if "bpy" in locals():
import imp
- for sub in "armature", "export_armature", "export_mesh", "mesh", "outfile", "util":
+ for sub in "armature", "export_armature", "export_mesh", "export_object", "mesh", "outfile", "util":
if sub in locals():
("MSPGL", "MspGL", "Compute vertex normals internally")))
export_groups = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Vertex groups", description="Export vertex groups and weights", default=False)
- def create_exporter(self):
- from .export_mesh import MeshExporter
- return MeshExporter()
def draw(self, context):
col = self.layout.column()
col.prop(self, "export_lines")
filename_ext = ".mesh"
+ def create_exporter(self):
+ from .export_mesh import MeshExporter
+ return MeshExporter()
class ExportMspGLObject(bpy.types.Operator, ExportMspGLMeshBase):
bl_idname = "export_mesh.mspgl_object"
bl_label = "Export Msp GL object"
material_tex = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Material texture", description="Generate a texture based on material colors", default=False)
srgb_colors = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="sRGB colors", description="Export material colors as sRGB instead of linear", default=True)
- def prepare_exporter(self, exporter):
- super().prepare_exporter(exporter)
- exporter.object = True
+ def create_exporter(self):
+ from .export_object import ObjectExporter
+ return ObjectExporter()
def draw(self, context):
-from .outfile import OutFile
class ArmatureExporter:
- def export(self, context, fn):
+ def export(self, context, out_file):
obj = context.active_object
if obj.type!="ARMATURE":
raise Exception("Can only export Armature data")
armature = Armature(obj.data)
- out_file = OutFile(fn)
+ from .outfile import open_outfile
+ out_file = open_outfile(out_file)
for l in armature.links:
out_file.begin("link", '"{}"'.format(l.name))
out_file.write("index", l.index)
import itertools
import bpy
-from .outfile import OutFile
-def linear_to_srgb(l):
- if l<0.0031308:
- return 12.92*l
- else:
- return 1.055*(l**(1/2.4))-0.055
class VertexCache:
def __init__(self, size):
self.tbn_vecs = False
self.tbn_uvtex = ""
self.compound = False
- self.object = False
self.material_tex = False
- self.srgb_colors = True
- self.textures = "REF"
self.smoothing = "MSPGL"
self.export_groups = False
self.max_groups = 2
return strips, loose
- def export(self, context, fn):
+ def export(self, context, out_file):
if self.compound:
objs = context.selected_objects
progress.set_task("Writing file", 0.95, 1.0)
- out_file = OutFile(fn)
- if self.object:
- out_file.begin("mesh")
+ from .outfile import open_output
+ out_file = open_output(out_file)
fmt = ["NORMAL3"]
if texunits:
out_file.write("indices", l.vertices[0].index, l.vertices[1].index)
- if self.object:
- out_file.end()
- out_file.begin("technique")
- out_file.begin("pass", '""')
- if mesh.materials:
- if self.srgb_colors:
- cm = linear_to_srgb
- else:
- cm = lambda x: x
- if self.material_tex:
- out_file.begin("material")
- out_file.write("diffuse", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- out_file.end()
- index = 0
- for u in mesh.uv_layers:
- if u.name=="material_tex":
- index = u.unit
- out_file.begin("texunit", index)
- out_file.begin("texture2d")
- out_file.write("min_filter", "NEAREST")
- out_file.write("mag_filter", "NEAREST")
- out_file.write("storage", "RGB", len(mesh.materials), 1)
- texdata = '"'
- for m in mesh.materials:
- color = [int(cm(c)*255) for c in m.diffuse_color]
- texdata += "\\x%02X\\x%02X\\x%02X"%tuple(color)
- texdata += '"'
- out_file.write("raw_data", texdata)
- out_file.end()
- out_file.end()
- else:
- mat = mesh.materials[0]
- out_file.begin("material")
- if any((s and s.use_map_color_diffuse) for s in mat.texture_slots):
- out_file.write("diffuse", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- amb = cm(mat.ambient)
- out_file.write("ambient", amb, amb, amb, 1.0)
- else:
- diff = mat.diffuse_color
- out_file.write("diffuse", cm(diff.r), cm(diff.g), cm(diff.b), 1.0)
- amb = diff*mat.ambient
