#define ANALYZER_H_
#include <list>
+#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
-#include <msp/core/getopt.h>
+#include <msp/core/maputils.h>
#include <msp/datafile/parser.h>
#include <msp/fs/dir.h>
-#include <msp/fs/stat.h>
#include <msp/fs/utils.h>
#include <msp/io/buffered.h>
#include <msp/io/file.h>
#include <msp/io/print.h>
#include <msp/strings/format.h>
-#include <msp/strings/regex.h>
-#include <msp/strings/utils.h>
#include <msp/time/units.h>
#include <msp/time/utils.h>
-#include "analyzer.h"
#include "binarypackage.h"
#include "builder.h"
#include "copy.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace Msp;
-Builder::Builder(int argc, char **argv):
native_arch(*this, string()),
+ current_arch(0),
- analyzer(0),
- build(false),
- clean(0),
- dry_run(false),
- help(false),
- show_progress(false),
- build_file("Build"),
- jobs(1),
- conf_all(false),
- conf_only(false),
- build_all(false),
- create_makefile(false),
+ logger(&default_logger),
- string analyze_mode;
- string work_dir;
- bool full_paths = false;
- unsigned max_depth = 4;
- string prfx;
- string temp_str;
- string arch;
- bool no_externals = false;
- unsigned verbose = 1;
- bool silent = false;
- list<string> log_channels;
- string build_type_name;
- GetOpt getopt;
- getopt.add_option('a', "analyze", analyze_mode, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG).set_help("Perform dependency analysis.", "MODE");
- getopt.add_option('b', "build", build, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Perform build even if also doing something else.");
- getopt.add_option('c', "clean", clean, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Clean buildable targets.");
- getopt.add_option('f', "file", build_file, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG).set_help("Read build instructions from FILE.", "FILE");
- getopt.add_option('h', "help", help, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Print this message.");
- getopt.add_option('j', "jobs", jobs, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG).set_help("Run up to NUM tasks in parallel.", "NUM");
- getopt.add_option('l', "log", log_channels, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG).set_help("Enable listed log channels.", "LIST");
- getopt.add_option('n', "dry-run", dry_run, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Show what would be done without actually doing it.");
- getopt.add_option('s', "silent", silent, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Don't print any messages other than errors.");
- getopt.add_option('t', "build-type", build_type_name, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG).set_help("Set build type.", "TYPE");
- getopt.add_option('v', "verbose", verbose, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Print more information about what's going on.");
- getopt.add_option('x', "no-externals", no_externals, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Do not load external source packages.");
- getopt.add_option('A', "conf-all", conf_all, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Apply configuration to all packages.");
- getopt.add_option('B', "build-all", build_all, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Build all targets unconditionally.");
- getopt.add_option('C', "chdir", work_dir, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG).set_help("Change to DIR before doing anything else.", "DIR");
- getopt.add_option('P', "progress", show_progress, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Display progress while building.");
- getopt.add_option('W', "what-if", what_if, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG).set_help("Pretend that FILE has changed.", "FILE");
- getopt.add_option( "arch", arch, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG).set_help("Build for architecture ARCH.", "ARCH");
