using namespace std;
using namespace Msp;
-namespace {
-void update_hash(string &hash, const string &value)
- for(unsigned i=0; i<value.size(); ++i)
- hash[i%hash.size()] ^= value[i];
VirtualFileSystem::VirtualFileSystem(Builder &b):
void VirtualFileSystem::register_path(const FS::Path &path, FileTarget *t)
targets.insert(TargetMap::value_type(path.str(), t));
+ nonexistent.erase(path);
+ builder.get_logger().log("vfs", format("Path %s registered to %s", path, t->get_name()));
FileTarget *VirtualFileSystem::find_header(const string &name, const SearchPath &path)
- string hash(8, 0);
- for(list<string>::const_iterator i=path.begin(); i!=path.end(); ++i)
- update_hash(hash, *i);
- string id = hash+name;
- TargetMap::iterator i = include_cache.find(id);
- if(i!=include_cache.end())
- return i->second;
- builder.get_logger().log("vfs", format("Looking for header %s with path %s", name, join(path.begin(), path.end())));
// XXX This will cause trouble with multiple architectures in a single build
const Tool *tool = builder.get_toolchain().get_tool_for_suffix(FS::extpart(FS::basename(name)), true);
return 0;
const Tool::SearchPath &syspath = tool->get_system_path();
- FileTarget *tgt = 0;
- for(SearchPath::const_iterator j=path.begin(); (!tgt && j!=path.end()); ++j)
- tgt = get_header(FS::Path(*j)/name, *tool);
- for(Tool::SearchPath::const_iterator j=syspath.begin(); (!tgt && j!=syspath.end()); ++j)
- tgt = get_header(FS::Path(*j)/name, *tool);
+ list<FS::Path> combined_path(path.begin(), path.end());
+ combined_path.insert(combined_path.end(), syspath.begin(), syspath.end());
- include_cache.insert(TargetMap::value_type(id, tgt));
+ for(list<FS::Path>::const_iterator i=combined_path.begin(); i!=combined_path.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ FS::Path filename = *i/name;
+ if(FileTarget *tgt = get_target(filename))
+ {
+ builder.get_logger().log("vfs", format("Header %s found in %s as existing %s", name, i->str(), tgt->get_type()));
+ return tgt;
+ }
+ else if(file_exists(filename))
+ {
+ builder.get_logger().log("vfs", format("Header %s found in %s", name, i->str()));
+ return dynamic_cast<FileTarget *>(tool->create_source(filename));
+ }
- return tgt;
+ builder.get_logger().log("vfs", format("Header %s not found in %s", name, i->str()));
+ }
+ return 0;
FileTarget *VirtualFileSystem::find_library(const string &lib, const SearchPath &path, LibMode mode)
- string hash(8, 0);
- for(list<string>::const_iterator i=path.begin(); i!=path.end(); ++i)
- update_hash(hash, *i);
- string id = hash+string(1, mode)+lib;
- TargetMap::iterator i = library_cache.find(id);
- if(i!=library_cache.end())
- return i->second;
const Tool &linker = builder.get_toolchain().get_tool("LINK");
const Tool::SearchPath &syspath = linker.get_system_path();
- builder.get_logger().log("vfs", format("Looking for library %s with path %s", lib, join(path.begin(), path.end())));
+ list<FS::Path> combined_path(path.begin(), path.end());
+ combined_path.insert(combined_path.end(), syspath.begin(), syspath.end());
- FileTarget *tgt = 0;
- for(SearchPath::const_iterator j=path.begin(); (!tgt && j!=path.end()); ++j)
- tgt = get_library(lib, *j, mode);
- for(Tool::SearchPath::const_iterator j=syspath.begin(); (!tgt && j!=syspath.end()); ++j)
- tgt = get_library(lib, *j, mode);
- library_cache.insert(TargetMap::value_type(id, tgt));
- return tgt;
-FileTarget *VirtualFileSystem::get_header(const FS::Path &fn, const Tool &tool)
- if(FileTarget *tgt = get_target(fn))
- return tgt;
- if(FS::is_reg(fn))
- return dynamic_cast<FileTarget *>(tool.create_source(fn));
- return 0;
-FileTarget *VirtualFileSystem::get_library(const string &lib, const FS::Path &path, LibMode mode)
const Architecture &arch = builder.get_current_arch();
/* Try dynamic libraries only if library mode permits it */
+ list<string> shared_names;
- FS::Path fn = try_patterns(path, arch.get_shared_library_patterns(), lib);
- if(!fn.empty())
- {
- FileTarget *tgt = get_target(fn);
- if(!tgt)
- return new SharedLibrary(builder, fn);
- else if(mode==DYNAMIC || !tgt->get_package())
- return tgt;
- }
+ const list<Pattern> &shared_patterns = arch.get_shared_library_patterns();
+ for(list<Pattern>::const_iterator i=shared_patterns.begin(); i!=shared_patterns.end(); ++i)
+ shared_names.push_back(i->apply(lib));
/* Static libraries are always considered, since sometimes shared versions
may not be available */
- FS::Path fn = try_patterns(path, arch.get_static_library_patterns(), lib);
- if(!fn.empty())
+ list<string> static_names;
+ const list<Pattern> &static_patterns = arch.get_static_library_patterns();
+ for(list<Pattern>::const_iterator i=static_patterns.begin(); i!=static_patterns.end(); ++i)
+ static_names.push_back(i->apply(lib));
+ for(list<FS::Path>::const_iterator i=combined_path.begin(); i!=combined_path.end(); ++i)
- if(FileTarget *tgt = get_target(fn))
- return tgt;
- else
- return new StaticLibrary(builder, fn);
+ bool shared = true;
+ for(list<string>::const_iterator j=shared_names.begin(); j!=static_names.end(); )
+ {
+ if(j==shared_names.end())
+ {
+ j = static_names.begin();
+ shared = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ FS::Path filename = *i / *j;
+ if(FileTarget *tgt = get_target(filename))
+ {
+ if(!shared || mode==DYNAMIC || !tgt->get_package())
+ {
+ builder.get_logger().log("vfs", format("Library %s (%s) found in %s as existing %s", lib, *j, i->str(), tgt->get_type()));
+ return tgt;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(file_exists(filename))
+ {
+ builder.get_logger().log("vfs", format("Library %s (%s) found in %s", lib, *j, i->str()));
+ if(shared)
+ return new SharedLibrary(builder, filename);
+ else
+ return new StaticLibrary(builder, filename);
+ }
+ ++j;
+ }
+ builder.get_logger().log("vfs", format("Library %s not found in %s", lib, i->str()));
return 0;
-FS::Path VirtualFileSystem::try_patterns(const FS::Path &dir, const list<Pattern> &patterns, const string &base)
+bool VirtualFileSystem::file_exists(const FS::Path &filename)
- for(list<Pattern>::const_iterator i=patterns.begin(); i!=patterns.end(); ++i)
- {
- FS::Path full = dir/i->apply(base);
- if(get_target(full) || FS::is_reg(full))
- return full;
- }
- return FS::Path();
+ if(nonexistent.count(filename))
+ return false;
+ if(FS::is_reg(filename))
+ return true;
+ nonexistent.insert(filename);
+ return false;