#include <msp/core/application.h>
-#include <msp/core/refptr.h>
-#include <msp/gbase/display.h>
-#include <msp/gbase/glcontext.h>
-#include <msp/gbase/window.h>
+#include <msp/gbase/simplewindow.h>
#include <msp/gl/blend.h>
#include <msp/gl/matrix.h>
-#include <msp/gl/misc.h>
-#include <msp/gl/projection.h>
#include <msp/gltk/button.h>
#include <msp/gltk/entry.h>
#include <msp/gltk/label.h>
class HelloWorld: public Msp::Application
- // Objects for setting up an OpenGL window
- Graphics::Display dpy;
- Graphics::Window wnd;
- Graphics::GLContext glc;
+ // An OpenGL window to display our widgets in
+ Graphics::SimpleGLWindow wnd;
// GLtk resources and widgets
GLtk::Resources res;
- RefPtr<GLtk::Root> root;
+ GLtk::Root root;
GLtk::Entry *ent_name;
GLtk::Label *lbl_hello;
void show_hello();
-Application::RegApp<HelloWorld> HelloWorld::reg;
+Application::RegApp<HelloWorld> HelloWorld::reg;
HelloWorld::HelloWorld(int, char **):
- wnd(dpy, 200, 200),
- glc(wnd)
+ wnd(200, 200),
+ // Load resources. This must be done before the root widget is created.
+ res("basic.skin"),
+ // A Root receives input from a Graphics::Window and passes it on
+ root(res, wnd)
wnd.set_title("Hello World");
wnd.signal_close.connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(this, &HelloWorld::exit), 0));
- // Load resources. This must be done before any widgets are created.
- DataFile::load(res, "basic.skin");
- // A Root receives input from a Graphics::Window and passes it on
- root=new GLtk::Root(res, wnd);
/* Container widgets will delete their contents upon destruction so we can
safely forget about the pointers after setting the widgets up. */
// Panels can be used to divide the window into sub-areas
- GLtk::Panel *panel=new GLtk::Panel(res);
- root->add(*panel);
+ GLtk::Panel *panel = new GLtk::Panel;
+ root.add(*panel);
panel->set_geometry(GLtk::Geometry(20, 20, 160, 160));
GLtk::Label *lbl;
// Prompts can be displayed with Labels
- panel->add(*(lbl=new GLtk::Label(res, "Type your name below:")));
+ panel->add(*(lbl = new GLtk::Label("Type your name below:")));
lbl->set_geometry(GLtk::Geometry(10, 130, 140, 20));
// The user can type text into an Entry
- panel->add(*(ent_name=new GLtk::Entry(res)));
+ panel->add(*(ent_name = new GLtk::Entry));
ent_name->set_geometry(GLtk::Geometry(10, 110, 140, 20));
GLtk::Button *btn;
// Buttons can be wired to cause things to happen
- panel->add(*(btn=new GLtk::Button(res, "Hello")));
+ panel->add(*(btn = new GLtk::Button("Hello")));
btn->set_geometry(GLtk::Geometry(10, 85, 140, 20));
btn->signal_clicked.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &HelloWorld::show_hello));
// Another label for displaying some information
- panel->add(*(lbl_hello=new GLtk::Label(res)));
+ panel->add(*(lbl_hello = new GLtk::Label));
lbl_hello->set_geometry(GLtk::Geometry(10, 65, 140, 20));
// The user might want to exit the program (*gasp*)
- panel->add(*(btn=new GLtk::Button(res, "Exit")));
+ panel->add(*(btn = new GLtk::Button("Exit")));
btn->set_geometry(GLtk::Geometry(50, 10, 100, 20));
btn->signal_clicked.connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(this, &HelloWorld::exit), 0));
- // Font rendering requires blending
- GL::enable(GL::BLEND);
// Done with setting things up, show the window!
// This function will be called periodically from the main loop
void HelloWorld::tick()
- dpy.tick();
+ wnd.tick();
// Set up an orthogonal projection matching the root widget
- GL::matrix_mode(GL::PROJECTION);
- GL::load_identity();
- GL::ortho_bottomleft(200, 200);
- GL::matrix_mode(GL::MODELVIEW);
- GL::load_identity();
+ GL::MatrixStack::projection() = GL::Matrix::ortho_bottomleft(200, 200);
+ GL::MatrixStack::modelview() = GL::Matrix();
+ // Font rendering requires blending
+ GL::Bind bind_blend(GL::Blend::alpha());
- root->render();
+ root.render();
- glc.swap_buffers();
+ wnd.swap_buffers();
// Displays a greeting to the user