return label;
+string DumpTree::format_type(TypeDeclaration *type)
+ return (type ? type->name : "?");
template<typename T>
typename T::const_iterator DumpTree::increment(typename T::const_iterator &iter, const T &container)
void DumpTree::visit(Literal &literal)
- append(format("Literal: %s", literal.token));
+ append(format("Literal: %s -> %s", literal.token, format_type(literal.type)));
void DumpTree::visit(ParenthesizedExpression &parexpr)
- annotated_branch("(expr)", *parexpr.expression);
+ annotated_branch(format("(expr) -> %s", format_type(parexpr.type)), *parexpr.expression);
void DumpTree::visit(VariableReference &var)
string text;
text += format("%%%d ", get_label(*var.declaration));
- text += format("%s (var)",;
+ text += format("%s (var) -> %s",, format_type(var.type));
string text = "Member access:";
text += format(" %%%d", get_label(*memacc.declaration));
- text += format(" .%s", memacc.member);
+ text += format(" .%s -> %s", memacc.member, format_type(memacc.type));
annotated_branch(text, *memacc.left);
void DumpTree::visit(UnaryExpression &unary)
- string text = format("Unary: %s, %sfix", unary.oper->token, (unary.oper->type==Operator::PREFIX ? "pre" : "post"));
+ string text = format("Unary: %s, %sfix -> %s", unary.oper->token, (unary.oper->type==Operator::PREFIX ? "pre" : "post"), format_type(unary.type));
annotated_branch(text, *unary.expression);
void DumpTree::visit(BinaryExpression &binary)
- append(format("Binary: %s", (binary.oper->token[0]=='[' ? "[]" : binary.oper->token)));
+ append(format("Binary: %s -> %s", (binary.oper->token[0]=='[' ? "[]" : binary.oper->token), format_type(binary.type)));
head +=;
head += " (constructor)";
+ head += format(" -> %s", format_type(call.type));
+bool ExpressionResolver::is_scalar(BasicTypeDeclaration &type)
+ return (type.kind==BasicTypeDeclaration::INT || type.kind==BasicTypeDeclaration::FLOAT);
+bool ExpressionResolver::is_vector_or_matrix(BasicTypeDeclaration &type)
+ return (type.kind==BasicTypeDeclaration::VECTOR || type.kind==BasicTypeDeclaration::MATRIX);
+BasicTypeDeclaration *ExpressionResolver::get_element_type(BasicTypeDeclaration &type)
+ if(is_vector_or_matrix(type) || type.kind==BasicTypeDeclaration::ARRAY)
+ {
+ BasicTypeDeclaration *basic_base = dynamic_cast<BasicTypeDeclaration *>(type.base_type);
+ return (basic_base ? get_element_type(*basic_base) : 0);
+ }
+ else
+ return &type;
+bool ExpressionResolver::can_convert(BasicTypeDeclaration &from, BasicTypeDeclaration &to)
+ if(from.kind==BasicTypeDeclaration::INT && to.kind==BasicTypeDeclaration::FLOAT)
+ return from.size<=to.size;
+ else if(from.kind!=to.kind)
+ return false;
+ else if((from.kind==BasicTypeDeclaration::VECTOR || from.kind==BasicTypeDeclaration::MATRIX) && from.size==to.size)
+ {
+ BasicTypeDeclaration *from_base = dynamic_cast<BasicTypeDeclaration *>(from.base_type);
+ BasicTypeDeclaration *to_base = dynamic_cast<BasicTypeDeclaration *>(to.base_type);
+ return (from_base && to_base && can_convert(*from_base, *to_base));
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ExpressionResolver::Compatibility ExpressionResolver::get_compatibility(BasicTypeDeclaration &left, BasicTypeDeclaration &right)
+ if(&left==&right)
+ return SAME_TYPE;
+ else if(can_convert(left, right))
+ else if(can_convert(right, left))
+ else
+BasicTypeDeclaration *ExpressionResolver::find_type(BasicTypeDeclaration::Kind kind, unsigned size)
+ for(vector<BasicTypeDeclaration *>::const_iterator i=basic_types.begin(); i!=basic_types.end(); ++i)
+ if((*i)->kind==kind && (*i)->size==size)
+ return *i;
+ return 0;
+BasicTypeDeclaration *ExpressionResolver::find_type(BasicTypeDeclaration &elem_type, BasicTypeDeclaration::Kind kind, unsigned size)
+ for(vector<BasicTypeDeclaration *>::const_iterator i=basic_types.begin(); i!=basic_types.end(); ++i)
+ if(get_element_type(**i)==&elem_type && (*i)->kind==kind && (*i)->size==size)
+ return *i;
+ return 0;
+void ExpressionResolver::convert_to(RefPtr<Expression> &expr, BasicTypeDeclaration &type)
+ RefPtr<FunctionCall> call = new FunctionCall;
+ call->name =;
+ call->constructor = true;
+ call->arguments.push_back(0);
+ call->arguments.back() = expr;
+ call->type = &type;
+ expr = call;
