+OpenGLTexture2D::AsyncTransfer::AsyncTransfer(AsyncTransfer &&other):
+ pixel_buffer(other.pixel_buffer)
+ other.pixel_buffer = 0;
+OpenGLTexture2D::AsyncTransfer &OpenGLTexture2D::AsyncTransfer::operator=(AsyncTransfer &&other)
+ delete pixel_buffer;
+ pixel_buffer = other.pixel_buffer;
+ other.pixel_buffer = 0;
+ return *this;
+ delete pixel_buffer;
+void *OpenGLTexture2D::AsyncTransfer::allocate()
+ const Texture2D::AsyncTransfer &self = *static_cast<const Texture2D::AsyncTransfer *>(this);
+ pixel_buffer = new Buffer;
+ pixel_buffer->storage(self.data_size, STREAMING);
+ return pixel_buffer->map();
+void OpenGLTexture2D::AsyncTransfer::finalize()
+ const Texture2D::AsyncTransfer &self = *static_cast<const Texture2D::AsyncTransfer *>(this);
+ pixel_buffer->unmap();
+ glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, pixel_buffer->id);
+ self.texture->OpenGLTexture2D::sub_image(self.level, self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height, 0);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, 0);
OpenGLTexture2D::AsyncLoader::AsyncLoader(Texture2D &t, IO::Seekable &i):
class OpenGLTexture2D: public Texture
+ class AsyncTransfer: public NonCopyable
+ {
+ protected:
+ Buffer *pixel_buffer = 0;
+ AsyncTransfer() = default;
+ AsyncTransfer(AsyncTransfer &&);
+ AsyncTransfer &operator=(AsyncTransfer &&);
+ ~AsyncTransfer();
+ void *allocate();
+ void finalize();
+ };
class AsyncLoader;
void VulkanTexture2D::sub_image(unsigned level, int x, int y, unsigned wd, unsigned ht, const void *data)
- const Texture2D &self = *static_cast<const Texture2D *>(this);
- auto level_size = self.get_level_size(level);
- bool discard = (x==0 && y==0 && wd==level_size.x && ht==level_size.y);
- TransferQueue &tq = device.get_transfer_queue();
- size_t data_size = wd*ht*get_pixel_size(storage_fmt);
- void *staging = tq.prepare_transfer(this, false, data_size,
- [this, level, discard](){
- change_layout(level, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL, discard);
- },
- [this, level, x, y, wd, ht](VkCommandBuffer cmd_buf, VkBuffer staging_buf, size_t src_off){
- const VulkanFunctions &vk = device.get_functions();
- VkBufferImageCopy region = { };
- region.bufferOffset = src_off;
- region.imageSubresource.aspectMask = get_vulkan_aspect(get_components(storage_fmt));
- region.imageSubresource.mipLevel = level;
- region.imageSubresource.baseArrayLayer = 0;
- region.imageSubresource.layerCount = 1;
- region.imageOffset = { x, y, 0 };
- region.imageExtent = { wd, ht, 1 };
- vk.CmdCopyBufferToImage(cmd_buf, staging_buf, handle, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL, 1, ®ion);
- });
- stage_pixels(staging, data, wd*ht);
- tq.finalize_transfer(staging);
+ Texture2D::AsyncTransfer transfer(*static_cast<Texture2D *>(this), level, x, y, wd, ht);
+ stage_pixels(transfer.get_address(), data, wd*ht);
void VulkanTexture2D::fill_mipmap_blit(unsigned level, void *b)
+void *VulkanTexture2D::AsyncTransfer::allocate()
+ const Texture2D::AsyncTransfer &self = *static_cast<const Texture2D::AsyncTransfer *>(this);
+ Texture2D &tex = *self.texture;
+ unsigned level = self.level;
+ int x = self.x;
+ int y = self.y;
+ unsigned wd = self.width;
+ unsigned ht = self.height;
+ auto level_size = tex.get_level_size(level);
+ bool discard = (x==0 && y==0 && wd==level_size.x && ht==level_size.y);
+ TransferQueue &tq = tex.device.get_transfer_queue();
+ return tq.prepare_transfer(&tex, false, self.data_size,
+ [&tex, level, discard](){
+ tex.change_layout(level, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL, discard);
+ },
+ [&tex, level, x, y, wd, ht](VkCommandBuffer cmd_buf, VkBuffer staging_buf, size_t src_off){
+ const VulkanFunctions &vk = tex.device.get_functions();
+ VkBufferImageCopy region = { };
+ region.bufferOffset = src_off;
+ region.imageSubresource.aspectMask = get_vulkan_aspect(get_components(tex.storage_fmt));
