--- /dev/null
+#include <msp/fs/utils.h>
+#include "binarycomponent.h"
+#include "builder.h"
+#include "filetarget.h"
+#include "sourcepackage.h"
+#include "tool.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace Msp;
+BinaryComponent::BinaryComponent(SourcePackage &p, const string &n, Type t):
+ Component(p, n),
+ type(t)
+{ }
+void BinaryComponent::create_build_info()
+ Component::create_build_info();
+ for(UseList::const_iterator i=uses.begin(); i!=uses.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ /* Select an include path that contains all the sources for this and the
+ used component. This should produce a sensible result in most cases. */
+ FS::Path base;
+ for(SourceList::const_iterator j=sources.begin(); j!=sources.end(); ++j)
+ base = base.empty() ? *j : FS::common_ancestor(base, *j);
+ const SourceList &use_sources = (*i)->get_sources();
+ for(SourceList::const_iterator j=use_sources.begin(); j!=use_sources.end(); ++j)
+ base = FS::common_ancestor(base, *j);
+ build_info.incpath.push_back(base);
+ build_info.libs.push_back((*i)->get_name());
+ if(!(*i)->get_install())
+ {
+ build_info.libmodes[(*i)->get_name()] = BuildInfo::STATIC;
+ build_info.libpath.push_back((*i)->get_package().get_source_directory());
+ }
+ }
+ if(type==LIBRARY || type==MODULE)
+ if(build_info.libmode<BuildInfo::DYNAMIC)
+ build_info.libmode = BuildInfo::DYNAMIC;
+void BinaryComponent::update_exported_build_info(BuildInfo &binfo) const
+ if(type==LIBRARY)
+ binfo.libs.push_back(name);
+void BinaryComponent::create_targets() const
+ Builder &builder = package.get_builder();
+ BuildGraph &build_graph = builder.get_build_graph();
+ const Toolchain &toolchain = builder.get_toolchain();
+ const Toolchain &pkg_tools = package.get_toolchain();
+ list<Target *> objs;
+ SourceList source_filenames = collect_source_files();
+ for(SourceList::const_iterator i=source_filenames.begin(); i!=source_filenames.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ string ext = FS::extpart(FS::basename(*i));
+ Target *src = 0;
+ Tool *gen = pkg_tools.get_tool_for_suffix(ext);
+ if(gen)
+ {
+ Target *tmpl = gen->create_source(*this, *i);
+ if(tmpl)
+ {
+ src = gen->create_target(*tmpl);
+ ext = FS::extpart(FS::basename(dynamic_cast<FileTarget &>(*src).get_path()));
+ }
+ }
+ Tool *tool = toolchain.get_tool_for_suffix(ext, true);
+ if(tool)
+ {
+ if(!src)
+ src = tool->create_source(*this, *i);
+ if(!src)
+ continue;
+ if(tool->accepts_suffix(ext))
+ {
+ Target *obj = tool->create_target(*src);
+ objs.push_back(obj);
+ }
+ if(type==LIBRARY && install)
+ {
+ if(dynamic_cast<FileTarget *>(src)->is_installable())
+ build_graph.add_installed_target(*src);
+ const Target::Dependencies &side_effects = src->get_side_effects();
+ for(Target::Dependencies::const_iterator j=side_effects.begin(); j!=side_effects.end(); ++j)
+ if(dynamic_cast<FileTarget *>(*j)->is_installable())
+ build_graph.add_installed_target(**j);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Tool &linker = toolchain.get_tool("LINK");
+ list<Target *> results;
+ if(type==LIBRARY)
+ {
+ Tool &archiver = toolchain.get_tool("AR");
+ results.push_back(linker.create_target(objs, "shared"));
+ results.push_back(archiver.create_target(objs));
+ }
+ else if(type==MODULE)
+ results.push_back(linker.create_target(objs, "shared"));
+ else
+ results.push_back(linker.create_target(objs));
+ for(list<Target *>::const_iterator i=results.begin(); i!=results.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ build_graph.add_primary_target(**i);
+ if(install)
+ build_graph.add_installed_target(**i);
+ }
+BinaryComponent::Loader::Loader(BinaryComponent &c):
+ DerivedObjectLoader<BinaryComponent, Component::Loader>(c)
+ add("use", &Loader::use);
+void BinaryComponent::Loader::use(const string &n)
+ const BinaryComponent *comp = dynamic_cast<const BinaryComponent *>(&obj.package.get_component(n));
+ if(!comp || comp->type!=LIBRARY)
+ throw logic_error(n+" is not a library");
+ obj.uses.push_back(comp);
