+ radius(2.0f),
+ strength(0.2f)
+{ }
+Bloom *Bloom::Template::create(unsigned width, unsigned height) const
+ RefPtr<Bloom> bloom = new Bloom(width/size_divisor, height/size_divisor);
+ bloom->set_radius(radius);
+ bloom->set_strength(strength);
+ return bloom.release();
+Bloom::Template::Loader::Loader(Template &t):
+ DataFile::DerivedObjectLoader<Template, PostProcessor::Template::Loader>(t)
+ add("strength", &Template::strength);
+ add("radius", &Template::radius);
} // namespace GL
} // namespace Msp
class Bloom: public PostProcessor
+ struct Template: public PostProcessor::Template
+ {
+ class Loader: public DataFile::DerivedObjectLoader<Template, PostProcessor::Template::Loader>
+ {
+ public:
+ Loader(Template &);
+ };
+ float radius;
+ float strength;
+ Template();
+ virtual Bloom *create(unsigned, unsigned) const;
+ };
RenderTarget *target[2];
ProgramData common_shdata;
+ exposure_adjust(0.0f),
+ brightness_response(0.4f),
+ gamma(1.0f),
+ srgb(false)
+{ }
+ColorCurve *ColorCurve::Template::create(unsigned, unsigned) const
+ RefPtr<ColorCurve> colorcurve = new ColorCurve;
+ colorcurve->set_exposure_adjust(exposure_adjust);
+ colorcurve->set_brightness_response(brightness_response);
+ if(srgb)
+ colorcurve->set_srgb();
+ else
+ colorcurve->set_gamma(gamma);
+ return colorcurve.release();
+ColorCurve::Template::Loader::Loader(Template &t):
+ DataFile::DerivedObjectLoader<Template, PostProcessor::Template::Loader>(t)
+ add("brightness_response", &Template::brightness_response);
+ add("exposure_adjust", &Template::exposure_adjust);
+ add("gamma", &Loader::gamma);
+ add("srgb", &Loader::srgb);
+void ColorCurve::Template::Loader::gamma(float g)
+ obj.gamma = g;
+ obj.srgb = false;
+void ColorCurve::Template::Loader::srgb()
+ obj.srgb = true;
} // namespace GL
} // namespace Msp
class ColorCurve: public PostProcessor
+ struct Template: public PostProcessor::Template
+ {
+ class Loader: public DataFile::DerivedObjectLoader<Template, PostProcessor::Template::Loader>
+ {
+ public:
+ Loader(Template &);
+ private:
+ void gamma(float);
+ void srgb();
+ };
+ float exposure_adjust;
+ float brightness_response;
+ float gamma;
+ bool srgb;
+ Template();
+ virtual ColorCurve *create(unsigned, unsigned) const;
+ };
Program shprog;
ProgramData shdata;
void Pipeline::add_postprocessor(PostProcessor &pp)
- postproc.push_back(&pp);
+ add_postprocessor(&pp, true);
+void Pipeline::add_postprocessor_owned(PostProcessor *pp)
+ add_postprocessor(pp, false);
+void Pipeline::add_postprocessor(PostProcessor *pp, bool keep)
+ postproc.push_back(pp);
+ if(keep)
+ postproc.back().keep();
for(PassList::const_iterator i=passes.begin(); i!=passes.end(); ++i)
if(const DepthTest *dt = i->get_depth_test())
PassList passes;
const Camera *camera;
std::vector<Slot> renderables;
- std::vector<PostProcessor *> postproc;
+ std::vector<RefPtr<PostProcessor> > postproc;
unsigned width;
unsigned height;
bool hdr;
void set_multisample(unsigned);
+ unsigned get_width() const { return width; }
+ unsigned get_height() const { return height; }
+ bool get_hdr() const { return hdr; }
+ unsigned get_multisample() const { return samples; }
// Deprecated
void set_camera(const Camera *);
Pass &add_pass(const Tag &tag);
/** Adds a postprocessor to the pipeline. */
void add_postprocessor(PostProcessor &);
+ /** Adds a postprocessor to the pipeline, transferring ownership. The
+ postprocessor will be deleted together with with pipeline. It is also
+ deleted if this call throws an exception. */
+ void add_postprocessor_owned(PostProcessor *);
+ void add_postprocessor(PostProcessor *, bool);
virtual void setup_frame(Renderer &);
virtual void finish_frame();
--- /dev/null
+#include <msp/core/algorithm.h>
+#include <msp/core/maputils.h>
+#include "error.h"
+#include "pipeline.h"
+#include "pipelinebuilder.h"
+#include "pipelinetemplate.h"
+#include "renderbuffer.h"
+using namespace std;
+namespace Msp {
+namespace GL {
+PipelineBuilder::PipelineBuilder(const PipelineTemplate &t):
+ tmpl(t)
+ const vector<PipelineTemplate::Pass> &passes = tmpl.get_passes();
+ for(vector<PipelineTemplate::Pass>::const_iterator i=passes.begin(); i!=passes.end(); ++i)
