#include <cmath>
#include <msp/core/application.h>
#include <msp/core/getopt.h>
+#include <msp/datafile/directorysource.h>
+#include <msp/datafile/packsource.h>
+#include <msp/fs/stat.h>
#include <msp/fs/utils.h>
#include <msp/graphics/simplewindow.h>
#include <msp/gl/animatedobject.h>
#include <msp/gl/lighting.h>
#include <msp/gl/mesh.h>
#include <msp/gl/object.h>
+#include <msp/gl/resources.h>
+#include <msp/gl/technique.h>
#include <msp/gl/tests.h>
#include <msp/input/mouse.h>
#include <msp/io/print.h>
class Viewer: public RegisteredApplication<Viewer>
+ class Resources: public GL::Resources
+ {
+ private:
+ DataFile::DirectorySource dir_source;
+ DataFile::PackSource pack_source;
+ public:
+ Resources();
+ void add_directory(const string &);
+ void add_pack(const string &);
+ };
Graphics::SimpleGLWindow window;
Input::Mouse mouse;
- GL::Object *object;
- GL::Mesh *mesh;
- GL::Animation *animation;
+ Resources resources;
+ GL::Renderable *renderable;
GL::AnimatedObject *anim_object;
GL::AnimationPlayer *anim_player;
GL::Light light;
Viewer(int, char **);
+ template<typename T>
+ T *load(const string &);
virtual int main();
Viewer::Viewer(int argc, char **argv):
window(1024, 768, false),
- object(0),
- mesh(0),
- animation(0),
+ renderable(0),
- if(argc<2)
- throw usage_error("Filename must be provided");
- for(int i=1; i<argc; ++i)
+ list<string> resource_locations;
+ string animation_name;
+ string renderable_name;
+ GetOpt getopt;
+ getopt.add_option('r', "resources", resource_locations, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG);
+ getopt.add_option('a', "animation", animation_name, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG);
+ getopt.add_argument("renderable", renderable_name);
+ getopt(argc, argv);
+ for(list<string>::const_iterator i=resource_locations.begin(); i!=resource_locations.end(); ++i)
- string fn = argv[i];
- string ext = FS::extpart(fn);
- if(ext==".mesh")
+ if(FS::is_dir(*i))
+ resources.add_directory(*i);
+ else
- if(mesh || object)
- throw usage_error("Only one mesh or object may be specified");
- mesh = new GL::Mesh;
- DataFile::load(*mesh, fn);
+ string ext = FS::extpart(*i);
+ if(ext==".mdp")
+ resources.add_pack(*i);
+ else
+ DataFile::load(resources, *i);
- else if(ext==".object")
- {
- if(mesh || object)
- throw usage_error("Only one mesh or object may be specified");
+ }
- object = new GL::Object;
- DataFile::load(*object, fn);
- }
- else if(ext==".anim")
+ GL::Object *object = 0;
+ string ext = FS::extpart(renderable_name);
+ if(ext==".mesh")
+ {
+ GL::Mesh *mesh = 0;
+ if(FS::exists(renderable_name))
- if(!object)
- throw usage_error("An object must be provided for animation");
- animation = new GL::Animation;
- DataFile::load(*animation, argv[2]);
- anim_object = new GL::AnimatedObject(*object);
- anim_player = new GL::AnimationPlayer;
- anim_player->play(*anim_object, *animation);
+ mesh = new GL::Mesh;
+ DataFile::load(*mesh, renderable_name);
+ resources.add("__"+renderable_name, mesh);
- throw usage_error("Don't know how to view this file");
+ mesh = &resources.get<GL::Mesh>(renderable_name);
+ object = new GL::Object;
+ GL::Technique *tech = new GL::Technique;
+ tech->add_pass(0);
+ object->set_mesh(mesh);
+ object->set_technique(tech);
+ renderable = object;
+ resources.add("__.tech", tech);
+ resources.add("__.object", object);
+ }
+ else if(ext==".object")
+ {
+ object = load<GL::Object>(renderable_name);
+ renderable = object;
+ }
+ else
+ throw usage_error("Unknown renderable type");
+ if(!animation_name.empty())
+ {
+ if(!object)
+ throw usage_error("Must have an object to animate");
+ GL::Animation *anim = load<GL::Animation>(animation_name);
+ anim_player = new GL::AnimationPlayer;
+ anim_object = new GL::AnimatedObject(*object);
+ anim_player->play(*anim_object, *anim);
+ renderable = anim_object;
window.signal_close.connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Viewer::exit), 0));
+template<typename T>
+T *Viewer::load(const string &name)
+ if(FS::exists(name))
+ {
+ T *thing = new T;
+ DataFile::load(*thing, name, resources);
+ resources.add("__"+name, thing);
+ return thing;
+ }
+ else
+ return &resources.get<T>(name);
- delete object;
- delete mesh;
+ delete anim_player;
+ delete anim_object;
int Viewer::main()
GL::Bind bind_lighting(lighting);
GL::Bind bind_depth(GL::DepthTest::lequal());
GL::Bind bind_blend(GL::Blend::alpha());
- if(anim_object)
- anim_object->render();
- else if(object)
- object->render();
- else if(mesh)
- mesh->draw();
+ renderable->render();
float sp = sin(light_pitch);
light.set_position(GL::Vector4(-cy*cp, -sy*cp, -sp, 0));
+ add_source(dir_source);
+ add_source(pack_source);
+void Viewer::Resources::add_directory(const string &dir)
+ dir_source.add_directory(dir);
+void Viewer::Resources::add_pack(const string &pack)
+ pack_source.add_pack_file(pack);