ConstantIdAssigner().apply(*module, features);
+ for(list<Stage>::iterator i=module->stages.begin(); i!=module->stages.end(); ++i)
+ validate(*i);
+ GlobalInterfaceValidator().apply(*module);
bool valid = true;
for(list<Stage>::iterator i=module->stages.begin(); i!=module->stages.end(); ++i)
- if(!validate(*i))
+ if(!check_errors(*i))
valid = false;
throw invalid_shader_source(get_diagnostics());
-bool Compiler::validate(Stage &stage)
+void Compiler::validate(Stage &stage)
+ StageInterfaceValidator().apply(stage);
+bool Compiler::check_errors(Stage &stage)
stable_sort(stage.diagnostics, &diagnostic_line_order);
for(vector<Diagnostic>::const_iterator i=stage.diagnostics.begin(); i!=stage.diagnostics.end(); ++i)
aspects as necessary. */
void resolve(Stage &, unsigned = RESOLVE_ALL);
- /** Checks the validity of the module. If the return value is false, the
- module's diagnostics list will contain additional information of errors. */
- bool validate(Stage &);
+ /** Runs validators on a stage. Diagnostic messages are recorded in the
+ stage for later inspection. */
+ void validate(Stage &);
+ /** Checks a stage's recorded diagnostics for errors. If any are found,
+ returns true. */
+ bool check_errors(Stage &);
static bool diagnostic_line_order(const Diagnostic &, const Diagnostic &);
+bool is_same_type(const TypeDeclaration &type1, const TypeDeclaration &type2)
+ if(const BasicTypeDeclaration *basic1 = dynamic_cast<const BasicTypeDeclaration *>(&type1))
+ {
+ const BasicTypeDeclaration *basic2 = dynamic_cast<const BasicTypeDeclaration *>(&type2);
+ if(!basic2)
+ return false;
+ if(basic1->kind!=basic2->kind || basic1->size!=basic2->size)
+ return false;
+ if(basic1->base_type && basic2->base_type)
+ return is_same_type(*basic1->base_type, *basic2->base_type);
+ else
+ return (!basic1->base_type && !basic2->base_type);
+ }
+ else if(const ImageTypeDeclaration *image1 = dynamic_cast<const ImageTypeDeclaration *>(&type1))
+ {
+ const ImageTypeDeclaration *image2 = dynamic_cast<const ImageTypeDeclaration *>(&type2);
+ if(!image2)
+ return false;
+ if(image1->dimensions!=image2->dimensions || image1->array!=image2->array)
+ return false;
+ if(image1->sampled!=image2->sampled || image1->shadow!=image2->shadow)
+ return false;
+ if(image1->base_type && image2->base_type)
+ return is_same_type(*image1->base_type, *image2->base_type);
+ else
+ return (!image1->base_type && !image2->base_type);
+ }
+ else if(const StructDeclaration *strct1 = dynamic_cast<const StructDeclaration *>(&type1))
+ {
+ const StructDeclaration *strct2 = dynamic_cast<const StructDeclaration *>(&type2);
+ if(!strct2)
+ return false;
+ NodeList<Statement>::const_iterator i = strct1->members.body.begin();
+ NodeList<Statement>::const_iterator j = strct2->members.body.begin();
+ for(; (i!=strct1->members.body.end() && j!=strct2->members.body.end()); ++i, ++j)
+ {
+ const VariableDeclaration *var1 = dynamic_cast<const VariableDeclaration *>(i->get());
+ const VariableDeclaration *var2 = dynamic_cast<const VariableDeclaration *>(j->get());
+ if(!var1 || !var1->type_declaration || !var2 || !var2->type_declaration)
+ return false;
+ if(!is_same_type(*var1->type_declaration, *var2->type_declaration))
+ return false;
+ if(var1->name!=var2->name || var1->array!=var2->array)
+ return false;
+ // TODO Compare array sizes
+ // TODO Compare layout qualifiers for interface block members
+ }
+ return (i==strct1->members.body.end() && j==strct2->members.body.end());
