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#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
-#include <SDL.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <msp/core/except.h>
#include <msp/core/getopt.h>
+#include <msp/gbase/display.h>
+#include <msp/gbase/window.h>
+#include <msp/gl/immediate.h>
#include <msp/gl/matrix.h>
+#include <msp/gl/projection.h>
#include <msp/gl/transform.h>
#include <msp/strings/formatter.h>
#include <msp/strings/lexicalcast.h>
Train *Engineer::add_train(unsigned addr)
- /*if(control.get_locomotive(addr))
- return 0;*/
train_prop=new TrainProperties(*this, ui_res, 0);
+ root->add(*train_prop);
train_prop->signal_ok.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Engineer::dismiss_train_prop));
+ train_prop->set_visible(true);
return 0;
Train *train=new Train(*trfc_mgr, *loco);
train->set_name(format("Train %d", trfc_mgr->get_trains().size()));
- //train_prop=new TrainProperties(ui_res, *train);
TrainPanel *tpanel=new TrainPanel(*this, ui_res, *train);
+ root->add(*tpanel);
int y=main_panel->get_geometry().y;
for(TrainPanelSeq::iterator i=train_panels.begin(); i!=train_panels.end(); ++i)
tpanel->set_position(0, y-tpanel->get_geometry().h);
+ tpanel->set_visible(true);
- status_text="Select train location";
+ main_panel->set_status_text("Select location");
return train;
int Engineer::main()
- SDL_Surface *screen=SDL_SetVideoMode(screen_w, screen_h, 32, SDL_OPENGL|(fullscreen?SDL_FULLSCREEN:0));
- if(!screen)
- {
- screen=SDL_SetVideoMode(screen_w, screen_h, 32, SDL_OPENGL|(fullscreen?SDL_FULLSCREEN:0));
- }
- if(!screen)
- {
- screen=SDL_SetVideoMode(screen_w, screen_h, 32, SDL_OPENGL|(fullscreen?SDL_FULLSCREEN:0));
- }
- if(!screen)
- throw Exception("Couldn't create window");
+ dpy=new Graphics::Display;
+ Graphics::WindowOptions wopt;
+ wopt.width=screen_w;
+ wopt.height=screen_h;
+ wopt.fullscreen=fullscreen;
+ wnd=new Graphics::Window(*dpy, wopt);
+ Graphics::GLOptions glopt;
+ //glopt.multisample=4;
+ glc=new Graphics::GLContext(*wnd, glopt);
- SDL_EnableUNICODE(1);
+ wnd->signal_close.connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Engineer::exit), 0));
+ wnd->signal_button_press.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Engineer::button_press));
+ wnd->signal_button_release.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Engineer::button_release));
+ wnd->signal_pointer_motion.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Engineer::pointer_motion));
DataFile::load(ui_res, "engineer.res");
+ root=new GLtk::Root(ui_res, *wnd);
+ root->set_visible(true);
+ list<GL::Texture *> texs=ui_res.get_list<GL::Texture>();
+ for(list<GL::Texture *>::iterator i=texs.begin(); i!=texs.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ (*i)->set_min_filter(GL::NEAREST);
+ (*i)->set_mag_filter(GL::NEAREST);
+ }
main_panel=new MainPanel(*this, ui_res);
+ root->add(*main_panel);
main_panel->set_position(0, screen_h-main_panel->get_geometry().h);
+ main_panel->set_visible(true);
- Application::main();
+ wnd->show();
- delete main_panel;
- for(TrainPanelSeq::iterator i=train_panels.begin(); i!=train_panels.end(); ++i)
- delete *i;
+ Application::main();
- SDL_Quit();
+ delete glc;
+ delete wnd;
+ delete dpy;
return exit_code;
void Engineer::tick()
- //cout<<"tick\n";
- SDL_Event event;
- while(SDL_PollEvent(&event))
- {
- switch(event.type)
- {
- button_press(event.button.x, screen_h-1-event.button.y, event.button.button);
- break;
- button_release(event.button.x, screen_h-1-event.button.y, event.button.button);
- break;