--- /dev/null
+#include "component.h"
+class BinaryComponent: public Component
+ class Loader: public Msp::DataFile::DerivedObjectLoader<BinaryComponent, Component::Loader>
+ {
+ public:
+ Loader(BinaryComponent &);
+ private:
+ void use(const std::string &);
+ };
+ enum Type
+ {
+ };
+ typedef std::list<const Component *> UseList;
+ Type type;
+ UseList uses;
+ BinaryComponent(SourcePackage &, const std::string &, Type);
+ Type get_type() const { return type; }
+ virtual void create_build_info();
+ virtual void update_exported_build_info(BuildInfo &) const;
+ virtual void create_targets() const;
#include "booleanevaluator.h"
#include "builder.h"
#include "component.h"
-#include "csourcefile.h"
-#include "datapack.h"
-#include "executable.h"
-#include "file.h"
-#include "objectfile.h"
-#include "sharedlibrary.h"
#include "sourcepackage.h"
-#include "staticlibrary.h"
-#include "tarball.h"
-#include "target.h"
-#include "tool.h"
-#include "toolchain.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace Msp;
-Component::Component(SourcePackage &p, Type t, const string &n):
+Component::Component(SourcePackage &p, const string &n):
- type(t),
*i = (package.get_source_directory() / *i).str();
for(BuildInfo::PathList::iterator i=build_info.libpath.begin(); i!=build_info.libpath.end(); ++i)
*i = (package.get_source_directory() / *i).str();
- for(UseList::const_iterator i=uses.begin(); i!=uses.end(); ++i)
- {
- /* Select an include path that contains all the sources for this and the
- used component. This should produce a sensible result in most cases. */
- FS::Path base;
- for(SourceList::const_iterator j=sources.begin(); j!=sources.end(); ++j)
- base = base.empty() ? *j : FS::common_ancestor(base, *j);
- const SourceList &use_sources = (*i)->get_sources();
- for(SourceList::const_iterator j=use_sources.begin(); j!=use_sources.end(); ++j)
- base = FS::common_ancestor(base, *j);
- build_info.incpath.push_back(base);
- build_info.libs.push_back((*i)->get_name());
- if(!(*i)->get_install())
- {
- build_info.libmodes[(*i)->get_name()] = BuildInfo::STATIC;
- build_info.libpath.push_back((*i)->get_package().get_source_directory());
- }
- }
- if(type==LIBRARY || type==MODULE)
- if(build_info.libmode<BuildInfo::DYNAMIC)
- build_info.libmode = BuildInfo::DYNAMIC;
BuildInfo Component::get_build_info_for_path(const FS::Path &path) const
return binfo;
-void Component::create_targets() const
- Builder &builder = package.get_builder();
- BuildGraph &build_graph = builder.get_build_graph();
- const Toolchain &toolchain = builder.get_toolchain();
- SourceList source_filenames = collect_source_files();
- string inst_loc;
- if(type==TARBALL)
- {
- Tool &tar = toolchain.get_tool("TAR");
- list<Target *> files;
- for(SourceList::const_iterator i=source_filenames.begin(); i!=source_filenames.end(); ++i)
- {
- FileTarget *file = builder.get_vfs().get_target(*i);
- if(!file)
- file = new File(builder, package, *i);
- files.push_back(file);
- }
- string tarname = name;
- if(name=="@src")
- {
- tarname = package.get_name()+"-"+package.get_version();
- files.insert(files.begin(), &package.get_build_file());
- const BuildGraph::TargetMap &targets = build_graph.get_targets();
- for(BuildGraph::TargetMap::const_iterator i=targets.begin(); i!=targets.end(); ++i)
- if(i->second->get_package()==&package && !i->second->is_buildable())
- if(find(files.begin(), files.end(), i->second)==files.end())
- files.push_back(i->second);
- }
- Target *result = tar.create_target(files, tarname);
- build_graph.get_target("tarballs")->add_dependency(*result);
- return;
- }
- else if(type==INSTALL)
- {
- Target *inst = build_graph.get_target("install");
- Tool © = toolchain.get_tool("CP");
- for(SourceList::const_iterator i=source_filenames.begin(); i!=source_filenames.end(); ++i)
- {
- FileTarget *ft;
- if(Target *tgt = builder.get_vfs().get_target(*i))
- ft = dynamic_cast<FileTarget *>(tgt);
- else
- ft = new File(builder, package, *i);