- getopt.add_option( "conf-only", conf_only, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Stop after configuring packages.");
- getopt.add_option( "full-paths", full_paths, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Output full paths in analysis.");
- getopt.add_option( "max-depth", max_depth, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG).set_help("Show up to NUM levels in analysis.", "NUM");
- getopt.add_option( "prefix", prfx, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG).set_help("Install things to DIR.", "DIR");
- getopt.add_option( "tempdir", temp_str, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG).set_help("Store temporary files in DIR.", "DIR");
- usagemsg = getopt.generate_usage(argv[0])+" [<target> ...]";
- helpmsg = getopt.generate_help();
- getopt(argc, argv);
- if(silent)
- --verbose;
- if(verbose>=1)
- {
- logger.enable_channel("summary");
- logger.enable_channel("tasks");
- }
- if(verbose>=2)
- {
- logger.enable_channel("environment");
- logger.enable_channel("packages");
- logger.enable_channel("commands");
- }
- if(verbose>=3)
- {
- logger.enable_channel("files");
- logger.enable_channel("auxcommands");
- }
- for(list<string>::const_iterator i=log_channels.begin(); i!=log_channels.end(); ++i)
- {
- vector<string> parts = split(*i, ',');
- for(vector<string>::const_iterator j=parts.begin(); j!=parts.end(); ++j)
- logger.enable_channel(*j);
- }
- if(!analyze_mode.empty())
- {
- analyzer = new Analyzer(*this);
- if(analyze_mode=="deps")
- analyzer->set_mode(Analyzer::DEPS);
- else if(analyze_mode=="alldeps")
- analyzer->set_mode(Analyzer::ALLDEPS);
- else if(analyze_mode=="rebuild")
- analyzer->set_mode(Analyzer::REBUILD);
- else if(analyze_mode=="rdeps")
- analyzer->set_mode(Analyzer::RDEPS);
- else
- throw usage_error("Invalid analyze mode");
+ set_architecture(string());
- analyzer->set_max_depth(max_depth);
- analyzer->set_full_paths(full_paths);
- }
- else if(!clean && !create_makefile)
- build = true;
+ if(current_arch!=&native_arch)
+ delete current_arch;
- const vector<string> &args = getopt.get_args();
- for(vector<string>::const_iterator i=args.begin(); i!=args.end(); ++i)
+void Builder::set_architecture(const string &name)
+ if(name.empty())
- string::size_type equal = i->find('=');
- if(equal!=string::npos)
- cmdline_options.insert(Config::InputOptions::value_type(i->substr(0, equal), i->substr(equal+1)));
- else
- cmdline_targets.push_back(*i);
- }
- if(!work_dir.empty())
- FS::chdir(work_dir);
- cwd = FS::getcwd();
- package_manager.append_package_path(cwd);
- package_manager.append_package_path(cwd/"..");
- package_manager.append_binary_package_path(FS::get_sys_data_dir(argv[0], "builder"));
- package_manager.set_no_externals(no_externals);
- if(arch.empty())
current_arch = &native_arch;
+ prefix = FS::get_home_dir()/"local";
+ }
- current_arch = new Architecture(*this, arch);
- list<FS::Path> start_files;
- start_files.push_back(FS::get_sys_data_dir(argv[0], "builder")/"builderrc");
- start_files.push_back(FS::get_user_data_dir("builder")/"rc");
- for(list<FS::Path>::const_iterator i=start_files.begin(); i!=start_files.end(); ++i)
- if(FS::exists(*i))
- load_build_file(*i);
- if(prfx.empty())
- if(current_arch->is_native())
- prefix = (FS::get_home_dir()/"local").str();
- else
- prefix = (FS::get_home_dir()/"local"/current_arch->get_name()).str();
+ current_arch = new Architecture(*this, name);
+ prefix = FS::get_home_dir()/"local"/current_arch->get_name();
- else
- prefix = cwd/prfx;
- if(!temp_str.empty())
- tempdir = temp_str;
+void Builder::set_build_type(const string &name)
+ build_type = &get_item(build_types, name);
- if(!build_type_name.empty())
- {
- BuildTypeMap::iterator i = build_types.find(build_type_name);
- if(i==build_types.end())
- throw usage_error("Unknown build type");
- build_type = &i->second;
- }
+void Builder::set_prefix(const FS::Path &p)
+ prefix = p;
+void Builder::set_temp_directory(const FS::Path &p)
