+import itertools
class MaterialExporter:
def export_technique_resources(self, ctx, material, resources):
from .export_texture import SamplerExporter, TextureExporter
if type(material)!=Material:
material = Material(material)
- textured_props = [p for p in material.properties if p.texture]
+ textured_props = [p for p in itertools.chain(material.properties, *(s.properties for s in material.sub_materials)) if p.texture]
for p in textured_props:
from .datafile import Resource, Statement, Token
mat_res = Resource(material.name+".mat", "material")
- if material.type!="pbr" and material.type!="unlit":
+ if material.type!="pbr" and material.type!="unlit" and material.type!="splat":
raise Exception("Can't export material {} of unknown type {}".format(material.name, material.type))
mat_res.statements.append(Statement("type", Token(material.type)));
st = self.create_property_statement(mat_res, p, resources)
if st:
- textures = [p.texture for p in material.properties if p.texture]
+ if material.sub_materials:
+ for k, s in material.array_storage.items():
+ mat_res.statements.append(Statement(k.replace("_map", "_storage"), Token(s[0]), s[1], s[2]))
+ for s in material.sub_materials:
+ st = Statement("sub")
+ for p in s.properties:
+ ss = self.create_property_statement(mat_res, p, resources, raw_texture=True)
+ if ss:
+ st.sub.append(ss)
+ mat_res.statements.append(st)
+ textures = [p.texture for p in itertools.chain(material.properties, *(s.properties for s in material.sub_materials)) if p.texture]
if textures:
from .export_texture import SamplerExporter
sampler_export = SamplerExporter()
return mat_res
- def create_property_statement(self, mat_res, prop, resources):
+ def create_property_statement(self, mat_res, prop, resources, *, raw_texture=False):
from .datafile import Statement
if prop.texture:
from .export_texture import TextureExporter
texture_export = TextureExporter()
tex_res = resources[texture_export.get_texture_name(prop.texture, prop.tex_channels)]
+ if raw_texture:
+ for s in tex_res.statements:
+ if s.keyword.startswith("external_data"):
+ return mat_res.create_reference_statement(prop.tex_keyword, s.args[0])
+ elif s.keyword.startswith("external_image"):
+ return Statement(prop.tex_keyword, s.args[0])
return mat_res.create_reference_statement(prop.tex_keyword, tex_res)
elif not prop.keyword:
return (color_input, None)
return (None, None)
+def get_splat_layers(node_tree, node):
+ from .util import get_linked_node_and_socket
+ if node.type!='MIX_SHADER':
+ return
+ layers = []
+ while True:
+ factor_from, factor_sock = get_linked_node_and_socket(node_tree, node.inputs["Fac"])
+ if factor_from.type!='SEPRGB':
+ return
+ factor_from, _ = get_linked_node_and_socket(node_tree, factor_from.inputs["Image"])
+ if factor_from.type!='VERTEX_COLOR':
+ return
+ shader1, _ = get_linked_node_and_socket(node_tree, node.inputs[1])
+ shader2, _ = get_linked_node_and_socket(node_tree, node.inputs[2])
+ layers.append((shader2, factor_from.layer_name, factor_sock.name[0]))
+ if shader1.type=='MIX_SHADER':
+ node = shader1
+ else:
+ layers.append((shader1, None, None))
+ break
+ return layers
class MaterialProperty:
def __init__(self, keyword, tex_keyword, value):
self.keyword = keyword
raise Exception("Unsupported property input node type "+from_node.type)
+class SubMaterial:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.properties = []
+ self.weight_source = (None, None)
class Material:
def __init__(self, material):
self.name = material.name
self.type = None
self.properties = []
+ self.sub_materials = []
+ self.array_storage = {}
self.render_mode = material.render_mode
self.technique = material.technique
if from_node.type=='BSDF_PRINCIPLED':
self.type = "pbr"
- base_color = self.create_property("base_color", (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0))
- tint = self.create_property("tint", (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
- metalness = self.create_property("metalness", 0.0)
