#include "iso885915.h"
#include "jisx0201.h"
#include "jisx0208.h"
+#include "utf16.h"
#include "utf8.h"
#include "windows1252.h"
if(name=="jisx0201") return new JisX0201(em);
if(name=="jisx0208") return new JisX0208(em);
if(name=="utf8") return new Utf8(em);
+ if(name=="utf16") return new Utf16(em, Utf16::AUTO);
+ if(name=="utf16be") return new Utf16(em, Utf16::BIG);
+ if(name=="utf16le") return new Utf16(em, Utf16::LITTLE);
if(name=="windows1252" || name=="cp1252") return new Windows1252(em);
throw invalid_argument("unknown string codec");
StandardCodec(ErrorMode em): err_mode(em==DEFAULT ? THROW_ON_ERROR : em) { }
+ ErrorMode get_error_mode(ErrorMode em = DEFAULT) const
+ { return (em==DEFAULT ? err_mode : em); }
virtual Encoder *create_encoder(ErrorMode em = DEFAULT) const
- { return new typename C::Encoder(em==DEFAULT ? err_mode : em); }
+ { return new typename C::Encoder(get_error_mode(em)); }
virtual Decoder *create_decoder(ErrorMode em = DEFAULT) const
- { return new typename C::Decoder(em==DEFAULT ? err_mode : em); }
+ { return new typename C::Decoder(get_error_mode(em)); }
--- /dev/null
+#include "utf16.h"
+using namespace std;
+namespace Msp {
+namespace StringCodec {
+Utf16::Encoder::Encoder(ErrorMode em, Endian en):
+ Codec::Encoder(em),
+ endian(en==AUTO ? BIG : en),
+ emit_bom(true)
+{ }
+void Utf16::Encoder::encode_char(unichar ch, string &buf)
+ if(!is_valid_unichar(ch))
+ return error(ch, buf, invalid_character(ch, "UTF-16"));
+ if(emit_bom)
+ {
+ if(endian==LITTLE)
+ buf.append("\xFF\xFE");
+ else
+ buf.append("\xFE\xFF");
+ emit_bom = false;
+ }
+ bool e = (endian==LITTLE);
+ if(ch<0x10000)
+ {
+ char utf[2];
+ utf[e] = ch>>8;
+ utf[1-e] = ch;
+ buf.append(utf, 2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char utf[4];
+ ch -= 0x10000;
+ unichar sur = 0xD800+((ch>>10)&0x3FF);
+ utf[e] = sur>>8;
+ utf[1-e] = sur;
+ sur = 0xDC00+(ch&0x3FF);
+ utf[2+e] = sur>>8;
+ utf[3-e] = sur;
+ buf.append(utf, 4);
+ }
+void Utf16::Encoder::transliterate(unichar, std::string &buf)
+ if(endian==LITTLE)
+ buf.append("\xFD\xFF", 2);
+ else
+ buf.append("\xFF\xFD", 2);
+Utf16::Decoder::Decoder(ErrorMode em, Endian en):
+ Codec::Decoder(em),
+ endian(en)
+{ }
+unichar Utf16::Decoder::decode_char(const string &str, string::const_iterator &i)
+ if(i==str.end())
+ return -1;
+ string::const_iterator j = i;
+ unichar unit = decode_unit(str, i, j);
+ if(unit!=-1)
+ {
+ if(endian==AUTO)
+ {
+ /* Set endian based on the first decoded unit. If the unit was a BOM,
+ discard it. */
+ if(unit==0xFFFE)
+ {
+ endian = LITTLE;
+ unit = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ endian = BIG;
+ if(unit==0xFEFF)
+ unit = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(unit==-1 && j!=str.end())
+ unit = decode_unit(str, i, j);
+ }
+ unichar result = -1;
+ if(unit!=-1)
+ {
+ if(unit>=0xD800 && unit<=0xDBFF)
+ {
+ string::const_iterator k = j;
+ unichar unit2 = -2;
+ if(k!=str.end())
+ unit2 = decode_unit(str, i, k);
+ if(unit2>=0xDC00 && unit2<=0xDFFF)
+ {
+ j = k;
+ result = 0x10000 + ((unit&0x3FF)<<10) + (unit2&0x3FF);
+ }
+ else if(unit2!=-1)
+ result = error(invalid_sequence(i, j, "incomplete UTF-16 surrogate pair"));
+ }
+ else if(unit>=0xDC00 && unit<=0xDFFF)
+ result = error(invalid_sequence(i, j, "stray UTF-16 trail surrogate"));
+ else
+ result = unit;
+ }
+ i = j;
+ return result;
+unichar Utf16::Decoder::decode_unit(const string &str, const string::const_iterator &i, string::const_iterator &j)
+ unsigned char b1 = *j++;
+ if(j==str.end())
+ return error(invalid_sequence(i, j, "incomplete UTF-16 character"));
+ unsigned char b2 = *j++;
+ if(endian==LITTLE)
+ return (b2<<8) | b1;
+ else
+ return (b1<<8) | b2;
+} // namespace StringCodec
+} // namespace Msp
--- /dev/null
+#include "codec.h"
+namespace Msp {
+namespace StringCodec {
+The UTF-16 codec, as specified in the Unicode standard. Both little and big
+endian are supported, as well as autodetection with the BOM. In the absence
+of a BOM, big endian is assumed.
+class Utf16: public StandardCodec<Utf16>
+ enum Endian
+ {
+ BIG,
+ };
+ class Encoder: public Codec::Encoder
+ {
+ private:
+ Endian endian;
+ bool emit_bom;
+ public:
+ Encoder(ErrorMode em = DEFAULT, Endian en = BIG);
+ virtual void encode_char(unichar, std::string &);
+ private:
+ virtual void transliterate(unichar, std::string &);
+ };
+ class Decoder: public Codec::Decoder
+ {
+ private:
+ Endian endian;
+ public:
+ Decoder(ErrorMode em = DEFAULT, Endian en = AUTO);
+ virtual unichar decode_char(const std::string &, std::string::const_iterator &);
+ private:
+ unichar decode_unit(const std::string &, const std::string::const_iterator &, std::string::const_iterator &);
+ };
+ Endian endian;
+ Utf16(ErrorMode em = DEFAULT, Endian en = AUTO):
+ StandardCodec<Utf16>(em),
+ endian(en)
+ { }
+ virtual const char *get_name() const
+ { return endian==BIG ? "UTF-16-BE" : "UTF-16-LE"; }
+ virtual Encoder *create_encoder(ErrorMode em = DEFAULT) const
+ { return new Encoder(get_error_mode(em), endian); }
+ virtual Decoder *create_decoder(ErrorMode em = DEFAULT) const
+ { return new Decoder(get_error_mode(em), endian); }
+A helper template to define the Utf16Be and Utf16Le types.
+template<Utf16::Endian en>
+class Utf16E: public Utf16
+ class Encoder: public Utf16::Encoder
+ {
+ public:
+ Encoder(ErrorMode em = DEFAULT): Utf16::Encoder(em, en) { }
+ };
+ class Decoder: public Utf16::Decoder
+ {
+ public:
+ Decoder(ErrorMode em = DEFAULT): Utf16::Decoder(em, en) { }
+ };
+ Utf16E(ErrorMode em = DEFAULT): Utf16(em, en) { }
+typedef Utf16E<Utf16::BIG> Utf16Be;
+typedef Utf16E<Utf16::LITTLE> Utf16Le;
+} // namespace StringCodec
+} // namespace Msp