import math
import os
+import itertools
+import mathutils
class SceneExporter:
def export_to_file(self, context, out_fn, *, selected_only=False, visible_only=True, collection=True, skip_existing=True):
any_opaque = False
any_blended = False
+ use_ibl = False
+ use_shadow = False
+ shadowed_lights = []
+ shadow_casters = []
s = scene
while s:
if s.instances:
any_opaque = True
if s.blended_instances:
any_blended = True
+ if s.use_ibl:
+ use_ibl = True
+ if s.use_shadow:
+ use_shadow = True
+ shadowed_lights += [ for l in s.lights if]
+ for i in itertools.chain(s.instances, s.blended_instances):
+ p = i.prototype
+ if p.material_slots and p.material_slots[0].material and p.material_slots[0].material.shadow_method!='NONE':
+ shadow_casters.append(i)
s = s.background_set
+ shadowed_lights.sort(key=lambda l:l.shadow_map_size, reverse=True)
main_tags = []
if any_opaque:
if any_blended:
+ main_tags.append("blended")
- self.add_content_steps(seq_res, "content", lighting_res, main_tags)
+ content = "content"
+ if use_ibl and scene.use_sky:
+ self.add_auxiliary_sequence(seq_res, "environment", "sky", ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 1.0), main_tags, lighting_res)
+ st = Statement("effect", "environment")
+ st.sub.append(Statement("type", Token("environment_map")))
+ st.sub.append(Statement("size", 32))
+ st.sub.append(Statement("roughness_levels", 2))
+ st.sub.append(Statement("fixed_position", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
+ st.sub.append(Statement("content", content))
+ st.sub.append(Statement("environment", "environment_sequence"))
+ seq_res.statements.append(st)
+ content = "environment"
+ if scene.use_sky:
+ st = Statement("effect", "sky")
+ st.sub.append(Statement("type", Token("sky")))
+ st.sub.append(seq_res.create_reference_statement("sun", resources[".light"]))
+ st.sub.append(Statement("content", content))
+ seq_res.statements.append(st)
+ content = "sky"
+ if use_shadow:
+ self.add_auxiliary_sequence(seq_res, "shadow", "content", (None, 1.0), ["shadow"], None)
+ self.add_auxiliary_sequence(seq_res, "thsm", "content", (None, 1.0), ["shadow_thsm"], None)
+ st = Statement("effect", "shadow_map")
+ st.sub.append(Statement("type", Token("shadow_map")))
+ st.sub.append(Statement("size", *self.compute_shadowmap_size(shadowed_lights)))
+ target, radius = self.compute_bounding_sphere(shadow_casters)
+ st.sub.append(Statement("target", *target))
+ st.sub.append(Statement("radius", radius))
+ st.sub.append(Statement("content", content))
+ st.sub.append(seq_res.create_reference_statement("lighting", lighting_res))
+ for l in shadowed_lights:
+ ss = seq_res.create_reference_statement("light", resources[".light"])
+ ss.sub.append(Statement("size", int(l.shadow_map_size)))
+ shadow_caster = "thsm_sequence" if l.type=='POINT' else "shadow_sequence"
+ ss.sub.append(Statement("shadow_caster", shadow_caster))
+ st.sub.append(ss)
+ seq_res.statements.append(st)
+ content = "shadow_map"
+ self.add_content_steps(seq_res, content, lighting_res, main_tags)
if scene.use_ao:
ss = Statement("postprocessor")
if lighting:
st.sub.append(seq_res.create_reference_statement("lighting", lighting))
+ def add_auxiliary_sequence(self, seq_res, aux_name, content, clear_values, step_tags, lighting):
+ seq_name = os.path.splitext([0]
+ from .datafile import Resource, Statement
+ aux_seq_res = Resource("{}_{}.seq".format(seq_name, aux_name), "sequence")
+ self.add_clear(aux_seq_res.statements, *clear_values)
+ aux_seq_res.statements.append(Statement("renderable", "content"))
+ self.add_content_steps(aux_seq_res, "content", lighting, step_tags)
+ st = seq_res.create_reference_statement("sequence", aux_name+"_sequence", aux_seq_res)
+ st.sub.append(Statement("renderable", "content", content))
+ seq_res.statements.append(st)
+ def compute_shadowmap_size(self, lights):
+ total_area = 0
+ for l in lights:
+ s = int(l.shadow_map_size)
+ total_area += s*s
+ size = 1
+ while size*size<total_area:
+ size *= 2
+ if size*size>total_area*2:
+ return (size, size//2)
+ else:
+ return (size, size)
+ def compute_bounding_sphere(self, instances):
+ points = []
+ for i in instances:
+ points += [i.matrix_world@mathutils.Vector(c) for c in i.prototype.bound_box]
+ from .util import compute_bounding_sphere
+ return compute_bounding_sphere(points)
self.layout.prop(scene, "export_disposition")
+class MspGLWorldProperties(bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_idname = "WORLD_PT_mspgl_properties"
+ bl_label = "MspGL properties"
+ bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES"
