--- /dev/null
+#include <msp/core/maputils.h>
+#include <msp/core/raii.h>
+#include "blockallocator.h"
+#include "catalogue.h"
+#include "driver.h"
+#include "layout.h"
+#include "trackiter.h"
+#include "train.h"
+#include "vehicle.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace Msp;
+namespace R2C2 {
+BlockAllocator::BlockAllocator(Train &t):
+ train(t),
+ cur_blocks_end(blocks.end()),
+ pending_block(0),
+ stop_at_block(0),
+ reserving(false)
+ Layout &layout = train.get_layout();
+ layout.signal_block_reserved.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &BlockAllocator::block_reserved));
+ layout.signal_block_state_changed.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &BlockAllocator::block_state_changed));
+ const set<Track *> &tracks = layout.get_tracks();
+ for(set<Track *>::const_iterator i=tracks.begin(); i!=tracks.end(); ++i)
+ if((*i)->get_turnout_id())
+ (*i)->signal_path_changed.connect(sigc::hide(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(this, &BlockAllocator::turnout_path_changed), sigc::ref(**i))));
+void BlockAllocator::start_from(Block &block, unsigned entry)
+ release_blocks(blocks.begin(), blocks.end());
+ blocks.push_back(BlockIter(&block, entry));
+ if(!block.reserve(&train))
+ {
+ blocks.pop_back();
+ return;
+ }
+void BlockAllocator::clear()
+ release_blocks(blocks.begin(), blocks.end());
+ pending_block = 0;
+ stop_at_block = 0;
+void BlockAllocator::stop_at(const Block *block)
+ stop_at_block = block;
+const BlockIter &BlockAllocator::first() const
+ if(blocks.empty())
+ throw logic_error("no blocks");
+ return blocks.front();
+const BlockIter &BlockAllocator::last() const
+ if(blocks.empty())
+ throw logic_error("no blocks");
+ BlockList::const_iterator i = --blocks.end();
+ if(i->block()==pending_block)
+ --i;
+ return *i;
+const BlockIter &BlockAllocator::last_current() const
+ if(blocks.empty())
+ throw logic_error("no blocks");
+ if(cur_blocks_end==blocks.begin())
+ throw logic_error("internal error (no current blocks)");
+ BlockList::const_iterator i = cur_blocks_end;
+ return *--i;
+int BlockAllocator::get_entry_to_block(const Block &block) const
+ for(BlockList::const_iterator i=blocks.begin(); i!=blocks.end(); ++i)
+ if(i->block()==&block)
+ return i->entry();
+ return -1;
+void BlockAllocator::reserve_more()
+ if(blocks.empty())
+ throw logic_error("no blocks");
+ BlockIter start = blocks.back();
+ if(&*start==stop_at_block)
+ return;
+ else if(&*start==pending_block)
+ {
+ TrackIter track = start.track_iter();
+ if(!track.endpoint().has_path(track->get_active_path()))
+ return;
+ }
+ pending_block = 0;
+ // See how many sensor blocks and how much track we already have
+ unsigned nsens = 0;
+ float dist = 0;
+ for(BlockList::const_iterator i=cur_blocks_end; i!=blocks.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if((*i)->get_sensor_id())
+ ++nsens;
+ if(nsens>0)
+ dist += (*i)->get_path_length(i->entry());
+ }
+ float approach_margin = 50*train.get_layout().get_catalogue().get_scale();
+ float min_dist = train.get_controller().get_braking_distance()*1.3+approach_margin*2;
+ BlockIter block = start;
+ SetFlag setf(reserving);
+ while(1)
+ {
+ BlockIter prev = block;
+ block = block.next();
+ if(!block || block->get_endpoints().size()<2)
+ // The track ends here
+ break;
+ if(block->get_turnout_id() && !prev->get_turnout_id())
+ {