- pointer_motion(event.motion.x, screen_h-1-event.motion.y);
- break;
- key_press(event.key.keysym.sym, event.key.keysym.mod, event.key.keysym.unicode);
- break;
- case SDL_QUIT:
- exit(0);
- break;
- }
- }
+ dpy->tick();
+ trfc_mgr->tick();
if(placing_train && placing_block)
+ GL::push_matrix();
const Marklin::Block::Endpoint &bep=placing_block->get_endpoints()[placing_entry];
float rot=bep.track->get_endpoint_direction(bep.track_ep);
Point pos=bep.track->get_endpoint_position(bep.track_ep);
- GL::push_matrix();
GL::translate(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z+0.03);
GL::rotate(rot*180/M_PI+180, 0, 0, 1);
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
- glVertex2f(0.08, 0);
- glVertex2f(0.05, 0.03);
- glVertex2f(0.05, 0.01);
- glVertex2f(0, 0.01);
- glVertex2f(0, -0.01);
- glVertex2f(0.05, -0.01);
- glVertex2f(0.05, -0.03);
- glEnd();
+ GL::Immediate imm((GL::COLOR4_UBYTE, GL::VERTEX2));
+ imm.color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ imm.begin(GL::TRIANGLE_FAN);
+ imm.vertex(0.08, 0);
+ imm.vertex(0.05, 0.03);
+ imm.vertex(0.05, 0.01);
+ imm.vertex(0, 0.01);
+ imm.vertex(0, -0.01);
+ imm.vertex(0.05, -0.01);
+ imm.vertex(0.05, -0.03);
+ imm.end();
- glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
- glLoadIdentity();
- glOrtho(0, screen_w, 0, screen_h, 0, 1);
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
- glLoadIdentity();
+ GL::matrix_mode(GL::PROJECTION);
+ GL::load_identity();
+ GL::ortho_bottomleft(screen_w, screen_h);
+ GL::matrix_mode(GL::MODELVIEW);
+ GL::load_identity();
- main_panel->render();
- for(TrainPanelSeq::iterator i=train_panels.begin(); i!=train_panels.end(); ++i)
- (*i)->render();
- if(train_prop)
- train_prop->render();
+ root->render();
- const GL::Font &font=ui_res.get_default_font();
- GL::load_identity();
- GL::translate(340, 10, 0);
- GL::scale_uniform(font.get_default_size());
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
- font.draw_string(status_text);
- SDL_GL_SwapBuffers();
+ glc->swap_buffers();
void Engineer::key_press(unsigned key, unsigned mod, wchar_t ch)
train_prop->key_press(key, mod, ch);
-void Engineer::button_press(int x, int y, unsigned btn)
+void Engineer::button_press(int x, int y, unsigned btn, unsigned)
- if(main_panel->get_geometry().is_inside(x, y))
- {
- main_panel->button_press(x, y-main_panel->get_geometry().y, btn);
- return;
- }
- for(TrainPanelSeq::iterator i=train_panels.begin(); i!=train_panels.end(); ++i)
- if((*i)->get_geometry().is_inside(x, y))
- {
- (*i)->button_press(x, y, btn);
- return;
- }
- if(train_prop && train_prop->get_geometry().is_inside(x, y))
- {
- train_prop->button_press(x, y, btn);
- return;
- }
if(btn==1 && placing_block)
placing_train->place(placing_block, placing_entry);
+ main_panel->set_status_text(string());
else if(btn==3)
- Track3D *track=pick_track(x, y);
+ Track3D *track=pick_track(x, screen_h-y-1);
if(unsigned tid=track->get_track().get_turnout_id())
-void Engineer::button_release(int x, int y, unsigned btn)
+void Engineer::button_release(int, int, unsigned, unsigned)
- if(main_panel->get_geometry().is_inside(x, y))
- {
- main_panel->button_release(x, y-main_panel->get_geometry().y, btn);
- return;
- }
- for(TrainPanelSeq::iterator i=train_panels.begin(); i!=train_panels.end(); ++i)
- if((*i)->get_geometry().is_inside(x, y))
- {
- (*i)->button_release(x, y, btn);
- return;
- }
- if(train_prop && train_prop->get_geometry().is_inside(x, y))
- {
- train_prop->button_release(x, y, btn);
- return;
- }
void Engineer::pointer_motion(int x, int y)
- if(main_panel->get_geometry().is_inside(x, y))
