--- /dev/null
+#include <stack>
+#include <msp/core/error.h>
+#include "formatter.h"
+#include "regex.h"
+using namespace std;
+#include <iostream>
+namespace {
+Writes an integer to a Regex code string, in little-endian order.
+template<typename T>
+void write_int(T n, Msp::Regex::Code &code)
+ for(unsigned i=0; i<sizeof(T); ++i)
+ code+=(n>>i*8)&0xFF;
+Reads an integer from a Regex code stream, in little-endian order.
+template<typename T>
+T read_int(Msp::Regex::Code::const_iterator &c)
+ T result=0;
+ for(unsigned i=0; i<sizeof(T); ++i)
+ result+=static_cast<unsigned char>(*c++)<<i*8;
+ return result;
+namespace Msp {
+Regex::Regex(const string &expr)
+ n_groups=0;
+ string::const_iterator iter=expr.begin();
+ code=compile(expr, iter, n_groups, false);
+ ++n_groups;
+RegMatch Regex::match(const string &str) const
+ RegMatch::GroupArray groups(n_groups);
+ for(string::const_iterator i=str.begin(); i!=str.end(); ++i)
+ if(run(str, i, groups))
+ return RegMatch(str, groups);
+ return RegMatch();
+string Regex::disassemble() const
+ ostringstream ss;
+ for(Code::const_iterator i=code.begin(); i!=code.end();)
+ {
+ Code::const_iterator j=i;
+ Offset offset=i-code.begin();
+ string decompiled=disassemble_instruction(i);
+ string bytes;
+ for(; j!=i; ++j)
+ bytes+=format(" %02X", static_cast<int>(*j)&0xFF);
+ ss<<Fmt("%3d")<<offset<<':'<<Fmt("%-9s")<<bytes;
+ if(bytes.size()>9)
+ ss<<"\n"<<Fmt("%15s");
+ ss<<" "<<decompiled<<'\n';
+ }
+ return ss.str();
+Regex::Code Regex::compile(const string &expr, string::const_iterator &iter, unsigned &group, bool branch)
+ bool has_branches=false;
+ unsigned level=0;
+ bool escape=false;
+ string::const_iterator end;
+ for(end=iter; end!=expr.end(); ++end)
+ {
+ if(escape)
+ escape=false;
+ else if(*end=='\\')
+ escape=true;
+ else if(*end=='(')
+ ++level;
+ else if(*end==')')
+ {
+ if(level==0)
+ {
+ if(group==0)
+ throw InvalidParameterValue("Unexpected )");
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ --level;
+ }
+ else if(*end=='|')
+ {
+ if(branch)
+ break;
+ else if(level==0)
+ has_branches=true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(level>0)
+ throw InvalidParameterValue("Unmatched (");
+ Code result;
+ unsigned this_group=group;
+ if(!branch)
+ {
+ result+=GROUP_BEGIN;
+ write_int<Index>(this_group, result);
+ }
+ const unsigned jump_size=1+sizeof(Offset);
+ if(!has_branches)
+ {
+ for(string::const_iterator i=iter; i!=end;)
+ {
+ Code atom=parse_atom(expr, i, group);
+ Count repeat_min=1;
+ Count repeat_max=1;
+ parse_repeat(i, repeat_min, repeat_max);
+ for(unsigned j=0; j<repeat_min; ++j)
+ result+=atom;
+ if(repeat_max==numeric_limits<Count>::max())
+ {
+ if(repeat_min==0)
+ {
+ result+=ND_JUMP;
+ write_int<Offset>(atom.size()+jump_size, result);
+ result+=atom;
+ }
+ result+=ND_JUMP;
+ write_int<Offset>(-(atom.size()+jump_size), result);
+ }
+ else if(repeat_max>repeat_min)
+ {
+ for(unsigned j=repeat_min; j<repeat_max; ++j)
+ {
+ result+=ND_JUMP;
+ write_int<Offset>((repeat_max-j)*(atom.size()+jump_size)-jump_size, result);
+ result+=atom;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ list<Code> branches;
+ for(string::const_iterator i=iter;;)
+ {
+ branches.push_back(compile(expr, i, group, true));
+ if(i==end)
+ break;
+ ++i;
+ }
+ unsigned n_branches=branches.size();
