Collections also support a notion of "future objects". These are objects which
are known to be possible to load, but loading them is deferred to the first
time they are requested.
+Other classes are available to provide refined ways of loading objects from
+files. See DirectoryCollection and PackCollection.
class Collection
--- /dev/null
+#include <msp/strings/format.h>
+#include "packcollection.h"
+using namespace std;
+namespace Msp {
+namespace DataFile {
+void PackCollection::add_pack_file(const string &fn)
+ packs.push_back(Pack(fn));
+ Pack &pack = packs.back();
+ load(pack, fn);
+ ObjectMap pack_objs;
+ pack.collect_objects(pack_objs);
+ for(ObjectMap::const_iterator i=pack_objs.begin(); i!=pack_objs.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(i->second->get_keyword().empty())
+ add_future(i->first);
+ else
+ add_future_with_keyword(i->first, i->second->get_keyword());
+ }
+ objects.insert(pack_objs.begin(), pack_objs.end());
+PackCollection::Pack::Pack(const string &fn):
+ filename(fn),
+ base_offset(0)
+{ }
+void PackCollection::Pack::collect_objects(ObjectMap &objs) const
+ for(list<File>::const_iterator i=files.begin(); i!=files.end(); ++i)
+ i->collect_objects(objs);
+PackCollection::File::File(const Pack &p, const string &fn):
+ pack(p),
+ filename(fn),
+ offset(0),
+ length(0),
+ collection(false),
+ loaded(false)
+{ }
+RefPtr<IO::Base> PackCollection::File::open() const
+ RefPtr<IO::BufferedFile> io_file = new IO::BufferedFile(pack.get_filename());
+ io_file->seek(pack.get_base_offset()+offset, IO::S_BEG);
+ return io_file;
+string PackCollection::File::get_full_name() const
+ return format("%s/%s", pack.get_filename(), filename);
+void PackCollection::File::set_loaded()
+ loaded = true;
+void PackCollection::File::collect_objects(ObjectMap &objs) const
+ for(list<Object>::const_iterator i=objects.begin(); i!=objects.end(); ++i)
+ objs[i->get_name()] = &*i;
+PackCollection::Object::Object(File &f, const string &n, const string &k):
+ file(f),
+ name(n),
+ keyword(k)
+{ }
+PackCollection::Pack::Loader::Loader(Pack &p):
+ ObjectLoader<Pack>(p)
+ add("file", &Loader::file);
+ add("base_offset", &Pack::base_offset);
+void PackCollection::Pack::Loader::file(const string &fn)
+ obj.files.push_back(File(obj, fn));
+ load_sub(obj.files.back());
+PackCollection::File::Loader::Loader(File &f):
+ ObjectLoader<File>(f)
+ add("object", &Loader::object);
+ add("slice", &File::offset, &File::length);
+void PackCollection::File::Loader::finish()
+ if(!obj.collection)
+ {
+ PackCollection::Object ob(obj, obj.filename, string());
+ obj.objects.push_back(ob);
+ }
+void PackCollection::File::Loader::object(const string &name, const string &kwd)
+ obj.objects.push_back(PackCollection::Object(obj, name, kwd));
+ obj.collection = true;
+} // namespace DataFile
+} // namespace Msp
--- /dev/null
+#include "collection.h"
+#include "objectloader.h"
+namespace Msp {
+namespace DataFile {
+A collection class that loads data from pack files. As opposed to plain
+collection files, pack files are composed from a number of logical files. They
+also contain a directory with a list of objects contained in the pack and which
+logical files they are in. This allows the pack to be loaded in a piecewise
+manner instead of all at once.
+It's possible for a pack file to contain plain collection files as well. When
+an object from such a file is requested, the entire sub-collection it is stored
+in is loaded.