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
} // namespace SL
} // namespace GL
} // namespace Msp
std::string get_unused_variable_name(const Block &, const std::string &);
+bool is_same_type(const TypeDeclaration &, const TypeDeclaration &);
} // namespace SL
} // namespace GL
} // namespace Msp
+int StageInterfaceValidator::get_location(const Layout &layout)
+ for(vector<Layout::Qualifier>::const_iterator i=layout.qualifiers.begin(); i!=layout.qualifiers.end(); ++i)
+ if(i->name=="location")
+ return i->value;
+ return -1;
+void StageInterfaceValidator::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
+ int location = (var.layout ? get_location(*var.layout) : -1);
+ if(var.interface=="in" && var.linked_declaration)
+ {
+ const Layout *linked_layout = var.linked_declaration->layout.get();
+ int linked_location = (linked_layout ? get_location(*linked_layout) : -1);
+ if(linked_location!=location)
+ {
+ error(var, format("Mismatched location %d for 'in %s'", location,;
+ add_info(*var.linked_declaration, format("Linked to 'out %s' with location %d",
+ var.linked_declaration->name, linked_location));
+ }
+ if(var.type_declaration && var.linked_declaration->type_declaration)
+ {
+ const TypeDeclaration *type = var.type_declaration;
+ if(stage->type==Stage::GEOMETRY)
+ {
+ if(const BasicTypeDeclaration *basic = dynamic_cast<const BasicTypeDeclaration *>(type))
+ if(basic->kind==BasicTypeDeclaration::ARRAY && basic->base_type)
+ type = basic->base_type;
+ }
+ if(!is_same_type(*type, *var.linked_declaration->type_declaration))
+ {
+ error(var, format("Mismatched type '%s' for 'in %s'", type->name,;
+ add_info(*var.linked_declaration, format("Linked to 'out %s' with type '%s'",
+ var.linked_declaration->name, var.linked_declaration->type_declaration->name));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(location>=0 && !var.interface.empty())
+ {
+ map<unsigned, VariableDeclaration *> &used = used_locations[var.interface];
+ unsigned loc_count = 1;
+ if(var.array)
+ if(const Literal *literal = dynamic_cast<const Literal *>(var.array_size.get()))
+ if(literal->value.check_type<int>())
+ loc_count = literal->value.value<int>();
+ for(unsigned i=0; i<loc_count; ++i)
+ {
+ map<unsigned, VariableDeclaration *>::const_iterator j = used.find(location+i);
+ if(j!=used.end())
+ {
+ error(var, format("Overlapping location %d for '%s %s'", location+i, var.interface,;
+ add_info(*j->second, format("Previously used here for '%s %s'", j->second->interface, j->second->name));
+ }
+ else
+ used[location+i] = &var;
+ }
+ }
+void GlobalInterfaceValidator::apply(Module &module)
+ for(list<Stage>::iterator i=module.stages.begin(); i!=module.stages.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ stage = &*i;
+ i->content.visit(*this);
+ }
+void GlobalInterfaceValidator::get_binding(const Layout &layout, unsigned &desc_set, int &binding)
+ for(vector<Layout::Qualifier>::const_iterator i=layout.qualifiers.begin(); i!=layout.qualifiers.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(i->name=="set")
+ desc_set = i->value;
+ else if(i->name=="binding")
+ binding = i->value;
+ }
+void GlobalInterfaceValidator::check_binding(const Layout &layout, const Binding &binding)
+ unsigned desc_set = 0;
+ int bind_point = -1;
+ get_binding(layout, desc_set, bind_point);
+ if(bind_point<0)
+ return;
+ map<unsigned, Binding> &used = used_bindings[desc_set];
+ map<unsigned, Binding>::const_iterator i = used.find(bind_point);
+ if(i!=used.end())
+ {
+ if(i->!
