int verbosity = 0;
+Parses a string of the form name=value and places the components in a Property
+structure. Returns 0 on success, or -1 if the string wasn't a valid property.
int parse_property(char *str, int size, Property *prop)
int equals = -1;
return 0;
+Retrieves all properties associated with a /dev node. The returned array is
+terminated with an entry containing NULL values. Use free_properties to free
+the array.
Property *get_device_properties(char *node)
int pid;
pid = fork();
+ /* Child process */
printf("Running udevadm info -q property -n \"%s\"\n", node);
else if(pid>0)
+ /* Parent process */
char *buf;
int bufsize;
int pos = 0;
+ /* There was no newline in the buffer but there is more output to
+ be read. Try again with a larger buffer. */
bufsize *= 2;
buf = (char *)realloc(buf, bufsize);
if(parse_property(buf, newline, &prop)==0)
+ /* Reserve space for a sentinel value as well. */
props = (Property *)realloc(props, (n_props+2)*sizeof(Property));
props[n_props] = prop;
+ /* Terminate the array with NULL pointers. */
props[n_props].name = NULL;
props[n_props].value = NULL;
+Looks for a property in an array of properties and returns its value. Returns
+NULL if the property was not found.
char *get_property_value(Property *props, char *name)
int i;
return NULL;
+Checks if a property has a specific value. A NULL value is matched if the
+property does not exist.
int match_property_value(Property *props, char *name, char *value)
char *v = get_property_value(props, name);
return strcmp(v, value)==0;
+Frees an array of properties and all strings contained in it.
void free_properties(Property *props)
int i;
+Reads device names from an fstab/mtab file.
char **get_mount_entries(char *filename, int (*predicate)(struct mntent *))
FILE *file;
return devices;
+Returns an array of all currently mounted devices.
char **get_mounted_devices(void)
return get_mount_entries("/etc/mtab", NULL);
+Checks if an fstab entry has the user option set.
int is_user_mountable(struct mntent *me)
return hasmntopt(me, "user")!=NULL;
+Returns an array of user-mountable devices listed in fstab.
char **get_fstab_devices(void)
return get_mount_entries("/etc/fstab", &is_user_mountable);
+Checks if an array of strings contains the specified string.
int is_in_array(char **array, char *str)
int i;
return 0;
+Frees an array of strings.
void free_string_array(char **array)
int i;
+Checks if a partition identified by a sysfs path is on a removable device.
int is_removable(char *devpath)
char fnbuf[256];
int fd;
len = snprintf(fnbuf, sizeof(fnbuf), "/sys%s", devpath);
+ /* Default to not removable if the path was too long. */
return 0;
+ /* We got a partition as a parameter, but the removable property is on the
+ disk. Replace the last component with "removable". */
for(ptr=fnbuf+len; (ptr>fnbuf && *ptr!='/'); --ptr) ;
strcpy(ptr, "/removable");
fd = open(fnbuf, O_RDONLY);
return 0;
+Checks if a partition's disk or any of its parent devices are connected to any
+of a set of buses. The device is identified by a sysfs path. The bus array
+must be terminated with a NULL entry.
int check_buses(char *devpath, char **buses)
char fnbuf[256];
int len;
len = snprintf(fnbuf, sizeof(fnbuf), "/sys%s", devpath);
+ /* Default to no match if the path was too long. */
return 0;
char linkbuf[256];
+ /* Replace the last component with "subsystem". */
strcpy(ptr, "/subsystem");
len = readlink(fnbuf, linkbuf, sizeof(linkbuf)-1);
linkbuf[len] = 0;
+ /* Extract the last component of the subsystem symlink. */
for(; (len>0 && linkbuf[len-1]!='/'); --len) ;
*ptr = 0;
printf(" Subsystem of %s is %s\n", fnbuf, linkbuf+len);
if(is_in_array(buses, linkbuf+len))
return 1;
return 0;
+Check if an array of properties describes a device that can be mounted. An
+array of explicitly allowed devices can be passed in as well. Both arrays must
+be terminated by a NULL entry.
