Also move technique properties from Object to Material.
if "bpy" in locals():
import imp
- for sub in "armature", "datafile", "export_armature", "export_mesh", "export_object", "export_scene", "mesh", "properties", "util":
+ for sub in "armature", "datafile", "export_armature", "export_material", "export_mesh", "export_object", "export_scene", "export_texture", "mesh", "properties", "util":
if sub in locals():
for a in self.args:
if type(a)==float:
s += " {:#.6g}".format(a)
+ elif type(a)==bool:
+ if a:
+ s += " true"
+ else:
+ s += " false"
elif type(a)==str:
s += ' "{}"'.format(a)
elif type(a)==Resource:
--- /dev/null
+import os
+def linear_to_srgb(l):
+ if l<0.0031308:
+ return 12.92*l
+ else:
+ return 1.055*(l**(1/2.4))-0.055
+def get_colormap(srgb):
+ if srgb:
+ return linear_to_srgb
+ else:
+ return lambda x: x
+def image_name(i):
+ fp = i.filepath
+ if fp:
+ return os.path.split(fp)[1]
+ else:
+ return
+class MaterialExporter:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.textures = 'REF'
+ def export_technique_resources(self, material, resources):
+ from .export_texture import TextureExporter
+ texture_export = TextureExporter()
+ mat_name =".mat"
+ if mat_name not in resources:
+ resources[mat_name] = self.export_material(material)
+ if self.textures=='INLINE':
+ for s in material.texture_slots:
+ if s and s.texture.type=='IMAGE':
+ tex_name =".tex2d"
+ if tex_name not in resources:
+ resources[tex_name] = texture_export.export_texture(s.texture)
+ def export_technique(self, material, *, resources):
+ from .datafile import Resource, Statement
+ tech_res = Resource(".tech")
+ mat_res = resources[".mat"]
+ image_texture_slots = [s for s in material.texture_slots if s and s.texture.type=='IMAGE']
+ if material.technique:
+ if not obj.inherit_tech:
+ return []
+ st = Statement("inherit", material.technique)
+ for slot in image_texture_slots:
+ name = image_name(slot.texture.image)
+ if slot.use_map_color_diffuse:
+ st.sub.append(Statement("texture", "diffuse_map", name))
+ elif slot.use_map_normal:
+ st.sub.append(Statement("texture", "normal_map", name))
+ if material.override_material:
+ st.sub.append(tech_res.create_reference_statement("material", "surface", mat_res))
+ tech_res.statements.append(st)
+ else:
+ st = Statement("pass", "")
+ st.sub.append(tech_res.create_embed_statement("material", mat_res))
+ if self.textures!='NONE':
+ diffuse_tex = None
+ for slot in image_texture_slots:
+ if slot.use_map_color_diffuse:
+ diffuse_tex = slot.texture
+ break
+ if diffuse_tex:
+ ss = Statement("texunit", 0)
+ if self.textures=='INLINE':
+ tex_res = resources[".tex2d"]
+ ss.sub.append(tech_res.create_embed_statement("texture2d", tex_res))
+ elif tex.image:
+ ss.sub.append(Statement("texture", image_name(tex.image)))
+ st.sub.append(ss)
+ tech_res.statements.append(st)
+ return tech_res
+ def export_material(self, material):
+ from .datafile import Resource, Statement
+ mat_res = Resource(".mat")
+ statements = mat_res.statements
+ cm = get_colormap(material.srgb_colors)
+ if any(s.use_map_color_diffuse for s in material.texture_slots if s):
+ statements.append(Statement("diffuse", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
+ amb = cm(material.ambient)
+ statements.append(Statement("ambient", amb, amb, amb, 1.0))
+ else:
+ diff = material.diffuse_color*material.diffuse_intensity
+ statements.append(Statement("diffuse", cm(diff.r), cm(diff.g), cm(diff.b), 1.0))
+ amb = diff*material.ambient
+ statements.append(Statement("ambient", cm(amb.r), cm(amb.g), cm(amb.b), 1.0))
+ spec = material.specular_color*material.specular_intensity
+ statements.append(Statement("specular", cm(spec.r), cm(spec.g), cm(spec.g), 1.0))
+ statements.append(Statement("shininess", material.specular_hardness))
+ return mat_res
import os
import mathutils
-def linear_to_srgb(l):
- if l<0.0031308:
- return 12.92*l
- else:
- return 1.055*(l**(1/2.4))-0.055
-def get_colormap(srgb):
- if srgb:
- return linear_to_srgb
- else:
- return lambda x: x
-def image_name(i):
- fp = i.filepath
- if fp:
- return os.path.split(fp)[1]
- else:
- return
class ObjectExporter:
def __init__(self):
self.show_progress = True
mesh_export.use_degen_tris = self.use_degen_tris
return mesh_export
+ def create_material_exporter(self):
