#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
-#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <msp/strings/formatter.h>
-#include "3d/layout.h"
#include "libmarklin/tracktype.h"
#include "designer.h"
#include "manipulator.h"
Manipulator::Manipulator(Designer &d, Selection &s):
- wrap_rot(0),
for(set<Track *>::iterator i=neighbors.begin(); i!=neighbors.end(); ++i)
- update_wrap();
+ update_tracks();
void Manipulator::even_slope(bool smooth)
for(set<Track *>::iterator i=neighbors.begin(); i!=neighbors.end(); ++i)
- update_wrap();
+ update_tracks();
void Manipulator::cancel()
mode = NONE;
- wrap_pos = center;
for(vector<MTrack>::iterator i=tracks.begin(); i!=tracks.end(); ++i)
i->track->set_position(Point(center.x+i->pos.x, center.y+i->pos.y, center.z+i->pos.z));
angle = 0;
- wrap_rot = 0;
else if(mode)
mode = NONE;
- update_wrap();
angle = 0;
for(set<Track *>::iterator i=neighbors.begin(); i!=neighbors.end(); ++i)
j->track->snap_to(**i, true);
- for(vector<MTrack>::iterator i=tracks.begin(); i!=tracks.end(); ++i)
- i->rot = i->track->get_rotation();
+ update_tracks();
Point delta(gpointer.x-move_origin.x, gpointer.y-move_origin.y, 0);
- wrap_pos = Point(center.x+delta.x, center.y+delta.y, center.z);
+ Point offset(center.x+delta.x, center.y+delta.y, center.z);
for(vector<MTrack>::iterator i=tracks.begin(); i!=tracks.end(); ++i)
- i->track->set_position(Point(wrap_pos.x+i->pos.x, wrap_pos.y+i->pos.y, wrap_pos.z+i->pos.z));
+ i->track->set_position(Point(offset.x+i->pos.x, offset.y+i->pos.y, offset.z+i->pos.z));
angle += a-rot_origin;
rot_origin = a;
- wrap_rot = angle;
for(vector<MTrack>::iterator i=tracks.begin(); i!=tracks.end(); ++i)
float c = cos(angle);
float s = sin(angle);
- i->track->set_position(Point(center.x+c*i->pos.x-s*i->pos.y, center.y+s*i->pos.x+c*i->pos.y, center.z*i->pos.z));
+ i->track->set_position(Point(center.x+c*i->pos.x-s*i->pos.y, center.y+s*i->pos.x+c*i->pos.y, center.z+i->pos.z));
signal_status.emit(format("Elevation: %+.0fmm (%.0fmm)", dz*1000, (center.z+dz)*1000));
- wrap_pos.z = center.z+dz;
for(vector<MTrack>::iterator i=tracks.begin(); i!=tracks.end(); ++i)
i->track->set_position(Point(center.x+i->pos.x, center.y+i->pos.y, center.z+i->pos.z+dz));
-void Manipulator::render()
- glPushMatrix();
- glTranslatef(wrap_pos.x, wrap_pos.y, wrap_pos.z);
- glRotatef(wrap_rot*180/M_PI, 0, 0, 1);
- glLineWidth(2);
- glColor4f(0, 1, 0, 0.5);
- for(list<TrackWrap>::iterator i=wrap.begin(); i!=wrap.end(); ++i)
- {
- glPushMatrix();
- glTranslatef(i->pos.x, i->pos.y, i->pos.z);
- glRotatef(i->rot*180/M_PI, 0, 0, 1);
- glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
- glVertex2f(-i->width/2, -i->height/2);
- glVertex2f(i->width/2, -i->height/2);
- glVertex2f(i->width/2, i->height/2);
- glVertex2f(-i->width/2, i->height/2);
- glEnd();
- glPopMatrix();
- }
- glPopMatrix();
void Manipulator::selection_changed()
tracks.insert(tracks.end(), stracks.begin(), stracks.end());
- update_wrap();
+ update_tracks();
-void Manipulator::update_wrap()
+void Manipulator::update_tracks()
- wrap.clear();
- float min_x = 0, max_x = 0;
- float min_y = 0, max_y = 0;
- float min_z = 0;
+ Point minp, maxp;
for(vector<MTrack>::iterator i=tracks.begin(); i!=tracks.end(); ++i)
- Track3D &t3d = designer.get_layout_3d()->get_track(*i->track);
- TrackWrap tw;
- float min_area = 100;
- for(float a=0; a<M_PI; a+=0.01)
+ unsigned n_endpoints = i->track->get_type().get_endpoints().size();
+ for(unsigned j=0; j<n_endpoints; ++j)
- Point minp, maxp;
- t3d.get_bounds(a, minp, maxp);
- float area = (maxp.x-minp.x)*(maxp.y-minp.y);
- if(area<min_area)
+ Point p = i->track->get_endpoint_position(j);
+ if(i==tracks.begin() && j==0)
+ minp = maxp = p;
+ else
- float c = cos(a);
- float s = sin(a);
- float x = (minp.x+maxp.x)/2;