int can_mount(Property *props, char **allowed)
static char *removable_buses[] = { "usb", "firewire", 0 };
if(is_in_array(allowed, devname))
return 1;
+ /* Special case for CD devices, since they are not partitions. Only allow
+ mounting if media is inserted. */
if(match_property_value(props, "ID_TYPE", "cd") && match_property_value(props, "ID_CDROM_MEDIA", "1"))
return 1;
+ /* Only allow mounting partitions. */
if(!match_property_value(props, "DEVTYPE", "partition"))
return 0;
return 1;
+ /* Certain buses are removable by nature, but devices only advertise
+ themselves as removable if they support removable media, e.g. memory card
+ readers. */
bus = get_property_value(props, "ID_BUS");
if(is_in_array(removable_buses, bus))
return 1;
return check_buses(devpath, removable_buses);
+Returns an array of all device nodes in a directory. Symbolic links are
char **get_device_nodes(char *dirname)
DIR *dir;
char *node;
int duplicate = 0;
+ /* Ignore . and .. entries. */
if(de->d_name[0]=='.' && (de->d_name[1]==0 || (de->d_name[1]=='.' && de->d_name[2]==0)))
+ /* There may be multiple symlinks to the same device. Only include each
+ device once in the returned array. */
for(i=0; (!duplicate && i<n_checked); ++i)
return nodes;
+/** Returns an array of all mountable devices. */
Device *get_devices(void)
char **nodes = NULL;
devname = get_property_value(props, "DEVNAME");
+ /* Get a human-readable label for the device. Use filesystem label,
+ filesystem UUID or device node name in order of preference. */
label = get_property_value(props, "ID_FS_LABEL");
label = get_property_value(props, "ID_FS_UUID");
stat(nodes[i], &st);
+ /* Reserve space for a sentinel entry. */
devices = (Device *)realloc(devices, (n_devices+2)*sizeof(Device));
devices[n_devices].node = nodes[i];
devices[n_devices].label = strdup(label);
+ /* Terminate the array with NULL pointers. */
devices[n_devices].node = NULL;
devices[n_devices].label = NULL;
devices[n_devices].description = NULL;
return devices;
+Frees an array of devices and all strings contained in it.
void free_devices(Device *devices)
int i;
+Callback for activating a row in the device list. Mounts or unmounts the
+device depending on operating mode.
void row_activated(GtkTreeView *list, GtkTreePath *path, GtkTreeViewColumn *column, gpointer user_data)
GtkTreeModel *model;
pid = fork();
+ /* Child process */
else if(pid>0)
+ /* Parent process */
char buf[1024];
int pos = 0;
int status = 0;
+ /* The write fd for the pipe may be inherited by a fuse server
+ process and stay open indefinitely. */
if(select(pipe_fd[0]+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout))
int len;
GtkWidget *dialog;
+ /* Pmount terminated with nonzero status or a signal. Display an
+ error to the user. */
dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new(NULL, 0, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, GTK_BUTTONS_OK, "%s", buf);
g_signal_connect(dialog, "response", >k_main_quit, NULL);
+Callback for the mount/unmount button. Causes the selected row in the device
+list to be activated.
void button_clicked(GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)
GtkWidget *list = (GtkWidget *)user_data;
+Global key press callback for the window.
gboolean key_press(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer user_data)
n_listed = 0;
+ /* Populate the list with devices in appropriate state. */
latest = 0;
for(i=0; devices[i].node; ++i)
gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter, 0, devices[i].description, 1, &devices[i], -1);
+ /* Pre-select the device that appeared on the system most recently. */
latest = devices[i].time;
gtk_tree_selection_select_iter(selection, &iter);
GtkWidget *dialog;
+ /* Don't show the main window if no devices were listed. */
dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new(NULL, 0, GTK_MESSAGE_WARNING, GTK_BUTTONS_OK,
"No devices to %s", (umount ? "unmount" : "mount"));
g_signal_connect(dialog, "response", G_CALLBACK(>k_main_quit), NULL);