--- /dev/null
+/* $Id$
+This file is part of the MSP Märklin suite
+Copyright © 2010 Mikkosoft Productions, Mikko Rasa
+Distributed under the GPL
+#include <cmath>
+#include <msp/strings/formatter.h>
+#include "libmarklin/catalogue.h"
+#include "libmarklin/track.h"
+#include "libmarklin/tracktype.h"
+#include "svgexporter.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace Msp;
+using namespace Marklin;
+SvgExporter::SvgExporter(const Layout &l):
+ layout(l),
+ gauge(0),
+ rail_width(0)
+{ }
+void SvgExporter::save(const string &fn)
+ gauge = layout.get_catalogue().get_gauge()*1000;
+ const Profile &rail_profile = layout.get_catalogue().get_rail_profile();
+ const Point &rail_min = rail_profile.get_min_coords();
+ const Point &rail_max = rail_profile.get_max_coords();
+ rail_width = (rail_max.x-rail_min.x)*1000;
+ xmlpp::Document *doc = new xmlpp::Document;
+ xmlpp::Element *root = doc->create_root_node("svg", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg");
+ xmlpp::Element *style = root->add_child("style");
+ style->set_attribute("type", "text/css");
+ style->set_child_text(format("\n.rail { fill: none; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: %.3f; }\n"
+ ".endpoint { fill: none; stroke: #808080; stroke-width: %.3f; }\n"
+ ".artnr { text-anchor: middle; font-size: %.3f; }\n",
+ rail_width, rail_width, gauge*0.75));
+ Point minp;
+ Point maxp;
+ const set<Track *> &tracks = layout.get_tracks();
+ for(set<Track *>::const_iterator i=tracks.begin(); i!=tracks.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ xmlpp::Element *elem = root->add_child("g");
+ save_track(**i, *elem);
+ unsigned n_endpoints = (*i)->get_type().get_endpoints().size();
+ for(unsigned j=0; j<n_endpoints; ++j)
+ {
+ Point pos = (*i)->get_endpoint_position(j);
+ if(i==tracks.begin() && j==0)
+ minp = maxp = pos;
+ else
+ {
+ minp.x = min(minp.x, pos.x);
+ minp.y = min(minp.y, pos.y);
+ maxp.x = max(maxp.x, pos.x);
+ maxp.y = max(maxp.y, pos.y);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ root->set_attribute("viewBox", format("%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f",
+ minp.x*1000-gauge*3, -maxp.y*1000-gauge*3, (maxp.x-minp.x)*1000+gauge*6, (maxp.y-minp.y)*1000+gauge*6));
+ doc->write_to_file_formatted(fn);
+void SvgExporter::save_track(const Track &track, xmlpp::Element &group)
+ const Point &pos = track.get_position();
+ float rot = track.get_rotation();
+ string transform = format("translate(%.3f %.3f) rotate(%.3f)", pos.x*1000, -pos.y*1000, -rot*180/M_PI);
+ group.set_attribute("transform", transform);
+ const TrackType &type = track.get_type();
+ const vector<TrackType::Endpoint> &endpoints = type.get_endpoints();
+ for(vector<TrackType::Endpoint>::const_iterator i=endpoints.begin(); i!=endpoints.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ xmlpp::Element *elem = group.add_child("path");
+ elem->set_attribute("class", "endpoint");
+ float dx = -sin(i->dir)*gauge;
+ float dy = -cos(i->dir)*gauge;
+ string data = format("M %.3f %.3f L %.3f %.3f",
+ i->pos.x*1000+dx, -i->pos.y*1000+dy,
+ i->pos.x*1000-dx, -i->pos.y*1000-dy);
+ elem->set_attribute("d", data);
+ }
+ const vector<TrackPart> &parts = type.get_parts();
+ for(vector<TrackPart>::const_iterator i=parts.begin(); i!=parts.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ TrackPoint start = i->get_point(0);
+ TrackPoint end = i->get_point(i->get_length());
+ if(i->is_curved())
+ {
+ xmlpp::Element *elem = group.add_child("path");
+ elem->set_attribute("class", "rail");
+ float cs = cos(start.dir);
+ float ss = sin(start.dir);
+ float ce = cos(end.dir);
+ float se = sin(end.dir);
+ float dx1 = -ss*(gauge+rail_width)*0.5;
+ float dy1 = -cs*(gauge+rail_width)*0.5;
+ float dx2 = -se*(gauge+rail_width)*0.5;
+ float dy2 = -ce*(gauge+rail_width)*0.5;
+ // Largely an educated guess, but seems to be accurate enough
+ float clen = i->get_length()*1000/2.9;
+ string data = format("M %.3f %.3f C %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f")
+ (start.pos.x*1000+dx1)(-start.pos.y*1000+dy1)
+ (start.pos.x*1000+dx1+cs*clen)(-start.pos.y*1000+dy1-ss*clen)
+ (end.pos.x*1000+dx2-ce*clen)(-end.pos.y*1000+dy2+se*clen)
+ (end.pos.x*1000+dx2)(-end.pos.y*1000+dy2).str();
+ data += format(" M %.3f %.3f C %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f")
+ (start.pos.x*1000-dx1)(-start.pos.y*1000-dy1)
+ (start.pos.x*1000-dx1+cs*clen)(-start.pos.y*1000-dy1-ss*clen)
+ (end.pos.x*1000-dx2-ce*clen)(-end.pos.y*1000-dy2+se*clen)
+ (end.pos.x*1000-dx2)(-end.pos.y*1000-dy2).str();
+ elem->set_attribute("d", data);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xmlpp::Element *elem = group.add_child("path");
+ elem->set_attribute("class", "rail");
+ float dx = -sin(start.dir)*(gauge+rail_width)*0.5;
+ float dy = -cos(start.dir)*(gauge+rail_width)*0.5;
+ string data = format("M %.3f %.3f L %.3f %.3f",
+ start.pos.x*1000+dx, -start.pos.y*1000+dy,
+ end.pos.x*1000+dx, -end.pos.y*1000+dy);
+ data += format(" M %.3f %.3f L %.3f %.3f",
+ start.pos.x*1000-dx, -start.pos.y*1000-dy,
+ end.pos.x*1000-dx, -end.pos.y*1000-dy);
+ elem->set_attribute("d", data);
+ }
+ }
+ TrackPoint label_pt = parts.front().get_point(parts.front().get_length()/2);
+ while(rot+label_pt.dir>M_PI/2)
+ label_pt.dir -= M_PI;
+ while(rot+label_pt.dir<-M_PI/2)
+ label_pt.dir += M_PI;
+ label_pt.pos.x = label_pt.pos.x*1000+sin(label_pt.dir)*gauge*0.25;
+ label_pt.pos.y = label_pt.pos.y*1000-cos(label_pt.dir)*gauge*0.25;
+ xmlpp::Element *elem = group.add_child("text");
+ elem->set_attribute("class", "artnr");
+ elem->set_attribute("transform", format("translate(%.3f %.3f) rotate(%.3f)",
+ label_pt.pos.x, -label_pt.pos.y, -label_pt.dir*180/M_PI));
+ elem->set_child_text(track.get_type().get_article_number().str());