# $Id$
-CFLAGS = -Igensrc -ggdb -Wall -Wextra
-CXXFLAGS = -Igensrc -ggdb -Wall -Wextra
+CFLAGS := -ggdb -Wall -Wextra
-PACKAGES_gldbg = mspcore mspstrings mspio mspfs
-CXXFLAGS_gldbg = $(shell pkg-config --cflags $(PACKAGES_gldbg))
-LIBS_gldbg = $(shell pkg-config --libs $(PACKAGES_gldbg)) -lreadline
+PACKAGES_gldbg := mspcore mspstrings mspio mspfs
+SOURCES_libgldbg := source/gldecoder.c \
+ source/glprint.c \
+ source/enums.c \
+ source/arraysize.c \
+ source/tmpalloc.c
+SOURCES_glwrap := source/glwrap.c \
+ source/glwrap_funcs.c \
+ source/arraysize.c
+SOURCES_gldump := source/gldump.c
+SOURCES_gldbg := source/gldbg.cpp \
+ source/commandinterpreter.cpp \
+ source/tracer.cpp \
+ source/process.cpp \
+ source/glstate.cpp \
+ source/texturestate.cpp \
+ source/bufferstate.cpp \
+ source/profiler.cpp \
+ source/arraystate.cpp
+TEMPLATES := source/functions.enum.t \
+ source/gldecoder.funcs.t \
+ source/gldecoder.struct.t \
+ source/glprint.funcs.t \
+ source/glwrap.funcs.t
+objs = $(patsubst source/%.cpp,temp/%.o,$(patsubst source/%.c,temp/%.o,$(1)))
+deps = $(patsubst source/%.cpp,temp/%.d,$(patsubst source/%.c,temp/%.d,$(1)))
+gen = $(patsubst source/%.t,gensrc/%,$(1))
+GENSOURCES := $(call gen,$(TEMPLATES))
+SOURCES_all := $(sort $(SOURCES_libgldbg) $(SOURCES_glwrap) $(SOURCES_gldump) $(SOURCES_gldbg))
+OBJECTS_libgldbg := $(call objs,$(SOURCES_libgldbg))
+OBJECTS_glwrap := $(call objs,$(SOURCES_glwrap))
+OBJECTS_gldump := $(call objs,$(SOURCES_gldump))
+OBJECTS_gldbg := $(call objs,$(SOURCES_gldbg))
+OBJECTS_all := $(call objs,$(SOURCES_all))
+DEPS_all := $(call deps,$(SOURCES_all))
+$(OBJECTS_gldbg): CXXFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --cflags $(PACKAGES_gldbg))
+gldbg: LIBS += $(shell pkg-config --libs $(PACKAGES_gldbg)) -lreadline
+gldump gldbg: LIBS += ./libgldbg.a
all: glwrap.so gldump gldbg
-glwrap.so: source/glwrap.o source/arraysize.o
+glwrap.so: $(OBJECTS_glwrap)
$(CC) -shared -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS)
-gldump: source/gldecoder.o source/gldump.o source/glprint.o source/enums.o source/arraysize.o source/tmpalloc.o
+gldump: $(OBJECTS_gldump) libgldbg.a
$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS)
-gldbg: source/gldbg.o source/gldecoder.o source/glprint.o source/commandinterpreter.o source/tracer.o source/process.o source/enums.o source/arraysize.o source/tmpalloc.o source/glstate.o source/texturestate.o source/bufferstate.o source/profiler.o source/arraystate.o
- $(CXX) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS_gldbg) $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS)
-source/glwrap.o: source/functions.h gensrc/functions.enum gensrc/glwrap.funcs
-source/gldecoder.o: source/functions.h gensrc/gldecoder.struct gensrc/gldecoder.funcs gensrc/gldecoder.funcs
-source/gldump.o: source/gldecoder.h gensrc/gldecoder.struct source/glprint.h
-source/glprint.o: source/arraysize.h gensrc/glprint.funcs gensrc/gldecoder.struct
-source/enums.o: gensrc/enums.table
-source/gldbg.o: source/gldbg.h source/gldecoder.h source/tracer.h source/commandinterpreter.h source/glstate.h source/profiler.h
-source/tracer.o: source/gldecoder.h source/glprint.h
-source/commandinterpreter.o: source/gldbg.h source/glstate.h
