using namespace std;
+namespace {
+void parse_host_serv(const string &str, string &host, string &serv)
+ if(str[0]=='[')
+ {
+ string::size_type bracket = str.find(']');
+ host = str.substr(1, bracket-1);
+ string::size_type colon = str.find(':', bracket);
+ if(colon!=string::npos)
+ serv = str.substr(colon+1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ string::size_type colon = str.find(':');
+ if(colon!=string::npos)
+ {
+ host = str.substr(0, colon);
+ serv = str.substr(colon+1);
+ }
+ else
+ host = str;
+ }
namespace Msp {
namespace Net {
SockAddr *resolve(const string &str, Family family)
string host, serv;
- if(str[0]=='[')
+ parse_host_serv(str, host, serv);
+ return resolve(host, serv, family);
+ event_disp(0),
+ next_tag(1)
+ thread.get_notify_pipe().signal_data_available.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Resolver::task_done));
+void Resolver::use_event_dispatcher(IO::EventDispatcher *ed)
+ if(event_disp)
+ event_disp->remove(thread.get_notify_pipe());
+ event_disp = ed;
+ if(event_disp)
+ event_disp->add(thread.get_notify_pipe());
+unsigned Resolver::resolve(const string &host, const string &serv, Family family)
+ Task task;
+ task.tag = next_tag++;
+ = host;
+ task.serv = serv;
+ = family;
+ thread.add_task(task);
+ return task.tag;
+unsigned Resolver::resolve(const string &str, Family family)
+ string host, serv;
+ parse_host_serv(str, host, serv);
+ return resolve(host, serv, family);
+void Resolver::tick()
+ if(IO::poll(thread.get_notify_pipe(), IO::P_INPUT, Time::zero))
+ task_done();
+void Resolver::task_done()
+ char buf[64];
+ thread.get_notify_pipe().read(buf, sizeof(buf));
+ while(Task *task = thread.get_complete_task())
- string::size_type bracket = str.find(']');
- host = str.substr(1, bracket-1);
- string::size_type colon = str.find(':', bracket);
- if(colon!=string::npos)
- serv = str.substr(colon+1);
+ if(task->addr)
+ signal_address_resolved.emit(task->tag, *task->addr);
+ else if(task->error)
+ signal_resolve_failed.emit(task->tag, *task->error);
+ thread.pop_complete_task();
+ tag(0),
+ family(UNSPEC),
+ addr(0),
+ error(0)
+{ }
+ Thread("Resolver"),
+ sem(1),
+ done(false)
+ launch();
+ done = true;
+ sem.signal();
+ join();
+void Resolver::WorkerThread::add_task(const Task &t)
+ MutexLock lock(queue_mutex);
+ bool was_starved = (queue.empty() || queue.back().is_complete());
+ queue.push_back(t);
+ if(was_starved)
+ sem.signal();
+Resolver::Task *Resolver::WorkerThread::get_complete_task()
+ MutexLock lock(queue_mutex);
+ if(!queue.empty() && queue.front().is_complete())
+ return &queue.front();
+ return 0;
+void Resolver::WorkerThread::pop_complete_task()
+ MutexLock lock(queue_mutex);
+ if(!queue.empty() && queue.front().is_complete())
- string::size_type colon = str.find(':');
- if(colon!=string::npos)
+ delete queue.front().addr;
+ delete queue.front().error;
+ queue.pop_front();
+ }
+void Resolver::WorkerThread::main()
+ bool wait = true;
+ while(!done)
+ {
+ if(wait)
+ sem.wait();
+ wait = false;
+ Task *task = 0;
- host = str.substr(0, colon);
- serv = str.substr(colon+1);
+ MutexLock lock(queue_mutex);
+ for(list<Task>::iterator i=queue.begin(); (!task && i!=queue.end()); ++i)
+ if(!i->is_complete())
+ task = &*i;
+ }
+ if(task)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ SockAddr *addr = Net::resolve(task->host, task->serv, task->family);
+ {
+ MutexLock lock(queue_mutex);
+ task->addr = addr;
+ }
+ }
+ catch(const runtime_error &e)
+ {
+ MutexLock lock(queue_mutex);
+ task->error = new runtime_error(e);
+ }
+ notify_pipe.put(1);
- host = str;
+ wait = true;
- return resolve(host, serv, family);
/*sockaddr sa;
#include <string>
+#include <msp/core/mutex.h>
+#include <msp/core/semaphore.h>
+#include <msp/core/thread.h>
+#include <msp/io/eventdispatcher.h>
+#include <msp/io/pipe.h>
#include "constants.h"
namespace Msp {
with a numeric IPv6 address, it must be enclosed in brackets. */
SockAddr *resolve(const std::string &, Family = UNSPEC);
+An asynchronous name resolver. Blocking calls are performed in a thread and
+completion is notified with one of the two signals.
+class Resolver
+ struct Task
+ {
+ unsigned tag;
+ std::string host;
+ std::string serv;
+ Family family;
+ SockAddr *addr;
+ std::runtime_error *error;
+ Task();
+ bool is_complete() const { return addr || error; }
+ };
+ class WorkerThread: public Thread
+ {
+ private:
+ std::list<Task> queue;
+ Mutex queue_mutex;
+ Semaphore sem;
+ IO::Pipe notify_pipe;
+ bool done;
+ public:
+ WorkerThread();
+ ~WorkerThread();
+ void add_task(const Task &);
+ Task *get_complete_task();
+ void pop_complete_task();
+ IO::Pipe &get_notify_pipe() { return notify_pipe; }
+ private:
+ virtual void main();
+ };
+ sigc::signal<void, unsigned, const SockAddr &> signal_address_resolved;
+ sigc::signal<void, unsigned, const std::exception &> signal_resolve_failed;
+ IO::EventDispatcher *event_disp;
+ WorkerThread thread;
+ unsigned next_tag;
+ Resolver();
+ /** Sets the event dispatcher to use. With no event dispatcher, tick() must
+ be called regularly to emit the completion signals. */
+ void use_event_dispatcher(IO::EventDispatcher *);
+ /** Resolves host and service names into a socket address. Semantics are
+ the same as the namespace-scope resolve function. */
+ unsigned resolve(const std::string &, const std::string &, Family = UNSPEC);
+ unsigned resolve(const std::string &, Family = UNSPEC);
+ /** Checks for any completed tasks and emits the appropriate singals. */
+ void tick();
+ void task_done();
} // namespace Net
} // namespace Msp