+ Offset offset=(n_branches-1)*jump_size+branches.front().size();
+ for(list<Code>::iterator i=++branches.begin(); i!=branches.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ result+=ND_JUMP;
+ write_int<Offset>(offset, result);
+ offset+=i->size();
+ }
+ for(list<Code>::iterator i=branches.begin(); i!=branches.end();)
+ {
+ result+=*i;
+ offset-=i->size()+jump_size;
+ ++i;
+ if(i!=branches.end())
+ {
+ result+=JUMP;
+ write_int<Offset>(offset, result);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!branch)
+ {
+ result+=GROUP_END;
+ write_int<Index>(this_group, result);
+ }
+ iter=end;
+ return result;
+Regex::Code Regex::parse_atom(const string &expr, string::const_iterator &i, unsigned &group)
+ Code result;
+ if(i==expr.end())
+ return result;
+ bool flag=false;
+ if(*i=='\\')
+ {
+ if(++i==expr.end())
+ throw InvalidParameterValue("Stray backslash");
+ flag=true;
+ }
+ if(!flag)
+ {
+ if(*i=='*' || *i=='{' || *i=='}' || *i=='+' || *i=='?' || *i=='|' || *i==')')
+ throw InvalidParameterValue("Invalid atom");
+ else if(*i=='[')
+ return parse_brackets(expr, i);
+ else if(*i=='.')
+ result+=MATCH_ANY;
+ else if(*i=='^')
+ result+=MATCH_BEGIN;
+ else if(*i=='$')
+ result+=MATCH_END;
+ else if(*i=='(')
+ {
+ ++group;
+ result=compile(expr, ++i, group, false);
+ }
+ else
+ flag=true;
+ }
+ if(flag)
+ {
+ if(static_cast<unsigned char>(*i)<=LAST_INSTRUCTION_)
+ result+=MATCH_CHAR;
+ result+=*i;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ return result;
+bool Regex::parse_repeat(string::const_iterator &i, Count &rmin, Count &rmax)
+ if(*i!='*' && *i!='+' && *i!='?' && *i!='{')
+ return false;
+ if(*i=='*' || *i=='+')
+ rmax=numeric_limits<Count>::max();
+ if(*i=='*' || *i=='?')
+ rmin=0;
+ if(*i=='{')
+ {
+ rmin=0;
+ for(++i; isdigit(*i); ++i)
+ rmin=rmin*10+(*i-'0');
+ if(*i==',')
+ {
+ ++i;
+ if(*i!='}')
+ {
+ rmax=0;
+ for(; isdigit(*i); ++i)
+ rmax=rmax*10+(*i-'0');
+ if(rmax<rmin)
+ throw InvalidParameterValue("Invalid bound");
+ }
+ else
+ rmax=numeric_limits<Count>::max();
+ }
+ else
+ rmax=rmin;
+ if(*i!='}')
+ throw InvalidParameterValue("Invalid bound");
+ }
+ ++i;
+ return true;
+Regex::Code Regex::parse_brackets(const string &str, string::const_iterator &iter)
+ Code result;
+ ++iter;
+ bool neg=false;
+ if(*iter=='^')
+ {
+ neg=true;
+ ++iter;
+ }
+ string::const_iterator end=iter;
+ for(; (end!=str.end() && *end!=']'); ++end);
+ if(end==str.end())
+ throw InvalidParameterValue("Unmatched '['");
+ uint8_t mask[32]={0};
+ unsigned type=0;
+ bool range=false;
+ unsigned char first, last;
+ for(string::const_iterator i=iter; i!=end; ++i)
+ {
+ unsigned char c=*i;
+ if(range)
+ {
+ last=c;
+ for(unsigned j=first; j<=c; ++j)
+ mask[j>>3]|=1<<(j&7);
+ range=false;
+ if(type<2)
+ type=2;
+ }
+ else if(c=='-' && i!=iter && end-i>1)
+ range=true;
+ else
+ {
+ first=c;
+ mask[c>>3]|=1<<(c&7);
+ if(type==0)
+ type=1;
+ else
+ type=3;
+ }
+ }
+ if(neg)
+ result+=NEGATE;
+ if(type==1)
+ {
+ result+=MATCH_CHAR;
+ result+=first;
+ }
+ else if(type==2)
+ {
+ result+=MATCH_RANGE;
+ result+=first;
+ result+=last;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result+=MATCH_MASK;
+ result.append(reinterpret_cast<char *>(mask), 32);
+ }
+ iter=end;
+ ++iter;
+ return result;