+ {
+ error(*binding.node, format("Overlapping binding %d for '%s'", bind_point,;
+ add_info(*i->second.node, format("Previously used here for '%s'", i->;
+ }
+ if(i->second.type && binding.type)
+ {
+ if(!is_same_type(*i->second.type, *binding.type))
+ {
+ string type_name = (dynamic_cast<const StructDeclaration *>(binding.type) ? "struct type" :
+ format("type '%s'", binding.type->name));
+ error(*binding.node, format("Mismatched %s for binding %d '%s'", type_name, bind_point,;
+ string message = "Previously used here";
+ if(!dynamic_cast<const StructDeclaration *>(i->second.type))
+ message += format(" with type '%s'", i->second.type->name);
+ add_info(*i->second.node, message);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ used.insert(make_pair(bind_point, binding));
+void GlobalInterfaceValidator::visit(VariableDeclaration &var)
+ if(var.interface=="uniform" && var.layout)
+ check_binding(*var.layout, var);
+void GlobalInterfaceValidator::visit(InterfaceBlock &iface)
+ if(iface.interface=="uniform" && iface.layout)
+ check_binding(*iface.layout, iface);
} // namespace SL
} // namespace GL
} // namespace Msp
virtual void visit(Return &);
+class StageInterfaceValidator: private Validator
+ std::map<std::string, std::map<unsigned, VariableDeclaration *> > used_locations;
+ void apply(Stage &s) { stage = &s; s.content.visit(*this); }
+ int get_location(const Layout &);
+ virtual void visit(VariableDeclaration &);
+ virtual void visit(FunctionDeclaration &) { }
+class GlobalInterfaceValidator: private Validator
+ struct Binding
+ {
+ Node *node;
+ TypeDeclaration *type;
+ std::string name;
+ Binding(VariableDeclaration &v): node(&v), type(v.type_declaration), name( { }
+ Binding(InterfaceBlock &i): node(&i), type(i.struct_declaration), name(i.block_name) { }
+ };
+ std::map<unsigned, std::map<unsigned, Binding> > used_bindings;
+ void apply(Module &);
+ void get_binding(const Layout &, unsigned &, int &);
+ void check_binding(const Layout &, const Binding &);
+ virtual void visit(VariableDeclaration &);
+ virtual void visit(InterfaceBlock &);
+ virtual void visit(FunctionDeclaration &) { }
} // namespace SL
} // namespace GL
} // namespace Msp
--- /dev/null
+#pragma MSP stage(vertex)
+layout(binding=0) uniform Transform
+ mat4 model;
+ mat4 vp;
+layout(binding=1) uniform Lighting
+ vec3 position;
+} light;
+layout(location=0) in vec4 position;
+layout(location=1) in vec3 normal;
+void main()
+ vec4 world_pos = model*position;
+ gl_Position = vp*world_pos;
+ out vec3 light_dir =;
+ passthrough;
+#pragma MSP stage(fragment)
+layout(binding=1) uniform Lighting
+ vec4 color;
+} light;
+layout(binding=0) uniform Material
+ vec4 color;
+layout(location=0) out vec4 frag_color;
+void main()
+ frag_color = color*vec4(vec3(max(dot(normalize(normal), normalize(light_dir)), 0.0)), 1.0);
+/* Expected error:
+<test>:23: Mismatched struct type for binding 1 'Lighting'
+<test>:8: Previously used here
+<test>:27: Overlapping binding 0 for 'Material'
+<test>:3: Previously used here for 'Transform'
+<test>:27: Mismatched struct type for binding 0 'Material'
+<test>:3: Previously used here
--- /dev/null
+uniform sampler2D tex;
+#pragma MSP stage(vertex)
+layout(location=0) in vec4 position;
+layout(location=1) in vec4 color;
+layout(location=2) in vec4 texcoord;
+layout(location=0) out vec4 color_out;
+layout(location=2) out vec4 tc_out;
+void main()
+ gl_Position = position;
+ color_out = color;
+ tc_out = texcoord;
+#pragma MSP stage(fragment)
+layout(location=1) in vec4 color_out;
+layout(location=2) in vec2 tc_out;
+layout(location=0) out vec4 frag_color;
+void main()
+ frag_color = color_out*texture(tex, tc_out);
+/* Expected error:
+<test>:17: Mismatched location 1 for 'in color_out'
+<test>:7: Linked to 'out color_out' with location 0
+<test>:18: Mismatched type 'vec2' for 'in tc_out'
+<test>:8: Linked to 'out tc_out' with type 'vec4'
--- /dev/null
+#pragma MSP stage(vertex)
+layout(location=0) in vec4 position;
+layout(location=0) in vec2 texcoords[3];
+layout(location=2) in vec4 color;
+void main()
+ gl_Position = position;
+/* Expected error:
+<test>:3: Overlapping location 0 for 'in texcoords'
+<test>:2: Previously used here for 'in position'
+<test>:4: Overlapping location 2 for 'in color'
+<test>:3: Previously used here for 'in texcoords'