- {
- main_panel->pointer_motion(x, y);
- return;
- }
- for(TrainPanelSeq::iterator i=train_panels.begin(); i!=train_panels.end(); ++i)
- if((*i)->get_geometry().is_inside(x, y))
- {
- (*i)->pointer_motion(x, y);
- return;
- }
- if(train_prop && train_prop->get_geometry().is_inside(x, y))
- {
- train_prop->pointer_motion(x, y);
- return;
- }
- Track3D *track=pick_track(x, y);
- if(track && placing_train)
+ if(placing_train)
- Block *block=trfc_mgr->get_block_by_track(&track->get_track());
- if(block!=placing_block)
+ Track3D *track=pick_track(x, screen_h-y-1);
+ if(track && placing_train)
- if(placing_block)
- set_block_color(*placing_block, Color(1, 1, 1));
- placing_block=block;
- placing_entry=0;
- set_block_color(*placing_block, Color(0.5, 1, 0.7));
+ Block &block=trfc_mgr->get_block_by_track(track->get_track());
+ if(&block!=placing_block)
+ {
+ if(placing_block)
+ set_block_color(*placing_block, Color(1, 1, 1));
+ placing_block=█
+ placing_entry=0;
+ set_block_color(*placing_block, Color(0.5, 1, 0.7));
+ }
+ else if(track && track->get_track().get_turnout_id())
+ main_panel->set_status_text(format("Turnout %d", track->get_track().get_turnout_id()));
+ else if(!placing_train)
+ main_panel->set_status_text(string());
- else if(track && track->get_track().get_turnout_id())
- {
- ostringstream ss;
- ss<<"Turnout "<<track->get_track().get_turnout_id();
- status_text=ss.str();
- }
- else if(!placing_train)
- status_text="";
void Engineer::view_all()
for(list<Track3D *>::const_iterator i=ltracks.begin(); i!=ltracks.end(); ++i)
+ Block &block=trfc_mgr->get_block_by_track((*i)->get_track());
(*i)->set_color(Color(1, 0.5, 0.3));
+ else if(block.get_train())
+ set_block_color(block, Color(1, 1, 0.3));
(*i)->set_color(Color(1, 1, 1));
if(unsigned sid=block.get_sensor_id())
Sensor &sensor=control.get_sensor(sid);
- cout<<block.get_sensor_id()<<' '<<&sensor<<' '<<sensor.get_state()<<'\n';
#define ENGINEER_H_
#include <msp/core/application.h>
+#include <msp/gbase/glcontext.h>
#include <msp/gl/font.h>
#include <msp/gltk/resources.h>
+#include <msp/gltk/root.h>
#include "libmarklin/catalogue.h"
#include "libmarklin/control.h"
#include "libmarklin/trafficmanager.h"
typedef std::list<TrainPanel *> TrainPanelSeq;
+ Msp::Graphics::Display *dpy;
+ Msp::Graphics::Window *wnd;
+ Msp::Graphics::GLContext *glc;
+ Msp::GLtk::Root *root;
unsigned screen_w;
unsigned screen_h;
bool fullscreen;
Msp::GLtk::Resources ui_res;
MainPanel *main_panel;
TrainPanelSeq train_panels;
- std::string status_text;
bool no_lighting;
Marklin::TrafficManager *trfc_mgr;
Marklin::Train *placing_train;
void tick();
void key_press(unsigned, unsigned, wchar_t);
- void button_press(int, int, unsigned);
- void button_release(int, int, unsigned);
+ void button_press(int, int, unsigned, unsigned);
+ void button_release(int, int, unsigned, unsigned);
void pointer_motion(int, int);
void view_all();
void set_block_color(const Marklin::Block &, const Marklin::Color &);
#include "engineer.h"
#include "mainpanel.h"
+using namespace std;
using namespace Msp;
MainPanel::MainPanel(Engineer &e, GLtk::Resources &r):
btn->signal_clicked.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &MainPanel::quit));
add(*(btn=new GLtk::Button(res, "+Loc")));
- btn->set_geometry(GLtk::Geometry(10, 10, 40, 25));
+ btn->set_geometry(GLtk::Geometry(90, 53, 40, 25));
btn->signal_clicked.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &MainPanel::new_loc));
+ add(*(lbl_status=new GLtk::Label(res)));
+ lbl_status->set_geometry(GLtk::Geometry(10, 10, 180, 24));
+ lbl_status->set_style("digital");
