Distributed under the GPL
+#include <signal.h>
#include <msp/core/except.h>
#include <msp/io/file.h>
#include <msp/io/print.h>
#include <msp/strings/lexicalcast.h>
+#include <msp/strings/utils.h>
#include "commandinterpreter.h"
#include "gldbg.h"
#include "tracer.h"
CommandInterpreter::CommandInterpreter(GlDbg &d):
- commands["run"] = &CommandInterpreter::cmd_run;
- commands["continue"] = &CommandInterpreter::cmd_continue;
- commands["c"] = &CommandInterpreter::cmd_continue;
- commands["kill"] = &CommandInterpreter::cmd_kill;
- commands["signal"] = &CommandInterpreter::cmd_signal;
- commands["exit"] = &CommandInterpreter::cmd_exit;
- commands["quit"] = &CommandInterpreter::cmd_exit;
- commands["trace"] = &CommandInterpreter::cmd_trace;
+ commands["help"] = Command(&CommandInterpreter::cmd_help,
+ "Provides help on commands",
+ "help\n"
+ " Displays a list of commands\n\n"
+ "help COMMAND\n"
+ " Gives detailed information on a command\n");
+ commands["exit"] = Command(&CommandInterpreter::cmd_exit,
+ "Ends the debugging session");
+ commands["run"] = Command(&CommandInterpreter::cmd_run,
+ "Starts the program");
+ commands["continue"] = Command(&CommandInterpreter::cmd_continue,
+ "Resumes program execution");
+ commands["kill"] = Command(&CommandInterpreter::cmd_kill,
+ "Terminates the program immediately");
+ commands["signal"] = Command(&CommandInterpreter::cmd_signal,
+ "Resumes execution with a signal",
+ "signal NUM\n"
+ "signal NAME\n"
+ " Sends the signal identified by NUM or NAME to the program and resumes\n"
+ " execution. Currently recognized signal names are HUP, INT, TERM, SEGV\n"
+ " and TERM.\n");
+ commands["trace"] = Command(&CommandInterpreter::cmd_trace,
+ "Traces GL function calls",
+ "trace >FILE\n"
+ " Send trace output to FILE. As a special case, - means stdout.\n\n"
+ "trace {off|on}\n"
+ " Temporarily suspend or resume trace without closing the file.\n\n"
+ "trace end\n"
+ " Terminate trace, closing the file.\n");
void CommandInterpreter::execute(const string &cmd)
args = cmd.substr(space+1);
- (this->*(i->second))(args);
+ (this->*(i->second.func))(args);
+void CommandInterpreter::cmd_help(const string &args)
+ if(args.empty())
+ {
+ for(map<string, Command>::const_iterator i=commands.begin(); i!=commands.end(); ++i)
+ IO::print("%-10s : %s\n", i->first, i->second.description);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ map<string, Command>::const_iterator i = commands.find(args);
+ if(i==commands.end())
+ throw KeyError("Unknown command", args);
+ IO::print("%s : %s\n", i->first, i->second.description);
+ if(!i->second.help.empty())
+ IO::print("\n%s", i->second.help);
+ }
void CommandInterpreter::cmd_run(const string &)
void CommandInterpreter::cmd_signal(const string &args)
- gldbg.get_process().resume(lexical_cast<unsigned>(args));
+ unsigned sig = 0;
+ if(args=="HUP" || args=="SIGHUP")
+ sig = SIGHUP;
+ else if(args=="INT" || args=="SIGINT")
+ sig = SIGINT;
+ else if(args=="ILL" || args=="SIGILL")
+ sig = SIGILL;
+ else if(args=="SEGV" || args=="SIGSEGV")
+ sig = SIGSEGV;
+ else if(args=="TERM" || args=="SIGTERM")
+ sig = SIGTERM;
+ else if(isnumrc(args))
+ sig = lexical_cast<unsigned>(args);
+ else
+ throw InvalidParameterValue("Invalid signal specification");
+ gldbg.get_process().resume(sig);
void CommandInterpreter::cmd_kill(const string &)
+ func(0)
+{ }
+CommandInterpreter::Command::Command(Func f, const string &d):
+ func(f),
+ description(d)
+{ }
+CommandInterpreter::Command::Command(Func f, const string &d, const string &h):
+ func(f),
+ description(d),
+ help(h)
+{ }
class CommandInterpreter
- typedef void (CommandInterpreter::*CommandFunc)(const std::string &);
- typedef std::map<std::string, CommandFunc> CommandMap;
+ struct Command
+ {
+ typedef void (CommandInterpreter::*Func)(const std::string &);
+ Func func;
+ std::string description;
+ std::string help;
+ Command();
+ Command(Func, const std::string &);
+ Command(Func, const std::string &, const std::string &);
+ };
+ typedef std::map<std::string, Command> CommandMap;
GlDbg &gldbg;
CommandMap commands;
void execute(const std::string &);
+ void cmd_help(const std::string &);
void cmd_run(const std::string &);
void cmd_continue(const std::string &);
void cmd_signal(const std::string &);