+ /* We are arriving at a turnout. See if we have enough blocks and
+ distance reserved. */
+ if(nsens>=3 && dist>=min_dist)
+ break;
+ }
+ blocks.push_back(block);
+ if(!block->reserve(&train))
+ {
+ blocks.pop_back();
+ pending_block = &*block;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(cur_blocks_end==blocks.end())
+ --cur_blocks_end;
+ TrackIter track = block.track_iter();
+ if(track->is_path_changing())
+ {
+ pending_block = &*block;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const TrackType::Endpoint &entry_ep = track.endpoint();
+ unsigned path = track->get_active_path();
+ if(!entry_ep.has_path(path))
+ {
+ const TrackType::Endpoint &exit_ep = track.reverse().endpoint();
+ if(entry_ep.has_common_paths(exit_ep))
+ {
+ unsigned mask = entry_ep.paths&exit_ep.paths;
+ for(path=0; mask>1; ++path, mask>>=1) ;
+ track->set_active_path(path);
+ if(track->is_path_changing())
+ {
+ pending_block = &*block;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ // XXX Do something here
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(&*block==stop_at_block)
+ break;
+ if(block->get_sensor_id())
+ ++nsens;
+ if(nsens>0)
+ dist += block->get_path_length(block.entry());
+ }
+ // Make any sensorless blocks at the beginning immediately current
+ while(cur_blocks_end!=blocks.end() && !(*cur_blocks_end)->get_sensor_id())
+ ++cur_blocks_end;
+void BlockAllocator::release_until(const Block &block)
+ for(BlockList::iterator i=blocks.begin(); i!=cur_blocks_end; ++i)
+ if(i->block()==&block)
+ {
+ if(++i!=cur_blocks_end)
+ release_blocks(blocks.begin(), i);
+ return;
+ }
+bool BlockAllocator::release_from(const Block &block)
+ bool have_sensor = false;
+ for(BlockList::iterator i=cur_blocks_end; i!=blocks.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(i->block()==&block)
+ {
+ if(have_sensor)
+ release_blocks(i, blocks.end());
+ return have_sensor;
+ }
+ else if((*i)->get_sensor_id())
+ have_sensor = true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void BlockAllocator::release_noncurrent()
+ release_blocks(cur_blocks_end, blocks.end());
+void BlockAllocator::release_blocks(const BlockList::iterator &b, const BlockList::iterator &e)
+ for(BlockList::iterator i=b; i!=e; )
+ {
+ if(cur_blocks_end==i)
+ cur_blocks_end = e;
+ Block &block = **i;
+ blocks.erase(i++);
+ block.reserve(0);
+ }
+void BlockAllocator::reverse()
+ release_noncurrent();
+ blocks.reverse();
+ for(BlockList::iterator i=blocks.begin(); i!=blocks.end(); ++i)
+ *i = i->reverse();
+void BlockAllocator::turnout_path_changed(Track &track)
+ for(list<BlockIter>::iterator i=blocks.begin(); i!=blocks.end(); ++i)
+ if((*i)->get_turnout_id()==track.get_turnout_id() && !reserving && &**i==pending_block)
+ reserve_more();
+void BlockAllocator::block_reserved(Block &block, const Train *tr)
+ if(&block==pending_block && !tr && !reserving)
+ reserve_more();
+void BlockAllocator::block_state_changed(Block &block, Block::State state)
+ if(state==Block::MAYBE_ACTIVE)
+ {
+ // Find the first sensor block from our reserved blocks that isn't this sensor
+ BlockList::iterator end;
+ unsigned result = 0;
+ for(end=cur_blocks_end; end!=blocks.end(); ++end)
+ if((*end)->get_sensor_id())
+ {
+ if(&**end!=&block)
+ {
+ if(result==0)
+ result = 2;
+ else if(result==1)
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(result==0)
+ result = 1;
