--- /dev/null
+import bpy
+from io_utils import ExportHelper
+class ExportMspGL(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
+ bl_idname = "export.mspgl"
+ bl_label = "Export Msp GL data"
+ filename_ext = ".mesh"
+ use_strips = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Use strips", description="Combine faces into triangle strips", default=True)
+ use_degen_tris = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Use degen tris", description="Concatenate triangle strips with degenerate triangles", default=False)
+ max_strip_len = bpy.props.IntProperty(name="Max strip length", description="Maximum length for a triangle strip", default=1024, min=4, max=16384)
+ optimize_cache = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Optimize cache", description="Optimize element order for vertex cache", default=True)
+ cache_size = bpy.props.IntProperty(name="Cache size", description="Simulated vertex cache size used in optimization", default=64, min=8, max=1024)
+ export_lines = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Export lines", description="Export edges without faces as lines", default=False)
+ tbn_vecs = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="TBN vectors", description="Compute tangent and binormal vectors for vertices", default=False)
+ compound = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Compound", description="Combine all selected objects into one for exporting", default=False)
+ object = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Object", description="Export an object instead of a mesh", default=False)
+ material_tex = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Material texture", description="Generate a texture based on material colors", default=False)
+ def execute(self, context):
+ from . import export_mspgl
+ exporter = export_mspgl.Exporter()
+ for k, v in self.as_keywords().items():
+ setattr(exporter, k, v)
+ exporter.export(context, self.filepath)
+ return {"FINISHED"}
+def menu_func_export(self, context):
+ self.layout.operator(ExportMspGL.bl_idname, text="Msp GL")
+def register():
+ bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_export.append(menu_func_export)
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ register()
--- /dev/null
+# $Id: mesh_export.py 137 2010-12-05 19:22:35Z tdb $
+import bpy
+class VertexCache:
+ def __init__(self, size):
+ self.size = size
+ self.slots = [-1]*self.size
+ def fetch(self, v):
+ hit = v.index in self.slots
+ if hit:
+ self.slots.remove(v.index)
+ self.slots.append(v.index)
+ if not hit:
+ del self.slots[0]
+ return hit
+ def fetch_strip(self, strip):
+ hits = 0
+ for v in strip:
+ if self.fetch(v):
+ hits += 1
+ return hits
+ def test_strip(self, strip):
+ hits = 0
+ for i in range(len(strip)):
+ if i>=self.size:
+ break
+ if strip[i].index in self.slots[i:]:
+ hits += 1
+ return hits
+class OutFile:
+ def __init__(self, fn):
+ if fn==None:
+ self.file = sys.stdout
+ else:
+ self.file = open(fn, "w")
+ self.indent = 0
+ def make(self, kwd, *params):
+ pstr = ""
+ for p in params:
+ if type(p)==float:
+ pstr += " %.6g"%p
+ else:
+ pstr += " %s"%p
+ return "%s%s"%(kwd, pstr)
+ def write(self, kwd, *params):
+ self.file.write("%s%s;\n"%('\t'*self.indent, self.make(kwd, *params)))
+ def begin(self, kwd, *params):
+ i = '\t'*self.indent
+ self.file.write("%s%s\n%s{\n"%(i, self.make(kwd, *params), i))
+ self.indent += 1
+ def end(self):
+ self.indent -= 1
+ self.file.write("%s};\n"%('\t'*self.indent))
