category "skillgem.drop" { class "Skill Gem"; or { base_type "Added Chaos Damage Support"; base_type "Detonate Mines"; base_type "Empower Support"; base_type "Enhance Support"; base_type "Enlighten Support"; base_type "Item Quantity Support"; base_type "Portal"; }; }; category "skillgem.vaal" { class "Skill Gem"; or { base_type "Vaal Arc"; base_type "Vaal Burning Arrow"; base_type "Vaal Clarity"; base_type "Vaal Cold Snap"; base_type "Vaal Cyclone"; base_type "Vaal Detonate Dead"; base_type "Vaal Discipline"; base_type "Vaal Double Strike"; base_type "Vaal Fireball"; base_type "Vaal Flameblast"; base_type "Vaal Glacial Hammer"; base_type "Vaal Grace"; base_type "Vaal Ground Slam"; base_type "Vaal Haste"; base_type "Vaal Ice Nova"; base_type "Vaal Immortal Call"; base_type "Vaal Lightning Strike"; base_type "Vaal Lightning Trap"; base_type "Vaal Lightning Warp"; base_type "Vaal Molten Shell"; base_type "Vaal Power Siphon"; base_type "Vaal Rain of Arrows"; base_type "Vaal Reave"; base_type "Vaal Righteous Fire"; base_type "Vaal Spark"; base_type "Vaal Spectral Throw"; base_type "Vaal Storm Call"; base_type "Vaal Summon Skeletons"; }; }; category "skillgem.craft" { class "Skill Gem"; or { base_type "Mirror Arrow"; }; }; category "skillgem.alchemy" { class "Skill Gem"; or { base_type "Brutality Support"; base_type "Cast On Critical Strike Support"; base_type "Cast on Death Support"; base_type "Cast on Melee Kill Support"; base_type "Cast when Damage Taken Support"; base_type "Cast when Stunned Support"; base_type "Cast while Channelling Support"; base_type "Chain Support"; base_type "Cluster Traps Support"; base_type "Curse On Hit Support"; base_type "Decay Support"; base_type "Greater Multiple Projectiles Support"; base_type "Ignite Proliferation Support"; base_type "Immolate Support"; base_type "Immortal Call"; base_type "Increased Area of Effect Support"; base_type "Multistrike Support"; base_type "Spell Echo Support"; base_type "Vile Toxins Support"; }; }; category "skillgem.chance" { class "Skill Gem"; or { base_type "Abyssal Cry"; base_type "Advanced Traps Support"; base_type "Ancestral Warchief"; base_type "Animate Guardian"; base_type "Arctic Breath"; base_type "Ball Lightning"; base_type "Blade Flurry"; base_type "Bladefall"; base_type "Blasphemy Support"; base_type "Blast Rain"; base_type "Blood Magic Support"; base_type "Burning Damage Support"; base_type "Burning Damage Support"; base_type "Charged Dash"; base_type "Charged Traps Support"; base_type "Cold Penetration Support"; base_type "Cremation"; base_type "Cyclone"; base_type "Dark Pact"; base_type "Discharge"; base_type "Dominating Blow"; base_type "Earthquake"; base_type "Efficacy Support"; base_type "Explosive Arrow"; base_type "Faster Projectiles Support"; base_type "Fire Penetration Support"; base_type "Flameblast"; base_type "Flamethrower Trap"; base_type "Fork Support"; base_type "Fortify Support"; base_type "Generosity Support"; base_type "Glacial Cascade"; base_type "Hypothermia Support"; base_type "Ice Bite Support"; base_type "Ice Crash"; base_type "Ice Trap"; base_type "Increased Duration Support"; base_type "Innervate Support"; base_type "Item Rarity Support"; base_type "Kinetic Blast"; base_type "Less Duration Support"; base_type "Life Leech Support"; base_type "Lightning Penetration Support"; base_type "Lightning Spire Trap"; base_type "Mana Leech Support"; base_type "Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance Support"; base_type "Phase Run"; base_type "Poison Support"; base_type "Raise Spectre"; base_type "Reduced Mana Support"; base_type "Seismic Trap"; base_type "Shock Nova"; base_type "Shockwave Totem"; base_type "Slower Projectiles Support"; base_type "Storm Burst"; base_type "Summon Chaos Golem"; base_type "Summon Flame Golem"; base_type "Summon Ice Golem"; base_type "Summon Lightning Golem"; base_type "Summon Stone Golem"; base_type "Swift Affliction Support"; base_type "Tectonic Slam"; base_type "Tornado Shot"; base_type "Vortex"; base_type "Wild Strike"; }; }; category "skillgem.alteration" { class "Skill Gem"; or { base_type "Anger"; base_type "Arctic Armour"; base_type "Assassin's Mark"; base_type "Blood Rage"; base_type "Bloodlust Support"; base_type "Cold to Fire Support"; base_type "Concentrated Effect Support"; base_type "Conductivity"; base_type "Controlled Destruction Support"; base_type "Convocation"; base_type "Culling Strike Support"; base_type "Damage on Full Life Support"; base_type "Deadly Ailments Support"; base_type "Desecrate"; base_type "Despair"; base_type "Determination"; base_type "Discipline"; base_type "Elemental Damage with Attacks Support"; base_type "Elemental Focus Support"; base_type "Elemental Weakness"; base_type "Endurance Charge on Melee Stun Support"; base_type "Enduring Cry"; base_type "Enfeeble"; base_type "Faster Attacks Support"; base_type "Faster Casting Support"; base_type "Flammability"; base_type "Frenzy"; base_type "Frostbite"; base_type "Grace"; base_type "Haste"; base_type "Hatred"; base_type "Herald of Ash"; base_type "Herald of Ice"; base_type "Herald of Thunder"; base_type "Increased Critical Damage Support"; base_type "Iron Grip Support"; base_type "Iron Will Support"; base_type "Melee Physical Damage Support"; base_type "Minion Life Support"; base_type "Minion Speed Support"; base_type "Physical Projectile Attack Damage Support"; base_type "Physical to Lightning Support"; base_type "Poacher's Mark"; base_type "Point Blank Support"; base_type "Power Charge On Critical Support"; base_type "Projectile Weakness"; base_type "Punishment"; base_type "Purity of Elements"; base_type "Purity of Fire"; base_type "Purity of Ice"; base_type "Purity of Lightning"; base_type "Righteous Fire"; base_type "Tempest Shield"; base_type "Temporal Chains"; base_type "Trap and Mine Damage Support"; base_type "Vengeance"; base_type "Vitality"; base_type "Vulnerability"; base_type "Warlord's Mark"; base_type "Wrath"; }; }; category "skillgem.transmute" { class "Skill Gem"; or { base_type "Added Cold Damage Support"; base_type "Added Fire Damage Support"; base_type "Added Lightning Damage Support"; base_type "Additional Accuracy Support"; base_type "Arc"; base_type "Barrage"; base_type "Blade Vortex"; base_type "Blind Support"; base_type "Blink Arrow"; base_type "Bodyswap"; base_type "Bone Offering"; base_type "Chance to Flee Support"; base_type "Clarity"; base_type "Combustion Support"; base_type "Essence Drain"; base_type "Fire Nova Mine"; base_type "Firestorm"; base_type "Flame Dash"; base_type "Flame Surge"; base_type "Flesh Offering"; base_type "Flicker Strike"; base_type "Freeze Mine"; base_type "Ice Nova"; base_type "Ice Spear"; base_type "Incinerate"; base_type "Increased Critical Strikes Support"; base_type "Knockback Support"; base_type "Lacerate"; base_type "Leap Slam"; base_type "Lesser Multiple Projectiles Support"; base_type "Life Gain on Hit Support"; base_type "Lightning Arrow"; base_type "Lightning Strike"; base_type "Lightning Trap"; base_type "Lightning Warp"; base_type "Maim Support"; base_type "Melee Splash Support"; base_type "Minefield Support"; base_type "Minion Damage Support"; base_type "Multiple Traps Support"; base_type "Power Siphon"; base_type "Rain of Arrows"; base_type "Rallying Cry"; base_type "Ranged Attack Totem Support"; base_type "Reave"; base_type "Remote Mine Support"; base_type "Scorching Ray"; base_type "Searing Bond"; base_type "Shield Charge"; base_type "Siphoning Trap"; base_type "Smoke Mine"; base_type "Spectral Shield Throw"; base_type "Spell Totem Support"; base_type "Spirit Offering"; base_type "Static Strike"; base_type "Storm Call"; base_type "Stun Support"; base_type "Summon Skeleton"; base_type "Sunder"; base_type "Sweep"; base_type "Trap Support"; base_type "Unbound Ailments Support"; base_type "Unearth"; base_type "Void Manipulation Support"; base_type "Volatile Dead"; base_type "Whirling Blades"; base_type "Wither"; }; }; category "skillgem.wisdom" { class "Skill Gem"; or { base_type "Ancestral Call Support"; base_type "Ancestral Protector"; base_type "Animate Weapon"; base_type "Arcane Surge Support"; base_type "Bear Trap"; base_type "Blight"; base_type "Burning Arrow"; base_type "Caustic Arrow"; base_type "Chance to Bleed Support"; base_type "Cleave"; base_type "Cold Snap"; base_type "Contagion"; base_type "Conversion Trap"; base_type "Decoy Totem"; base_type "Detonate Dead"; base_type "Devouring Totem"; base_type "Double Strike"; base_type "Dual Strike"; base_type "Elemental Hit"; base_type "Elemental Proliferation Support"; base_type "Ethereal Knives"; base_type "Explosive Trap"; base_type "Fire Trap"; base_type "Fireball"; base_type "Flame Totem"; base_type "Freezing Pulse"; base_type "Frost Blades"; base_type "Frost Bomb"; base_type "Frost Wall"; base_type "Frostbolt"; base_type "Glacial Hammer"; base_type "Ground Slam"; base_type "Heavy Strike"; base_type "Ice Shot"; base_type "Infernal Blow"; base_type "Lesser Poison Support"; base_type "Lightning Tendrils"; base_type "Magma Orb"; base_type "Mirage Archer Support"; base_type "Molten Shell"; base_type "Molten Strike"; base_type "Onslaught Support"; base_type "Orb of Storms"; base_type "Pierce Support"; base_type "Puncture"; base_type "Raise Zombie"; base_type "Reckoning"; base_type "Rejuvenation Totem"; base_type "Riposte"; base_type "Ruthless Support"; base_type "Shrapnel Shot"; base_type "Siege Ballista"; base_type "Spark"; base_type "Spectral Throw"; base_type "Spell Cascade Support"; base_type "Split Arrow"; base_type "Storm Barrier Support"; base_type "Summon Phantasm on Kill Support"; base_type "Summon Raging Spirit"; base_type "Vigilant Strike"; base_type "Viper Strike"; base_type "Volley Support"; }; };