+void MainPanel::set_status_text(const string &txt)
+ lbl_status->set_text(txt);
void MainPanel::power_on()
#define MAINPANEL_H_
#include <msp/gltk/indicator.h>
+#include <msp/gltk/label.h>
#include <msp/gltk/panel.h>
class Engineer;
MainPanel(Engineer &, Msp::GLtk::Resources &);
+ void set_status_text(const std::string &);
Engineer &engineer;
Msp::GLtk::Indicator *ind_on;
Msp::GLtk::Indicator *ind_off;
+ Msp::GLtk::Label *lbl_status;
void power_on();
void power_off();
add(*(lbl_addr=new GLtk::Label(res, lexical_cast(train.get_locomotive().get_address(), "%2d"))));
- lbl_addr->set_geometry(GLtk::Geometry(10, geom.h-34, 35, 34));
+ lbl_addr->set_geometry(GLtk::Geometry(10, geom.h-34, 35, 24));
add(*(lbl_name=new GLtk::Label(res, train.get_name())));
train.signal_name_changed.connect(sigc::mem_fun(lbl_name, &GLtk::Label::set_text));
add(*(sld_speed=new GLtk::HSlider(res)));
- sld_speed->set_geometry(GLtk::Geometry(10, geom.h-49, 180, 10));
+ sld_speed->set_geometry(GLtk::Geometry(50, geom.h-56, geom.w-60, 10));
sld_speed->set_range(0, 14);
sld_speed->signal_value_changed.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &TrainPanel::speed_slider_changed));
add(*(lbl_speed=new GLtk::Label(res, " 0")));
- lbl_speed->set_geometry(GLtk::Geometry(10, geom.h-75, 35, 24));
+ lbl_speed->set_geometry(GLtk::Geometry(10, geom.h-63, 35, 24));
train.get_locomotive().signal_speed_changed.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &TrainPanel::loco_speed_changed));
GLtk::Button *btn;
Block::Block(TrafficManager &tm, Track &start):
- sensor_id(0),
+ sensor_id(start.get_sensor_id()),
for(unsigned i=0; i<links.size(); ++i)
if(links[i] && !tracks.count(links[i]))
- if(links[i]->get_sensor_id()==start.get_sensor_id())
+ if(links[i]->get_sensor_id()==sensor_id)
if(!t || !train)
- cout<<"Block "<<this<<" reserved for train "<<train<<'\n';
+ if(train)
+ cout<<"Block "<<this<<" reserved for train "<<train<<'\n';
+ else
+ cout<<"Block "<<this<<" freed\n";
trfc_mgr.signal_block_reserved.emit(*this, train);
return true;
if(i==track_ep) continue;
Track *link=track.get_link(i);
- if(link) continue;
+ if(!link) continue;
if(visited.count(link)) continue;
if(!(eps[i].routes&eps[track_ep].routes)) continue;
- visited.erase(--visited.end());
unsigned Block::next_id=1;
void check_link(Block &);
Block *get_link(unsigned) const;
bool reserve(const Train *);
+ const Train *get_train() const { return train; }
void print_debug();
void find_routes(Track &, unsigned, unsigned, std::set<Track *> &);
for(map<unsigned, Sensor *>::const_iterator i=sensors.begin(); i!=sensors.end(); ++i)
+ timer.tick(false);
for(unsigned i=0; resp[i]; i+=3)
unsigned module=(unsigned char)resp[i];
cout<<"S88 module "<<module<<", status ";
for(unsigned j=0; j<16; ++j)
- {
- bool status=(resp[i+1+j/8]>>(7-j%8))&1;
- cout<<status;
- signal_sensor_event.emit(module*16+j-15, status);
- }
+ cout<<((resp[i+1+j/8]>>(7-j%8))&1);
+ for(unsigned j=0; j<16; ++j)
+ signal_sensor_event.emit(module*16+j-15, (resp[i+1+j/8]>>(7-j%8))&1);
- off_timeout=Time::now()+Time::sec;
+ off_timeout=Time::now()+0.5*Time::sec;
+#include <msp/time/utils.h>
#include "control.h"
#include "layout.h"
#include "trafficmanager.h"
#include "turnout.h"
using namespace std;
+using namespace Msp;
namespace Marklin {
delete *i;
-Block *TrafficManager::get_block_by_track(const Track *t) const
+Block &TrafficManager::get_block_by_track(const Track &t) const
for(BlockSeq::const_iterator i=blocks.begin(); i!=blocks.end(); ++i)
const set<Track *> &tracks=(*i)->get_tracks();
- if(tracks.count(const_cast<Track *>(t)))