+ tempdir = p;
+void Builder::add_default_tools()
toolchain.add_tool(new GnuCCompiler(*this, *current_arch));
toolchain.add_tool(new GnuCxxCompiler(*this, *current_arch));
toolchain.add_tool(new GnuLinker(*this, *current_arch));
toolchain.add_tool(new DataTool(*this));
+void Builder::set_logger(const Logger *l)
- delete analyzer;
-int Builder::main()
- FS::Path main_file = cwd/build_file;
- if(!FS::exists(main_file))
- {
- if(help)
- {
- usage(0, "builder", false);
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- IO::print(IO::cerr, "The file %s does not exist.\n", main_file);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- load_build_file(main_file, &cmdline_options, conf_all);
- if(help)
- {
- usage(0, "builder", false);
- IO::print("\n");
- package_help();
- return 0;
- }
- if(!prepare_build())
- return 1;
- if(conf_only)
- return 0;
- logger.log("environment", format("Building on %s, for %s%s", native_arch.get_name(),
- current_arch->get_name(), (current_arch->is_native() ? " (native)" : "")));
- logger.log("environment", format("Prefix is %s", prefix));
- if(tempdir.is_absolute())
- logger.log("environment", format("Temporary directory is %s", tempdir));
- else
- logger.log("environment", format("Using per-package temporary directory %s", tempdir));
- if(build_type)
- logger.log("environment", format("Build type is %s", build_type->get_name()));
- const PackageManager::PackageMap &packages = package_manager.get_packages();
- list<string> package_details;
- for(PackageManager::PackageMap::const_iterator i=packages.begin(); i!=packages.end(); ++i)
- {
- if(!i->second->is_prepared())
- continue;
- string line = i->second->get_name();
- if(dynamic_cast<SourcePackage *>(i->second))
- {
- line += '*';
- unsigned count = 0;
- unsigned to_be_built = 0;
- const BuildGraph::TargetMap &targets = build_graph.get_targets();
- for(BuildGraph::TargetMap::const_iterator j=targets.begin(); j!=targets.end(); ++j)
- if(j->second->get_package()==i->second)
- {
- ++count;
- if(j->second->needs_rebuild())
- ++to_be_built;
- }
- if(count)
- {
- line += format(" (%d targets", count);
- if(to_be_built)
- line += format(", %d to be built", to_be_built);
- line += ')';
- }
- }
- package_details.push_back(line);
- }
- logger.log("summary", format("%d active packages, %d targets", package_details.size(), build_graph.get_targets().size()));
- for(list<string>::const_iterator i=package_details.begin(); i!=package_details.end(); ++i)
- logger.log("packages", *i);
- if(analyzer)
- analyzer->analyze();
- if(!problems.empty())
- {
- IO::print(IO::cerr, "The following problems were detected:\n");
- for(ProblemList::iterator i=problems.begin(); i!=problems.end(); ++i)
- IO::print(IO::cerr, " %s: %s\n", i->package, i->descr);
- if(!analyzer)
- IO::print(IO::cerr, "Please fix them and try again.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- if(clean)
- exit_code = do_clean();
- if(build)
- exit_code = do_build();
- return exit_code;
+ logger = (l ? l : &default_logger);
void Builder::problem(const string &p, const string &d)
problems.push_back(Problem(p, d));
-void Builder::usage(const char *reason, const char *argv0, bool brief)
- if(reason)
- IO::print(IO::cerr, "%s\n", reason);
- if(brief)
- IO::print(IO::cerr, "Usage: %s\n", usagemsg);
- else
- {
- IO::print(IO::cerr, "Builder 1.0\n\n");
- IO::print(IO::cerr, "Usage: %s [options] [<target> ...]\n\n", argv0);
- IO::print(IO::cerr, "Options:\n");
- IO::print(IO::cerr, helpmsg);
- }
void Builder::load_build_file(const FS::Path &fn, const Config::InputOptions *opts, bool all)
IO::BufferedFile in(fn.str());
- logger.log("files", format("Reading %s", fn));
+ get_logger().log("files", format("Reading %s", fn));
DataFile::Parser parser(in, fn.str());
Loader loader(*this, opts, all);
-bool Builder::prepare_build()
- package_manager.get_main_package().prepare();
- // Add targets from command line as goals
