--- /dev/null
+import requests
+import html.parser
+import codecs
+class Item:
+ def __init__(self, name, kind):
+ self.name = name
+ self.kind = kind
+ self.droplevel = 0
+ self.upgrade = None
+ def is_upgrade_for(self, other):
+ return self.kind==other.kind and self.droplevel>other.droplevel
+class Armor(Item):
+ def __init__(self, name, kind):
+ super(Armor, self).__init__(name, kind)
+ self.armor = 0
+ self.evasion = 0
+ self.energy_shield = 0
+ def is_upgrade_for(self, other):
+ if (self.armor!=0)!=(other.armor!=0):
+ return False
+ if (self.evasion!=0)!=(other.evasion!=0):
+ return False
+ if (self.energy_shield!=0)!=(other.energy_shield!=0):
+ return False
+ return super(Armor, self).is_upgrade_for(other)
+class Weapon(Item):
+ def __init__(self, name, kind):
+ super(Weapon, self).__init__(name, kind)
+ self.speed = 0
+ self.dps = 0
+class ItemDataParser(html.parser.HTMLParser):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(ItemDataParser, self).__init__()
+ self.in_items_table = False
+ self.column = 0
+ self.in_cell = False
+ self.ignore_row = False
+ self.items = {}
+ self.current_item = None
+ self.in_heading = False
+ self.headings = []
+ self.current_heading = None
+ def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
+ if tag=="table":
+ for n, v in attrs:
+ if n=="class" and v=="itemDataTable":
+ self.in_items_table = True
+ elif tag=="tr":
+ self.ignore_row = False
+ for n, v in attrs:
+ if n=="class" and v.endswith("_mod"):
+ self.ignore_row = True
+ self.column = 0
+ self.current_item = None
+ elif tag=="td":
+ self.column += 1
+ self.in_cell = True
+ elif tag=="h1":
+ self.in_heading = True
+ def handle_endtag(self, tag):
+ if tag=="table":
+ self.in_items_table = False
+ elif tag=="td":
+ self.in_cell = False
+ elif tag=="tr":
+ if self.current_item:
+ for it in self.items.values():
+ if not it.upgrade and self.current_item.is_upgrade_for(it):
+ it.upgrade = self.current_item
+ break
+ elif tag=="h1":
+ self.in_heading = False
+ def handle_data(self, data):
+ data = data.strip()
+ if self.in_heading:
+ self.current_heading = data
+ self.headings.append(self.current_heading)
+ elif self.in_items_table and self.in_cell and data and not self.ignore_row:
+ if self.column==2:
+ self.current_item = self.create_item(data, self.current_heading)
+ self.items[data] = self.current_item
+ elif self.column==3:
+ self.current_item.droplevel = int(data)
+ elif self.column>=4:
+ self.handle_value(self.column, data)
+ def create_item(self, name, kind):
+ pass
+ def handle_value(self, column, data):
+ pass
+class ArmorDataParser(ItemDataParser):
+ def create_item(self, name, kind):
+ return Armor(name, kind)
+ def handle_value(self, column, data):
+ if column==4:
+ self.current_item.armor = int(data)
+ elif column==5:
+ self.current_item.evasion = int(data)
+ elif column==6:
+ self.current_item.energy_shield = int(data)
+class WeaponDataParser(ItemDataParser):
+ def create_item(self, name, kind):
+ return Weapon(name, kind)
+ def handle_value(self, column, data):
+ if column==5:
+ self.current_item.speed = float(data)
+ elif column==6:
+ self.current_item.dps = float(data)
+def write_best_category(out, prefix, items, steps):
+ best = ["best", "second"]
+ out.write('category "{}.{}_at_level"\n'.format(prefix, best[steps-1]))
+ out.write("{\n\tor\n\t{\n")
+ for it in items:
+ upgrade = it
+ for k in range(steps):
+ upgrade = upgrade.upgrade
+ if not upgrade:
+ break
+ out.write("\t\tand\n\t\t{\n")
+ if upgrade:
+ out.write('\t\t\tbase_type "{}";\n'.format(it.name))
+ out.write("\t\t\titem_level {} {};\n".format(it.droplevel, upgrade.droplevel-1))
+ else:
+ out.write('\t\t\tbase_type "{}";\n'.format(it.name))
+ out.write("\t\t\tmin_item_level {};\n".format(it.droplevel))
+ out.write("\t\t};\n")
+ out.write("\t};\n};\n")
+def main():
+ r = requests.get("https://www.pathofexile.com/item-data/armour")
+ p = ArmorDataParser()
+ p.feed(codecs.decode(r.content, r.encoding))
+ types = {"robe": lambda i: (not i.armor and not i.evasion and i.energy_shield),
+ "cloth": lambda i: (not i.armor and i.evasion and i.energy_shield),
+ "leather": lambda i: (not i.armor and i.evasion and not i.energy_shield),
+ "scale": lambda i: (i.armor and i.evasion and not i.energy_shield),
+ "plate": lambda i: (i.armor and not i.evasion and not i.energy_shield),
+ "chain": lambda i: (i.armor and not i.evasion and i.energy_shield)}
+ out = open("armor.txt", "w")
+ for t, f in types.items():
+ items = [i for i in p.items.values() if f(i)]
+ for i in range(1, 3):
+ write_best_category(out, "armor.{}".format(t), items, i)
+ """out.write('category "armor.{}.{}_at_level"\n'.format(t, best[i-1]))
+ out.write("{\n\tor\n\t{\n")
+ for it in items:
+ next_level = 0
+ n = it.name
+ for k in range(i):
+ n = p.upgrades.get(n, "")
+ if n:
+ next_level = p.items[n].droplevel
+ if next_level:
+ out.write("\t\tand\n\t\t{\n")
+ out.write('\t\t\tbase_type "{}";\n'.format(it.name))
+ out.write("\t\t\tmax_item_level {};\n".format(next_level-1))
+ out.write("\t\t};\n")
+ else:
+ out.write('\t\tbase_type "{}";\n'.format(it.name))
+ out.write("\t};\n};\n")"""
+ out.write('category "armor.{}"\n'.format(t))
+ out.write("{\n\tor\n\t{\n")
+ for it in items:
+ out.write('\t\tbase_type "{}";\n'.format(it.name))
+ out.write("\t};\n};\n")
+ out.write('category "armor"\n{\n\tor\n\t{\n')
+ for h in p.headings:
+ out.write('\t\tclass "{}";\n'.format(h))
+ out.write("\t};\n};\n")
+ r = requests.get("https://www.pathofexile.com/item-data/weapon")
+ p = WeaponDataParser()
+ p.feed(codecs.decode(r.content, r.encoding))
+ out = open("weapons.txt", "w")
+ for h in p.headings:
+ items = [i for i in p.items.values() if i.kind==h]
+ for i in range(1, 3):
+ write_best_category(out, "weapon.{}".format(h.lower().replace(' ', '_')), items, i)
+ out.write('category "weapon"\n{\n\tor\n\t{\n')
+ for h in p.headings:
+ out.write('\t\tclass "{}";\n'.format(h))
+ out.write("\t};\n};\n")
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ main()