def make_edge_key(i1, i2):
return (min(i1, i2), max(i1, i2))
+progress_range = (0.0, 1.0, "")
+def set_progress(value):
+ Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(progress_range[0]+progress_range[1]*value, progress_range[2])
+def set_progress_range(low, high, text):
+ global progress_range
+ progress_range = (low, high-low, text)
+ set_progress(0.0)
class Edge:
def __init__(self, me):
def split_vertices(self, find_group_func, debug):
groups = []
- for v in self.verts:
+ for i in range(len(self.verts)):
+ v = self.verts[i]
for f in v.faces:
f.flag = False
+ set_progress(i*0.5/len(self.verts))
for i in range(len(self.verts)):
if len(groups[i])==1:
f.verts[f.verts.index(self.verts[i])] = v
+ set_progress(0.5+i*0.5/len(self.verts))
def split_smooth(self, debug = False):
self.split_vertices(self.find_smooth_group, debug)
for f in mesh.faces:
f.flag = False
+ faces_done = 0
strips = []
+ loose = []
+ cache = None
+ if self.optimize_cache:
+ cache = VertexCache(self.cache_size)
+ island = []
+ island_strips = []
while 1:
+ if not island:
+ queue = []
+ for f in mesh.faces:
+ if not f.flag:
+ f.flag = True
+ queue.append(f)
+ break
+ if not queue:
+ break
+ while queue:
+ f = queue[0]
+ del queue[0]
+ island.append(f)
+ for e in f.edges:
+ other = e.other_face(f)
+ if other and not other.flag:
+ other.flag = True
+ queue.append(other)
+ for f in island:
+ f.flag = False
best = 5
face = None
- for f in mesh.faces:
+ for f in island:
if f.flag:
score = 0
best = score
if not face:
- break
+ while island_strips:
+ best = 0
+ if cache:
+ best_hits = 0
+ for i in range(len(island_strips)):
+ hits = cache.test_strip(island_strips[i])
+ if hits>best_hits:
+ best = i
+ best_hits = hits
+ s = island_strips[best]
+ del island_strips[best]
+ strips.append(s)
+ if cache:
+ cache.fetch_strip(s)
+ faces_done += len(island)
+ set_progress(float(faces_done)/len(mesh.faces))
+ loose += [f for f in island if not f.flag]
+ for f in island:
+ f.flag = True
+ island = []
+ island_strips = []
+ continue
strip = mesh.create_strip(face, self.max_strip_len, self.strip_debug)
if strip:
- strips.append(strip)
- loose = [f for f in mesh.faces if not f.flag]
+ island_strips.append(strip)
if self.debug:
print "%d strips:"%len(strips)
for i in range(len(strips)):
print " %d: %d indices"%(i, len(strips[i]))
- print "%d loose faces"%len([f for f in mesh.faces if not f.flag])
+ print "%d loose faces"%len(loose)
nind = sum([len(s) for s in strips])+sum([len(f.verts) for f in loose])
print "%d indices total"%nind
- if self.use_degen_tris and strips:
- big_strip = []
- cache = None
+ if cache:
+ cache = VertexCache(self.cache_size)
total_hits = 0
- if self.optimize_cache:
- cache = VertexCache(self.cache_size)
- while strips:
- best = 0
- if cache:
- best_hits = 0
- for i in range(len(strips)):
- hits = cache.test_strip(strips[i])
- if hits>best_hits:
- best = i
- best_hits = hits
- s = strips[best]
+ if self.use_degen_tris and strips:
+ big_strip = []
+ for s in strips:
if big_strip:
glue = [big_strip[-1], s[0]]
if len(big_strip)%2:
if cache:
total_hits += cache.fetch_strip(s)
- del strips[best]
for f in loose:
if len(big_strip)%2:
order = (-1, -2, 0, 1)
order = (0, 1, -1, -2)
verts = [f.verts[i] for i in order[:len(f.verts)]]
if big_strip:
glue = [big_strip[-1], verts[0]]
big_strip += glue
if cache:
total_hits += cache.fetch_strip(glue)
big_strip += verts
if cache:
total_hits += cache.fetch_strip(verts)
if o.getType()!="Mesh":
raise Exception, "Can only export Mesh data"
+ Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(0.0, "Preparing");
mesh = Blender.Mesh.New("export_tmp")
mesh = Mesh(mesh)
ntris = sum([len(f.verts)-2 for f in mesh.faces])
print "Starting with %d vertices, %d faces (%d triangles) and %d edges"%(len(mesh.verts), len(mesh.faces), ntris, len(mesh.edges))
+ set_progress_range(0.05, 0.35, "Smoothing")
if self.debug:
if mesh.faceUV:
+ set_progress_range(0.35, 0.65, "Splitting UVs")
if self.debug:
print "After UV splitting %d vertices and %d edges"%(len(mesh.verts), len(mesh.edges))
if self.tbn_vecs:
+ set_progress_range(0.65, 0.95, "Creating strips")
strips = []
loose = mesh.faces
if self.use_strips:
strips, loose = self.stripify(mesh)
+ Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(0.95, "Writing file");
if self.object:
+ Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(1.0, "Done")
class FrontEnd:
def __init__(self):