- for(NameList::iterator i=cmdline_targets.begin(); i!=cmdline_targets.end(); ++i)
- {
- Target *tgt = build_graph.get_target(*i);
- if(!tgt)
- tgt = vfs.get_target(*i);
- if(!tgt)
- tgt = vfs.get_target(cwd/ *i);
- if(!tgt)
- {
- IO::print("I don't know anything about %s\n", *i);
- return false;
- }
- build_graph.add_goal(*tgt);
- }
- build_graph.prepare();
- // Apply what-ifs
- for(NameList::iterator i=what_if.begin(); i!=what_if.end(); ++i)
- {
- FileTarget *tgt = vfs.get_target(cwd/ *i);
- if(!tgt)
- {
- IO::print(IO::cerr, "Unknown what-if target %s\n", *i);
- return false;
- }
- tgt->touch();
- }
- if(build_all)
- build_graph.force_full_rebuild();
- if(!dry_run)
- {
- const PackageManager::PackageMap &packages = package_manager.get_packages();
- for(PackageManager::PackageMap::const_iterator i=packages.begin(); i!=packages.end(); ++i)
- i->second->save_caches();
- }
- return true;
-int Builder::do_build()
+int Builder::build(unsigned jobs, bool dry_run, bool show_progress)
unsigned total = build_graph.count_rebuild_targets();
- logger.log("summary", "Already up to date");
+ get_logger().log("summary", "Already up to date");
return 0;
- logger.log("summary", format("Will build %d target%s", total, (total!=1 ? "s" : "")));
+ get_logger().log("summary", format("Will build %d target%s", total, (total!=1 ? "s" : "")));
vector<Task *> tasks;
- logger.log("tasks", format("%-4s %s", tgt->get_tool()->get_tag(), tgt->get_name()));
+ get_logger().log("tasks", format("%-4s %s", tgt->get_tool()->get_tag(), tgt->get_name()));
Task *task = tgt->build();
- logger.log("commands", format("%s", task->get_command()));
+ get_logger().log("commands", format("%s", task->get_command()));
- logger.log("summary", "Build failed");
+ get_logger().log("summary", "Build failed");
else if(show_progress)
- logger.log("summary", "Build complete");
+ get_logger().log("summary", "Build complete");
return fail;
-int Builder::do_clean()
+int Builder::clean(bool all, bool dry_run)
// Cleaning doesn't care about ordering, so a simpler method can be used
Target *tgt = queue.front();
- if(tgt->is_buildable() && (tgt->get_package()==&package_manager.get_main_package() || clean>=2))
+ if(tgt->is_buildable() && (tgt->get_package()==&package_manager.get_main_package() || all))
const Target::Dependencies &deps = tgt->get_dependencies();
for(set<Target *>::iterator i=clean_tgts.begin(); i!=clean_tgts.end(); ++i)
- logger.log("tasks", format("RM %s", (*i)->get_name()));
+ get_logger().log("tasks", format("RM %s", (*i)->get_name()));
return 0;
-void Builder::package_help()
- SourcePackage &main_pkg = dynamic_cast<SourcePackage &>(package_manager.get_main_package());
- const Config &config = main_pkg.get_config();
- const Config::OptionMap &options = config.get_options();
- IO::print("Required packages:\n ");
- const Package::Requirements &requires = main_pkg.get_required_packages();
- for(Package::Requirements::const_iterator i=requires.begin(); i!=requires.end(); ++i)
- {
- if(i!=requires.begin())
- IO::print(", ");
- IO::print((*i)->get_name());
- }
- IO::print("\n\nPackage configuration:\n");
- for(Config::OptionMap::const_iterator i=options.begin(); i!=options.end(); ++i)
- {
- const Config::Option &opt = i->second;
- IO::print(" %s: %s (%s)", opt.name, opt.description, opt.value);
- if(opt.value!=opt.default_value)
- IO::print(" [%s]", opt.default_value);
- IO::print("\n");
- }
-string Builder::usagemsg;
-string Builder::helpmsg;
Builder::Loader::Loader(Builder &b, const Config::InputOptions *o, bool a):
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <string>
-#include <msp/core/application.h>
#include <msp/datafile/loader.h>
#include <msp/fs/path.h>
#include "architecture.h"
#include "toolchain.h"
#include "virtualfilesystem.h"
-class Analyzer;
class FileTarget;
class Package;
class SourcePackage;
The main application class. Handles command line options and supervises the
build process.
