3 class MspGLSceneProperties(bpy.types.Panel):
4 bl_idname = "SCENE_PT_mspgl_properties"
5 bl_label = "MspGL properties"
6 bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES"
7 bl_region_type = "WINDOW"
10 def draw(self, context):
13 self.layout.prop(scene, "scene_type")
14 self.layout.prop(scene, "export_disposition")
16 class MspGLMeshProperties(bpy.types.Panel):
17 bl_idname = "MESH_PT_mspgl_properties"
18 bl_label = "MspGL properties"
19 bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES"
20 bl_region_type = "WINDOW"
24 def poll(cls, context):
25 return context.active_object.type=="MESH"
27 def draw(self, context):
28 mesh = context.active_object.data
30 self.layout.prop(mesh, "winding_test")
31 self.layout.prop(mesh, "smoothing")
32 self.layout.prop(mesh, "use_strips")
34 self.layout.separator()
36 col = self.layout.column()
37 col.label(text="Data selection")
38 col.prop(mesh, "use_lines")
39 col.prop(mesh, "vertex_groups")
40 col.prop(mesh, "max_groups_per_vertex")
42 self.layout.separator()
44 col = self.layout.column()
45 col.label(text="Texturing")
46 col.prop(mesh, "use_uv")
47 col.prop(mesh, "tangent_vecs")
48 col.prop(mesh, "tangent_uvtex")
50 class MspGLObjectProperties(bpy.types.Panel):
51 bl_idname = "OBJECT_PT_mspgl_properties"
52 bl_label = "MspGL properties"
53 bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES"
54 bl_region_type = "WINDOW"
58 def poll(cls, context):
59 return context.active_object.type=="MESH"
61 def draw(self, context):
62 obj = context.active_object
64 self.layout.prop(obj, "compound")
65 self.layout.prop(obj, "lod_for_parent")
66 if obj.lod_for_parent:
67 self.layout.prop(obj, "lod_index")
69 class MspGLMaterialProperties(bpy.types.Panel):
70 bl_idname = "MATERIAL_PT_mspgl_properties"
71 bl_label = "MspGL properties"
72 bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES"
73 bl_region_type = "WINDOW"
74 bl_context = "material"
77 def poll(cls, context):
78 return context.active_object.active_material is not None
80 def draw(self, context):
81 mat = context.active_object.active_material
85 self.layout.prop(mat, "render_mode")
86 if mat.render_mode=='CUSTOM':
87 self.layout.prop(mat, "shader")
88 if mat.shadow_method!='NONE':
89 self.layout.prop(mat, "shadow_shader")
90 elif mat.render_mode=='EXTERNAL':
91 self.layout.prop(mat, "technique")
92 if mat.render_mode=='BUILTIN':
93 self.layout.prop(mat, "receive_shadows")
94 self.layout.prop(mat, "image_based_lighting")
95 self.layout.prop(mat, "array_atlas")
97 self.layout.prop(mat, "array_layer")
98 if mat.render_mode!='EXTERNAL':
99 self.layout.prop(mat, "material_atlas")
100 if mat.render_mode=='CUSTOM':
101 self.layout.separator()
102 self.layout.label(text="Uniform values")
103 self.layout.template_list("MATERIAL_UL_mspgl_uniforms", "", mat, "uniforms", mat, "active_uniform_index")
104 row = self.layout.row()
105 row.operator("material.add_uniform")
106 row.operator("material.remove_uniform")
108 if mat.active_uniform_index<len(mat.uniforms):
109 uniform = mat.uniforms[mat.active_uniform_index]
110 self.layout.prop(uniform, "name")
111 self.layout.prop(uniform, "size")
112 row = self.layout.row(align=True)
113 row.label(text="Values")
114 for i in range(uniform.size):
115 row.prop(uniform, "values", text="", index=i)
117 class MspGLTextureNodeProperties(bpy.types.Panel):
118 bl_idname = "NODE_PT_mspgl_properties"
119 bl_label = "MspGL properties"
120 bl_space_type = "NODE_EDITOR"
121 bl_region_type = "UI"
125 def poll(cls, context):
126 node = context.active_node
127 return node and node.type=='TEX_IMAGE'
129 def draw(self, context):
130 node = context.active_node
134 self.layout.prop(node, "default_filter")
135 if not node.default_filter:
136 self.layout.prop(node, "use_mipmap")
137 self.layout.prop(node, "max_anisotropy")
139 class MspGLLightProperties(bpy.types.Panel):
140 bl_idname = "LIGHT_PT_mspgl_properties"
141 bl_label = "MspGL properties"
142 bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES"
143 bl_region_type = "WINDOW"
147 def poll(cls, context):
148 return context.active_object.type=="LIGHT"
150 def draw(self, context):
151 light = context.active_object.data
154 self.layout.prop(light, "shadow_map_size")
156 class MspGLWorldProperties(bpy.types.Panel):
157 bl_idname = "WORLD_PT_mspgl_properties"
158 bl_label = "MspGL properties"
159 bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES"
160 bl_region_type = "WINDOW"
163 def draw(self, context):
164 world = context.scene.world
165 self.layout.prop(world, "use_hdr")
167 class MspGLUniform(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
168 name: bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Name", description="Name of the uniform variable")
169 size: bpy.props.IntProperty(name="Size", description="Number of elements in the uniform", min=1, max=4, default=4)
170 values: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(name="Values", description="Values stored in the uniform", size=4)
172 class MspGLUniformList(bpy.types.UIList):
173 bl_idname = "MATERIAL_UL_mspgl_uniforms"
175 def draw_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data, active_propname):
177 if self.layout_type=="GRID":
178 layout.label(text="", icon_value=icon)
180 layout.prop(uniform, "name", text="", emboss=False, icon_value=icon)
181 layout.label(text="({})".format(", ".join("{:.3f}".format(v) for v in uniform.values[:uniform.size])))
183 classes = [MspGLSceneProperties, MspGLMeshProperties, MspGLObjectProperties, MspGLMaterialProperties,
184 MspGLTextureNodeProperties, MspGLLightProperties, MspGLWorldProperties, MspGLUniform, MspGLUniformList]
186 def register_properties():
188 bpy.utils.register_class(c)
190 bpy.types.Scene.scene_type = bpy.props.EnumProperty(name="Scene type", description="Type of scene to use for exporting", default="SIMPLE",
191 items=(("SIMPLE", "Simple", "Objects are rendered in no specific order"),