+bool Regex::run(const string &str, const string::const_iterator &begin, RegMatch::GroupArray &groups) const
+ bool result=false;
+ list<RunContext> ctx;
+ ctx.push_back(RunContext());
+ ctx.front().citer=code.begin();
+ ctx.front().groups.resize(groups.size());
+ for(string::const_iterator i=begin;;)
+ {
+ int c;
+ if(i!=str.end())
+ c=static_cast<unsigned char>(*i);
+ else
+ c=-1;
+ for(list<RunContext>::iterator j=ctx.begin(); j!=ctx.end();)
+ {
+ bool terminate=false;
+ bool negate_match=false;
+ for(; j->citer!=code.end();)
+ {
+ Instruction instr=static_cast<Instruction>(*j->citer);
+ instr=MATCH_CHAR;
+ else
+ ++j->citer;
+ if(instr==NEGATE)
+ negate_match=true;
+ else if(instr==JUMP)
+ {
+ Offset offset=read_int<Offset>(j->citer);
+ j->citer+=offset;
+ }
+ else if(instr==ND_JUMP)
+ {
+ Offset offset=read_int<Offset>(j->citer);
+ ctx.push_back(*j);
+ ctx.back().citer+=offset;
+ }
+ else if(instr==GROUP_BEGIN)
+ {
+ Index n=read_int<Index>(j->citer);
+ if(!j->groups[n].match)
+ j->groups[n].begin=i-str.begin();
+ }
+ else if(instr==GROUP_END)
+ {
+ Index n=read_int<Index>(j->citer);
+ if(!j->groups[n].match)
+ {
+ j->groups[n].match=true;
+ j->groups[n].end=i-str.begin();
+ j->groups[n].length=j->groups[n].end-j->groups[n].begin;
+ }
+ if(n==0)
+ {
+ result=true;
+ bool better=false;
+ for(unsigned k=0; (k<groups.size() && !better); ++k)
+ {
+ better=group_compare(j->groups[k], groups[k]);
+ if(group_compare(groups[k], j->groups[k]))
+ break;
+ }
+ if(better)
+ groups=j->groups;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bool match_result=false;
+ bool input_consumed=false;
+ if(instr==MATCH_BEGIN)
+ match_result=(i==str.begin());
+ else if(instr==MATCH_END)
+ match_result=(i==str.end());
+ else if(instr==MATCH_CHAR)
+ {
+ match_result=(c==*j->citer++);
+ input_consumed=true;
+ }
+ else if(instr==MATCH_RANGE)
+ {
+ unsigned char first=*j->citer++;
+ unsigned char last=*j->citer++;
+ match_result=(c>=first && c<=last);
+ input_consumed=true;
+ }
+ else if(instr==MATCH_MASK)
+ {
+ uint8_t mask[32];
+ for(unsigned k=0; k<32; ++k)
+ mask[k]=*j->citer++;
+ match_result=mask[c>>3]&(1<<(c&7));
+ input_consumed=true;
+ }
+ else if(instr==MATCH_ANY)
+ {
+ match_result=true;
+ input_consumed=true;
+ }
+ else
+ throw Exception("Invalid instruction");
+ if(match_result==negate_match)
+ terminate=true;
+ negate_match=false;
+ if(input_consumed || terminate)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(terminate || j->citer==code.end())
+ j=ctx.erase(j);
+ else
+ ++j;
+ }
+ if(i==str.end() || ctx.empty())
+ break;
+ ++i;
+ }
+ return result;
+bool Regex::group_compare(const RegMatch::Group &g1, const RegMatch::Group &g2) const
+ if(!g1.match)
+ return false;
+ // Any match is better than no match
+ if(!g2.match)
+ return true;
+ // Earlier match is better
+ if(g1.begin<g2.begin)
+ return true;
+ if(g2.begin>g2.begin)
+ return false;
+ // Longer match at same position is better
+ return g1.end>g2.end;
+string Regex::disassemble_instruction(Code::const_iterator &i) const
+ Instruction instr=static_cast<Instruction>(*i);
+ if(instr>=LAST_INSTRUCTION_)
+ instr=MATCH_CHAR;
+ else
+ ++i;
+ ostringstream result;
+ switch(instr)
+ {
+ case JUMP:
+ {
+ Offset offset=read_int<Offset>(i);
+ result<<"JUMP "<<Fmt("%+d")<<offset<<" ("<<Fmt("%d")<<i-code.begin()+offset<<')';