+ else if(result==2)
+ result = 3;
+ }
+ if(result==1)
+ {
+ // Move blocks up to the next sensor to our current blocks
+ for(BlockList::iterator j=cur_blocks_end; j!=end; ++j)
+ train.signal_advanced.emit(**j);
+ cur_blocks_end = end;
+ }
+ else if(result==3)
+ train.get_layout().emergency("Sensor for "+train.get_name()+" triggered out of order");
+ }
+ else if(state==Block::INACTIVE)
+ {
+ const Vehicle &veh = train.get_controller().get_reverse() ? train.get_vehicle(0) : train.get_vehicle(train.get_n_vehicles()-1);
+ // Find the first sensor in our current blocks that's still active
+ BlockList::iterator end = blocks.begin();
+ for(BlockList::iterator i=blocks.begin(); i!=cur_blocks_end; ++i)
+ {
+ if((*i)->has_track(*veh.get_track()))
+ break;
+ if((*i)->get_sensor_id())
+ {
+ if(train.get_layout().get_driver().get_sensor((*i)->get_sensor_id()))
+ break;
+ else
+ {
+ end = i;
+ ++end;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(end!=blocks.begin() && end!=cur_blocks_end)
+ // Free blocks up to the last inactive sensor
+ release_blocks(blocks.begin(), end);
+ }
+void BlockAllocator::save(list<DataFile::Statement> &st) const
+ if(!blocks.empty() && cur_blocks_end!=blocks.begin())
+ {
+ BlockList cur_blocks(blocks.begin(), BlockList::const_iterator(cur_blocks_end));
+ BlockIter prev;
+ if(train.get_controller().get_reverse())
+ {
+ cur_blocks.reverse();
+ prev = cur_blocks.front().next();
+ }
+ else
+ prev = cur_blocks.front().flip();
+ st.push_back((DataFile::Statement("hint"), prev->get_id()));
+ for(BlockList::const_iterator i=cur_blocks.begin(); i!=cur_blocks.end(); ++i)
+ st.push_back((DataFile::Statement("block"), (*i)->get_id()));
+ }
+BlockAllocator::Loader::Loader(BlockAllocator &ba):
+ DataFile::ObjectLoader<BlockAllocator>(ba),
+ valid(true)
+ add("block", &Loader::block);
+ add("hint", &Loader::hint);
+void BlockAllocator::Loader::block(unsigned id)
+ if(!valid)
+ return;
+ Block *blk;
+ try
+ {
+ blk = &obj.train.get_layout().get_block(id);
+ }
+ catch(const key_error &)
+ {
+ valid = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ int entry = -1;
+ if(prev_block)
+ entry = blk->get_endpoint_by_link(*prev_block);
+ if(entry<0)
+ entry = 0;
+ obj.blocks.push_back(BlockIter(blk, entry));
+ blk->reserve(&obj.train);
+ if(blk->get_sensor_id())
+ obj.train.get_layout().get_driver().set_sensor(blk->get_sensor_id(), true);
+ prev_block = blk;
+void BlockAllocator::Loader::hint(unsigned id)
+ try
+ {
+ prev_block = &obj.train.get_layout().get_block(id);
+ }
+ catch(const key_error &)
+ {
+ valid = false;
+ }
+} // namespace R2C2
- cur_blocks_end(blocks.end()),
- pending_block(0),
- reserving(false),
+ allocator(*this),
controller(new SimpleController),
layout.get_driver().signal_loco_speed.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Train::loco_speed_event));
layout.get_driver().signal_loco_function.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Train::loco_func_event));
- layout.signal_block_reserved.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Train::block_reserved));
layout.signal_block_state_changed.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Train::block_state_changed));
layout.get_driver().signal_halt.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Train::halt_event));
- const set<Track *> &tracks = layout.get_tracks();