-class Builder: public Msp::RegisteredApplication<Builder>
+class Builder
class Loader: public Msp::DataFile::ObjectLoader<Builder>
void package(const std::string &);
- typedef std::list<std::string> NameList;
- typedef std::map<std::string, BuildType> BuildTypeMap;
typedef std::list<Problem> ProblemList;
- NameList cmdline_targets;
- Config::InputOptions cmdline_options;
- Msp::FS::Path cwd;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, BuildType> BuildTypeMap;
PackageManager package_manager;
Toolchain toolchain;
VirtualFileSystem vfs;
BuildGraph build_graph;
- Logger logger;
+ Logger default_logger;
+ const Logger *logger;
ProblemList problems;
- Analyzer *analyzer;
- bool build;
- unsigned clean;
- bool dry_run;
- bool help;
- bool show_progress;
- std::string build_file;
- unsigned jobs;
- NameList what_if;
- bool conf_all;
- bool conf_only;
- bool build_all;
- bool create_makefile;
Msp::FS::Path prefix;
Msp::FS::Path tempdir;
Loader *top_loader;
- static std::string usagemsg;
- static std::string helpmsg;
- Builder(int, char **);
+ Builder();
- int main();
PackageManager &get_package_manager() { return package_manager; }
+ void set_architecture(const std::string &);
const Architecture &get_current_arch() const { return *current_arch; }
const Architecture &get_native_arch() const { return native_arch; }
+ void set_build_type(const std::string &);
+ const BuildType &get_build_type() const { return *build_type; }
BuildGraph &get_build_graph() { return build_graph; }
+ void set_prefix(const Msp::FS::Path &);
+ void set_temp_directory(const Msp::FS::Path &);
const Msp::FS::Path &get_prefix() const { return prefix; }
const Msp::FS::Path &get_temp_directory() const { return tempdir; }
+ void add_default_tools();
const Toolchain &get_toolchain() const { return toolchain; }
VirtualFileSystem &get_vfs() { return vfs; }
- const Logger &get_logger() const { return logger; }
+ void set_logger(const Logger *);
+ const Logger &get_logger() const { return *logger; }
void problem(const std::string &, const std::string &);
- static void usage(const char *, const char *, bool);
+ const ProblemList &get_problems() const { return problems; }
/** Loads a build file. If opts is not null, it is used to configure any
packages loaded from this file. If all is true, external packages are also
configured. */
void load_build_file(const Msp::FS::Path &, const Config::InputOptions *opts = 0, bool all = false);
- /** Prepares packages and targets for building. Returns true if everything
- went ok, or false if something bad happened and a build shouldn't be
- attempted. */
- bool prepare_build();
+ void load_build_file(const Msp::FS::Path &, const Config::InputOptions &, bool);
- /** Supervises the build process, starting new tasks when slots become
- available. */
- int do_build();
+ /** Builds the goal targets. The build graph must be prepared first. */
+ int build(unsigned jobs = 1, bool dry_run = false, bool show_progress = false);
- /** Cleans buildable targets. If clean is 1, cleans only the default
- package. If clean is 2 or greater, cleans all buildable packages.
- */
- int do_clean();
+ /** Cleans buildable targets. If all is true, cleans all packages.
+ Otherwise cleans only the default package. */
+ int clean(bool all = false, bool dry_run = false);
int do_create_makefile();
- /** Prints out information about the default package. */
- void package_help();
--- /dev/null
+#include <msp/core/getopt.h>
+#include <msp/fs/dir.h>
+#include <msp/fs/stat.h>
+#include <msp/io/print.h>
+#include <msp/strings/format.h>
+#include <msp/strings/utils.h>
+#include "analyzer.h"
+#include "buildercli.h"
+#include "filetarget.h"
+#include "sourcepackage.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace Msp;
+BuilderCLI::BuilderCLI(int argc, char **argv):
+ analyzer(0),
+ build(false),
+ clean(0),
+ dry_run(false),
+ help(false),
+ show_progress(false),
+ build_file("Build"),
+ jobs(1),
+ conf_all(false),
+ conf_only(false),
+ build_all(false),
+ create_makefile(false)
+ string analyze_mode;
+ string work_dir;
+ bool full_paths = false;
+ unsigned max_depth = 4;
+ string prefix;
+ string tempdir;
+ string arch;
+ bool no_externals = false;
+ unsigned verbose = 1;
+ bool silent = false;
+ list<string> log_channels;
+ string build_type;
+ GetOpt getopt;
+ getopt.add_option('a', "analyze", analyze_mode, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG).set_help("Perform dependency analysis.", "MODE");