+class PackCollection: public Collection
+ class File;
+ struct Object;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, const Object *> ObjectMap;
+ class Pack
+ {
+ public:
+ class Loader: public ObjectLoader<Pack>
+ {
+ public:
+ Loader(Pack &);
+ private:
+ void file(const std::string &);
+ };
+ private:
+ std::string filename;
+ unsigned base_offset;
+ std::list<File> files;
+ public:
+ Pack(const std::string &);
+ const std::string &get_filename() const { return filename; }
+ unsigned get_base_offset() const { return base_offset; }
+ void collect_objects(ObjectMap &) const;
+ };
+ class File
+ {
+ public:
+ class Loader: public ObjectLoader<File>
+ {
+ public:
+ Loader(File &);
+ private:
+ virtual void finish();
+ void object(const std::string &, const std::string &);
+ };
+ private:
+ const Pack &pack;
+ std::string filename;
+ unsigned offset;
+ unsigned length;
+ bool collection;
+ std::list<Object> objects;
+ bool loaded;
+ public:
+ File(const Pack &, const std::string &);
+ RefPtr<IO::Base> open() const;
+ const std::string &get_filename() const { return filename; }
+ std::string get_full_name() const;
+ bool is_collection() const { return collection; }
+ void set_loaded();
+ bool is_loaded() const { return loaded; }
+ void collect_objects(ObjectMap &) const;
+ };
+ class Object
+ {
+ private:
+ File &file;
+ std::string name;
+ std::string keyword;
+ public:
+ Object(File &, const std::string &, const std::string &);
+ File &get_file() const { return file; }
+ const std::string &get_name() const { return name; }
+ const std::string &get_keyword() const { return keyword; }
+ };
+ std::list<Pack> packs;
+ ObjectMap objects;
+ /** Adds a pack file to the collection. The directory is read immediately,
+ and packed objects are loaded as they are needed. */
+ void add_pack_file(const std::string &);
+ template<typename T>
+ CollectionItemType<T> &add_type()
+ {
+ return Collection::add_type<T>().creator(&PackCollection::create<T>);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ T *create(const std::string &name)
+ {
+ ObjectMap::iterator i = objects.find(name);
+ if(i==objects.end())
+ return 0;
+ File &file = i->second->get_file();
+ if(file.is_loaded())
+ return 0;
+ file.set_loaded();
+ RefPtr<IO::Base> in =;
+ Parser parser(*in, file.get_full_name());
+ if(file.is_collection())
+ {
+ Loader ldr(*this);
+ ldr.load(parser);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RefPtr<T> item = new T;
+ ItemLoader<T> ldr(*item, *this);
+ ldr.load(parser);
+ return item.release();
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace DataFile
+} // namespace Msp
--- /dev/null
+#include <msp/datafile/parser.h>
+#include <msp/datafile/statement.h>
+#include <msp/datafile/writer.h>
+#include <msp/fs/utils.h>
+#include <msp/io/memory.h>
+#include <msp/strings/format.h>
+#include "packer.h"
+#include "tool.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace Msp;
+Packer::Packer(DataTool &t):
+ tool(t),
+ tmp_file(tempfile()),
+ tmp_buf(new IO::Buffered(*tmp_file)),
+ dir_alloc(0)
+{ }
+IO::File *Packer::tempfile()
+ for(unsigned i=0;; ++i)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ std::string filename = format("/tmp/mspdatatool.%d", i);
+ /*filename.reserve(25);
+ filename.append("/tmp/mspdatatool.");
+ for(unsigned i=0; i<8; ++i)
+ filename.append(rand());*/
+ IO::File *file = new IO::File(filename, IO::M_RDWR, IO::File::C_NEW);
+ FS::unlink(filename);
+ return file;
+ }
+ catch(const IO::file_already_exists &)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ delete tmp_buf;
+ delete tmp_file;
+void Packer::pack_file(const string &fn)
+ if(!tmp_file)
+ throw logic_error("Packer::pack_file");
+ unsigned offset = tmp_file->tell();
+ IO::BufferedFile in(fn);
