#include "graphic.h"
#include "part.h"
#include "style.h"
+#include "vslider.h"
using namespace std;
Entry::Entry(const Resources &r, const string &t):
+ Container(r),
- edit_pos(0)
+ edit_pos(0),
+ first_row(0),
+ text_part(0),
+ slider(0)
void Entry::set_multiline(bool m)
multiline = m;
+ if(multiline && !slider)
+ {
+ slider = new VSlider(res);
+ add(*slider);
+ slider->set_step(1);
+ slider->signal_value_changed.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Entry::slider_value_changed));
+ reposition_slider();
+ }
void Entry::key_press(unsigned key, unsigned, wchar_t ch)
+ {
+ check_view_range();
+ }
else if(key==Input::KEY_RIGHT)
+ {
+ check_view_range();
+ }
else if(key==Input::KEY_DOWN && multiline)
unsigned row, col;
text.offset_to_coords(edit_pos, row, col);
edit_pos = text.coords_to_offset(row+1, col);
+ check_view_range();
else if(key==Input::KEY_UP && multiline)
unsigned row, col;
text.offset_to_coords(edit_pos, row, col);
+ {
edit_pos = text.coords_to_offset(row-1, col);
+ check_view_range();
+ }
edit_pos = 0;
else if(key==Input::KEY_BACKSPACE)
+ {
text.erase(--edit_pos, 1);
+ check_view_range();
+ }
else if(key==Input::KEY_ENTER)
+ {
text.insert(edit_pos++, "\n");
+ check_view_range();
+ }
void Entry::render_special(const Part &part) const
- text.render(part, geom);
+ text.render(part, geom, first_row);
else if(part.get_name()=="cursor")
- if(!part.get_graphic(state))
+ if(!text_part || !part.get_graphic(state))
unsigned row, col;
text.offset_to_coords(edit_pos, row, col);
- Geometry rgeom = text.coords_to_geometry(row, col);
- part.get_alignment().apply(rgeom, geom, part.get_margin());
+ if(row<first_row || row>=first_row+visible_rows)
+ return;
+ Geometry rgeom = text.coords_to_geometry(*text_part, geom, first_row, row, col);
GL::translate(rgeom.x, rgeom.y, 0);
part.get_graphic(state)->render(part.get_geometry().w, part.get_geometry().h);
+ else if(part.get_name()=="slider")
+ slider->render();
+void Entry::on_geometry_change()
+ reposition_slider();
void Entry::on_style_change()
+ text_part = 0;
+ for(list<Part>::const_iterator i=style->get_parts().begin(); i!=style->get_parts().end(); ++i)
+ if(i->get_name()=="text")
+ text_part = &*i;
+ reposition_slider();
+void Entry::reposition_slider()
+ if(!slider)
+ return;
+ for(list<Part>::const_iterator i=style->get_parts().begin(); i!=style->get_parts().end(); ++i)
+ if(i->get_name()=="slider")
+ {
+ Geometry sgeom = i->get_geometry();
+ i->get_alignment().apply(sgeom, geom, i->get_margin());
+ slider->set_geometry(sgeom);
+ }
+void Entry::slider_value_changed(double value)
+ if(text.get_n_lines()>visible_rows)
+ first_row = text.get_n_lines()-visible_rows-static_cast<unsigned>(value);
+void Entry::check_view_range()
+ if(!multiline || !text_part)
+ return;
+ const GL::Font *font = style->get_font();
+ float font_size = font->get_default_size();
+ unsigned line_spacing = static_cast<unsigned>(font_size*6/5);
+ const Sides &margin = text_part->get_margin();
+ visible_rows = (geom.h-margin.top-margin.bottom)/line_spacing;
+ unsigned row, col;
+ text.offset_to_coords(edit_pos, row, col);
+ if(first_row>row)
+ first_row = row;
+ else if(row>=first_row+visible_rows)
+ first_row = row+1-visible_rows;
+ if(slider)
+ {
+ unsigned scroll = max(text.get_n_lines(), visible_rows)-visible_rows;
+ slider->set_range(0, scroll);
+ slider->set_value(scroll-first_row);
+ }
+#include "container.h"
#include "text.h"
#include "widget.h"
namespace Msp {
namespace GLtk {
+class VSlider;
Text entry field.
text The current text of the widget. Graphics are ignored.
cursor Indicates the current input position. Fill_x is ignored.
+ slider A vertical slider for multiline entries.
