--- /dev/null
+#include "meshbuilder.h"
+#include "text.h"
+#include "texture2d.h"
+using namespace std;
+namespace Msp {
+namespace GL {
+Text::Text(const Font &f, const Technique *tech):
+ font(f),
+ mesh((TEXCOORD2, VERTEX2)),
+ horz_align(0.0f),
+ vert_offset(0.0f)
+ object.set_mesh(&mesh);
+ if(tech)
+ set_technique(tech);
+void Text::set_technique(const Technique *tech)
+ if(tech)
+ {
+ technique = *tech;
+ technique.replace_texture("diffusemap", font.get_texture());
+ object.set_technique(&technique);
+ }
+ else
+ object.set_technique(0);
+void Text::set_text(const string &text, StringCodec::Decoder &dec)
+ clear();
+ width = font.get_string_width(text, dec);
+ GL::MeshBuilder bld(mesh);
+ bld.matrix() *= Matrix::translation(Vector3(-horz_align*width, vert_offset, 0.0f));
+ font.build_string(text, dec, bld);
+void Text::clear()
+ mesh.clear();
+ width = 0;
+void Text::set_alignment(HorizontalAlign ha, VerticalAlign va)
+ float h;
+ switch(ha)
+ {
+ case LEFT: h = 0.0f; break;
+ case CENTER: h = 0.5f; break;
+ case RIGHT: h = 1.0f; break;
+ default: throw invalid_argument("Text::set_alignment");
+ }
+ float v;
+ switch(va)
+ {
+ case DESCENT: v = -font.get_descent(); break;
+ case BASELINE: v = 0.0f; break;
+ case MIDLINE: v = font.get_ascent()/2; break; // XXX Midline should be cap height / 2
+ case ASCENT: v = font.get_ascent(); break;
+ default: throw invalid_argument("Text::set_alignment");
+ }
+ set_alignment(h, v);
+void Text::set_alignment(float h, float v)
+ float horz_adjust = (horz_align-h)*width;
+ float vert_adjust = -v-vert_offset;
+ horz_align = h;
+ vert_offset = -v;
+ unsigned pos_offset = mesh.get_vertices().get_format().offset(VERTEX2);
+ unsigned n_vertices = mesh.get_n_vertices();
+ for(unsigned i=0; i<n_vertices; ++i)
+ {
+ float *pos = mesh.modify_vertex(i)+pos_offset;
+ pos[0] += horz_adjust;
+ pos[1] += vert_adjust;
+ }
+void Text::render(Renderer &renderer, const Tag &tag) const
+ object.render(renderer, tag);
+} // namespace GL
+} // namespace Msp
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef MSP_GL_TEXT_H_
+#define MSP_GL_TEXT_H_
+#include "font.h"
+#include "mesh.h"
+#include "object.h"
+#include "technique.h"
+namespace Msp {
+namespace GL {
+Creates an object consisting of the visual representation of a string. Can be
+used with an ObjectInstance to further customize the appearance.
+class Text: public Renderable
+ enum HorizontalAlign
+ {
+ };
+ enum VerticalAlign
+ {
+ };
+ const Font &font;
+ Mesh mesh;
+ Object object;
+ Technique technique;
+ float horz_align;
+ float vert_offset;
+ float width;
+ Text(const Font &, const Technique * = 0);
+ const Mesh *get_mesh() const { return &mesh; }
+ /** Sets technique to render with. It should have a texture slot named
+ "diffusemap", which will be replaced with the font's texture. */
+ void set_technique(const Technique *);
+ const Technique *get_technique() const { return object.get_technique(); }
+ /// Sets the string to be displayed.
+ void set_text(const std::string &, StringCodec::Decoder &);
+ template<typename C>
+ void set_text(const std::string &t)
+ {
+ typename C::Decoder dec;
+ set_text(t, dec);
+ }
+ void set_text(const std::string &t)
+ { set_text<StringCodec::Utf8>(t); }
+ /// Clears the object's contents.
+ void clear();
+ /// Sets horizontal and vertical alignment with predefined anchors.
+ void set_alignment(HorizontalAlign, VerticalAlign = BASELINE);
+ /** Sets horizontal and vertical alignment. 0.0 means left or baseline,
+ 1.0 means right or top. */
+ void set_alignment(float, float = 0.0f);
+ float get_width() const { return width; }
+ virtual void render(Renderer &, const Tag &) const;
+ operator const Object &() const { return object; }
+} // namespace GL
+} // namespace Msp