- for(set<Track *>::const_iterator i=tracks.begin(); i!=tracks.end(); ++i)
- if((*i)->get_turnout_id())
- (*i)->signal_path_changed.connect(sigc::hide(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Train::turnout_path_changed), sigc::ref(**i))));
controller->signal_control_changed.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Train::control_changed));
stop_timeout = Time::TimeStamp();
- reserve_more();
+ allocator.reserve_more();
stop_timeout = Time::now()+2*Time::sec;
throw logic_error("moving");
- release_blocks();
accurate_position = false;
- blocks.push_back(BlockIter(&block, entry));
- if(!block.reserve(this))
- {
- blocks.pop_back();
- return;
- }
+ allocator.start_from(block, entry);
throw logic_error("moving");
- release_blocks();
+ allocator.clear();
accurate_position = false;
void Train::stop_at(Block *block)
- stop_at_block = block;
- if(active && !stop_at_block)
- reserve_more();
+ allocator.stop_at(block);
+ if(active && !block)
+ allocator.reserve_more();
bool Train::free_block(Block &block)
if(get_reserved_distance_until(&block, false)<controller->get_braking_distance()*1.3)
return false;
- unsigned nsens = 0;
- for(BlockList::iterator i=cur_blocks_end; i!=blocks.end(); ++i)
- {
- if(i->block()==&block)
- {
- if(nsens<1)
- return false;
- release_blocks(i, blocks.end());
- return true;
- }
- else if((*i)->get_sensor_id())
- ++nsens;
- }
- return false;
+ return allocator.release_from(block);
void Train::free_noncritical_blocks()
- if(blocks.empty())
+ if(allocator.empty())
- release_blocks(cur_blocks_end, blocks.end());
+ allocator.release_noncurrent();
Vehicle &veh = *(reverse ? vehicles.back() : vehicles.front());
TrackIter track(veh.get_track(), veh.get_entry());
- BlockList::iterator block = blocks.begin();
+ BlockIter block = allocator.first();
+ const BlockIter &last_cur = allocator.last_current();
+ const BlockIter &last = allocator.last();
bool in_rsv = false;
- while(block!=blocks.end() && !(*block)->has_track(*track))
+ while(!block->has_track(*track))
- ++block;
- if(block==cur_blocks_end)
+ if(&*block==&*last_cur)
in_rsv = true;
+ if(&*block==&*last)
+ break;
+ block = block.next();
float dist = veh.get_offset();
track = track.next();
- if(!(*block)->has_track(*track))
+ if(!block->has_track(*track))
- ++block;
- if(block==cur_blocks_end)
+ if(&*block==&*last_cur)
in_rsv = true;
- if(block==blocks.end())
+ if(&*block==&*last)
+ block = block.next();
if(dist>min_dist && nsens>0)
- release_blocks(block, blocks.end());
+ allocator.release_from(*block);
- if(in_rsv && (*block)->get_sensor_id())
+ if(in_rsv && block->get_sensor_id())
-const BlockIter &Train::get_head_block() const
- if(blocks.empty())
- throw logic_error("no blocks");
- return blocks.back();
-const BlockIter &Train::get_tail_block() const
- if(blocks.empty())
- throw logic_error("no blocks");
- return blocks.front();
-int Train::get_entry_to_block(const Block &block) const
- for(BlockList::const_iterator i=blocks.begin(); i!=blocks.end(); ++i)
- if(i->block()==&block)
- return i->entry();
- return -1;
float Train::get_reserved_distance() const
- if(blocks.empty())
+ if(allocator.empty())
return 0;
float margin = 0;
- TrackIter next = blocks.back().next().track_iter();
+ TrackIter next = allocator.last().next().track_iter();
if(next && next->get_type().is_turnout())
margin = 15*layout.get_catalogue().get_scale();