-class Entry: public Widget
+class Entry: virtual public Widget, private Container
class Loader: public Widget::Loader
Text text;
bool multiline;
unsigned edit_pos;
+ unsigned first_row;
+ unsigned visible_rows;
+ const Part *text_part;
+ VSlider *slider;
sigc::signal<void> signal_enter;
virtual const char *get_class() const { return "entry"; }
virtual void render_special(const Part &) const;
+ virtual void on_geometry_change();
virtual void on_style_change();
+ void reposition_slider();
+ void slider_value_changed(double);
+ void check_view_range();
} // namespace GLtk
namespace Msp {
namespace GLtk {
+struct Text::RenderData
+ GL::PrimitiveBuilder *bld;
+struct Text::CoordsToGeomData
+ unsigned row;
+ unsigned col;
+ Geometry result;
{ }
return lines[row].start+min(col, lines[row].length);
-Geometry Text::coords_to_geometry(unsigned row, unsigned col) const
+Geometry Text::coords_to_geometry(const Part &part, const Geometry &parent, unsigned first_row, unsigned row, unsigned col) const
row = lines.size()-1;
col = line.length;
- const GL::Font *font = style->get_font();
- float font_size = font->get_default_size();
- unsigned line_height = static_cast<unsigned>((font->get_ascent()-font->get_descent())*font_size);
- unsigned line_spacing = static_cast<unsigned>(font_size*6/5);
- unsigned height = line_height+(lines.size()-1)*line_spacing;
- int y_offset = static_cast<int>(-font->get_descent()*font_size);
+ CoordsToGeomData data;
+ data.row = row;
+ data.col = col;
- Geometry geom;
- geom.w = line.width;
- geom.h = height;
- geom.x = static_cast<unsigned>(font->get_string_width(text.substr(line.start, col))*font_size);
- geom.y = (lines.size()-1-row)*line_spacing+y_offset;
+ process_lines<CoordsToGeomData, &Text::coords_to_geom_line>(part, parent, first_row, data);
- return geom;
+ return data.result;
-void Text::render(const Part &part, const Geometry &geom) const
+void Text::render(const Part &part, const Geometry &parent, unsigned first_row) const
- const GL::Font *font = style->get_font();
- float font_size = font->get_default_size();
- unsigned line_height = static_cast<unsigned>((font->get_ascent()-font->get_descent())*font_size);
- unsigned line_spacing = static_cast<unsigned>(font_size*6/5);
- unsigned height = line_height+(lines.size()-1)*line_spacing;
- int y_offset = static_cast<int>(-font->get_descent()*font_size);
const GL::Color &color = style->get_font_color();
GL::Immediate imm((GL::COLOR4_UBYTE, GL::TEXCOORD2, GL::VERTEX2));
imm.color(color.r, color.g, color.b);
- for(unsigned i=0; i<lines.size(); ++i)
- {
- const Line &line = lines[i];
- Geometry rgeom;
- rgeom.w = line.width;
- rgeom.h = height;
- rgeom.y = (lines.size()-1-i)*line_spacing+y_offset;
- part.get_alignment().apply(rgeom, geom, part.get_margin());
- GL::push_matrix();
- GL::translate(rgeom.x, rgeom.y, 0);
- GL::scale_uniform(font_size);
- font->draw_string(text.substr(line.start, line.length), imm);
+ RenderData data;
+ data.bld = &imm;
- GL::pop_matrix();
- }
+ process_lines<RenderData, &Text::render_line>(part, parent, first_row, data);
Text &Text::operator=(const string &t)
+template<typename T, void (Text::*func)(unsigned, const Geometry &, T &) const>
+void Text::process_lines(const Part &part, const Geometry &parent, unsigned first_row, T &data) const
+ const GL::Font *font = style->get_font();
+ float font_size = font->get_default_size();
+ unsigned line_height = static_cast<unsigned>((font->get_ascent()-font->get_descent())*font_size);
+ unsigned line_spacing = static_cast<unsigned>(font_size*6/5);
+ unsigned height = line_height+(lines.size()-1)*line_spacing;
+ int y_offset = static_cast<int>(-font->get_descent()*font_size);
+ const Sides &margin = part.get_margin();
+ unsigned n_lines = min(lines.size(), (parent.h-margin.top-margin.bottom)/line_spacing);
+ first_row = min(first_row, lines.size()-n_lines);
+ for(unsigned i=0; i<n_lines; ++i)
+ {
+ const Line &line = lines[first_row+i];
+ Geometry rgeom;
+ rgeom.w = line.width;
+ rgeom.h = height;
+ rgeom.y = (n_lines-1-i)*line_spacing+y_offset;
+ part.get_alignment().apply(rgeom, parent, part.get_margin());
+ (this->*func)(first_row+i, rgeom, data);
+ }
+void Text::render_line(unsigned i, const Geometry &rgeom, RenderData &data) const
+ const Line &line = lines[i];
+ const GL::Font *font = style->get_font();
+ GL::PushMatrix _pushm;
+ GL::translate(rgeom.x, rgeom.y, 0);
+ GL::scale_uniform(font->get_default_size());
+ font->draw_string(text.substr(line.start, line.length), *data.bld);
+void Text::coords_to_geom_line(unsigned i, const Geometry &rgeom, CoordsToGeomData &data) const
+ if(i==data.row)
+ {
+ const Line &line = lines[i];
+ const GL::Font *font = style->get_font();
+ data.result = rgeom;
+ data.result.x += static_cast<unsigned>(font->get_string_width(text.substr(line.start, data.col))*font->get_default_size());
+ }
} // namespace GLtk
} // namespace Msp
unsigned width;
+ struct RenderData;
+ struct CoordsToGeomData;
const Style *style;
std::string text;
std::vector<Line> lines;
unsigned get_line_length(unsigned) const;
void offset_to_coords(unsigned, unsigned &, unsigned &) const;
unsigned coords_to_offset(unsigned, unsigned) const;
- Geometry coords_to_geometry(unsigned, unsigned) const;
+ Geometry coords_to_geometry(const Part &, const Geometry &, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned) const;
- void render(const Part &, const Geometry &) const;
+ void render(const Part &, const Geometry &, unsigned = 0) const;
Text &operator=(const std::string &);
void find_lines();
+ template<typename T, void (Text::*)(unsigned, const Geometry &, T &) const>
+ void process_lines(const Part &, const Geometry &, unsigned, T &) const;
+ void render_line(unsigned, const Geometry &, RenderData &) const;
+ void coords_to_geom_line(unsigned, const Geometry &, CoordsToGeomData &) const;
} // namespace GLtk