- inst->add_dependency(*copy.create_target(*ft, name));
- }
- }
- else if(type==DATAPACK)
- {
- Tool &dcomp = toolchain.get_tool("DATA");
- list<Target *> files;
- for(SourceList::const_iterator i=source_filenames.begin(); i!=source_filenames.end(); ++i)
- {
- string ext = FS::extpart(FS::basename(*i));
- if(ext==".mdt")
- {
- Target *src = dcomp.create_source(*this, *i);
- files.push_back(dcomp.create_target(*src, "collection"));
- }
- else if(Target *tgt = builder.get_vfs().get_target(*i))
- files.push_back(tgt);
- else
- files.push_back(new File(builder, package, *i));
- }
- Target *result = dcomp.create_target(files, "pack");
- build_graph.add_primary_target(*result);
- if(install)
- build_graph.add_installed_target(*result);
- }
- if(type==PROGRAM || type==LIBRARY || type==MODULE)
- {
- list<Target *> objs;
- const Toolchain &pkg_tools = package.get_toolchain();
- for(SourceList::const_iterator i=source_filenames.begin(); i!=source_filenames.end(); ++i)
- {
- string ext = FS::extpart(FS::basename(*i));
- Target *src = 0;
- Tool *gen = pkg_tools.get_tool_for_suffix(ext);
- if(gen)
- {
- Target *tmpl = gen->create_source(*this, *i);
- if(tmpl)
- {
- src = gen->create_target(*tmpl);
- ext = FS::extpart(FS::basename(dynamic_cast<FileTarget &>(*src).get_path()));
- }
- }
- Tool *tool = toolchain.get_tool_for_suffix(ext, true);
- if(tool)
- {
- if(!src)
- src = tool->create_source(*this, *i);
- if(!src)
- continue;
- if(tool->accepts_suffix(ext))
- {
- Target *obj = tool->create_target(*src);
- objs.push_back(obj);
- }
- if(type==LIBRARY && install)
- {
- if(dynamic_cast<FileTarget *>(src)->is_installable())
- build_graph.add_installed_target(*src);
- const Target::Dependencies &side_effects = src->get_side_effects();
- for(Target::Dependencies::const_iterator j=side_effects.begin(); j!=side_effects.end(); ++j)
- if(dynamic_cast<FileTarget *>(*j)->is_installable())
- build_graph.add_installed_target(**j);
- }
- }
- }
- Tool &linker = toolchain.get_tool("LINK");
- list<Target *> results;
- if(type==LIBRARY)
- {
- Tool &archiver = toolchain.get_tool("AR");
- results.push_back(linker.create_target(objs, "shared"));
- results.push_back(archiver.create_target(objs));
- }
- else if(type==MODULE)
- results.push_back(linker.create_target(objs, "shared"));
- else
- results.push_back(linker.create_target(objs));
- for(list<Target *>::const_iterator i=results.begin(); i!=results.end(); ++i)
- {
- build_graph.add_primary_target(**i);
- if(install)
- build_graph.add_installed_target(**i);
- }
- }
Component::SourceList Component::collect_source_files() const
SourceList files;
add("build_info", &Loader::build_info);
add("require", &Loader::require);
add("default", &Component::deflt);
- add("use", &Loader::use);
void Component::Loader::build_info()
-void Component::Loader::use(const string &n)
- const SourcePackage::ComponentList &components = obj.package.get_components();
- for(SourcePackage::ComponentList::const_iterator i=components.begin(); i!=components.end(); ++i)
- if(i->get_name()==n && i->get_type()==LIBRARY)
- {
- obj.uses.push_back(&*i);
- return;
- }
- throw invalid_argument("Component::Loader::use");
void overlay(const std::string &);
void require(const std::string &);
void source(const std::string &);
- void use(const std::string &);
- };
- enum Type
- {
typedef std::list<Msp::FS::Path> SourceList;
typedef std::list<std::string> OverlayList;
- typedef std::list<const Component *> UseList;
SourcePackage &package;
- Type type;
std::string name;
SourceList sources;
OverlayList overlays;
bool install;
BuildInfo build_info;
Package::Requirements requires;
- UseList uses;
bool deflt;
InstallMap install_map;
std::list<std::string> problems;
- Component(SourcePackage &, Type, const std::string &);
+ Component(SourcePackage &, const std::string &);
+ virtual ~Component() { }
const SourcePackage &get_package() const { return package; }
- Type get_type() const { return type; }
const std::string &get_name() const { return name; }