+ getopt.add_option('b', "build", build, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Perform build even if also doing something else.");
+ getopt.add_option('c', "clean", clean, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Clean buildable targets.");
+ getopt.add_option('f', "file", build_file, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG).set_help("Read build instructions from FILE.", "FILE");
+ getopt.add_option('h', "help", help, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Print this message.");
+ getopt.add_option('j', "jobs", jobs, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG).set_help("Run up to NUM tasks in parallel.", "NUM");
+ getopt.add_option('l', "log", log_channels, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG).set_help("Enable listed log channels.", "LIST");
+ getopt.add_option('n', "dry-run", dry_run, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Show what would be done without actually doing it.");
+ getopt.add_option('s', "silent", silent, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Don't print any messages other than errors.");
+ getopt.add_option('t', "build-type", build_type, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG).set_help("Set build type.", "TYPE");
+ getopt.add_option('v', "verbose", verbose, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Print more information about what's going on.");
+ getopt.add_option('x', "no-externals",no_externals, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Do not load external source packages.");
+ getopt.add_option('A', "conf-all", conf_all, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Apply configuration to all packages.");
+ getopt.add_option('B', "build-all", build_all, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Build all targets unconditionally.");
+ getopt.add_option('C', "chdir", work_dir, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG).set_help("Change to DIR before doing anything else.", "DIR");
+ getopt.add_option('P', "progress", show_progress, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Display progress while building.");
+ getopt.add_option('W', "what-if", what_if, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG).set_help("Pretend that FILE has changed.", "FILE");
+ getopt.add_option( "arch", arch, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG).set_help("Build for architecture ARCH.", "ARCH");
+ getopt.add_option( "conf-only", conf_only, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Stop after configuring packages.");
+ getopt.add_option( "full-paths", full_paths, GetOpt::NO_ARG).set_help("Output full paths in analysis.");
+ getopt.add_option( "max-depth", max_depth, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG).set_help("Show up to NUM levels in analysis.", "NUM");
+ getopt.add_option( "prefix", prefix, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG).set_help("Install things to DIR.", "DIR");
+ getopt.add_option( "tempdir", tempdir, GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARG).set_help("Store temporary files in DIR.", "DIR");
+ usagemsg = getopt.generate_usage(argv[0])+" [<target> ...]";
+ helpmsg = getopt.generate_help();
+ getopt(argc, argv);
+ if(silent)
+ --verbose;
+ if(verbose>=1)
+ {
+ logger.enable_channel("summary");
+ logger.enable_channel("tasks");
+ }
+ if(verbose>=2)
+ {
+ logger.enable_channel("environment");
+ logger.enable_channel("packages");
+ logger.enable_channel("commands");
+ }
+ if(verbose>=3)
+ {
+ logger.enable_channel("files");
+ logger.enable_channel("auxcommands");
+ }
+ for(list<string>::const_iterator i=log_channels.begin(); i!=log_channels.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ vector<string> parts = split(*i, ',');
+ for(vector<string>::const_iterator j=parts.begin(); j!=parts.end(); ++j)
+ logger.enable_channel(*j);
+ }
+ builder.set_logger(&logger);
+ if(!analyze_mode.empty())
+ {
+ analyzer = new Analyzer(builder);
+ if(analyze_mode=="deps")
+ analyzer->set_mode(Analyzer::DEPS);
+ else if(analyze_mode=="alldeps")
+ analyzer->set_mode(Analyzer::ALLDEPS);
+ else if(analyze_mode=="rebuild")
+ analyzer->set_mode(Analyzer::REBUILD);
+ else if(analyze_mode=="rdeps")
+ analyzer->set_mode(Analyzer::RDEPS);
+ else
+ throw usage_error("Invalid analyze mode");
+ analyzer->set_max_depth(max_depth);
+ analyzer->set_full_paths(full_paths);
+ }
+ else if(!clean && !create_makefile)
+ build = true;
+ const vector<string> &args = getopt.get_args();