+ region.imageSubresource.mipLevel = level;
+ region.imageSubresource.baseArrayLayer = 0;
+ region.imageSubresource.layerCount = 1;
+ region.imageOffset = { x, y, 0 };
+ region.imageExtent = { wd, ht, 1 };
+ vk.CmdCopyBufferToImage(cmd_buf, staging_buf, tex.handle, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL, 1, ®ion);
+ });
+void VulkanTexture2D::AsyncTransfer::finalize()
+ const Texture2D::AsyncTransfer &self = *static_cast<const Texture2D::AsyncTransfer *>(this);
+ self.texture->device.get_transfer_queue().finalize_transfer(self.dest_addr);
} // namespace GL
} // namespace Msp
class VulkanTexture2D: public Texture
+ class AsyncTransfer: public NonCopyable
+ {
+ protected:
+ AsyncTransfer() = default;
+ AsyncTransfer(AsyncTransfer &&) { }
+ AsyncTransfer &operator=(AsyncTransfer &&) { return *this; }
+ void *allocate();
+ void finalize();
+ };
virtual void fill_image_info(void *) const;
Texture2DBackend::sub_image(level, x, y, wd, ht, data);
+Texture2D::AsyncTransfer Texture2D::sub_image_async(unsigned level, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned wd, unsigned ht)
+ return AsyncTransfer(*this, level, x, y, wd, ht);
void Texture2D::image(const Graphics::Image &img, unsigned lv)
storage(pixelformat_from_image(img, use_srgb_format), img.get_width(), img.get_height(), lv);
obj.storage(fmt, w, h, l);
+Texture2D::AsyncTransfer::AsyncTransfer(Texture2D &t, unsigned l, unsigned x_, unsigned y_, unsigned wd, unsigned ht):
+ texture(&t),
+ level(l),
+ x(x_),
+ y(y_),
+ width(wd),
+ height(ht),
+ data_size(width*height*get_pixel_size(texture->storage_fmt)),
+ dest_addr(0)
+ dest_addr = allocate();
+Texture2D::AsyncTransfer::AsyncTransfer(AsyncTransfer &&other):
+ Texture2DBackend::AsyncTransfer(move(other)),
+ texture(other.texture),
+ level(other.level),
+ x(other.x),
+ y(other.y),
+ width(other.width),
+ height(other.height),
+ data_size(other.data_size),
+ dest_addr(other.dest_addr)
+ other.dest_addr = 0;
+Texture2D::AsyncTransfer &Texture2D::AsyncTransfer::operator=(AsyncTransfer &&other)
+ if(dest_addr)
+ finalize();
+ Texture2DBackend::AsyncTransfer::operator=(move(other));
+ texture = other.texture;
+ level = other.level;
+ x = other.x;
+ y = other.y;
+ width = other.width;
+ height = other.height;
+ data_size = other.data_size;
+ dest_addr = other.dest_addr;
+ other.dest_addr = 0;
+ return *this;
+ if(dest_addr)
+ finalize();
} // namespace GL
} // namespace Msp
void storage_levels(PixelFormat, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned);
+ /**
+ An RAII handle for asynchronously writing texel data into a texture.
+ */
+ class AsyncTransfer: public Texture2DBackend::AsyncTransfer
+ {
+ friend Texture2DBackend;
+ friend class Texture2D;
+ friend class Texture2DBackend::AsyncTransfer;
+ private:
+ Texture2D *texture = 0;
+ unsigned level = 0;
+ unsigned x = 0;
+ unsigned y = 0;
+ unsigned width = 0;
+ unsigned height = 0;
+ std::size_t data_size = 0;
+ void *dest_addr = 0;
+ AsyncTransfer(Texture2D &, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned);
+ public:
+ AsyncTransfer() = default;
+ AsyncTransfer(AsyncTransfer &&);
+ AsyncTransfer &operator=(AsyncTransfer &&);
+ ~AsyncTransfer();
+ public:
+ /** Returns an address for writing the texel data. It should not be used
+ beyond the lifetime of the object. */
+ void *get_address() { return dest_addr; }
+ };
unsigned width = 0;
unsigned height = 0;
the region must be fully inside the selected mipmap level. */
void sub_image(unsigned level, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned wd, unsigned ht, const void *);
+ AsyncTransfer sub_image_async(unsigned level, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned wd, unsigned ht);
virtual void image(const Graphics::Image &, unsigned = 0);
unsigned get_width() const { return width; }