+class Exporter:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.use_strips = True
+ self.use_degen_tris = True
+ self.max_strip_len = 1024
+ self.optimize_cache = False
+ self.cache_size = 64
+ self.export_lines = True
+ self.tbn_vecs = False
+ self.compound = False
+ self.object = False
+ self.material_tex = False
+ def stripify(self, mesh, progress = None):
+ for f in mesh.faces:
+ f.flag = False
+ faces_done = 0
+ strips = []
+ loose = []
+ cache = None
+ if self.optimize_cache:
+ cache = VertexCache(self.cache_size)
+ island = []
+ island_strips = []
+ while 1:
+ if not island:
+ queue = []
+ for f in mesh.faces:
+ if not f.flag:
+ f.flag = True
+ queue.append(f)
+ break
+ if not queue:
+ break
+ while queue:
+ f = queue[0]
+ del queue[0]
+ island.append(f)
+ for e in f.edges:
+ other = e.other_face(f)
+ if other and not other.flag:
+ other.flag = True
+ queue.append(other)
+ for f in island:
+ f.flag = False
+ best = 5
+ face = None
+ for f in island:
+ if f.flag:
+ continue
+ score = 0
+ for e in f.edges:
+ other = e.other_face(f)
+ if other and not other.flag:
+ score += 1
+ if score>0 and score<best:
+ face = f
+ best = score
+ if not face:
+ while island_strips:
+ best = 0
+ if cache:
+ best_hits = 0
+ for i in range(len(island_strips)):
+ hits = cache.test_strip(island_strips[i])
+ if hits>best_hits:
+ best = i
+ best_hits = hits
+ s = island_strips[best]
+ del island_strips[best]
+ strips.append(s)
+ if cache:
+ cache.fetch_strip(s)
+ faces_done += len(island)
+ if progress:
+ progress.set_progress(float(faces_done)/len(mesh.faces))
+ loose += [f for f in island if not f.flag]
+ for f in island:
+ f.flag = True
+ island = []
+ island_strips = []
+ continue
+ strip = mesh.create_strip(face, self.max_strip_len)
+ if strip:
+ island_strips.append(strip)
+ if cache:
+ cache = VertexCache(self.cache_size)
+ total_hits = 0
+ if self.use_degen_tris and strips:
+ big_strip = []
+ for s in strips:
+ if big_strip:
+ glue = [big_strip[-1], s[0]]
+ if len(big_strip)%2:
+ glue += [s[0]]
+ big_strip += glue
+ if cache:
+ total_hits += cache.fetch_strip(glue)
+ big_strip += s
+ if cache:
+ total_hits += cache.fetch_strip(s)
+ for f in loose:
+ if len(big_strip)%2:
+ order = (-1, -2, 0, 1)
+ else:
+ order = (0, 1, -1, -2)
+ vertices = [f.vertices[i] for i in order[:len(f.vertices)]]
+ if big_strip:
+ glue = [big_strip[-1], vertices[0]]
+ big_strip += glue
+ if cache:
+ total_hits += cache.fetch_strip(glue)
+ big_strip += vertices
+ if cache:
+ total_hits += cache.fetch_strip(vertices)
+ strips = [big_strip]
+ loose = []
+ return strips, loose
+ def export(self, context, fn):
+ if self.compound:
+ objs = context.selected_objects
+ else:
+ objs = [context.active_object]
+ if not objs:
+ raise Exception("Nothing to export")
+ for o in objs:
+ if o.type!="MESH":
+ raise Exception("Can only export Mesh data")
+ from .mesh import Mesh
+ from .util import Progress
+ progress = Progress()
+ progress.set_task("Preparing", 0.0, 0.0)
+ mesh = None
+ bmeshes = []
+ for o in objs:
+ bmesh = o.create_mesh(context.scene, True, "PREVIEW")
+ bmeshes.append(bmesh)
+ if not mesh:
+ mesh = Mesh(bmesh)
+ else:
+ mesh.splice(Mesh(bmesh))
+ progress.set_task("Smoothing", 0.05, 0.35)
+ mesh.split_smooth()
+ mesh.compute_normals()
+ if self.material_tex:
+ mesh.generate_material_uv()
+ if mesh.has_uv:
+ progress.set_task("Splitting UVs", 0.35, 0.65)
+ mesh.split_uv()
+ mesh.compute_uv()
+ if self.tbn_vecs:
+ mesh.compute_tbn()
+ strips = []
+ loose = mesh.faces
+ if self.use_strips:
+ progress.set_task("Creating strips", 0.65, 0.95)
+ strips, loose = self.stripify(mesh, progress)
+ progress.set_task("Writing file", 0.95, 1.0)
+ out_file = OutFile(fn)
+ if self.object:
+ out_file.begin("mesh")
+ fmt = "NORMAL3"
+ if mesh.has_uv:
+ fmt += "_TEXCOORD2"
+ if self.tbn_vecs:
+ fmt += "_ATTRIB33_ATTRIB34"
+ fmt += "_VERTEX3"
+ out_file.begin("vertices", fmt)
+ normal = None
+ uv = None
+ tan = None
+ bino = None
+ for v in mesh.vertices:
+ if v.normal!=normal:
+ out_file.write("normal3", *v.normal)
+ normal = v.normal
+ if v.uv!=uv:
+ out_file.write("texcoord2", *v.uv)
+ uv = v.uv
+ if v.tan!=tan:
+ out_file.write("attrib3", 3, *v.tan)
+ tan = v.tan
+ if v.bino!=bino:
+ out_file.write("attrib3", 4, *v.bino)
+ bino = v.bino
+ out_file.write("vertex3", *v.co)
+ out_file.end()
+ for s in strips:
+ out_file.begin("batch", "TRIANGLE_STRIP")
+ indices = []
+ n = 0
+ for v in s:
+ indices.append(v.index)
+ if len(indices)>=32:
+ out_file.write("indices", *indices)
+ indices = []
+ if indices:
+ out_file.write("indices", *indices)
+ out_file.end()
+ if loose:
+ out_file.begin("batch", "TRIANGLES")
+ for f in loose:
+ for i in range(2, len(f.vertices)):
+ out_file.write("indices", f.vertices[0].index, f.vertices[i-1].index, f.vertices[i].index)
+ out_file.end()
+ if self.export_lines and mesh.lines:
+ out_file.write("batch", "LINES")
+ for l in mesh.lines:
+ out_file.write("indices", l.vertices[0].index, l.vertices[1].index)
+ out_file.end()
+ if self.object:
+ out_file.end()
+ out_file.begin("technique")
+ out_file.begin("pass", '""')
+ if self.material_tex:
+ out_file.begin("material")
+ out_file.write("diffuse", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ out_file.end()
+ out_file.begin("texunit", 0)
+ out_file.begin("texture2d")
+ out_file.write("min_filter", "NEAREST")
+ out_file.write("mag_filter", "NEAREST")
+ out_file.write("storage", "RGB", len(mesh.materials), 1)
+ texdata = '"'
+ for m in mesh.materials:
+ color = [int(c*255) for c in m.diffuse_color]
+ texdata += "\\x%02X\\x%02X\\x%02X"%tuple(color)
+ texdata += '"'
+ out_file.write("raw_data", texdata)
+ out_file.end()
+ out_file.end()
+ elif mesh.materials:
+ m = mesh.materials[0]
+ out_file.begin("material")
+ out_file.write("diffuse", m.R, m.G, m.B, 1.0)
+ out_file.write("ambient", m.R*m.amb, m.G*m.amb, m.B*m.amb, 1.0)
+ out_file.write("specular", m.specR*m.spec, m.specG*m.spec, m.specB*m.spec, 1.0)
+ out_file.write("shininess", m.hard);
+ out_file.end()
+ out_file.end()
+ out_file.end()
+ progress.set_task("Done", 1.0, 1.0)
+ for m in bmeshes:
+ bpy.data.meshes.remove(m)
--- /dev/null
+import math
+import mathutils
+def make_edge_key(i1, i2):
+ return (min(i1, i2), max(i1, i2))
+class Edge:
+ def __init__(self, me):
+ if me.__class__==Edge:
+ self._medge = me._medge
+ self.vertices = me.vertices[:]
+ self.smooth = me.smooth
+ else:
+ self._medge = me
+ self.smooth = False
+ self.faces = []
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ return getattr(self._medge, attr)
+ def check_smooth(self, limit):
+ if len(self.faces)!=2:
+ return
+ d = self.faces[0].normal.dot(self.faces[1].normal)
+ if (d>limit and self.faces[0].use_smooth and self.faces[1].use_smooth) or d>0.999:
+ self.smooth = True
+ def other_face(self, f):
+ if f.index==self.faces[0].index:
+ if len(self.faces)>=2:
+ return self.faces[1]
+ else:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return self.faces[0]
+class Vertex:
+ def __init__(self, mv):
+ if mv.__class__==Vertex:
+ self._mvert = mv._mvert
+ self.normal = mv.normal
+ self.uv = mv.uv
+ else:
+ self._mvert = mv
+ self.uv = None
+ self.flag = False
+ self.faces = []
+ self.tan = None
+ self.bino = None
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ return getattr(self._mvert, attr)
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ if other is None:
+ return 1
+ return cmp(self.index, other.index)
+class Face:
+ def __init__(self, mf):
+ self._mface = mf
+ self.edges = []
+ self.vertices = mf.vertices[:]
+ self.uv = None
+ self.flag = False
+ self.material = None
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ return getattr(self._mface, attr)
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ if other is None:
+ return 1
+ return cmp(self.index, other.index)
+ def pivot_vertices(self, *vt):
+ flags = [(v in vt) for v in self.vertices]
+ l = len(self.vertices)
+ for i in range(l):
+ if flags[i] and not flags[(i+l-1)%l]:
+ return self.vertices[i:]+self.vertices[:i]
+ def get_edge(self, v1, v2):
+ key = make_edge_key(v1.index, v2.index)
+ for e in self.edges:
+ if e.key==key:
+ return e
+ raise KeyError("No edge %s"%(key,))
+class Line:
+ def __init__(self, e):
+ self.edge = e
+ self.vertices = e.vertices[:]
+ self.flag = False
+class Mesh:
+ def __init__(self, m):
+ self._mesh = m
+ self.vertices = [Vertex(v) for v in m.vertices]
+ self.faces = [Face(f) for f in m.faces]
+ self.materials = m.materials[:]
+ self.has_uv = False
+ uvtex = None
+ if m.uv_textures:
+ uvtex = self.uv_textures[0]
+ self.has_uv = True
+ for f in self.faces:
+ f.vertices = [self.vertices[i] for i in f.vertices]
+ if uvtex:
+ f.uv = uvtex.data[f.index].uv
+ for v in f.vertices:
+ v.faces.append(f)
+ self.edges = dict([(e.key, Edge(e)) for e in m.edges])
+ for f in self.faces:
+ for k in f.edge_keys:
+ e = self.edges[k]
+ e.faces.append(self.faces[f.index])
+ f.edges.append(e)
+ self.lines = [Line(e) for e in self.edges.values() if not e.faces]
+ if m.use_auto_smooth:
+ smooth_limit = math.cos(m.auto_smooth_angle*math.pi/180)
+ else:
+ smooth_limit = -1
+ for e in self.edges.values():
+ e.vertices = [self.vertices[i] for i in e.vertices]
+ e.check_smooth(smooth_limit)
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ return getattr(self._mesh, attr)
+ def splice(self, other):
+ material_map = []
+ for m in other.materials:
+ if m in self.materials:
+ material_map.append(self.materials.index(m))
+ else:
+ material_map.append(len(self.materials))
+ self.materials.append(m)
+ offset = len(self.vertices)
+ for v in other.vertices:
+ v.index += offset
+ self.vertices.append(v)
+ offset = len(self.faces)
+ for f in other.faces:
+ f.index += offset
+ f.material = material_map[f.material_index]
+ self.faces.append(f)
+ for e in other.edges.values():
+ e.key = make_edge_key(e.vertices[0].index, e.vertices[1].index)
+ self.edges[e.key] = e
+ self.lines += other.lines
+ def generate_material_uv(self):
+ for f in self.faces:
+ f.uv = ([(f.material_index+0.5)/len(self.materials), 0.5],)*len(f.vertices)
+ self.has_uv = True
+ def split_vertices(self, find_group_func, progress = None):
+ groups = []
+ for i in range(len(self.vertices)):
+ v = self.vertices[i]
+ for f in v.faces:
+ f.flag = False
+ vg = []
+ for f in v.faces:
+ if not f.flag:
+ vg.append(find_group_func(v, f))
+ groups.append(vg)
+ if progress:
+ progress.set_progress(i*0.5/len(self.vertices))
+ for i in range(len(self.vertices)):
+ if len(groups[i])==1:
+ continue
+ for g in groups[i][1:]:
+ v = Vertex(self.vertices[i])