+bool ExpressionResolver::convert_to_element(RefPtr<Expression> &expr, BasicTypeDeclaration &elem_type)
+ if(BasicTypeDeclaration *expr_type = dynamic_cast<BasicTypeDeclaration *>(expr->type))
+ {
+ BasicTypeDeclaration *to_type = &elem_type;
+ if(is_vector_or_matrix(*expr_type))
+ to_type = find_type(elem_type, expr_type->kind, expr_type->size);
+ if(to_type)
+ {
+ convert_to(expr, *to_type);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void ExpressionResolver::visit(Literal &literal)
+ if(literal.value.check_type<bool>())
+ literal.type = find_type(BasicTypeDeclaration::BOOL, 1);
+ else if(literal.value.check_type<int>())
+ literal.type = find_type(BasicTypeDeclaration::INT, 32);
+ else if(literal.value.check_type<float>())
+ literal.type = find_type(BasicTypeDeclaration::FLOAT, 32);
+void ExpressionResolver::visit(ParenthesizedExpression &parexpr)
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(parexpr);
+ parexpr.type = parexpr.expression->type;
+ parexpr.lvalue = parexpr.expression->lvalue;
+void ExpressionResolver::visit(VariableReference &var)
+ if(var.declaration)
+ var.type = var.declaration->type_declaration;
+ var.lvalue = true;
+void ExpressionResolver::visit(InterfaceBlockReference &iface)
+ iface.lvalue = true;
+void ExpressionResolver::visit(MemberAccess &memacc)
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(memacc);
+ if(memacc.declaration)
+ memacc.type = memacc.declaration->type_declaration;
+ memacc.lvalue = memacc.left->lvalue;
+void ExpressionResolver::visit(UnaryExpression &unary)
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(unary);
+ BasicTypeDeclaration *basic = dynamic_cast<BasicTypeDeclaration *>(unary.expression->type);
+ if(!basic)
+ return;
+ char oper = unary.oper->token[0];
+ if(oper=='!')
+ {
+ if(basic->kind==BasicTypeDeclaration::BOOL)
+ unary.type = basic;
+ }
+ else if(oper=='~')
+ {
+ if(basic->kind==BasicTypeDeclaration::INT)
+ unary.type = basic;
+ }
+ else if(oper=='+' || oper=='-')
+ {
+ BasicTypeDeclaration *elem = get_element_type(*basic);
+ if(elem && is_scalar(*elem))
+ unary.type = basic;
+ }
+ unary.lvalue = unary.expression->lvalue;
+void ExpressionResolver::visit(BinaryExpression &binary)
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(binary);
+ /* Binary operators are only defined for basic types (not for image or
+ structure types). */
+ BasicTypeDeclaration *basic_left = dynamic_cast<BasicTypeDeclaration *>(binary.left->type);
+ BasicTypeDeclaration *basic_right = dynamic_cast<BasicTypeDeclaration *>(binary.right->type);
+ if(!basic_left || !basic_right)
+ return;
+ binary.lvalue = false;
+ char oper = binary.oper->token[0];
+ if(oper=='[')
+ {
+ /* Subscripting operates on vectors, matrices and arrays, and the right
+ operand must be an integer. */
+ if((!is_vector_or_matrix(*basic_left) && basic_left->kind!=BasicTypeDeclaration::ARRAY) || basic_right->kind!=BasicTypeDeclaration::INT)
+ return;
+ binary.type = basic_left->base_type;
+ binary.lvalue = binary.left->lvalue;
+ return;
+ }
+ else if(basic_left->kind==BasicTypeDeclaration::ARRAY || basic_right->kind==BasicTypeDeclaration::ARRAY)
+ // No other binary operator can be used with arrays.
+ return;
+ BasicTypeDeclaration *elem_left = get_element_type(*basic_left);
+ BasicTypeDeclaration *elem_right = get_element_type(*basic_right);
+ if(!elem_left || !elem_right)
+ return;
+ Compatibility compat = get_compatibility(*basic_left, *basic_right);
+ Compatibility elem_compat = get_compatibility(*elem_left, *elem_right);
+ if(elem_compat==NOT_COMPATIBLE)
+ return;
+ char oper2 = binary.oper->token[1];
+ if((oper=='<' && oper2!='<') || (oper=='>' && oper2!='>'))
+ {
+ /* Relational operators compare two scalar integer or floating-point
+ values. */
+ if(!is_scalar(*elem_left) || !is_scalar(*elem_right) || compat==NOT_COMPATIBLE)
+ return;
+ binary.type = find_type(BasicTypeDeclaration::BOOL, 1);
+ }
+ else if((oper=='=' || oper=='!') && oper2=='=')
+ {
+ // Equality comparison can be done on any compatible types.
+ if(compat==NOT_COMPATIBLE)
+ return;
+ binary.type = find_type(BasicTypeDeclaration::BOOL, 1);
+ }
+ else if(oper2=='&' || oper2=='|' || oper2=='^')
+ {
+ // Logical operators can only be applied to booleans.