192 ("ORDERED", "Ordered", "Objects are rendered in order by their name"),
193 ("ZSORTED", "Z-sorted", "Objects are rendered in order by their distance from the camera")))
194 bpy.types.Scene.export_disposition = bpy.props.EnumProperty(name="Export disposition", description="What to do with this scene during project export", default="IGNORE",
195 items=(("IGNORE", "Ignore", "The scene won't be exported"),
196 ("CONTENTS", "Contents only", "Objects in the scene will be exported, but not the scene itself"),
197 ("SCENE", "Scene", "The scene will be exported"),
198 ("SEQUENCE", "Sequence", "The scene will be exported along with a rendering sequence")))
200 bpy.types.World.use_hdr = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="High dynamic range", description="Use a range render target with a floating point format", default=False)
202 bpy.types.Mesh.winding_test = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Winding test", description="Perform winding test to skip back faces")
203 bpy.types.Mesh.smoothing = bpy.props.EnumProperty(name="Smoothing", description="Smoothing method to use", default="MSPGL",
204 items=(("NONE", "None", "No smoothing"),
205 ("BLENDER", "Blender", "Use Blender's vertex normals"),
206 ("MSPGL", "MspGL", "Compute vertex normals internally")))
207 bpy.types.Mesh.use_lines = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Include lines", description="Include edges without faces as lines", default=False)
208 bpy.types.Mesh.use_strips = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Use strips", description="Combine the mesh's triangles into triangle strips", default=True)
209 bpy.types.Mesh.vertex_groups = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Vertex groups", description="Include vertex groups and weights", default=False)
210 bpy.types.Mesh.max_groups_per_vertex = bpy.props.IntProperty(name="Max groups", description="Maximum amount of groups per vertex", min=1, max=4, default=2)
211 bpy.types.Mesh.use_uv = bpy.props.EnumProperty(name="Use UV", description="Use UV coordinates", default="UNIT0",
212 items=(("NONE", "None", "Ignore all UV coordinates"),
213 ("UNIT0", "Unit 0", "Use UV coordinates for unit 0"),
214 ("ALL", "All", "Use all UV coordinates")))
215 bpy.types.Mesh.tangent_vecs = bpy.props.EnumProperty(name="Tangent vectors", description="Compute tangent vectors for vertices", default="AUTO",
216 items=(("NO", "No", "Do not export tangent vectors"),
217 ("AUTO", "Auto", "Automatically determine the need for tangent vectors"),
218 ("YES", "Yes", "Always export tangent vectors")))
219 bpy.types.Mesh.tangent_uvtex = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Tangent UV layer", description="UV layer to use as basis for tangent vectors", default="")
221 bpy.types.Object.compound = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Compound with parent", description="Join this object to its parent when exporting")
222 bpy.types.Object.lod_for_parent = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="LoD for parent", description="This object is a level of detail for its parent")
223 bpy.types.Object.lod_index = bpy.props.IntProperty(name="LoD index", description="Index of the level of detail", min=1, max=16, default=1)
225 bpy.types.Material.render_mode = bpy.props.EnumProperty(name="Render mode", description="How this material should be rendered", default="BUILTIN",
226 items=(("BUILTIN", "Built-in", "Use built-in shaders"),
227 ("CUSTOM", "Custom shader", "Use a custom shader"),
228 ("EXTERNAL", "External technique", "Use an externally defined technique")))
229 bpy.types.Material.technique = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Custom technique", description="Name of an external technique to use for rendering")
230 bpy.types.Material.shader = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Custom shader", description="Name of a custom shader to use for rendering")
231 bpy.types.Material.shadow_shader = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Custom shadow shader", description="Name of a custom shader to use for shadow pass")
232 bpy.types.Material.receive_shadows = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Receive shadows", description="Receive shadows from a shadow map", default=True)
233 bpy.types.Material.image_based_lighting = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Image based lighting", description="Use an environment map for ambient lighting", default=False)
234 bpy.types.Material.array_atlas = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Texture array atlas", description="The material is stored in a texture array")
235 bpy.types.Material.array_layer = bpy.props.IntProperty("Texture array layer", description="Layer of the texture array atlas to use")
236 bpy.types.Material.material_atlas = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Material atlas", description="Make this material part of a material atlas")
237 bpy.types.Material.uniforms = bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=MspGLUniform, name="Uniform", description="Uniform variables to add to the technique")
238 bpy.types.Material.active_uniform_index = bpy.props.IntProperty("Active uniform index")
240 bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexImage.default_filter = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Default filter", description="Let the loading program determine filtering options")
241 bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexImage.use_mipmap = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Use mipmaps", description="Use mipmaps (automatically generated) for the texture", default=True)
242 bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexImage.max_anisotropy = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Maximum anisotropy", description="Maximum anisotropy to use in texture filtering", min=1, max=16, default=1)
244 def unregister_properties():
246 bpy.utils.unregister_class(c)