- return max(get_reserved_distance_until(pending_block, false)-margin, 0.0f);
+ return max(get_reserved_distance_until(0, false)-margin, 0.0f);
+void Train::reserve_more()
+ allocator.reserve_more();
void Train::tick(const Time::TimeStamp &t, const Time::TimeDelta &dt)
if(!active && stop_timeout && t>=stop_timeout)
- release_blocks(cur_blocks_end, blocks.end());
+ allocator.release_noncurrent();
stop_timeout = Time::TimeStamp();
r = !r;
driver.set_loco_reverse(address, r);
- release_blocks(cur_blocks_end, blocks.end());
- reverse_blocks(blocks);
- reserve_more();
+ allocator.reverse();
+ if(active)
+ allocator.reserve_more();
Vehicle &vehicle = *(reverse ? vehicles.back() : vehicles.front());
Track *track = vehicle.get_track();
+ BlockIter first = allocator.first();
+ BlockIter last_current = allocator.last_current();
bool ok = false;
- for(BlockList::const_iterator i=blocks.begin(); (!ok && i!=cur_blocks_end); ++i)
- ok = (*i)->has_track(*track);
+ for(BlockIter i=first; !ok; i=i.next())
+ {
+ ok = i->has_track(*track);
+ if(i==last_current)
+ break;
+ }
float d = speed*(dt/Time::sec);
- if(!blocks.empty() && !blocks.front()->get_sensor_id())
+ if(!allocator.empty() && !allocator.first()->get_sensor_id())
- float dist = get_reserved_distance_until(&*blocks.front(), true);
+ float dist = get_reserved_distance_until(&*allocator.first(), true);
- {
- Block &block = *blocks.front();
- blocks.pop_front();
- block.reserve(0);
- }
+ allocator.release_until(*allocator.first());
- if(!blocks.empty() && cur_blocks_end!=blocks.begin())
- BlockList blks(blocks.begin(), BlockList::const_iterator(cur_blocks_end));
- if(reverse)
- reverse_blocks(blks);
- BlockIter prev = blks.front().flip();
- st.push_back((DataFile::Statement("block_hint"), prev->get_id()));
- for(BlockList::const_iterator i=blks.begin(); i!=blks.end(); ++i)
- st.push_back((DataFile::Statement("block"), (*i)->get_id()));
+ DataFile::Statement ss("blocks");
+ allocator.save(ss.sub);
+ st.push_back(ss);
// XXX Need more generic way of saving AI state
- // Find the first sensor block from our reserved blocks that isn't this sensor
- BlockList::iterator end;
- unsigned result = 0;
- for(end=cur_blocks_end; end!=blocks.end(); ++end)
- if((*end)->get_sensor_id())
- {
- if(&**end!=&block)
- {
- if(result==0)
- result = 2;
- else if(result==1)
- break;
- }
- else if(result==0)
- result = 1;
- else if(result==2)
- result = 3;
- }
+ const BlockIter &first = allocator.first();
+ const BlockIter &last_cur = allocator.last_current();
+ bool valid = false;
+ for(BlockIter i=first; !valid; i=i.next())
+ {
+ if(&*i==&block)
+ valid = true;
+ if(&*i==&*last_cur)
+ break;
+ }
- if(result==1)
+ if(valid)
// Compute speed and update related state
float travel_time_secs = (Time::now()-last_entry_time)/Time::sec;
speed_quantizer->learn(current_speed_step, travel_dist/travel_time_secs, travel_time_secs);
travel_dist = 0;
- for(BlockList::iterator j=cur_blocks_end; j!=end; ++j)
+ unsigned entry = allocator.get_entry_to_block(block);
+ for(BlockIter i(&block, entry);; i=i.next())
- travel_dist += (*j)->get_path_length(j->entry());
+ travel_dist += i->get_path_length(i.entry());
- if(&**j==&block && !advancing)
+ if(&*i==&block && !advancing && vehicles.front()->get_track())
- TrackIter track = j->track_iter();
+ TrackIter track = i.track_iter();
track = track.flip();
vehicles.front()->place(*track, track.entry(), 0, Vehicle::FRONT_AXLE);
