void visit(Import &) { }
+ virtual void visit(Precision &) { }
+ virtual void visit(Layout &) { }
+ virtual void visit(InterfaceLayout &) { }
+ virtual void visit(StructDeclaration &) { }
+ virtual void visit(VariableDeclaration &) { }
+ virtual void visit(InterfaceBlock &) { }
+ virtual void visit(FunctionDeclaration &) { }
+ virtual void visit(Conditional &) { }
+ virtual void visit(Iteration &) { }
+ virtual void visit(Passthrough &) { }
+ virtual void visit(Return &) { }
+ virtual void visit(Jump &) { }
+struct TraversingVisitor: NodeVisitor
+ using NodeVisitor::visit;
+ virtual void visit(Block &);
+ virtual void visit(ParenthesizedExpression &);
+ virtual void visit(MemberAccess &);
+ virtual void visit(UnaryExpression &);
+ virtual void visit(BinaryExpression &);
+ virtual void visit(FunctionCall &);
+ virtual void visit(ExpressionStatement &);
+ virtual void visit(InterfaceLayout &);
+ virtual void visit(StructDeclaration &);
+ virtual void visit(VariableDeclaration &);
+ virtual void visit(InterfaceBlock &);
+ virtual void visit(FunctionDeclaration &);
+ virtual void visit(Conditional &);
+ virtual void visit(Iteration &);
+ virtual void visit(Passthrough &);
+ virtual void visit(Return &);
+enum StageType
+struct Stage
+ StageType type;
+ Stage *previous;
+ Block content;
+ std::map<std::string, VariableDeclaration *> in_variables;
+ std::map<std::string, VariableDeclaration *> out_variables;
+ std::map<std::string, unsigned> locations;
+ Version required_version;
+ std::vector<const Extension *> required_extensions;
+ Stage(StageType);
+struct Module
+ Stage shared;
+ std::list<Stage> stages;
+ Module();
+} // namespace SL
+} // namespace GL
+} // namespace Msp
+#pragma pop_macro("interface")
#include "pipelinetemplate.h"
#include "pose.h"
#include "program.h"
-#include "programcompiler.h"
#include "resourcemanager.h"
#include "resources.h"
#include "sampler.h"
#include "texture2d.h"
#include "texture2darray.h"
#include "texturecube.h"
+#include "glsl/compiler.h"
using namespace std;
if(RefPtr<IO::Seekable> io = open_raw(name))
- ProgramCompiler compiler;
+ SL::Compiler compiler;
compiler.compile(*io, this, name);
RefPtr<Program> program = new Program;