+ DataFile::Parser parser(in, fn);
+ DataFile::Writer *writer = tool.create_writer(*tmp_buf);
+ bool collection = FS::extpart(fn)==".mdc";
+ std::list<Object> objects;
+ while(parser)
+ {
+ DataFile::Statement st = parser.parse(true);
+ if(st.valid)
+ {
+ bool sys = !, 2, "__");
+ if(collection && !sys)
+ {
+ if(st.get_signature()=="s")
+ {
+ Object obj;
+ = st.args[0].get<string>();
+ obj.keyword = st.keyword;
+ objects.push_back(obj);
+ }
+ else
+ collection = false;
+ }
+ if(!sys || st.keyword=="__src")
+ writer->write(st);
+ }
+ }
+ writer->write(DataFile::Statement("__end"));
+ delete writer;
+ tmp_buf->flush();
+ unsigned length = tmp_file->tell()-offset;
+ DataFile::Statement st("file");
+ st.append(FS::basename(fn));
+ st.sub.push_back((DataFile::Statement("slice"), offset, length));
+ if(collection)
+ {
+ for(list<Object>::const_iterator i=objects.begin(); i!=objects.end(); ++i)
+ st.sub.push_back((DataFile::Statement("object"), i->name, i->keyword));
+ dir_alloc += objects.size()*100;
+ }
+ directory.push_back(st);
+ dir_alloc += 100;
+void Packer::create_pack(const string &fn)
+ vector<char> dir_buffer(dir_alloc);
+ IO::Memory mem(&dir_buffer[0], dir_buffer.size(), IO::M_WRITE);
+ unsigned base_offset = 0;
+ while(1)
+ {
+, IO::S_BEG);
+ DataFile::Writer *writer = tool.create_writer(mem);
+ for(list<DataFile::Statement>::const_iterator i=directory.begin(); i!=directory.end(); ++i)
+ writer->write(*i);
+ if(base_offset==0)
+ base_offset = mem.tell();
+ writer->write((DataFile::Statement("base_offset"), base_offset));
+ writer->write(DataFile::Statement("__end"));
+ delete writer;
+ unsigned dir_size = mem.tell();
+ if(dir_size<=base_offset)
+ break;
+ base_offset = dir_size;
+ }
+ IO::File out(fn, IO::M_WRITE);
+ out.write(&dir_buffer[0], base_offset);
+ tmp_file->seek(0, IO::S_BEG);
+ while(!tmp_file->eof())
+ {
+ char buf[16384];
+ unsigned len = tmp_file->read(buf, sizeof(buf));
+ if(!len)
+ break;
+ out.write(buf, len);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef PACKER_H_
+#define PACKER_H_
+#include <string>
+#include <msp/datafile/statement.h>
+#include <msp/io/buffered.h>
+#include <msp/io/file.h>
+class DataTool;
+class Packer
+ struct Object
+ {
+ std::string name;
+ std::string keyword;
+ };
+ DataTool &tool;
+ Msp::IO::File *tmp_file;
+ Msp::IO::Buffered *tmp_buf;
+ std::list<Msp::DataFile::Statement> directory;
+ unsigned dir_alloc;
+ Packer(DataTool &);
+ static Msp::IO::File *tempfile();
+ ~Packer();
+ void pack_file(const std::string &);
+ void create_pack(const std::string &);
#include <msp/datafile/parser.h>
#include <msp/datafile/statement.h>
#include "compiler.h"
+#include "packer.h"
#include "tool.h"
using namespace std;
+ pack(false),
GetOpt getopt;
getopt.add_option('f', "float-size", float_size, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG);
getopt.add_option('g', "debug", debug, GetOpt::NO_ARG);
getopt.add_option('o', "output", out_fn, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG);
+ getopt.add_option('p', "pack", pack, GetOpt::NO_ARG);
getopt.add_option('z', "compress", compress, GetOpt::NO_ARG);
getopt(argc, argv);
in_fns = getopt.get_args();
+ if(pack && out_fn=="-")
+ throw usage_error("Can't write pack to stdout");
int DataTool::main()
- if(compile)
+ if(pack)
+ do_pack();
+ else if(compile)
delete out;
+void DataTool::do_pack()
+ Packer packer(*this);
+ for(vector<string>::const_iterator i=in_fns.begin(); i!=in_fns.end(); ++i)
+ packer.pack_file(*i);
+ packer.create_pack(out_fn);
IO::Base *DataTool::open_output(const string &fn)
bool compile;
unsigned float_size;
bool compress;
+ bool pack;
bool debug;
void do_transfer();
void do_compile();
+ void do_pack();
Msp::IO::Base *open_output(const std::string &);
Msp::IO::Base *open_input(const std::string &);