/** Returns a list of sources for the component. They may refer to
bool get_install() const { return install; }
const InstallMap &get_install_map() const { return install_map; }
const Package::Requirements &get_required_packages() const { return requires; }
- const UseList &get_used_components() const { return uses; }
bool is_default() const { return deflt; }
const std::list<std::string> &get_problems() const { return problems; }
/** Prepares the build information for building. Pulls build info from the
parent and dependency packages, and adds any component-specific flags. */
- void create_build_info();
+ virtual void create_build_info();
+ virtual void update_exported_build_info(BuildInfo &) const { }
const BuildInfo &get_build_info() const { return build_info; }
BuildInfo get_build_info_for_path(const Msp::FS::Path &) const;
- void create_targets() const;
+ virtual void create_targets() const = 0;
--- /dev/null
+#include <msp/fs/utils.h>
+#include "builder.h"
+#include "datapackcomponent.h"
+#include "file.h"
+#include "sourcepackage.h"
+#include "tool.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace Msp;
+DataPackComponent::DataPackComponent(SourcePackage &p, const string &n):
+ Component(p, n)
+{ }
+void DataPackComponent::create_targets() const
+ Builder &builder = package.get_builder();
+ Tool &dcomp = builder.get_toolchain().get_tool("DATA");
+ list<Target *> files;
+ SourceList source_filenames = collect_source_files();
+ for(SourceList::const_iterator i=source_filenames.begin(); i!=source_filenames.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ string ext = FS::extpart(FS::basename(*i));
+ if(ext==".mdt")
+ {
+ Target *src = dcomp.create_source(*this, *i);
+ files.push_back(dcomp.create_target(*src, "collection"));
+ }
+ else if(Target *tgt = builder.get_vfs().get_target(*i))
+ files.push_back(tgt);
+ else
+ files.push_back(new File(builder, package, *i));
+ }
+ Target *result = dcomp.create_target(files, "pack");
+ BuildGraph &build_graph = builder.get_build_graph();
+ build_graph.add_primary_target(*result);
+ if(install)
+ build_graph.add_installed_target(*result);
--- /dev/null
+#include "component.h"
+class DataPackComponent: public Component
+ DataPackComponent(SourcePackage &, const std::string &);
+ virtual void create_targets() const;
--- /dev/null
+#include "installcomponent.h"
+#include "builder.h"
+#include "file.h"
+#include "sourcepackage.h"
+#include "tool.h"
+using namespace std;
+InstallComponent::InstallComponent(SourcePackage &p, const string &n):
+ Component(p, n)
+{ }
+void InstallComponent::create_targets() const
+ Builder &builder = package.get_builder();
+ Target *inst = builder.get_build_graph().get_target("install");
+ Tool © = builder.get_toolchain().get_tool("CP");
+ SourceList source_filenames = collect_source_files();
+ for(SourceList::const_iterator i=source_filenames.begin(); i!=source_filenames.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ FileTarget *ft;
+ if(Target *tgt = builder.get_vfs().get_target(*i))
+ ft = dynamic_cast<FileTarget *>(tgt);
+ else
+ ft = new File(builder, package, *i);
+ inst->add_dependency(*copy.create_target(*ft, name));
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#include "component.h"
+class InstallComponent: public Component
+ InstallComponent(SourcePackage &, const std::string &);
+ virtual void create_targets() const;
#include <msp/fs/utils.h>
#include <msp/strings/format.h>
+#include "binarycomponent.h"
#include "builder.h"
-#include "component.h"
#include "objectfile.h"
#include "sharedlibrary.h"
#include "sourcepackage.h"
install_location = "lib";
- if(component->get_type()==Component::MODULE)
+ const BinaryComponent &bcomp = dynamic_cast<const BinaryComponent &>(*component);
+ if(bcomp.get_type()==BinaryComponent::MODULE)
install_location /= package->get_name();
string SharedLibrary::generate_filename(const Component &comp)
- if(comp.get_type()==Component::MODULE)
+ const BinaryComponent &bcomp = dynamic_cast<const BinaryComponent &>(comp);