+ if(i==last_cur)
+ break;
last_entry_time = Time::now();
pure_speed = true;
accurate_position = true;
overshoot_dist = 0;
- // Move blocks up to the next sensor to our current blocks
- for(BlockList::iterator j=cur_blocks_end; j!=end; ++j)
- signal_advanced.emit(**j);
- cur_blocks_end = end;
- // Try to get more blocks if we're moving
- if(active)
- reserve_more();
- }
- else if(result==3)
- layout.emergency("Sensor for "+name+" triggered out of order");
- }
- else if(state==Block::INACTIVE)
- {
- const Vehicle &veh = *(reverse ? vehicles.front() : vehicles.back());
- // Find the first sensor in our current blocks that's still active
- BlockList::iterator end = blocks.begin();
- for(BlockList::iterator i=blocks.begin(); i!=cur_blocks_end; ++i)
- {
- if((*i)->has_track(*veh.get_track()))
- break;
- if((*i)->get_sensor_id())
- {
- if(layout.get_driver().get_sensor((*i)->get_sensor_id()))
- break;
- else
- {
- end = i;
- ++end;
- }
- }
- if(end!=blocks.begin() && end!=cur_blocks_end)
- // Free blocks up to the last inactive sensor
- release_blocks(blocks.begin(), end);
-void Train::turnout_path_changed(Track &track)
- for(list<BlockIter>::iterator i=blocks.begin(); i!=blocks.end(); ++i)
- if((*i)->get_turnout_id()==track.get_turnout_id() && !reserving && &**i==pending_block)
- reserve_more();
void Train::halt_event(bool h)
accurate_position = false;
-void Train::block_reserved(const Block &block, const Train *train)
- if(&block==pending_block && !train && !reserving)
- reserve_more();
-void Train::reserve_more()
- if(!active || blocks.empty())
- return;
- BlockIter start = blocks.back();
- if(&*start==stop_at_block)
- return;
- else if(&*start==pending_block)
- {
- TrackIter track = start.track_iter();
- if(!track.endpoint().has_path(track->get_active_path()))
- return;
- }
- pending_block = 0;
- preceding_train = 0;
- // See how many sensor blocks and how much track we already have
- unsigned nsens = 0;
- float dist = 0;
- for(BlockList::const_iterator i=cur_blocks_end; i!=blocks.end(); ++i)
- {
- if((*i)->get_sensor_id())
- ++nsens;
- if(nsens>0)
- dist += (*i)->get_path_length(i->entry());
- }
- float approach_margin = 50*layout.get_catalogue().get_scale();
- float min_dist = controller->get_braking_distance()*1.3+approach_margin*2;
- BlockIter block = start;
- SetFlag setf(reserving);
- while(1)
- {
- BlockIter last = block;
- block = block.next();
- if(!block || block->get_endpoints().size()<2)
- // The track ends here
- break;
- if(block->get_turnout_id() && !last->get_turnout_id())
- {
- /* We are arriving at a turnout. See if we have enough blocks and
- distance reserved. */
- if(nsens>=3 && dist>=min_dist)
- break;
- }
- blocks.push_back(block);
- if(!block->reserve(this))
- {
- blocks.pop_back();
- pending_block = &*block;
- break;
- }
- if(cur_blocks_end==blocks.end())
- --cur_blocks_end;
- TrackIter track = block.track_iter();
- if(track->is_path_changing())
- {
- pending_block = &*block;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- const TrackType::Endpoint &entry_ep = track.endpoint();
- unsigned path = track->get_active_path();
- if(!entry_ep.has_path(path))
- {
- const TrackType::Endpoint &exit_ep = track.reverse().endpoint();
- if(entry_ep.has_common_paths(exit_ep))
- {
- unsigned mask = entry_ep.paths&exit_ep.paths;
- for(path=0; mask>1; ++path, mask>>=1) ;
