--- /dev/null
+/* $Id$
+This file is part of libmspgl
+Copyright © 2010 Mikko Rasa, Mikkosoft Productions
+Distributed under the LGPL
+#include <cmath>
+#include "camera.h"
+#include "matrix.h"
+#include "projection.h"
+namespace Msp {
+namespace GL {
+ fov(M_PI/4),
+ aspect(4.0/3.0),
+ clip_near(0.1),
+ clip_far(10),
+ position(0, 0, 0),
+ look_dir(0, 0, -1),
+ up_dir(0, 1, 0)
+ for(unsigned i=0; i<16; ++i)
+ matrix[i] = (i%5 ? 0 : 1);
+ matrix[10] = -1;
+void Camera::set_field_of_view(float f)
+ fov = f;
+void Camera::set_aspect(float a)
+ aspect = a;
+void Camera::set_depth_clip(float n, float f)
+ clip_near = n;
+ clip_far = f;
+void Camera::set_position(const Vector3 &p)
+ position = p;
+ compute_matrix();
+void Camera::set_up_direction(const Vector3 &u)
+ float len = sqrt(u.x*u.x+u.y*u.y+u.z*u.z);
+ up_dir.x = u.x/len;
+ up_dir.y = u.y/len;
+ up_dir.z = u.z/len;
+ compute_matrix();
+void Camera::set_look_direction(const Vector3 &l)
+ float len = sqrt(l.x*l.x+l.y*l.y+l.z*l.z);
+ look_dir.x = l.x/len;
+ look_dir.y = l.y/len;
+ look_dir.z = l.z/len;
+ compute_matrix();
+void Camera::look_at(const Vector3 &p)
+ set_look_direction(Vector3(p.x-position.x, p.y-position.y, p.z-position.z));
+Vector3 Camera::project(const Vector4 &p) const
+ float near_h = tan(fov/2)*clip_near;
+ float near_w = near_h*aspect;
+ float z_range = clip_far-clip_near;
+ float eye_x = matrix[0]*p.x+matrix[4]*p.y+matrix[8]*p.z+matrix[12]*p.w;
+ float eye_y = matrix[1]*p.x+matrix[5]*p.y+matrix[9]*p.z+matrix[13]*p.w;
+ float eye_z = matrix[2]*p.x+matrix[6]*p.y+matrix[10]*p.z+matrix[14]*p.w;
+ return Vector3(eye_x/near_w/-eye_z, eye_y/near_h/-eye_z,
+ (clip_far+clip_near)/z_range+2*clip_far*clip_near/(eye_z*z_range));
+Vector4 Camera::unproject(const Vector4 &p) const
+ float near_h = tan(fov/2)*clip_near;
+ float near_w = near_h*aspect;
+ float z_range = clip_far-clip_near;
+ float z = (2*clip_far*clip_near)/(p.z*z_range-(clip_far+clip_near))-matrix[14]*p.w;
+ float x = p.x*-z*near_w-matrix[12]*p.w;
+ float y = p.y*-z*near_h-matrix[13]*p.w;
+ return Vector4(matrix[0]*x+matrix[1]*y+matrix[2]*z,
+ matrix[4]*x+matrix[5]*y+matrix[6]*z,
+ matrix[8]*x+matrix[9]*y+matrix[10]*z,
+ p.w);
+void Camera::apply() const
+ float h = tan(fov/2)*2*clip_near;
+ matrix_mode(PROJECTION);
+ load_identity();
+ frustum_centered(h*aspect, h, clip_near, clip_far);
+ matrix_mode(MODELVIEW);
+ load_matrix(matrix);
+void Camera::compute_matrix()
+ float x = look_dir.y*up_dir.z-look_dir.z*up_dir.y;
+ float y = look_dir.z*up_dir.x-look_dir.x*up_dir.z;
+ float z = look_dir.x*up_dir.y-look_dir.y*up_dir.x;
+ float len = sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);
+ matrix[0] = x/len;
+ matrix[4] = y/len;
+ matrix[8] = z/len;
+ matrix[1] = matrix[4]*look_dir.z-matrix[8]*look_dir.y;
+ matrix[5] = matrix[8]*look_dir.x-matrix[0]*look_dir.z;
+ matrix[9] = matrix[0]*look_dir.y-matrix[4]*look_dir.x;
+ matrix[2] = -look_dir.x;
+ matrix[6] = -look_dir.y;
+ matrix[10] = -look_dir.z;
+ matrix[12] = -position.x;
+ matrix[13] = -position.y;
+ matrix[14] = -position.z;
+} // namespace GL
+} // namespace Msp
--- /dev/null
+/* $Id$
+This file is part of libmspgl
+Copyright © 2010 Mikko Rasa, Mikkosoft Productions
+Distributed under the LGPL
+#ifndef MSP_GL_CAMERA_H_
+#define MSP_GL_CAMERA_H_
+#include "vector.h"
+namespace Msp {
+namespace GL {
+class Camera
+ float fov;
+ float aspect;
+ // Some compilers have "near" and "far" keywords
+ float clip_near;
+ float clip_far;
+ Vector3 position;
+ Vector3 look_dir;
+ Vector3 up_dir;
+ float matrix[16];
+ Camera();
+ void set_field_of_view(float);
+ void set_aspect(float);
+ void set_depth_clip(float, float);
+ void set_position(const Vector3 &);
+ void set_look_direction(const Vector3 &);
+ void look_at(const Vector3 &);
+ void set_up_direction(const Vector3 &);
+ const Vector3 &get_position() const { return position; }
+ const Vector3 &get_look_direction() const { return look_dir; }
+ const Vector3 &get_up_direction() const { return up_dir; }
+ Vector3 project(const Vector4 &) const;
+ Vector4 unproject(const Vector4 &) const;
+ void apply() const;
+ void compute_matrix();
+} // namespace GL
+} // namespcae Msp
Distributed under the LGPL
+#include "camera.h"
#include "effect.h"
#include "except.h"
#include "framebuffer.h"
namespace GL {
Pipeline::Pipeline(unsigned w, unsigned h, bool d):
+ camera(0),
delete depth_buf;
+void Pipeline::set_camera(const Camera *c)
+ camera = c;
PipelinePass &Pipeline::add_pass(const Tag &tag)
void Pipeline::render_all() const
+ if(camera)
+ camera->apply();
for(vector<Effect *>::const_iterator i=effects.begin(); i!=effects.end(); ++i)
for(vector<Tag>::const_iterator i=pass_order.begin(); i!=pass_order.end(); ++i)
for(vector<Effect *>::const_iterator i=effects.end(); i--!=effects.begin();)
// XXX Need two color buffer textures to handle multiple post-processors correctly
for(vector<PostProcessor *>::const_iterator i=postproc.begin(); i!=postproc.end(); ++i)