+ if(bcomp.get_type()==BinaryComponent::MODULE)
return comp.get_name()+".m";
+#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
+#include <msp/core/maputils.h>
#include <msp/fs/utils.h>
#include <msp/io/print.h>
#include <msp/strings/lexicalcast.h>
#include <msp/strings/utils.h>
+#include "binarycomponent.h"
#include "binarypackage.h"
#include "booleanevaluator.h"
#include "builder.h"
+#include "datapackcomponent.h"
#include "file.h"
+#include "installcomponent.h"
#include "pkgconfigfile.h"
+#include "tarballcomponent.h"
#include "tool.h"
#include "sourcegenerator.h"
#include "sourcepackage.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace Msp;
-namespace {
-bool component_sort(const Component &c1, const Component &c2)
-{ return c1.get_type()<c2.get_type(); }
SourcePackage::SourcePackage(Builder &b, const string &n, const FS::Path &f):
Package(b, n),
build_file = builder.get_vfs().get_target(f);
build_file = new File(builder, *this, f);
- components.push_back(Component(*this, Component::TARBALL, "@src"));
- source_tarball = &components.back();
+ source_tarball = new TarballComponent(*this, "@src");
+ components.push_back(source_tarball);
+ for(ComponentList::iterator i=components.begin(); i!=components.end(); ++i)
+ delete *i;
FS::Path SourcePackage::get_temp_directory() const
return source_dir/arch.get_name();
+const Component &SourcePackage::get_component(const string &n) const
+ for(ComponentList::const_iterator i=components.begin(); i!=components.end(); ++i)
+ if((*i)->get_name()==n)
+ return **i;
+ throw key_error(n);
bool SourcePackage::match_feature(const string &feat, const string *comp) const
string value = config.get_option("with_"+feat).value;
build_info.defines[ident] = "1";
- bool export_paths = false;
- for(list<Component>::iterator i=components.begin(); i!=components.end(); ++i)
+ for(ComponentList::iterator i=components.begin(); i!=components.end(); ++i)
- i->prepare();
- i->create_build_info();
- if(i->get_type()==Component::LIBRARY)
- {
- export_binfo.libs.push_back(i->get_name());
- export_paths = true;
- }
- }
+ (*i)->prepare();
+ (*i)->create_build_info();
- if(export_paths)
- {
- export_binfo.incpath.push_back((builder.get_prefix()/"include").str());
- export_binfo.libpath.push_back((builder.get_prefix()/"lib").str());
+ (*i)->update_exported_build_info(export_binfo);
- bool pc_needed = false;
- for(ComponentList::const_iterator i=components.begin(); i!=components.end(); ++i)
- {
- i->create_targets();
- if(i->get_type()==Component::LIBRARY)
- pc_needed = true;
- }
+ for(ComponentList::iterator i=components.begin(); i!=components.end(); ++i)
+ (*i)->create_targets();
- if(pc_needed)
+ if(!export_binfo.libs.empty())
+ export_binfo.incpath.push_back((builder.get_prefix()/"include").str());
+ export_binfo.libpath.push_back((builder.get_prefix()/"lib").str());
PkgConfigFile *pc = new PkgConfigFile(builder, *this);
add("feature", &Loader::feature);
add("generate", &Loader::generate);
add("if_feature", &Loader::if_feature);
- add("program", &Loader::component<Component::PROGRAM>);
- add("library", &Loader::component<Component::LIBRARY>);
- add("module", &Loader::component<Component::MODULE>);
- add("install", &Loader::component<Component::INSTALL>);
+ add("program", &Loader::component_arg<BinaryComponent, BinaryComponent::Type, BinaryComponent::PROGRAM>);
+ add("library", &Loader::component_arg<BinaryComponent, BinaryComponent::Type, BinaryComponent::LIBRARY>);
+ add("module", &Loader::component_arg<BinaryComponent, BinaryComponent::Type, BinaryComponent::MODULE>);
+ add("install", &Loader::component<InstallComponent>);
add("interface_version", &Loader::interface_version);
- add("datapack", &Loader::component<Component::DATAPACK>);
+ add("datapack", &Loader::component<DataPackComponent>);
add("source_tarball", &Loader::source_tarball);
add("tarball", &Loader::tarball);
add("version", &Loader::version);
void SourcePackage::Loader::finish()
- obj.components.sort(component_sort);
