var.name = "gl_FragColor";
var.declaration = 0;
- r_type = "vec4";
- else if(var.declaration)
- r_type = var.declaration->type;
- else
- r_type.clear();
void LegacyConverter::visit(Assignment &assign)
void LegacyConverter::visit(FunctionCall &call)
- if(call.name=="texture")
+ if(call.declaration && call.declaration->source==BUILTIN_SOURCE)
- string sampler_type;
- r_type.clear();
- NodeArray<Expression>::iterator i = call.arguments.begin();
- if(i!=call.arguments.end())
+ if(!call.name.compare(0, 7, "texture") && call.arguments.size()>=1)
- (*i)->visit(*this);
- sampler_type = r_type;
- for(; i!=call.arguments.end(); ++i)
- (*i)->visit(*this);
- }
- if(!supports_unified_sampling_functions())
- {
- if(sampler_type=="sampler1D")
- call.name = "texture1D";
- else if(sampler_type=="sampler2D")
- call.name = "texture2D";
- else if(sampler_type=="sampler3D")
- call.name = "texture3D";
- else if(sampler_type=="samplerCube")
- call.name = "textureCube";
- else if(sampler_type=="sampler1DShadow")
- call.name = "shadow1D";
- else if(sampler_type=="sampler2DShadow")
- call.name = "shadow2D";
- else if(sampler_type=="sampler1DArray")
- {
- check_extension(&Features::ext_texture_array);
- call.name = "texture1DArray";
- }
- else if(sampler_type=="sampler2DArray")
+ const ImageTypeDeclaration *arg_image = dynamic_cast<const ImageTypeDeclaration *>(call.arguments.front()->type);
+ if(arg_image && !supports_unified_sampling_functions())
- check_extension(&Features::ext_texture_array);
- call.name = "texture2DArray";
- }
- else if(sampler_type=="sampler1DArrayShadow")
- {
- check_extension(&Features::ext_texture_array);
- call.name = "shadow1DArray";
- }
- else if(sampler_type=="sampler2DArrayShadow")
- {
- check_extension(&Features::ext_texture_array);
- call.name = "shadow2DArray";
+ string suffix = call.name.substr(7);
+ call.name = (arg_image->shadow ? "shadow" : "texture");
+ switch(arg_image->dimensions)
+ {
+ case ImageTypeDeclaration::ONE: call.name += "1D"; break;
+ case ImageTypeDeclaration::TWO: call.name += "2D"; break;
+ case ImageTypeDeclaration::THREE: call.name += "3D"; break;
+ case ImageTypeDeclaration::CUBE: call.name += "Cube"; break;
+ }
+ if(arg_image->array)
+ {
+ /* Array textures and the unified sampling function name were
+ both introduced in GLSL 1.30. */
+ if(arg_image->dimensions==ImageTypeDeclaration::ONE || arg_image->dimensions==ImageTypeDeclaration::TWO)
+ check_extension(&Features::ext_texture_array);
+ call.name += "Array";
+ }
+ call.name += suffix;
- else
- TraversingVisitor::visit(call);
+ TraversingVisitor::visit(call);
bool LegacyConverter::supports_interface_layouts() const