Msp::Time::TimeStamp mtime;
unsigned size;
Msp::FS::Path install_location;
+ std::string install_filename;
FileTarget(Builder &, const Msp::FS::Path &);
FileTarget(Builder &, const SourcePackage &, const Msp::FS::Path &);
bool is_installable() const { return !install_location.empty(); }
const Msp::FS::Path &get_install_location() const { return install_location; }
+ const std::string &get_install_filename() const { return install_filename; }
/// Changes the mtime of the target to the current time.
void touch();
- if(const SharedLibrary *shlib = dynamic_cast<const SharedLibrary *>(&source))
- if(!shlib->get_soname().empty())
- link = FS::dirname(path)/FS::basename(shlib->get_path());
- if(!link.empty())
+ /* XXX Ideally, the tool should handle this (symlinks are not necessary for
+ windows dlls). However, the tool that created the target being installed
+ knows nothing about the InstalledFile. */
+ string base_fn = FS::basename(source.get_path());
+ const string &inst_fn = source.get_install_filename();
+ if(!inst_fn.empty() && inst_fn!=base_fn)
+ {
+ link = FS::dirname(path)/base_fn;
builder.get_vfs().register_path(link, this);
+ }
FS::Path InstalledFile::generate_target_path(const FS::Path &prefix, const FileTarget &tgt, const string &loc)
mid = tgt.get_install_location();
- string fn = FS::basename(tgt.get_path());
- if(const SharedLibrary *shlib = dynamic_cast<const SharedLibrary *>(&tgt))
- if(!shlib->get_soname().empty())
- fn = shlib->get_soname();
+ string fn = tgt.get_install_filename();
+ if(fn.empty())
+ fn = FS::basename(tgt.get_path());
return prefix/mid/fn;