- out_file.write("ambient", cm(amb.r), cm(amb.g), cm(amb.b), 1.0)
- spec = mat.specular_color*mat.specular_intensity
- out_file.write("specular", spec.r, spec.g, spec.b, 1.0)
- out_file.write("shininess", mat.specular_hardness);
- out_file.end()
- if self.textures!="NONE":
- for slot in mesh.materials[0].texture_slots:
- if not slot:
- continue
- tex = slot.texture
- if tex.type!="IMAGE":
- continue
- if slot.uv_layer:
- for u in mesh.uv_layers:
- if u.name==slot.uv_layer:
- index = u.unit
- else:
- index = mesh.uv_layers[0].unit
- out_file.begin("texunit", index)
- if self.textures=="INLINE":
- out_file.begin("texture2d")
- out_file.write("min_filter", "LINEAR")
- out_file.write("storage", "RGBA", tex.image.size[0], tex.image.size[1])
- texdata = '"'
- for p in tex.image.pixels:
- texdata += "\\x%02X"%int(p*255)
- texdata += '"'
- out_file.write("raw_data", texdata)
- out_file.end()
- else:
- out_file.write("texture", '"%s"'%tex.image.name)
- out_file.end()
- out_file.end()
- out_file.end()
progress.set_task("Done", 1.0, 1.0)
for m in bmeshes:
+ return mesh
--- /dev/null
+def linear_to_srgb(l):
+ if l<0.0031308:
+ return 12.92*l
+ else:
+ return 1.055*(l**(1/2.4))-0.055
+class ObjectExporter:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.material_tex = False
+ self.srgb_colors = True
+ self.textures = "REF"
+ def export(self, context, out_file):
+ from .outfile import open_output
+ out_file = open_output(out_file)
+ from .export_mesh import MeshExporter
+ mesh_export = MeshExporter()
+ for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
+ setattr(mesh_export, k, v)
+ out_file.begin("mesh")
+ mesh = mesh_export.export(context, out_file)
+ out_file.end()
+ out_file.begin("technique")
+ out_file.begin("pass", '""')
+ if mesh.materials:
+ if self.srgb_colors:
+ cm = linear_to_srgb
+ else:
+ cm = lambda x: x
+ if self.material_tex:
+ out_file.begin("material")
+ out_file.write("diffuse", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ out_file.end()
+ index = 0
+ for u in mesh.uv_layers:
+ if u.name=="material_tex":
+ index = u.unit
+ out_file.begin("texunit", index)
+ out_file.begin("texture2d")
+ out_file.write("min_filter", "NEAREST")
+ out_file.write("mag_filter", "NEAREST")
+ out_file.write("storage", "RGB", len(mesh.materials), 1)
+ texdata = '"'
+ for m in mesh.materials:
+ color = [int(cm(c)*255) for c in m.diffuse_color]
+ texdata += "\\x%02X\\x%02X\\x%02X"%tuple(color)
+ texdata += '"'
+ out_file.write("raw_data", texdata)
+ out_file.end()
+ out_file.end()
+ else:
+ mat = mesh.materials[0]
+ out_file.begin("material")
+ if any((s and s.use_map_color_diffuse) for s in mat.texture_slots):
+ out_file.write("diffuse", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ amb = cm(mat.ambient)
+ out_file.write("ambient", amb, amb, amb, 1.0)
+ else:
+ diff = mat.diffuse_color
+ out_file.write("diffuse", cm(diff.r), cm(diff.g), cm(diff.b), 1.0)
+ amb = diff*mat.ambient
+ out_file.write("ambient", cm(amb.r), cm(amb.g), cm(amb.b), 1.0)
+ spec = mat.specular_color*mat.specular_intensity
+ out_file.write("specular", spec.r, spec.g, spec.b, 1.0)
+ out_file.write("shininess", mat.specular_hardness);
+ out_file.end()
+ if self.textures!="NONE":
+ for slot in mesh.materials[0].texture_slots:
+ if not slot:
+ continue
+ tex = slot.texture
+ if tex.type!="IMAGE":
+ continue
+ if slot.uv_layer:
+ for u in mesh.uv_layers:
+ if u.name==slot.uv_layer:
+ index = u.unit
+ else:
+ index = mesh.uv_layers[0].unit
+ out_file.begin("texunit", index)
+ if self.textures=="INLINE":
+ out_file.begin("texture2d")
+ out_file.write("min_filter", "LINEAR")
+ out_file.write("storage", "RGBA", tex.image.size[0], tex.image.size[1])
+ texdata = '"'
+ for p in tex.image.pixels:
+ texdata += "\\x%02X"%int(p*255)
+ texdata += '"'
+ out_file.write("raw_data", texdata)
+ out_file.end()
+ else:
+ out_file.write("texture", '"%s"'%tex.image.name)
+ out_file.end()
+ out_file.end()
+ out_file.end()
def end(self):
self.indent -= 1
+def open_output(f):
+ if isinstance(f, OutFile):
+ return f
+ return OutFile(f)