+ for(vector<string>::const_iterator i=args.begin(); i!=args.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ string::size_type equal = i->find('=');
+ if(equal!=string::npos)
+ cmdline_options.insert(Config::InputOptions::value_type(i->substr(0, equal), i->substr(equal+1)));
+ else
+ cmdline_targets.push_back(*i);
+ }
+ if(!work_dir.empty())
+ FS::chdir(work_dir);
+ cwd = FS::getcwd();
+ PackageManager &package_manager = builder.get_package_manager();
+ package_manager.append_package_path(cwd);
+ package_manager.append_package_path(cwd/"..");
+ package_manager.append_binary_package_path(FS::get_sys_data_dir(argv[0], "builder"));
+ package_manager.set_no_externals(no_externals);
+ builder.set_architecture(arch);
+ list<FS::Path> start_files;
+ start_files.push_back(FS::get_sys_data_dir(argv[0], "builder")/"builderrc");
+ start_files.push_back(FS::get_user_data_dir("builder")/"rc");
+ for(list<FS::Path>::const_iterator i=start_files.begin(); i!=start_files.end(); ++i)
+ if(FS::exists(*i))
+ builder.load_build_file(*i);
+ if(!prefix.empty())
+ builder.set_prefix(cwd/prefix);
+ if(!tempdir.empty())
+ builder.set_temp_directory(tempdir);
+ if(!build_type.empty())
+ builder.set_build_type(build_type);
+ builder.add_default_tools();
+ delete analyzer;
+int BuilderCLI::main()
+ FS::Path main_file = cwd/build_file;
+ if(!FS::exists(main_file))
+ {
+ if(help)
+ {
+ usage(0, "builder", false);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ IO::print(IO::cerr, "The file %s does not exist.\n", main_file);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ builder.load_build_file(main_file, &cmdline_options, conf_all);
+ if(help)
+ {
+ usage(0, "builder", false);
+ IO::print("\n");
+ package_help();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(!prepare_build())
+ return 1;
+ if(conf_only)
+ return 0;
+ const Architecture &native_arch = builder.get_native_arch();
+ const Architecture ¤t_arch = builder.get_current_arch();
+ logger.log("environment", format("Building on %s, for %s%s", native_arch.get_name(),
+ current_arch.get_name(), (current_arch.is_native() ? " (native)" : "")));
+ logger.log("environment", format("Prefix is %s", builder.get_prefix()));
+ const FS::Path &tempdir = builder.get_temp_directory();
+ if(tempdir.is_absolute())
+ logger.log("environment", format("Temporary directory is %s", tempdir));
+ else
+ logger.log("environment", format("Using per-package temporary directory %s", tempdir));
+ const BuildType &build_type = builder.get_build_type();
+ logger.log("environment", format("Build type is %s", build_type.get_name()));
+ BuildGraph &build_graph = builder.get_build_graph();
+ PackageManager &package_manager = builder.get_package_manager();
+ const PackageManager::PackageMap &packages = package_manager.get_packages();
+ list<string> package_details;
+ for(PackageManager::PackageMap::const_iterator i=packages.begin(); i!=packages.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(!i->second->is_prepared())
+ continue;
+ string line = i->second->get_name();
+ if(dynamic_cast<SourcePackage *>(i->second))
+ {
+ line += '*';
+ unsigned count = 0;
+ unsigned to_be_built = 0;
+ const BuildGraph::TargetMap &targets = build_graph.get_targets();
+ for(BuildGraph::TargetMap::const_iterator j=targets.begin(); j!=targets.end(); ++j)
+ if(j->second->get_package()==i->second)
+ {
+ ++count;
+ if(j->second->needs_rebuild())
+ ++to_be_built;
+ }
+ if(count)
+ {
+ line += format(" (%d targets", count);
+ if(to_be_built)
+ line += format(", %d to be built", to_be_built);
+ line += ')';
+ }
+ }
+ package_details.push_back(line);
+ }
+ logger.log("summary", format("%d active packages, %d targets", package_details.size(), build_graph.get_targets().size()));
+ for(list<string>::const_iterator i=package_details.begin(); i!=package_details.end(); ++i)
+ logger.log("packages", *i);
+ if(analyzer)
+ analyzer->analyze();
+ const Builder::ProblemList &problems = builder.get_problems();
+ if(!problems.empty())
+ {
+ IO::print(IO::cerr, "The following problems were detected:\n");
+ for(Builder::ProblemList::const_iterator i=problems.begin(); i!=problems.end(); ++i)
+ IO::print(IO::cerr, " %s: %s\n", i->package, i->descr);
+ if(!analyzer)
+ IO::print(IO::cerr, "Please fix them and try again.\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if(clean)
+ exit_code = builder.clean(clean>=2, dry_run);
+ if(build)
+ exit_code = builder.build(jobs, dry_run, show_progress);
+ return exit_code;
+bool BuilderCLI::prepare_build()
+ /* XXX This is ugly; using the Builder class should not be this convoluted.