+ if(basic_left->kind!=BasicTypeDeclaration::BOOL || basic_right->kind!=BasicTypeDeclaration::BOOL)
+ return;
+ binary.type = basic_left;
+ }
+ else if((oper=='&' || oper=='|' || oper=='^' || oper=='%') && !oper2)
+ {
+ // Bitwise operators and modulo can only be applied to integers.
+ if(basic_left->kind!=BasicTypeDeclaration::INT || basic_right->kind!=BasicTypeDeclaration::INT)
+ return;
+ binary.type = (compat==LEFT_CONVERTIBLE ? basic_right : basic_left);
+ }
+ else if((oper=='<' || oper=='>') && oper2==oper)
+ {
+ // Shifts only apply to integers.
+ if(basic_left->kind!=BasicTypeDeclaration::INT || basic_right->kind!=BasicTypeDeclaration::INT)
+ return;
+ binary.type = basic_left;
+ }
+ else if(oper=='+' || oper=='-' || oper=='*' || oper=='/')
+ {
+ // Arithmetic operators require scalar elements.
+ if(!is_scalar(*elem_left) || !is_scalar(*elem_right))
+ return;
+ if(oper=='*' && is_vector_or_matrix(*basic_left) && is_vector_or_matrix(*basic_right) &&
+ (basic_left->kind==BasicTypeDeclaration::MATRIX || basic_right->kind==BasicTypeDeclaration::MATRIX))
+ {
+ /* Multiplication has special rules when at least one operand is a
+ matrix and the other is a vector or a matrix. */
+ unsigned left_columns = basic_left->size&0xFFFF;
+ unsigned right_rows = basic_right->size;
+ if(basic_right->kind==BasicTypeDeclaration::MATRIX)
+ right_rows >>= 16;
+ if(left_columns!=right_rows)
+ return;
+ BasicTypeDeclaration *elem_result = (elem_compat==LEFT_CONVERTIBLE ? elem_right : elem_left);
+ if(basic_left->kind==BasicTypeDeclaration::VECTOR)
+ binary.type = find_type(*elem_result, BasicTypeDeclaration::VECTOR, basic_right->size&0xFFFF);
+ else if(basic_right->kind==BasicTypeDeclaration::VECTOR)
+ binary.type = find_type(*elem_result, BasicTypeDeclaration::VECTOR, basic_left->size>>16);
+ else
+ binary.type = find_type(*elem_result, BasicTypeDeclaration::MATRIX, (basic_left->size&0xFFFF0000)|(basic_right->size&0xFFFF));
+ }
+ else if(compat==NOT_COMPATIBLE)
+ {
+ // Arithmetic between scalars and matrices or vectors is supported.
+ if(is_scalar(*basic_left) && is_vector_or_matrix(*basic_right))
+ binary.type = (elem_compat==RIGHT_CONVERTIBLE ? find_type(*elem_left, basic_right->kind, basic_right->size) : basic_right);
+ else if(is_vector_or_matrix(*basic_left) && is_scalar(*basic_right))
+ binary.type = (elem_compat==LEFT_CONVERTIBLE ? find_type(*elem_right, basic_left->kind, basic_left->size) : basic_left);
+ else
+ return;
+ }
+ else if(compat==LEFT_CONVERTIBLE)
+ binary.type = basic_right;
+ else
+ binary.type = basic_left;
+ }
+ else
+ return;
+ bool converted = true;
+ if(compat==LEFT_CONVERTIBLE)
+ convert_to(binary.left, *basic_right);
+ else if(compat==RIGHT_CONVERTIBLE)
+ convert_to(binary.right, *basic_left);
+ else if(elem_compat==LEFT_CONVERTIBLE)
+ converted = convert_to_element(binary.left, *elem_right);
+ else if(elem_compat==RIGHT_CONVERTIBLE)
+ converted = convert_to_element(binary.right, *elem_left);
+ if(!converted)
+ binary.type = 0;
+void ExpressionResolver::visit(Assignment &assign)
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(assign);
+ assign.type = assign.left->type;
+ assign.lvalue = true;
+void ExpressionResolver::visit(FunctionCall &call)
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(call);
+ if(call.declaration)
+ call.type = call.declaration->return_type_declaration;
+ else if(call.constructor)
+ {
+ map<string, TypeDeclaration *>::const_iterator i=stage->types.find(;
+ call.type = (i!=stage->types.end() ? i->second : 0);
+ }
+ call.lvalue = false;
+void ExpressionResolver::visit(BasicTypeDeclaration &type)
+ basic_types.push_back(&type);
+void ExpressionResolver::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(var);
+ if(!var.init_expression)
+ return;
+ BasicTypeDeclaration *var_basic = dynamic_cast<BasicTypeDeclaration *>(var.type_declaration);
+ BasicTypeDeclaration *init_basic = dynamic_cast<BasicTypeDeclaration *>(var.init_expression->type);
+ if(!var_basic || !init_basic)
+ return;
+ Compatibility compat = get_compatibility(*var_basic, *init_basic);
+ convert_to(var.init_expression, *var_basic);
void FunctionResolver::apply(Stage &s)
stage = &s;