+ v.index = len(self.vertices)
+ self.vertices.append(v)
+ for f in g:
+ for j in range(len(f.edges)):
+ e = f.edges[j]
+ if self.vertices[i] not in e.vertices:
+ continue
+ if e.other_face(f) not in g and len(e.faces)>=2:
+ k = e.faces.index(f)
+ e.faces.remove(f)
+ e = Edge(e)
+ f.edges[j] = e
+ e.faces.append(f)
+ else:
+ del self.edges[e.key]
+ e.vertices[e.vertices.index(self.vertices[i])] = v
+ e.key = make_edge_key(e.vertices[0].index, e.vertices[1].index)
+ self.edges[e.key] = e
+ self.vertices[i].faces.remove(f)
+ f.vertices[f.vertices.index(self.vertices[i])] = v
+ v.faces.append(f)
+ if progress:
+ progress.set_progress(0.5+i*0.5/len(self.vertices))
+ def split_smooth(self, progress = None):
+ self.split_vertices(self.find_smooth_group, progress)
+ def split_uv(self, progress = None):
+ self.split_vertices(self.find_uv_group, progress)
+ def find_smooth_group(self, vertex, face):
+ face.flag = True
+ queue = [face]
+ for f in queue:
+ for e in f.edges:
+ other = e.other_face(f)
+ #if not other or other.index not in face_indices:
+ if other not in vertex.faces:
+ continue
+ if e.smooth:
+ if not other.flag:
+ other.flag = True
+ queue.append(other)
+ return queue
+ def find_uv_group(self, vertex, face):
+ uv = face.uv[face.vertices.index(vertex)]
+ face.flag = True
+ group = [face]
+ for f in vertex.faces:
+ if not f.flag and f.uv[f.vertices.index(vertex)]==uv:
+ f.flag = True
+ group.append(f)
+ return group
+ def compute_normals(self):
+ for v in self.vertices:
+ if v.faces:
+ v.normal = mathutils.Vector()
+ for f in v.faces:
+ v.normal += f.normal
+ v.normal.normalize()
+ else:
+ # XXX Should use edges to compute normal
+ v.normal = mathutils.Vector(0, 0, 1)
+ def compute_uv(self):
+ for v in self.vertices:
+ if v.faces:
+ v.uv = v.faces[0].uv[v.faces[0].vertices.index(v)]
+ def compute_tbn(self):
+ for v in self.vertices:
+ v.tan = mathutils.Vector()
+ v.bino = mathutils.Vector()
+ for f in v.faces:
+ fv = f.pivot_vertices(False, v)
+ v1 = fv[1]
+ v2 = fv[-1]
+ du1 = v1.uv[0]-v.uv[0]
+ du2 = v2.uv[0]-v.uv[0]
+ dv1 = v1.uv[1]-v.uv[1]
+ dv2 = v2.uv[1]-v.uv[1]
+ div = du1*dv2-du2*dv1
+ edge1 = fv[1].co-fv[0].co
+ edge2 = fv[-1].co-fv[0].co
+ if div:
+ v.tan += (edge1*dv2-edge2*dv1)/div
+ v.bino += (edge2*du1-edge1*du2)/div
+ if v.tan.length:
+ v.tan.normalize()
+ if v.bino.length:
+ v.bino.normalize()
+ def create_strip(self, face, max_len):
+ edge = None
+ for e in face.edges:
+ other = e.other_face(face)
+ if other and not other.flag:
+ edge = e
+ break
+ if not edge:
+ return None
+ vertices = face.pivot_vertices(*edge.vertices)
+ if len(vertices)==3:
+ result = [vertices[-1], vertices[0]]
+ else:
+ result = [vertices[-2], vertices[-1]]
+ while 1:
+ vertices = face.pivot_vertices(*result[-2:])
+ k = len(result)%2
+ face.flag = True
+ if len(vertices)==4 and not k:
+ result.append(vertices[3])
+ result.append(vertices[2])
+ if len(vertices)==4 and k:
+ result.append(vertices[3])
+ if len(result)>=max_len:
+ break
+ edge = face.get_edge(*result[-2:])
+ next = edge.other_face(face)
+ if not next or next.flag:
+ break
+ face = next
+ return result
--- /dev/null
+class Progress:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.task = ""
+ self.start = 0.0
+ self.delta = 1.0
+ def set_task(self, task, low, high):
+ self.task = task
+ self.start = low
+ self.delta = high-low
+ self.set_progress(0.0)
+ def set_progress(self, value):
+ pass
+ #Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(self.start+self.delta*value, self.task)