- roughness = self.create_property("roughness", 0.5)
- normal = self.create_property("normal_map")
- emission = self.create_property("emission", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
- base_color.set_from_input(material.node_tree, from_node.inputs["Base Color"], from_node.inputs["Alpha"])
- if base_color.tint:
- tint.value = base_color.tint
- metalness.set_from_input(material.node_tree, from_node.inputs["Metallic"])
- roughness.set_from_input(material.node_tree, from_node.inputs["Roughness"])
- normal.set_from_input(material.node_tree, from_node.inputs["Normal"])
- emission.set_from_input(material.node_tree, from_node.inputs["Emission"])
+ self.init_pbr_properties(material.node_tree, from_node)
elif from_node.type=='EMISSION' or from_node.type=='MIX_SHADER':
- color_input, alpha_input = get_unlit_inputs(material.node_tree, from_node, self.blend_type=='ADDITIVE')
- if not color_input:
- raise Exception("Unsupported configuration for unlit material {}".format(self.name))
+ splat_layers = get_splat_layers(material.node_tree, from_node)
+ if splat_layers:
+ for s in splat_layers:
+ if s[0].type!='BSDF_PRINCIPLED':
+ raise Exception("Unsupported splat layer type {} on splat material {}".format(s[0].type, self.name))
+ from .texture import Texture
+ self.type = "splat"
+ self.sub_materials = []
+ for l in splat_layers:
+ self.init_pbr_properties(material.node_tree, l[0])
+ sub = SubMaterial()
+ sub.properties = self.properties
+ sub.weight_source = l[1:]
+ self.sub_materials.append(sub)
+ self.properties = []
+ for p in sub.properties:
+ if p.texture:
+ texture = Texture(p.texture, p.tex_channels)
+ storage = (texture.pixelformat, texture.width, texture.height)
+ existing = self.array_storage.setdefault(p.tex_keyword, storage)
+ if storage!=existing:
+ raise Exception("Inconsistent storage for {} on splat material {}".format(p.tex_keyword, self.name))
+ else:
+ color_input, alpha_input = get_unlit_inputs(material.node_tree, from_node, self.blend_type=='ADDITIVE')
+ if not color_input:
+ raise Exception("Unsupported configuration for unlit material {}".format(self.name))
- self.type = "unlit"
+ self.type = "unlit"
- color = self.create_property("color", "texture", (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
+ color = self.create_property("color", "texture", (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
- color.set_from_input(material.node_tree, color_input, alpha_input)
- if self.blend_type=='ADDITIVE' and alpha_input:
- self.blend_type = 'ADDITIVE_ALPHA'
+ color.set_from_input(material.node_tree, color_input, alpha_input)
+ if self.blend_type=='ADDITIVE' and alpha_input:
+ self.blend_type = 'ADDITIVE_ALPHA'
raise Exception("Unsupported surface node type {} on material {}".format(from_node.type, self.name))
prop = MaterialProperty(*args)
return prop
+ def init_pbr_properties(self, node_tree, from_node):
+ base_color = self.create_property("base_color", (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0))
+ tint = self.create_property("tint", (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
+ metalness = self.create_property("metalness", 0.0)
+ roughness = self.create_property("roughness", 0.5)
+ normal = self.create_property("normal_map")
+ emission = self.create_property("emission", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
+ base_color.set_from_input(node_tree, from_node.inputs["Base Color"], from_node.inputs["Alpha"])
+ if base_color.tint:
+ tint.value = base_color.tint
+ metalness.set_from_input(node_tree, from_node.inputs["Metallic"])
+ roughness.set_from_input(node_tree, from_node.inputs["Roughness"])
+ normal.set_from_input(node_tree, from_node.inputs["Normal"])
+ emission.set_from_input(node_tree, from_node.inputs["Emission"])
class VertexGroup:
- def __init__(self, group):
- if group:
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ if len(args)==2:
+ self.group = args[0]
+ self.weight = args[1]
+ elif len(args)==1 and args[0]:
self.group = group.group