+ from .export_material import MaterialExporter
+ material_export = MaterialExporter()
+ material_export.textures = self.textures
+ return material_export
def export_to_file(self, context, out_fn):
obj = context.active_object
from .mesh import create_mesh_from_object
mesh_export = self.create_mesh_exporter()
+ material_export = self.create_material_exporter()
for i, l in enumerate(lods):
lod_index = l.lod_index if l.lod_for_parent else 0
mesh_res = mesh_export.export_mesh(context, mesh, progress)
resources[mesh_name] = mesh_res
- material = None
if l.material_slots and l.material_slots[0].material:
material = l.material_slots[0].material
- mat_name =".mat"
- if mat_name not in resources:
- resources[mat_name] = self.export_material(material)
- tech_name = ( if material else".tech"
- if tech_name not in resources:
- resources[tech_name] = self.export_object_technique(l, resources=resources)
+ tech_name =".tech"
+ if tech_name not in resources:
+ material_export.export_technique_resources(material, resources)
+ resources[tech_name] = material_export.export_technique(material, resources=resources)
+ elif "" not in resources:
+ resources[""] = self.export_stub_technique()
statements.append(Statement("bounding_sphere_hint", *center, radius))
prev_mesh = None
- prev_tech = (None, None)
+ prev_tech = None
for i, l in enumerate(lods):
lod_st = []
prev_mesh =
- mat_name = None
- if l.material_slots and l.material_slots[0].material:
- mat_name = l.material_slots[0]
- tech = (l.technique, mat_name)
- if tech!=prev_tech:
- tech_res = resources[(mat_name or".tech"]
- if l.technique:
- if l.inherit_tech:
- lod_st.append(obj_res.create_embed_statement("technique", tech_res))
- else:
- lod_st.append(Statement("technique", l.technique))
+ material = None
+ if l.material_slots:
+ material = l.material_slots[0].material
+ if material:
+ tech_res = resources[".tech"]
+ else:
+ tech_res = resources[""]
+ if!=prev_tech:
+ if material and material.technique and not material.inherit_tech:
+ lod_st.append(Statement("technique", material.technique))
elif self.separate_tech:
lod_st.append(obj_res.create_reference_statement("technique", tech_res))
lod_st.append(obj_res.create_embed_statement("technique", tech_res))
- prev_tech = tech
+ prev_tech =
if i>0:
st = Statement("level_of_detail", i)
return obj_res
- def export_object_technique(self, obj, *, resources):
- material = None
- if obj.material_slots:
- material = obj.material_slots[0].material
- from .datafile import Resource, Statement, Token
- tech_res = Resource(( if material else".tech")
- mat_res = None
- if material:
- mat_res = resources[".mat"]
- if obj.technique:
- if not obj.inherit_tech:
- return tech_res
- st = Statement("inherit", obj.technique)
- if material:
- for slot in material.texture_slots:
- if slot and slot.texture.type=="IMAGE":
- name = image_name(slot.texture.image)
- if slot.use_map_color_diffuse:
- st.sub.append(Statement("texture", "diffuse_map", name))
- elif slot.use_map_normal:
- st.sub.append(Statement("texture", "normal_map", name))
- if obj.override_material:
- st.sub.append(tech_res.create_reference_statement("material", "surface", mat_res))
- tech_res.statements.append(st)
- return tech_res
- pass_st = Statement("pass", "")
- if material:
- pass_st.sub.append(tech_res.create_embed_statement("material", mat_res))
- if self.textures!="NONE":
- diffuse_tex = None
- for slot in material.texture_slots:
- if slot and slot.texture.type=="IMAGE" and slot.use_map_color_diffuse:
- diffuse_tex = slot.texture
- break
- if diffuse_tex:
- st = Statement("texunit", 0)
- if self.textures=="INLINE":
- ss = Statement("texture2d")
- ss.sub.append(Statement("min_filter", Token("LINEAR")))
- ss.sub.append(Statement("storage", Token("RGBA"), tex.image.size[0], tex.image.size[1]))
- texdata = ""
- for p in tex.image.pixels:
- texdata += "\\x%02X"%int(p*255)
- ss.sub.append(Statement("raw_data", texdata))
- st.sub.append(ss)
- elif tex.image:
- st.sub.append(Statement("texture", image_name(tex.image)))
- pass_st.sub.append(st)
- tech_res.statements.append(pass_st)
- return tech_res
- def export_material(self, material):
+ def export_stub_technique(self):
from .datafile import Resource, Statement
- mat_res = Resource(".mat")
- statements = mat_res.statements