- return *i;
+ if(tracks.count(const_cast<Track *>(&t)))
+ return **i;
- return 0;
+ throw InvalidParameterValue("Unknown track");
void TrafficManager::add_train(Train *t)
+void TrafficManager::tick()
+ Time::TimeStamp t=Time::now();
+ for(list<Train *>::iterator i=trains.begin(); i!=trains.end(); ++i)
+ (*i)->tick(t);
void TrafficManager::turnout_route_changed(unsigned, Turnout *)
Control &get_control() const { return control; }
- Block *get_block_by_track(const Track *) const;
+ Block &get_block_by_track(const Track &) const;
const TrainSeq &get_trains() const { return trains; }
void add_train(Train *);
+ void tick();
Control &control;
Layout &layout;
+#include <msp/time/units.h>
+#include <msp/time/utils.h>
#include "control.h"
#include "trafficmanager.h"
#include "train.h"
+using namespace Msp;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void Train::set_speed(unsigned speed)
- if(rsv_blocks.empty() && !reserve_more())
+ if(!target_speed)
+ {
+ for(list<BlockRef>::iterator i=rsv_blocks.begin(); i!=rsv_blocks.end(); ++i)
+ i->block->reserve(0);
+ rsv_blocks.clear();
+ }
+ else if(rsv_blocks.empty() && !reserve_more())
return false;
+void Train::tick(const Time::TimeStamp &t)
+ if(try_reserve && t>try_reserve)
+ {
+ if(reserve_more())
+ {
+ loco.set_speed(target_speed);
+ try_reserve=Time::TimeStamp();
+ }
+ else
+ try_reserve=t+2*Time::sec;
+ }
void Train::sensor_event(bool state, Sensor *sensor)
cur_blocks.splice(cur_blocks.end(), rsv_blocks, rsv_blocks.begin(), i);
- cout<<"Train advanced, "<<cur_blocks.size()<<" cur_blocks, "<<rsv_blocks.size()<<" rsv_blocks\n";
+ cout<<"Train "<<this<<" advanced, "<<cur_blocks.size()<<" cur_blocks, "<<rsv_blocks.size()<<" rsv_blocks\n";
- reserve_more();
- if(rsv_blocks.empty())
+ if(rsv_blocks.empty() && !reserve_more())
+ {
+ try_reserve=Time::now()+2*Time::sec;
+ }
- cout<<"Finding blocks to free\n";
+ cout<<"Train "<<this<<" finding blocks to free\n";
list<BlockRef>::iterator i;
for(i=cur_blocks.begin(); i!=cur_blocks.end(); ++i)
- if(i->block->get_sensor_id()==addr)
- break;
- if(i!=cur_blocks.end())
- cout<<"found\n";
- ++i;
- for(list<BlockRef>::iterator j=cur_blocks.begin(); j!=i; ++j)
- j->block->reserve(0);
- cur_blocks.erase(cur_blocks.begin(), i);
- cout<<cur_blocks.size()<<" cur_blocks\n";
+ if(i->block->get_sensor_id()==addr)
+ {
+ ++i;
+ for(list<BlockRef>::iterator j=cur_blocks.begin(); j!=i; ++j)
+ j->block->reserve(0);
+ cout<<" "<<distance(cur_blocks.begin(),i )<<" blocks freed, ";
+ cur_blocks.erase(cur_blocks.begin(), i);
+ cout<<cur_blocks.size()<<" cur_blocks\n";
+ }
return false;
+ cout<<"Train "<<this<<" reserving more blocks\n";
bool result=false;
unsigned size=rsv_blocks.size();
- while(size<3)
+ while(size<2)
int exit=last->block->traverse(last->entry);
Block *link=last->block->get_link(exit);
- if(link)
+ if(link && link->reserve(this))
rsv_blocks.push_back(BlockRef(link, link->get_endpoint_by_link(*last->block)));
+ else
+ break;
+ cout<<" "<<rsv_blocks.size()<<" rsv_blocks\n";
return result;
#include <sigc++/signal.h>
#include <sigc++/trackable.h>
+#include <msp/time/timestamp.h>
#include "block.h"
namespace Marklin {
std::list<BlockRef> cur_blocks;
std::list<BlockRef> rsv_blocks;
unsigned target_speed;
+ Msp::Time::TimeStamp try_reserve;
sigc::signal<void, const std::string &> signal_name_changed;
Locomotive &get_locomotive() const { return loco; }
void place(Block *, unsigned);
bool free_block(Block *);
- void tick();
+ void tick(const Msp::Time::TimeStamp &);
void sensor_event(bool, Sensor *);
bool reserve_more();