Option &add_option(char s, const std::string &l, T &d, ArgType a = NO_ARG)
{ return add_option(s, l, SimpleStore<T>(d), a); }
+ /** Adds an option with both short and long forms. The option may be
+ specified multiple times, and the argument from each occurrence is stored in
+ the list. The argument type must be REQUIRED_ARG. */
+ template<typename T>
+ Option &add_option(char s, const std::string &l, std::vector<T> &d, ArgType a = REQUIRED_ARG)
+ { return add_option(s, l, ListStore<std::vector<T> >(d), a); }
/** Adds an option with both short and long forms. The option may be
specified multiple times, and the argument from each occurrence is stored in
the list. The argument type must be REQUIRED_ARG. */
Argument &add_argument(const std::string &n, T &d, ArgType a = REQUIRED_ARG)
{ return add_argument(n, SimpleStore<T>(d), a); }
+ /** Adds a positional argument list. If the list is declared as required,
+ at least one element must be given; an optional list may be empty. Only one
+ list may be added, and optional fixed arguments can't be used with it. */
+ template<typename T>
+ Argument &add_argument(const std::string &n, std::vector<T> &d, ArgType a = REQUIRED_ARG)
+ { return add_argument(n, ListStore<std::vector<T> >(d), a); }
/** Adds a positional argument list. If the list is declared as required,
at least one element must be given; an optional list may be empty. Only one
list may be added, and optional fixed arguments can't be used with it. */
template<> inline void GetOpt::SimpleStore<std::string>::store(const std::string &a)
{ data = a; }
+template<> inline void GetOpt::ListStore<std::vector<std::string> >::store(const std::string &a)
+{ data.push_back(a); }
template<> inline void GetOpt::ListStore<std::list<std::string> >::store(const std::string &a)
{ data.push_back(a); }