+ }
+ break;
+ case ND_JUMP:
+ {
+ Offset offset=read_int<Offset>(i);
+ result<<"ND_JUMP "<<Fmt("%+d")<<offset<<" ("<<Fmt("%d")<<i-code.begin()+offset<<')';
+ }
+ break;
+ result<<"GROUP_BEGIN "<<read_int<Index>(i);
+ break;
+ case GROUP_END:
+ result<<"GROUP_END "<<read_int<Index>(i);
+ break;
+ case NEGATE:
+ result<<"NEGATE";
+ break;
+ result<<"MATCH_BEGIN";
+ break;
+ case MATCH_END:
+ result<<"MATCH_END";
+ break;
+ case MATCH_CHAR:
+ {
+ char c=*i++;
+ result<<"MATCH_CHAR ";
+ if(c>=0x20 && c<=0x7E)
+ result<<'\''<<c<<'\'';
+ else
+ result<<(static_cast<int>(c)&0xFF);
+ }
+ break;
+ result<<"MATCH_RANGE "<<(static_cast<int>(*i++)&0xFF);
+ result<<'-'<<(static_cast<int>(*i++)&0xFF);
+ break;
+ case MATCH_MASK:
+ result<<"MATCH_MASK";
+ for(unsigned j=0; j<32; ++j)
+ result<<' '<<Fmt("%02X")<<(static_cast<int>(*i++)&0xFF);
+ break;
+ case MATCH_ANY:
+ result<<"MATCH_ANY";
+ break;
+ result<<"UNKNOWN "<<instr;
+ }
+ return result.str();
+} // namespace Msp
--- /dev/null
+#include <string>
+#include "regmatch.h"
+namespace Msp {
+This class provides regular expression matching. It supports a subset of
+POSIX.2 extended regex syntax. Character classes, equivalence classes and
+collating elements are not supported. Refer to the regex(7) manpage for more
+A description of the internal workings of the class follows. You may skip this
+if you are not a developer or otherwise interested.
+The core of this class is a virtual machine running a non-deterministic finite
+automaton (NFA). The state of the automaton is represented by an iterator into
+the code. Transitions between states are represented by instructions.
+Instructions may take multiple bytes, so a valid code iterator may not be a
+valid NFA state.
+The virtual machine may have any number of execution contexts at any one time.
+On every cycle, each context is advanced until an input-consuming instruction
+is encountered, keeping the input positions in sync with each other. Execution
+continues as long as there's at least one context remaining.
+The GROUP_BEGIN and GROUP_END instructions record the begin and end offset of a
+match group, respectively. The GROUP_END instruction also marks the group as
+successfully matched. If the target group was already matched, these
+instructions do nothing.
+The JUMP instruction causes the execution iterator to be modified by an offset.
+The ND_JUMP instruction causes the execution context to be split in two. One
+continues directly after the instruction and the other continues at an offset.
+The NEGATE instruction causes the result of the next match instruction to be
+Match instructions compare the input against a condition. If the match
+succeeds, execution continues at the next instruction. If the match fails,
+execution of that context is terminated.
+The MATCH_BEGIN and MATCH_END instructions match the beginning and end of
+the input string, respectively. They do not consume input.
+The MATCH_CHAR instruction consumes the input character and matches it against
+a single character. Since regexes often match sequences of printable character,
+a match for such a character may be encoded as the character itself.
+The MATCH_RANGE instruction consumes the input character and matches it against
+an inclusive character range.