+ renderables[i->renderable_name] = 0;
+void PipelineBuilder::set_renderable(const string &name, Renderable &rend)
+ get_item(renderables, name) = &rend;
+void PipelineBuilder::build(Pipeline &pipeline) const
+ pipeline.set_hdr(tmpl.get_hdr());
+ unsigned samples = min(tmpl.get_maximum_multisample(), Renderbuffer::get_max_samples());
+ if(samples<tmpl.get_required_multisample())
+ throw invalid_operation("PipelineBuilder::build");
+ pipeline.set_multisample(samples);
+ const PipelineTemplate::PassArray &passes = tmpl.get_passes();
+ for(PipelineTemplate::PassArray::const_iterator i=passes.begin(); i!=passes.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ Renderable *renderable = get_item(renderables, i->renderable_name);
+ if(!renderable)
+ continue;
+ Pipeline::Pass &pass = pipeline.add_pass(i->tag, *renderable);
+ pass.set_blend(i->blend.get());
+ pass.set_depth_test(i->depth_test.get());
+ pass.set_lighting(i->lighting.get());
+ }
+ const PipelineTemplate::PostProcessorArray &postprocs = tmpl.get_postprocessors();
+ for(PipelineTemplate::PostProcessorArray::const_iterator i=postprocs.begin(); i!=postprocs.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ PostProcessor *proc = (*i)->create(pipeline.get_width(), pipeline.get_height());
+ pipeline.add_postprocessor_owned(proc);
+ }
+Pipeline *PipelineBuilder::build(const View &view) const
+ RefPtr<Pipeline> pipeline = new Pipeline(view);
+ build(*pipeline);
+ return pipeline.release();
+} // namespace GL
+} // namespace Msp
--- /dev/null
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+namespace Msp {
+namespace GL {
+class Pipeline;
+class PipelineTemplate;
+class Renderable;
+class View;
+class PipelineBuilder
+ const PipelineTemplate &tmpl;
+ std::map<std::string, Renderable *> renderables;
+ PipelineBuilder(const PipelineTemplate &);
+ void set_renderable(const std::string &, Renderable &);
+ void build(Pipeline &) const;
+ Pipeline *build(const View &) const;
+} // namespace GL
+} // namespace Msp
--- /dev/null
+#include <msp/core/maputils.h>
+#include <msp/datafile/collection.h>
+#include "blend.h"
+#include "bloom.h"
+#include "colorcurve.h"
+#include "lighting.h"
+#include "pipelinetemplate.h"
+#include "tests.h"
+using namespace std;
+namespace Msp {
+namespace GL {
+ hdr(false),
+ required_multisample(0),
+ max_multisample(0)
+{ }
+{ }
+PipelineTemplate::Loader::Loader(PipelineTemplate &t):
+ DataFile::CollectionObjectLoader<PipelineTemplate>(t, 0)
+ init();
+PipelineTemplate::Loader::Loader(PipelineTemplate &t, Collection &c):
+ DataFile::CollectionObjectLoader<PipelineTemplate>(t, &c)
+ init();
+void PipelineTemplate::Loader::init()
+ add("bloom", &Loader::postprocessor<Bloom>);
+ add("colorcurve", &Loader::postprocessor<ColorCurve>);
+ add("hdr", &PipelineTemplate::hdr);
+ add("multisample", &Loader::multisample);
+ add("multisample", &Loader::multisample_range);
+ add("pass", &Loader::pass);
+void PipelineTemplate::Loader::multisample(unsigned samples)
+ obj.required_multisample = samples;
+ obj.max_multisample = samples;
+void PipelineTemplate::Loader::multisample_range(unsigned req, unsigned max)
+ obj.required_multisample = req;
+ obj.max_multisample = max;
+void PipelineTemplate::Loader::pass(const string &tag, const string &rend)
+ Pass pss;;
+ pss.tag = tag;
+ pss.renderable_name = rend;
+ if(coll)
+ load_sub(pss, *coll);
+ else
+ load_sub(pss);
+ obj.passes.push_back(pss);
+template<typename T>
+void PipelineTemplate::Loader::postprocessor()
+ RefPtr<typename T::Template> postproc = new typename T::Template;
+ load_sub(*postproc);
+ obj.postprocessors.push_back(postproc.release());
+PipelineTemplate::Pass::Loader::Loader(Pass &p):
+ DataFile::CollectionObjectLoader<Pass>(p, 0)
+ init();
+PipelineTemplate::Pass::Loader::Loader(Pass &p, Collection &c):
+ DataFile::CollectionObjectLoader<Pass>(p, &c)
+ init();
+void PipelineTemplate::Pass::Loader::init()
+ add("blend", &Loader::blend);
+ add("blend", &Loader::blend_predefined);
+ add("depth_test", &Loader::depth_test);
+ add("depth_test", &Loader::depth_test_predefined);