self.weight = group.weight
self.normal = face.normal
self.use_smooth = face.use_smooth
self.material_index = face.material_index
+ self.splat_mask = 0
self.flag = False
def __cmp__(self, other):
self.auto_smooth_angle = mesh.auto_smooth_angle
self.max_groups_per_vertex = mesh.max_groups_per_vertex
+ # Check some material properties
+ from .material import Material
+ has_normal_maps = False
+ splat_material = None
+ for m in self.materials:
+ mat = Material(m)
+ for p in itertools.chain(mat.properties, *(s.properties for s in mat.sub_materials)):
+ if p.tex_keyword=="normal_map" and p.texture:
+ has_normal_maps = True
+ break
+ if mat.type=="splat":
+ splat_material = mat
# Clone only the desired UV layers
if mesh.use_uv=='NONE' or not mesh.uv_layers:
self.uv_layers = []
self.uv_layers = []
self.colors = None
- if mesh.vertex_colors:
+ if mesh.vertex_colors and not splat_material:
self.colors = ColorLayer(mesh.vertex_colors[0])
# Rewrite links between elements to point to cloned data, or create links
elif mesh.tangent_vecs=='YES':
self.tangent_vecs = True
elif mesh.tangent_vecs=='AUTO':
- from .material import Material
- self.tangent_vecs = False
- for m in self.materials:
- mat = Material(m)
- if mat.type=="pbr":
- normal_prop = next((p for p in mat.properties if p.tex_keyword=="normal_map"), None)
- if normal_prop and normal_prop.texture:
- self.tangent_vecs = True
+ self.tangent_vecs = has_normal_maps
+ # Collect splat weight sources if needed
+ self.splat_layers = []
+ self.splat_sources = []
+ if splat_material:
+ names = {s.weight_source[0] for s in splat_material.sub_materials}
+ self.splat_layers = [ColorLayer(l) for l in mesh.vertex_colors if l.name in names]
+ layers_by_name = {l.name:l for l in self.splat_layers}
+ for s in splat_material.sub_materials:
+ if s.weight_source[0] is None:
+ self.splat_sources.append((None, None))
+ else:
+ self.splat_sources.append((layers_by_name[s.weight_source[0]], "RGBA".index(s.weight_source[1])))
+ self.vertex_groups = True
+ self.max_groups_per_vertex = 3
self.batches = []
v.color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ def prepare_splat_weights(self, task):
+ if not self.splat_layers:
+ return
+ splat_weights = []
+ remainder = None
+ for s in self.splat_sources:
+ if s[0] is None:
+ splat_weights.append(remainder)
+ else:
+ index = s[1]
+ layer_values = [c[index] for c in s[0].colors]
+ if remainder:
+ splat_weights.append([v*r for v, r in zip(layer_values, remainder)])
+ remainder = [(1-v)*r for v, r in zip(layer_values, remainder)]
+ else:
+ splat_weights.append(layer_values)
+ remainder = [1-v for v in layer_values]
+ splat_weights = list(zip(*splat_weights))
+ for f in self.faces:
+ for i in f.loop_indices:
+ f.splat_mask |= sum(1<<j for j, w in enumerate(splat_weights[i]) if w>0)
+ self.split_vertices(self.find_splat_group, task)
+ for v in self.vertices:
+ if v.faces:
+ f = v.faces[0]
+ weights = splat_weights[f.get_loop_index(v)]
+ v.groups = [VertexGroup(i, w) for i, w in enumerate(weights) if (f.splat_mask>>i)&1]
+ else:
+ v.groups = []
+ while len(v.groups)<self.max_groups_per_vertex:
+ v.groups.append(VertexGroup(None))
def split_vertices(self, find_group_func, task, *args):
vertex_count = len(self.vertices)
for i in range(vertex_count):
return group
+ def find_splat_group(self, vertex, face):
+ face.flag = True
+ group = [face]
+ for f in vertex.faces:
+ if not f.flag and f.splat_mask==face.splat_mask:
+ f.flag = True
+ group.append(f)
+ return group
def compute_normals(self, task):
for i, v in enumerate(self.vertices):
v.normal = mathutils.Vector()
task = ctx.task("Smoothing", 0.5)
- task = ctx.task("Vertex groups", 0.6)
- mesh.prepare_vertex_groups(obj)
+ if mesh.splat_sources:
+ task = ctx.task("Splat weights", 0.6)
+ mesh.prepare_splat_weights(task)
+ else:
+ task = ctx.task("Vertex groups", 0.6)
+ mesh.prepare_vertex_groups(obj)
task = ctx.task("Preparing UVs", 0.75)
task = ctx.task("Preparing vertex colors", 0.85)