+The MATCH_MASK instruction consumes the input character and matches it against
+a bitmask.
+The MATCH_ANY instruction consumes the input character and always succeeds.
+class Regex
+ /**
+ Constructs a new Regex object.
+ */
+ Regex(const std::string &expr);
+ /**
+ Matches the regex against a string. Refer to RegMatch documentation for
+ more information on the resulting object.
+ */
+ RegMatch match(const std::string &str) const;
+ /**
+ Returns a disassembled representation of the NFA bytecode. For debugging
+ purposes.
+ */
+ std::string disassemble() const;
+ typedef std::string Code;
+ typedef unsigned short Count;
+ typedef short Offset;
+ typedef unsigned short Index;
+ enum Instruction
+ {
+ };
+ struct RunContext
+ {
+ Code::const_iterator citer;
+ RegMatch::GroupArray groups;
+ };
+ Code code;
+ unsigned n_groups;
+ /**
+ Compiles a regular expression into NFA bytecode. When compiling a whole
+ regex, \a group should be set to 0. When the function returns, \a group will
+ be the index of the last subexpression and \a iter will point to the first
+ unused character in the expression.
+ \param expr Expression to be compiled
+ \param begin Iterator into the expression
+ \param group Group counter, gets incremented for each subregex
+ \param branch Whether we are compiling a branch
+ \return Compiled NFA bytecode
+ */
+ Code compile(const std::string &expr, std::string::const_iterator &iter, unsigned &group, bool branch);
+ Code parse_atom(const std::string &, std::string::const_iterator &i, unsigned &);
+ Code parse_brackets(const std::string &, std::string::const_iterator &);
+ bool parse_repeat(std::string::const_iterator &, Count &, Count &);
+ bool run(const std::string &, const std::string::const_iterator &, RegMatch::GroupArray &) const;
+ bool group_compare(const RegMatch::Group &, const RegMatch::Group &) const;
+ std::string disassemble_instruction(Code::const_iterator &) const;
+} // namespace Msp
--- /dev/null
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace Msp {
+This class stores the result of a Regex being matched against a string. If the
+match was successful, the RegMatch object evaluates to true, allowing it to be
+used in constructs like \code if(RegMatch match=regex.match("foo")) \endcode.
+A RegMatch representing a successful match has one or more groups, indicating
+matching parts of the string. The first group (with index 0) indicates the
+part matched by the whol regex. Further groups, if present, indicate parts
+matched by subregexes. These are ordered from left to right, by the opening
+parenthesis of the subregex.
+class RegMatch
+ /**
+ A single subregex of the match.
+ */
+ struct Group
+ {
+ bool match; //< Whether or not this group matched
+ unsigned begin; //< First offset of the match
+ unsigned end; //< One-past-last offset
+ unsigned length; //< Length of the match (end-begin)
+ std::string str; //< The part of the string that matched
+ Group(): match(false) { }
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<Group> GroupArray;
+ /**
+ Constructs a RegMatch representig a non-match. Used by Regex.
+ */
+ RegMatch() { }
+ /**
+ Constructs a new RegMatch from a string and groups. The length and str members
+ of each group are computed and need not be set. Used by Regex.
+ */
+ RegMatch(const std::string &, const std::vector<Group> &);
+ /**
+ Returns a reference to a single group in the match. An exception is thrown
+ if the requested group does not exist.
+ */
+ const Group &group(unsigned) const;
+ /**
+ Returns true if the RegMatch object represents a non-match.
+ */
+ bool empty() const { return groups.empty(); }
+ /**
+ Returns the number of groups in this match.
+ */
+ unsigned size() const { return groups.size(); }
+ /**
+ Returns the begin offset of the whole match.
+ */
+ unsigned begin() const { return groups.empty()?0:groups[0].begin; }
+ /**
+ Returns the end offset of the whole match.
+ */
+ unsigned end() const { return groups.empty()?0:groups[0].end; }
+ /**
+ Shortcut for the group() function.
+ */
+ const Group &operator[](unsigned i) const { return group(i); }
+ operator bool() const { return !empty(); }
+ std::vector<Group> groups;
+} // namespace Msp