2 "name": "Msp GL datafiles",
3 "author": "Mikko Rasa",
4 "location": "File > Export",
5 "description": "Export Msp GL data",
6 "category": "Import-Export" }
10 for sub in "animation", "armature", "datafile", "export_animation", "export_armature", "export_camera", "export_material", "export_mesh", "export_object", "export_scene", "export_texture", "material", "mesh", "properties", "util":
12 imp.reload(locals()[sub])
15 from bpy_extras.io_utils import ExportHelper
17 class ExportMspGLBase(ExportHelper):
18 show_progress = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Show progress", description="Display progress indicator while exporting", default=True)
20 def execute(self, context):
21 exporter = self.create_exporter()
22 self.prepare_exporter(exporter)
23 exporter.export_to_file(context, self.filepath)
26 def create_exporter(self):
27 raise Exception("create_exporter must be overridden")
29 def prepare_exporter(self, exporter):
30 for k, v in self.as_keywords().items():
31 setattr(exporter, k, v)
33 class ExportMspGLMeshBase(ExportMspGLBase):
34 use_strips = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Use strips", description="Combine faces into triangle strips", default=True)
35 use_degen_tris = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Use degen tris", description="Concatenate triangle strips with degenerate triangles", default=False)
37 def draw(self, context):
38 self.general_col = self.layout.column()
40 col = self.layout.column()
41 col.label("Triangle strips")
42 col.prop(self, "use_strips")
43 col.prop(self, "use_degen_tris")
45 class ExportMspGLMesh(bpy.types.Operator, ExportMspGLMeshBase):
46 bl_idname = "export_mesh.mspgl_mesh"
47 bl_label = "Export Msp GL mesh"
49 filename_ext = ".mesh"
51 def create_exporter(self):
52 from .export_mesh import MeshExporter
55 class ExportMspGLObject(bpy.types.Operator, ExportMspGLMeshBase):
56 bl_idname = "export_mesh.mspgl_object"
57 bl_label = "Export Msp GL object"
59 filename_ext = ".object"
61 single_file = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Single file", description="Write all data into a single file", default=True)
62 shared_resources = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Shared resources", description="Use global names for resource files to enable sharing", default=True)
64 export_lods = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Export LoDs", description="Export all levels of detail", default=True)
65 use_textures = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Use textures", description="Use textures in the exported object", default=True)
67 def create_exporter(self):
68 from .export_object import ObjectExporter
69 return ObjectExporter()
71 def draw(self, context):
74 self.general_col.prop(self, "export_lods")
75 self.general_col.prop(self, "use_textures")
77 col = self.layout.column()
79 col.prop(self, "single_file")
80 if not self.single_file:
81 col.prop(self, "shared_resources")
83 class ExportMspGLArmature(bpy.types.Operator, ExportMspGLBase):
84 bl_idname = "export.mspgl_armature"
85 bl_label = "Export Msp GL armature"
87 filename_ext = ".arma"
89 def create_exporter(self):
90 from .export_armature import ArmatureExporter
91 return ArmatureExporter()
93 class ExportMspGLAnimation(bpy.types.Operator, ExportMspGLBase):
94 bl_idname = "export.mspgl_animation"
95 bl_label = "Export Msp GL animation"
97 filename_ext = ".anim"
99 export_all = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Export all animations", description="Export all animations present on the selected objects' NLA tracks")
100 collection = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="As a collection", description="Export the animations as a single collection file", default=True)
101 looping_threshold = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Looping threshold", description="Tolerance for curve beginning and end values for looping", min=0.0, soft_max=1.0, precision=4, default=0.001)
103 def check(self, context):
106 ext = ".mdc" if self.export_all and self.collection else ".anim"
107 ext_changed = (ext!=self.filename_ext)
109 if self.filepath.endswith(self.filename_ext):
110 self.filepath = self.filepath[:-len(self.filename_ext)]
111 self.filename_ext = ext
113 super_result = super().check(context)
115 return ext_changed or super_result
117 def create_exporter(self):
118 from .export_animation import AnimationExporter
119 return AnimationExporter()
121 def draw(self, context):
122 col = self.layout.column()
123 col.prop(self, "export_all")
125 col.prop(self, "collection")
126 col.prop(self, "looping_threshold")
128 class ExportMspGLScene(bpy.types.Operator, ExportMspGLBase):
129 bl_idname = "export_scene.mspgl_scene"
130 bl_label = "Export Msp GL scene"
132 filename_ext = ".scene"
134 selected_only = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Selected objects only", description="Only export the selected objects")
135 active_layers = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Active layers only", description="Only export objects on the active layers", default=True)
136 resource_collection = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Resource collection", description="Put resources to a single collection file", default=True)
137 skip_existing = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Skip existing files", description="Skip resources that already exist as files", default=True)
139 def create_exporter(self):
140 from .export_scene import SceneExporter
141 return SceneExporter()
143 def draw(self, context):
144 col = self.layout.column()
145 col.prop(self, "selected_only")
146 col.prop(self, "active_layers")
147 col.prop(self, "resource_collection")
148 if self.resource_collection:
149 col.prop(self, "skip_existing")
151 class ExportMspGLCamera(bpy.types.Operator, ExportMspGLBase):
152 bl_idname = "export.mspgl_camera"
153 bl_label = "Export Msp GL camera"
155 filename_ext = ".camera"
157 def create_exporter(self):
158 from .export_camera import CameraExporter
159 return CameraExporter()
161 def menu_func_export(self, context):
162 self.layout.operator(ExportMspGLMesh.bl_idname, text="Msp GL mesh")
163 self.layout.operator(ExportMspGLObject.bl_idname, text="Msp GL object")
164 self.layout.operator(ExportMspGLArmature.bl_idname, text="Msp GL armature")
165 self.layout.operator(ExportMspGLAnimation.bl_idname, text="Msp GL animation")
166 self.layout.operator(ExportMspGLScene.bl_idname, text="Msp GL scene")
167 self.layout.operator(ExportMspGLCamera.bl_idname, text="Msp GL camera")
169 from .properties import MspGLMeshProperties, MspGLObjectProperties
172 bpy.utils.register_module(__name__)
174 bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_export.append(menu_func_export)
176 from .properties import register_properties
177 register_properties()
180 bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__)
182 bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_export.remove(menu_func_export)
184 if __name__=="__main__":