+ bl_region_type = "WINDOW"
+ bl_context = "world"
+ def draw(self, context):
+ world =
+ self.layout.prop(world, "use_sky")
+ if world.use_sky:
+ self.layout.prop(world, "sun_light")
class MspGLMeshProperties(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_idname = "MESH_PT_mspgl_properties"
bl_label = "MspGL properties"
self.layout.prop(node, "use_mipmap")
self.layout.prop(node, "max_anisotropy")
+class MspGLLightProperties(bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_idname = "LIGHT_PT_mspgl_properties"
+ bl_label = "MspGL properties"
+ bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES"
+ bl_region_type = "WINDOW"
+ bl_context = "data"
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return context.active_object.type=="LIGHT"
+ def draw(self, context):
+ light =
+ if light.use_shadow:
+ self.layout.prop(light, "shadow_map_size")
class MspGLRenderProperties(bpy.types.Panel):
- bl_idname = "WORLD_PT_mspgl_properties"
+ bl_idname = "RENDER_PT_mspgl_properties"
bl_label = "MspGL properties"
bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES"
bl_region_type = "WINDOW"
layout.prop(uniform, "name", text="", emboss=False, icon_value=icon)
layout.label(text="({})".format(", ".join("{:.3f}".format(v) for v in uniform.values[:uniform.size])))
-classes = [MspGLSceneProperties, MspGLMeshProperties, MspGLObjectProperties, MspGLMaterialProperties,
+classes = [MspGLSceneProperties, MspGLWorldProperties, MspGLMeshProperties, MspGLObjectProperties, MspGLMaterialProperties,
MspGLTextureNodeProperties, MspGLLightProperties, MspGLRenderProperties, MspGLRenderMethod,
MspGLRenderMethodList, MspGLUniform, MspGLUniformList]
bpy.types.Scene.use_hdr = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="High dynamic range", description="Use a range render target with a floating point format", default=False)
bpy.types.Scene.ao_samples = bpy.props.IntProperty(name="Ambient occlusion samples", description="Number of samples to use for ambient occlusion", min=8, max=128, default=32)
+ bpy.types.World.use_sky = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Realtime sky", description="Use a realtime rendered sky background", default=False)
+ bpy.types.World.sun_light = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=bpy.types.Light, name="Sun", description="Light to use as sun for the sky")
bpy.types.Mesh.winding_test = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Winding test", description="Perform winding test to skip back faces")
bpy.types.Mesh.smoothing = bpy.props.EnumProperty(name="Smoothing", description="Smoothing method to use", default="MSPGL",
items=(("NONE", "None", "No smoothing"),
bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexImage.use_mipmap = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Use mipmaps", description="Use mipmaps (automatically generated) for the texture", default=True)
bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexImage.max_anisotropy = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Maximum anisotropy", description="Maximum anisotropy to use in texture filtering", min=1, max=16, default=1)
+ bpy.types.Light.shadow_map_size = bpy.props.EnumProperty(name="Shadow map size", description="Size of shadow map to use for rendering shadows", default="4096",
+ items=(("256", "256", ""),
+ ("512", "512", ""),
+ ("1024", "1024", ""),
+ ("2048", "2048", ""),
+ ("4096", "4096", ""),
+ ("8192", "8192", ""),
+ ("16384", "16384", "")))
def unregister_properties():
for c in classes:
self.instances = []
self.blended_instances = []
self.lights = []
+ self.realtime_sky = False
+ self.sun_light = None
self.ambient_light = mathutils.Color((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
self.exposure = scene.view_settings.exposure
s = surface_node.inputs["Strength"].default_value
self.ambient_light = mathutils.Color(c[:3])*s
+ self.use_sky = and
+ self.sun_light =
+ self.use_shadow = False
+ self.use_ibl = False
objects = scene.objects[:]
if obj_filter:
clones = [c for c in objects if is_same_object(o, c)]
instance_list = self.instances
- if o.material_slots and o.material_slots[0].material and o.material_slots[0].material.blend_method=='BLEND':
- instance_list = self.blended_instances
+ if o.material_slots and o.material_slots[0].material:
+ mat = o.material_slots[0].material
+ if mat.blend_method=='BLEND':
+ instance_list = self.blended_instances
+ if mat.image_based_lighting:
+ self.use_ibl = True
for c in clones:
instance_list.append(Instance(c, o))
elif o.type=='LIGHT':
+ if
+ self.use_shadow = True
def get_chain(self):
result = []