-void Texture3D::load_image(const string &fn, int dp)
- Graphics::Image img;
- img.load_file(fn);
- unsigned w = img.get_width();
- unsigned h = img.get_height();
- unsigned d = 1;
- if(dp==-1)
- {
- if(h%w)
- throw incompatible_data("Texture3D::load_image");
- d = h/w;
- h = w;
- }
- else if(dp==-2)
- {
- for(d=h; d*d>h; d>>=2) ;
- for(; d*d<h; ++d) ;
- if(d*d!=h)
- throw incompatible_data("Texture3D::load_image");
- h = d;
- }
- else if(dp>0)
- {
- d = dp;
- if(h%d)
- throw incompatible_data("Texture3D::load_image");
- h /= d;
- }
- else
- throw invalid_argument("Texture3D::load_image");
- PixelFormat fmt = pixelformat_from_graphics(img.get_format());
- if(width==0)
- storage(storage_pixelformat_from_graphics(img.get_format()), w, h, d);
- else if(w!=width || h!=height || d!=depth)
- throw incompatible_data("Texture3D::load_image");
- PixelStore pstore = PixelStore::from_image(img);
- BindRestore _bind_ps(pstore);
- image(0, fmt, UNSIGNED_BYTE, img.get_data());
void Texture3D::image(const Graphics::Image &img, unsigned lv, bool srgb)
unsigned w = img.get_width();
int x, int y, int z, unsigned wd, unsigned ht, unsigned dp,
PixelFormat fmt, DataType type, const void *data);
- /** Loads an image from a file and uploads it to the texture. If storage
- has not been defined, it will be set to match the loaded image. To
- construct a three-dimensional texture from a two-dimensional image, the
- image is interpreted as an array of consecutive images. If dp is -1, the
- texture's width and height are equal. If dp is -2, the texture's height and
- depth are equal. Otherwise, dp must be positive and determines the
- texture's depth. In all cases, the image's height must equal the texture's
- height times its depth.
- Deprecated in favor of the base class version.*/
- DEPRECATED void load_image(const std::string &fn, int dp = -1);
- using Texture::load_image;
/** Uploads an image to the texture. If storage has not been defined, it
will be set to match the image. In this case the image will be treated as
a stack of square layers and its height must be divisible by its width.