+ /* Make sure the source tarball is last in the list so targets from all
+ other components wil be created first */
+ ComponentList::iterator i = find(obj.components.begin(), obj.components.end(), obj.source_tarball);
+ if(i!=obj.components.end())
+ obj.components.splice(obj.components.end(), obj.components, i);
void SourcePackage::Loader::feature(const string &n, const string &d)
-template<Component::Type t>
+template<typename C>
void SourcePackage::Loader::component(const string &n)
- Component comp(obj, t, n);
- load_sub(comp);
+ C *comp = new C(obj, n);
+ load_sub(*comp);
+ obj.components.push_back(comp);
+template<typename C, typename A, A a>
+void SourcePackage::Loader::component_arg(const string &n)
+ C *comp = new C(obj, n, a);
+ load_sub(*comp);
void SourcePackage::Loader::tarball(const string &n)
- Component trbl(obj, Component::TARBALL, n);
+ TarballComponent trbl(obj, n);
class Builder;
class BuildType;
class FileTarget;
+class TarballComponent;
A package that can be built by Builder.
void init(const Config::InputOptions *);
virtual void finish();
void feature(const std::string &, const std::string &);
- template<Component::Type>
+ template<typename C>
void component(const std::string &);
+ template<typename C, typename A, A>
+ void component_arg(const std::string &);
void build_info();
void generate(const std::string &);
void if_feature(const std::string &);
void version(const std::string &);
- typedef std::list<Component> ComponentList;
+ typedef std::list<Component *> ComponentList;
typedef std::list<Feature> FeatureList;
FeatureList features;
BuildInfo build_info;
ComponentList components;
- Component *source_tarball;
+ TarballComponent *source_tarball;
Config config;
mutable Cache cache;
SourcePackage(Builder &, const std::string &, const Msp::FS::Path &);
+ ~SourcePackage();
const std::string &get_version() const { return version; }
const std::string &get_interface_version() const { return interface_version; }
Msp::FS::Path get_output_directory() const;
const Toolchain &get_toolchain() const { return local_tools; }
- const ComponentList &get_components() const { return components; }
+ const Component &get_component(const std::string &) const;
const Config &get_config() const { return config; }
bool match_feature(const std::string &, const std::string *) const;
void set_build_type(const BuildType &);
--- /dev/null
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "builder.h"
+#include "file.h"
+#include "sourcepackage.h"
+#include "tarballcomponent.h"
+#include "tool.h"
+using namespace std;
+TarballComponent::TarballComponent(SourcePackage &p, const string &n):
+ Component(p, n)
+{ }
+void TarballComponent::create_targets() const
+ Builder &builder = package.get_builder();
+ list<Target *> files;
+ SourceList source_filenames = collect_source_files();
+ for(SourceList::const_iterator i=source_filenames.begin(); i!=source_filenames.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ FileTarget *file = builder.get_vfs().get_target(*i);
+ if(!file)
+ file = new File(builder, package, *i);
+ files.push_back(file);
+ }
+ BuildGraph &build_graph = builder.get_build_graph();
+ string tarname = name;
+ if(name=="@src")
+ {
+ tarname = package.get_name()+"-"+package.get_version();
+ files.insert(files.begin(), &package.get_build_file());
+ const BuildGraph::TargetMap &targets = build_graph.get_targets();
+ for(BuildGraph::TargetMap::const_iterator i=targets.begin(); i!=targets.end(); ++i)
+ if(i->second->get_package()==&package && !i->second->is_buildable())
+ if(find(files.begin(), files.end(), i->second)==files.end())
+ files.push_back(i->second);
+ }
+ const Toolchain &toolchain = builder.get_toolchain();
+ Target *result = toolchain.get_tool("TAR").create_target(files, tarname);
+ build_graph.get_target("tarballs")->add_dependency(*result);
--- /dev/null
+#include "component.h"
+class TarballComponent: public Component
+ TarballComponent(SourcePackage &, const std::string &);
+ virtual void create_targets() const;