+ But the command line targets and what ifs need to be set at certain points
+ during preparation. */
+ BuildGraph &build_graph = builder.get_build_graph();
+ PackageManager &package_manager = builder.get_package_manager();
+ VirtualFileSystem &vfs = builder.get_vfs();
+ package_manager.get_main_package().prepare();
+ // Add targets from command line as goals
+ for(NameList::iterator i=cmdline_targets.begin(); i!=cmdline_targets.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ Target *tgt = build_graph.get_target(*i);
+ if(!tgt)
+ tgt = vfs.get_target(*i);
+ if(!tgt)
+ tgt = vfs.get_target(cwd/ *i);
+ if(!tgt)
+ {
+ IO::print("I don't know anything about %s\n", *i);
+ return false;
+ }
+ build_graph.add_goal(*tgt);
+ }
+ build_graph.prepare();
+ // Apply what-ifs
+ for(NameList::iterator i=what_if.begin(); i!=what_if.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ FileTarget *tgt = vfs.get_target(cwd/ *i);
+ if(!tgt)
+ {
+ IO::print(IO::cerr, "Unknown what-if target %s\n", *i);
+ return false;
+ }
+ tgt->touch();
+ }
+ if(build_all)
+ build_graph.force_full_rebuild();
+ if(!dry_run)
+ {
+ const PackageManager::PackageMap &packages = package_manager.get_packages();
+ for(PackageManager::PackageMap::const_iterator i=packages.begin(); i!=packages.end(); ++i)
+ i->second->save_caches();
+ }
+ return true;
+void BuilderCLI::usage(const char *reason, const char *argv0, bool brief)
+ if(reason)
+ IO::print(IO::cerr, "%s\n", reason);
+ if(brief)
+ IO::print(IO::cerr, "Usage: %s\n", usagemsg);
+ else
+ {
+ IO::print(IO::cerr, "Builder 1.0\n\n");
+ IO::print(IO::cerr, "Usage: %s [options] [<target> ...]\n\n", argv0);
+ IO::print(IO::cerr, "Options:\n");
+ IO::print(IO::cerr, helpmsg);
+ }
+void BuilderCLI::package_help()
+ PackageManager &package_manager = builder.get_package_manager();
+ SourcePackage &main_pkg = dynamic_cast<SourcePackage &>(package_manager.get_main_package());
+ const Config &config = main_pkg.get_config();
+ const Config::OptionMap &options = config.get_options();
+ IO::print("Required packages:\n ");
+ const Package::Requirements &requires = main_pkg.get_required_packages();
+ for(Package::Requirements::const_iterator i=requires.begin(); i!=requires.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(i!=requires.begin())
+ IO::print(", ");
+ IO::print((*i)->get_name());
+ }
+ IO::print("\n\nPackage configuration:\n");
+ for(Config::OptionMap::const_iterator i=options.begin(); i!=options.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ const Config::Option &opt = i->second;
+ IO::print(" %s: %s (%s)", opt.name, opt.description, opt.value);
+ if(opt.value!=opt.default_value)
+ IO::print(" [%s]", opt.default_value);
+ IO::print("\n");
+ }
+string BuilderCLI::usagemsg;
+string BuilderCLI::helpmsg;
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef BUILDERCLI_H_
+#define BUILDERCLI_H_
+#include <msp/core/application.h>
+#include "builder.h"
+class Analyzer;
+class BuilderCLI: public Msp::RegisteredApplication<BuilderCLI>
+ typedef std::list<std::string> NameList;
+ NameList cmdline_targets;
+ Config::InputOptions cmdline_options;
+ Msp::FS::Path cwd;
+ Builder builder;
+ Logger logger;
+ Analyzer *analyzer;
+ bool build;
+ unsigned clean;
+ bool dry_run;
+ bool help;
+ bool show_progress;
+ std::string build_file;
+ unsigned jobs;
+ NameList what_if;
+ bool conf_all;
+ bool conf_only;
+ bool build_all;
+ bool create_makefile;
+ static std::string usagemsg;
+ static std::string helpmsg;
+ BuilderCLI(int, char **);
+ ~BuilderCLI();
+ virtual int main();
+ bool prepare_build();
+ static void usage(const char *, const char *, bool);
+ void package_help();