- track->set_active_path(path);
- if(track->is_path_changing())
- {
- pending_block = &*block;
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- // XXX Do something here
- break;
- }
- }
- if(&*block==stop_at_block)
- break;
- if(block->get_sensor_id())
- ++nsens;
- if(nsens>0)
- dist += block->get_path_length(block.entry());
- }
- // Make any sensorless blocks at the beginning immediately current
- while(cur_blocks_end!=blocks.end() && !(*cur_blocks_end)->get_sensor_id())
- ++cur_blocks_end;
float Train::get_reserved_distance_until(const Block *until_block, bool back) const
- if(blocks.empty())
+ if(allocator.empty())
return 0;
Vehicle &veh = *(reverse!=back ? vehicles.back() : vehicles.front());
if(!track) // XXX Probably unnecessary
return 0;
- BlockList::const_iterator block = blocks.begin();
- while(block!=blocks.end() && !(*block)->has_track(*track))
- ++block;
- if(block==blocks.end() || &**block==until_block)
+ const BlockIter &first = allocator.first();
+ const BlockIter &last = allocator.last();
+ BlockIter block = first;
+ while(!block->has_track(*track))
+ {
+ if(&*block==&*last)
+ return 0;
+ block = block.next();
+ }
+ if(&*block==until_block)
return 0;
+ if(back)
+ block = block.reverse();
float result = veh.get_offset();
track = track.reverse();
- if(!(*block)->has_track(*track))
+ if(!block->has_track(*track))
- if(block==blocks.begin())
+ if(&*block==&*first)
- --block;
- ++block;
- if(block==blocks.end())
+ if(&*block==&*last)
+ block = block.next();
- if(&**block==until_block)
+ if(&*block==until_block)
return result;
-void Train::release_blocks()
- release_blocks(blocks.begin(), blocks.end());
-void Train::release_blocks(BlockList::iterator begin, BlockList::iterator end)
- while(begin!=end)
- {
- if(begin==cur_blocks_end)
- cur_blocks_end = end;
- Block &block = **begin;
- blocks.erase(begin++);
- block.reserve(0);
- }
-void Train::reverse_blocks(BlockList &blks) const
- blks.reverse();
- for(BlockList::iterator i=blks.begin(); i!=blks.end(); ++i)
- *i = i->reverse();
Train::Loader::Loader(Train &t):
- add("block", &Loader::block);
- add("block_hint", &Loader::block_hint);
+ add("blocks", &Loader::blocks);
add("name", &Loader::name);
add("quantized_speed", &Loader::quantized_speed);
add("router", &Loader::router);
void Train::Loader::finish()
- if(!obj.blocks.empty())
+ if(!obj.allocator.empty())
- TrackIter track = obj.blocks.front().track_iter();
+ TrackIter track = obj.allocator.first().track_iter();
float offset = 2*obj.layout.get_catalogue().get_scale();
obj.vehicles.back()->place(*track, track.entry(), offset, Vehicle::BACK_BUFFER);
-void Train::Loader::block(unsigned id)
+void Train::Loader::blocks()
- if(!blocks_valid)
- return;
- Block *blk;
- try
- {
- blk = &obj.layout.get_block(id);
- }
- catch(const key_error &)
- {
- blocks_valid = false;
- return;
- }
- int entry = -1;
- if(prev_block)
- entry = blk->get_endpoint_by_link(*prev_block);
- if(entry<0)
- entry = 0;
- obj.blocks.push_back(BlockIter(blk, entry));
- blk->reserve(&obj);
- if(blk->get_sensor_id())
- obj.layout.get_driver().set_sensor(blk->get_sensor_id(), true);
- prev_block = blk;
-void Train::Loader::block_hint(unsigned id)
- try
- {
- prev_block = &obj.layout.get_block(id);
- }
- catch(const key_error &)
- {
- blocks_valid = false;
- }
+ load_sub(obj.allocator);
void Train::Loader::name(const string &n)