+ add("lighting", &Loader::lighting);
+ add("lighting", &Loader::lighting_inline);
+void PipelineTemplate::Pass::Loader::blend_predefined(const string &name)
+ const Blend *blend = 0;
+ if(name=="alpha")
+ blend = &Blend::alpha();
+ else if(name=="additive")
+ blend = &Blend::additive();
+ else if(name=="additive_alpha")
+ blend = &Blend::additive_alpha();
+ else
+ throw key_error(name);
+ obj.blend = blend;
+ obj.blend.keep();
+void PipelineTemplate::Pass::Loader::blend(BlendFactor src, BlendFactor dest)
+ obj.blend = new Blend(src, dest);
+void PipelineTemplate::Pass::Loader::depth_test_predefined(const string &name)
+ const DepthTest *dtest = 0;
+ if(name=="lequal")
+ dtest = &DepthTest::lequal();
+ else
+ throw key_error(name);
+ obj.depth_test = dtest;
+ obj.depth_test.keep();
+void PipelineTemplate::Pass::Loader::depth_test(Predicate pred)
+ obj.depth_test = new DepthTest(pred);
+void PipelineTemplate::Pass::Loader::lighting_inline()
+ RefPtr<Lighting> lightn = new Lighting;
+ load_sub(*lightn);
+ obj.lighting = lightn;
+void PipelineTemplate::Pass::Loader::lighting(const string &name)
+ obj.lighting = &get_collection().get<Lighting>(name);
+ obj.lighting.keep();
+/*void PipelineTemplate::Pass::Loader::scene(const string &name)
+ obj.default_renderable = get_collection().get<Scene>(name);
+} // namespace GL
+} // namespace Msp
--- /dev/null
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <msp/datafile/objectloader.h>
+#include "blend.h"
+#include "postprocessor.h"
+#include "predicate.h"
+namespace Msp {
+namespace GL {
+class DepthTest;
+class Lighting;
+class PipelineTemplate
+ class Loader: public DataFile::CollectionObjectLoader<PipelineTemplate>
+ {
+ public:
+ Loader(PipelineTemplate &);
+ Loader(PipelineTemplate &, Collection &);
+ private:
+ void init();
+ void multisample(unsigned);
+ void multisample_range(unsigned, unsigned);
+ void pass(const std::string &, const std::string &);
+ template<typename T>
+ void postprocessor();
+ };
+ struct Pass
+ {
+ class Loader: public DataFile::CollectionObjectLoader<Pass>
+ {
+ public:
+ Loader(Pass &);
+ Loader(Pass &, Collection &);
+ private:
+ void init();
+ void blend(BlendFactor, BlendFactor);
+ void blend_predefined(const std::string &);
+ void depth_test(Predicate);
+ void depth_test_predefined(const std::string &);
+ void lighting(const std::string &);
+ void lighting_inline();
+ // TODO requires support for scenes in Resources
+ //void scene(const std::string &);
+ };
+ std::string tag;
+ RefPtr<Lighting> lighting;
+ RefPtr<const DepthTest> depth_test;
+ RefPtr<const Blend> blend;
+ std::string renderable_name;
+ //Renderable *default_renderable;
+ ~Pass();
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<Pass> PassArray;
+ typedef std::vector<PostProcessor::Template *> PostProcessorArray;
+ bool hdr;
+ unsigned required_multisample;
+ unsigned max_multisample;
+ PassArray passes;
+ PostProcessorArray postprocessors;
+ PipelineTemplate();
+ bool get_hdr() const { return hdr; }
+ unsigned get_required_multisample() const { return required_multisample; }
+ unsigned get_maximum_multisample() const { return max_multisample; }
+ const PassArray &get_passes() const { return passes; }
+ const PostProcessorArray &get_postprocessors() const { return postprocessors; }
+} // namespace GL
+} // namespace Msp
return mesh;
+ size_divisor(1)
+{ }
+PostProcessor::Template::Loader::Loader(Template &t):
+ DataFile::ObjectLoader<Template>(t)
+ add("size_divisor", &Template::size_divisor);
} // namespace GL
} // namespace Msp
+#include <msp/datafile/objectloader.h>
namespace Msp {
namespace GL {
class PostProcessor
+ struct Template
+ {
+ class Loader: public Msp::DataFile::ObjectLoader<Template>
+ {
+ public:
+ Loader(Template &);
+ };
+ unsigned size_divisor;
+ Template();
+ virtual ~Template() { }
+ virtual PostProcessor *create(unsigned, unsigned) const = 0;
+ };
PostProcessor() { }
#include "material.h"
#include "mesh.h"
#include "object.h"
+#include "pipelinetemplate.h"
#include "pose.h"
#include "program.h"
#include "programcompiler.h"
+ add_type<PipelineTemplate>().suffix(".pipe").keyword("pipeline");