- cm = get_colormap(material.srgb_colors)
- if any(s.use_map_color_diffuse for s in material.texture_slots if s):
- statements.append(Statement("diffuse", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
- amb = cm(material.ambient)
- statements.append(Statement("ambient", amb, amb, amb, 1.0))
- else:
- diff = material.diffuse_color*material.diffuse_intensity
- statements.append(Statement("diffuse", cm(diff.r), cm(diff.g), cm(diff.b), 1.0))
- amb = diff*material.ambient
- statements.append(Statement("ambient", cm(amb.r), cm(amb.g), cm(amb.b), 1.0))
- spec = material.specular_color*material.specular_intensity
- statements.append(Statement("specular", cm(spec.r), cm(spec.g), cm(spec.g), 1.0))
- statements.append(Statement("shininess", material.specular_hardness))
- return mat_res
+ tech_res = Resource("")
+ tech_res.statements.append(Statement("pass", ""))
+ return tech_res
--- /dev/null
+class TextureExporter:
+ def export_texture(self, texture):
+ from .datafile import Resource, Statement, Token
+ tex_res = Resource(".tex2d")
+ tex_res.statements.append(Statement("min_filter", Token("LINEAR")))
+ tex_res.statements.append(Statement("storage", Token("RGBA"), texture.image.size[0], texture.image.size[1]))
+ texdata = ""
+ for p in texture.image.pixels:
+ texdata += "\\x%02X"%int(p*255)
+ tex_res.statements.append(Statement("raw_data", texdata))
+ return tex_res
def draw(self, context):
obj = context.active_object
- self.layout.prop(obj, "technique")
- self.layout.prop(obj, "inherit_tech")
- if obj.inherit_tech:
- self.layout.prop(obj, "override_material")
self.layout.prop(obj, "compound")
self.layout.prop(obj, "lod_for_parent")
if obj.lod_for_parent:
if not mat:
+ self.layout.prop(mat, "technique")
+ self.layout.prop(mat, "inherit_tech")
+ if mat.inherit_tech:
+ self.layout.prop(mat, "override_material")
self.layout.prop(mat, "srgb_colors")
self.layout.prop(mat, "array_atlas")
if mat.array_atlas:
bpy.types.Mesh.tbn_vecs = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="TBN vectors", description="Compute tangent and binormal vectors for vertices", default=False)
bpy.types.Mesh.tbn_uvtex = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="TBN UV layer", description="UV layer to use as basis for TBN vectors", default="")
- bpy.types.Object.technique = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Technique", description="Name of the technique to use for rendering")
- bpy.types.Object.inherit_tech = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Inherit technique", description="Inherit from the technique to customize textures")
- bpy.types.Object.override_material = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Override material", description="Override material in the inherited technique as well", default=True)
bpy.types.Object.compound = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Compound with parent", description="Join this object to its parent when exporting")
bpy.types.Object.lod_for_parent = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="LoD for parent", description="This object is a level of detail for its parent")
bpy.types.Object.lod_index = bpy.props.IntProperty(name="LoD index", description="Index of the level of detail", min=1, max=16, default=1)
+ bpy.types.Material.technique = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Technique", description="Name of an external technique to use for rendering")
+ bpy.types.Material.inherit_tech = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Inherit technique", description="Inherit from the technique to customize textures")
+ bpy.types.Material.override_material = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Override material", description="Override material in the inherited technique as well", default=True)
bpy.types.Material.srgb_colors = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="sRGB colors", description="Export material colors as sRGB instead of linear", default=True)
bpy.types.Material.array_atlas = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Texture array atlas", description="The material is stored in a texture array")
bpy.types.Material.array_layer = bpy.props.IntProperty("Texture array layer", description="Layer of the texture array atlas to use")