--- /dev/null
+/* $Id$
+This file is part of libmspgl
+Copyright © 2010 Mikko Rasa, Mikkosoft Productions
+Distributed under the LGPL
+#include <cmath>
+#include <msp/core/application.h>
+#include <msp/fs/utils.h>
+#include <msp/gbase/simplewindow.h>
+#include <msp/gl/blend.h>
+#include <msp/gl/camera.h>
+#include <msp/gl/framebuffer.h>
+#include <msp/gl/light.h>
+#include <msp/gl/lighting.h>
+#include <msp/gl/mesh.h>
+#include <msp/gl/object.h>
+#include <msp/gl/tests.h>
+#include <msp/io/print.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace Msp;
+class Viewer: public Application
+ Graphics::SimpleGLWindow window;
+ GL::Object *object;
+ GL::Mesh *mesh;
+ GL::Light light;
+ GL::Lighting lighting;
+ GL::Camera camera;
+ float yaw;
+ float pitch;
+ float distance;
+ float light_yaw;
+ float light_pitch;
+ unsigned dragging;
+ int pointer_x;
+ int pointer_y;
+ static Application::RegApp<Viewer> reg;
+ Viewer(int, char **);
+ virtual int main();
+ virtual void tick();
+ void button_press(int, int, unsigned, unsigned);
+ void button_release(int, int, unsigned, unsigned);
+ void pointer_motion(int, int);
+ void key_press(unsigned, unsigned, wchar_t);
+ void update_camera();
+ void update_light();
+ static void usage(const char *, const char *, bool);
+Application::RegApp<Viewer> Viewer::reg;
+Viewer::Viewer(int argc, char **argv):
+ window(1024, 768, false),
+ object(0),
+ mesh(0),
+ yaw(0),
+ pitch(0),
+ distance(10),
+ light_yaw(0),
+ light_pitch(0),
+ dragging(0),
+ pointer_x(0),
+ pointer_y(0)
+ if(argc<2)
+ throw UsageError("Filename must be provided");
+ string fn = argv[1];
+ string ext = FS::extpart(fn);
+ if(ext==".mesh")
+ {
+ mesh = new GL::Mesh;
+ DataFile::load(*mesh, fn);
+ }
+ else if(ext==".object")
+ {
+ object = new GL::Object;
+ DataFile::load(*object, fn);
+ }
+ else
+ throw UsageError("Don't know how to view this file");
+ window.signal_close.connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Viewer::exit), 0));
+ window.signal_button_press.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Viewer::button_press));
+ window.signal_button_release.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Viewer::button_release));
+ window.signal_pointer_motion.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Viewer::pointer_motion));
+ window.signal_key_press.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Viewer::key_press));
+ light.set_position(GL::Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0));
+ lighting.attach(0, light);
+ camera.set_up_direction(GL::Vector3(0, 0, 1));
+ camera.set_position(GL::Vector3(distance, 0, 0));
+ camera.look_at(GL::Vector3(0, 0, 0));
+int Viewer::main()
+ window.show();
+ return Application::main();
+void Viewer::tick()
+ window.get_display().tick();
+ GL::Framebuffer::system().clear(GL::COLOR_BUFFER_BIT|GL::DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
+ camera.apply();
+ GL::Bind bind_lighting(lighting);
+ GL::Bind bind_depth(GL::DepthTest::lequal());
+ GL::Bind bind_blend(GL::Blend::alpha());
+ if(object)
+ object->render();
+ else if(mesh)
+ mesh->draw();
+ window.swap_buffers();
+void Viewer::usage(const char *err, const char *argv0, bool)
+ if(err)
+ IO::print("%s\n", err);
+ IO::print("Usage: %s <filename>\n", argv0);
+void Viewer::button_press(int x, int y, unsigned btn, unsigned)
+ if(btn==1)
+ {
+ dragging = 1;
+ pointer_x = x;
+ pointer_y = y;
+ }
+ else if(btn==3)
+ {
+ dragging = 3;
+ pointer_motion(x, y);
+ }
+ else if(btn==4)
+ {
+ distance *= 0.9;
+ update_camera();
+ }
+ else if(btn==5)
+ {
+ distance *= 1.1;
+ update_camera();
+ }
+void Viewer::button_release(int, int, unsigned btn, unsigned)
+ if(btn==dragging)
+ dragging = 0;
+void Viewer::pointer_motion(int x, int y)
+ if(dragging==1)
+ {
+ int dx = x-pointer_x;
+ int dy = pointer_y-y;
+ yaw -= dx*M_PI*2/window.get_width();
+ while(yaw>M_PI)
+ yaw -= M_PI*2;
+ while(yaw<-M_PI)
+ yaw += M_PI*2;
+ pitch += dy*M_PI/window.get_height();
+ if(pitch>M_PI*0.49)
+ pitch = M_PI*0.49;
+ if(pitch<-M_PI*0.49)
+ pitch = -M_PI*0.49;
+ update_camera();
+ pointer_x = x;
+ pointer_y = y;
+ }
+ else if(dragging==3)
+ {
+ int dx = x-window.get_width()/2;
+ int dy = window.get_height()/2-y;
+ light_yaw = yaw+dx*M_PI/window.get_width();
+ light_pitch = pitch-dy*M_PI/window.get_height();
+ update_light();
+ }
+void Viewer::key_press(unsigned, unsigned, wchar_t)
+void Viewer::update_camera()
+ float cy = cos(yaw);
+ float sy = sin(yaw);
+ float cp = cos(pitch);
+ float sp = sin(pitch);
+ camera.set_position(GL::Vector3(-cy*cp*distance, -sy*cp*distance, -sp*distance));
+ camera.look_at(GL::Vector3(0, 0, 0));
+void Viewer::update_light()
+ float cy = cos(light_yaw);
+ float sy = sin(light_yaw);
+ float cp = cos(light_pitch);
+ float sp = sin(light_pitch);
+ light.set_position(GL::Vector4(-cy*cp, -sy*cp, -sp));