- float y = (minp.y+maxp.y)/2;
- tw.pos = Point(c*x-s*y, s*x+c*y, minp.z);
- tw.rot = a;
- tw.width = maxp.x-minp.x+0.01;
- tw.height = maxp.y-minp.y+0.01;
- min_area = area;
+ minp.x = min(minp.x, p.x);
+ maxp.x = max(maxp.x, p.x);
+ minp.y = min(minp.y, p.y);
+ maxp.y = max(maxp.y, p.y);
+ minp.z = min(minp.z, p.z);
- if(i==tracks.begin())
- {
- min_x = max_x = tw.pos.x;
- min_y = max_y = tw.pos.y;
- min_z = tw.pos.z;
- }
- else
- {
- min_x = min(min_x, tw.pos.x);
- max_x = max(max_x, tw.pos.x);
- min_y = min(min_y, tw.pos.y);
- max_y = max(max_y, tw.pos.y);
- min_z = min(min_z, tw.pos.z);
- }
- wrap.push_back(tw);
- center = Point((min_x+max_x)/2, (min_y+max_y)/2, min_z);
- wrap_pos = center;
- wrap_rot = 0;
+ center = Point((minp.x+maxp.x)/2, (minp.y+maxp.y)/2, minp.z);
for(vector<MTrack>::iterator i=tracks.begin(); i!=tracks.end(); ++i)
const Point &tp = i->track->get_position();
i->pos = Point(tp.x-center.x, tp.y-center.y, tp.z-center.z);
- }
- for(list<TrackWrap>::iterator i=wrap.begin(); i!=wrap.end(); ++i)
- {
- i->pos.x -= center.x;
- i->pos.y -= center.y;
- i->pos.z -= center.z;
+ i->rot = i->track->get_rotation();
--- /dev/null
+/* $Id$
+This file is part of the MSP Märklin suite
+Copyright © 2010 Mikkosoft Productions, Mikko Rasa
+Distributed under the GPL
+#include <msp/gl/matrix.h>
+#include <msp/gl/meshbuilder.h>
+#include "3d/tracktype.h"
+#include "designer.h"
+#include "selection.h"
+#include "trackwrap.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace Msp;
+using namespace Marklin;
+TrackWrap::TrackWrap(Designer &d, Selection &s):
+ designer(d),
+ selection(s)
+ selection.signal_changed.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &TrackWrap::selection_changed));
+void TrackWrap::render(const GL::Tag &) const
+ for(list<Wrap>::const_iterator i=wraps.begin(); i!=wraps.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ GL::PushMatrix _pushm;
+ const Point &pos = i->track->get_position();
+ GL::translate(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
+ GL::rotate(i->track->get_rotation()*180/M_PI, 0, 0, 1);
+ i->mesh->draw();
+ }
+void TrackWrap::selection_changed()
+ wraps.clear();
+ const set<Track *> &tracks = selection.get_tracks();
+ for(set<Track *>::iterator i=tracks.begin(); i!=tracks.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ Wrap wrap;
+ wrap.track = *i;
+ wrap.mesh = &get_mesh((*i)->get_type());
+ wraps.push_back(wrap);
+ }
+GL::Mesh &TrackWrap::get_mesh(const TrackType &type)
+ map<const TrackType *, GL::Mesh *>::iterator j = meshes.find(&type);
+ if(j!=meshes.end())
+ return *j->second;
+ const TrackType3D &type3d = designer.get_layout_3d()->get_catalogue().get_track(type);
+ float min_area = -1;
+ float angle;
+ Point center;
+ float width;
+ float height;
+ for(float a=0; a<M_PI; a+=0.01)
+ {
+ Point minp, maxp;
+ type3d.get_bounds(a, minp, maxp);
+ float area = (maxp.x-minp.x)*(maxp.y-minp.y);
+ if(area<min_area || min_area<0)
+ {
+ float c = cos(a);
+ float s = sin(a);
+ float x = (minp.x+maxp.x)/2;
+ float y = (minp.y+maxp.y)/2;
+ center = Point(c*x-s*y, s*x+c*y, minp.z);
+ angle = a;
+ width = maxp.x-minp.x+0.01;
+ height = maxp.y-minp.y+0.01;
+ min_area = area;
+ }
+ }
+ GL::Mesh *mesh = new GL::Mesh((GL::COLOR4_UBYTE, GL::VERTEX2));
+ GL::MeshBuilder bld(*mesh);
+ bld.color(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
+ float c = cos(angle);
+ float s = sin(angle);
+ bld.begin(GL::LINE_LOOP);
+ bld.vertex(center.x-c*width/2+s*height/2, center.y-s*width/2-c*height/2);
+ bld.vertex(center.x+c*width/2+s*height/2, center.y+s*width/2-c*height/2);
+ bld.vertex(center.x+c*width/2-s*height/2, center.y+s*width/2+c*height/2);
+ bld.vertex(center.x-c*width/2-s*height/2, center.y-s*width/2+c*height/2);
+ bld.end();
+ meshes[&type] = mesh;
+ return *mesh;