import msp_interface; import common; import shadow; layout(constant_id=auto) const bool use_diffuse_map = false; layout(constant_id=auto) const bool use_specular = false; layout(constant_id=auto) const bool use_specular_map = false; layout(constant_id=auto) const bool use_shininess_map = false; layout(constant_id=auto) const bool use_emission = false; layout(constant_id=auto) const bool use_emission_map = false; layout(constant_id=auto) const bool use_reflectivity = false; layout(constant_id=auto) const bool use_reflectivity_map = false; layout(constant_id=auto) const bool use_sky = false; layout(constant_id=auto) const bool use_fog = false; #pragma MSP stage(fragment) virtual vec4 get_diffuse_color() { if(use_diffuse_map) return texture(diffuse_map, texcoord.xy); else return basic_material.diffuse; } virtual vec3 get_specular_color() { if(use_specular_map) return texture(specular_map, texcoord.xy).rgb; else return basic_material.specular.rgb; } virtual float get_shininess_value() { if(use_shininess_map) return texture(shininess_map, texcoord.xy).r*255.0; else return basic_material.shininess; } virtual vec3 get_emission_color() { if(use_emission_map) return texture(emission_map, texcoord.xy).rgb; else return basic_material.emission.rgb; } virtual float get_reflectivity_value() { if(use_reflectivity_map) return texture(reflectivity_map, texcoord.xy).r; else return basic_material.reflectivity; } vec3 phong_ambient(vec3 surface_diffuse) { return ambient_color.rgb*surface_diffuse; } vec3 phong_one_light(vec3 light, vec3 normal, vec3 look, vec3 light_color, vec3 surface_diffuse, vec3 surface_specular, float shininess) { float diffuse_intensity = max(dot(light, normal), 0.0); vec3 color = light_color*surface_diffuse*diffuse_intensity; if(use_specular) { /* The light vector points towards the light, so reflected will point towards the surface - but so does the look vector. */ vec3 reflected = reflect(light, normal); float specular_intensity = pow(max(dot(reflected, look), 0.0), shininess); color += light_color*surface_specular*specular_intensity; } return color; } vec3 phong_lighting(vec3 normal, vec3 look, vec3 surface_diffuse, vec3 surface_specular, float shininess) { vec3 light; if(use_normal_map) light = normalize(tbn_light_dir); else light = normalize(eye_light_dir); vec3 color = phong_ambient(surface_diffuse); float shadow = get_shadow_factor(0); color += phong_one_light(light, normal, look, light_sources[0].diffuse.rgb, surface_diffuse, surface_specular, shininess)*shadow; if(use_emission) color += get_emission_color(); if(use_reflectivity) color += get_reflection(normal, look)*get_reflectivity_value(); return color; } void main() { vec3 normal; vec3 look; if(use_normal_map) { normal = get_fragment_normal(); look = normalize(tbn_look_dir); } else { normal = normalize(eye_normal); look = normalize(eye_look_dir); } vec4 surface_diffuse = get_diffuse_color(); vec3 surface_specular = get_specular_color(); float shininess = get_shininess_value(); vec3 lit_color = phong_lighting(normal, look, surface_diffuse.rgb, surface_specular, shininess); frag_color = vec4(lit_color, surface_diffuse.a); }