-source/process.o: source/process.h
-source/glstate.o: source/glstate.h source/gldecoder.h source/texturestate.h source/bufferstate.h
-source/texturestate.o: source/texturestate.h
-source/bufferstate.o: source/arraystate.h source/bufferstate.h source/enums.h
-source/arraystate.o: source/arraystate.h source/bufferstate.h
-%.o: %.cpp
- $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS_gldbg) -o $@ $<
+gldbg: $(OBJECTS_gldbg) libgldbg.a
+ $(CXX) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS)
+libgldbg.a: $(OBJECTS_libgldbg)
+ $(AR) rc $@ $^
+temp/%.o: source/%.c temp/.created
+ $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
+temp/%.o: source/%.cpp temp/.created
+ $(CXX) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $<
+ mkdir -p temp
+ touch $@
gensrc/%: source/%.t gensrc/.created genwrap.py gl.files gl.tm gl.io gl.spec glx.files glx.tm glx.io glx.spec glxext.spec
python ./genwrap.py $< gl.files glx.files >$@
-gensrc/enums.table: enum.spec genenum.py
+gensrc/enums.table: gensrc/.created enum.spec genenum.py
python ./genenum.py enum.spec >$@
mkdir -p gensrc
touch $@
+-include $(DEPS_all)
+temp/%.d: source/%.c temp/.created
+ $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) -MM -MF $@ -MT $(patsubst source/%.c,temp/%.o,$<) -MG $<
+temp/%.d: source/%.cpp temp/.created
+ $(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) -MM -MF $@ -MT $(patsubst source/%.cpp,temp/%.o,$<) -MG $<
+.PHONY: clean
+ $(RM) $(DEPS_all)
+ $(RM) $(OBJECTS_all)
+ $(RM) gensrc/enums.table $(GENSOURCES)
+ $(RM) glwrap.so libgldbg.a gldump gldbg
BlendingFactorSrc,*,*, GLenum,*,*
Boolean,*,*, GLboolean,*,*
BooleanPointer,*,*, GLboolean*,*,*
-Char,*,array, GLchar *,*,value
+Char,in,array, const GLchar *,*,value
+Char,out,array, GLchar *,*,value
CharPointer,*,*, GLchar*,*,*
CheckedFloat32,*,*, GLfloat,*,*
CheckedInt32,*,*, GLint,*,*
const char *name;
} EnumInfo;
-#include "enums.table"
+#include "gensrc/enums.table"
const char *describe_enum(GLenum value, const char *categ)
#ifndef FUNCTIONS_H_
#define FUNCTIONS_H_
-#include "functions.enum"
+#include "gensrc/functions.enum"
return pos;
-#include "gldecoder.funcs"
+#include "gensrc/gldecoder.funcs"
static int decode_gldError(GlDecoder *dec, const char *data)
extern "C" {
-#include "gldecoder.struct"
+#include "gensrc/gldecoder.struct"
GlDecoder *gldecoder_new(void *, void (*)(void *));
void gldecoder_delete(GlDecoder *);
-#include "glprint.funcs"
+#include "gensrc/glprint.funcs"
static void print_gldError(void *user_data, GLenum code)
/* $Id$
This file is part of gldbg
-Copyright © 2009 Mikko Rasa, Mikkosoft Productions
+Copyright © 2009-2010 Mikko Rasa, Mikkosoft Productions
Distributed under the GPL
#include <string.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <GL/gl.h>
-#include <GL/glx.h>
-#include "arraysize.h"
-#include "functions.h"
-static inline void *glsym(const char *sym)
+#define INTERNAL __attribute__((visibility("internal")))
+INTERNAL inline const char *get_lib_names(void)
+ const char *env = getenv("GLWRAP_LIBS");
+ if(env)
+ return env;
+ return "libGL.so";
+INTERNAL inline void *glsym(const char *name)
- static void *libgl = NULL;
- if(!libgl)
+ static void **gl_libs = NULL;
+ unsigned i;
+ if(!gl_libs)
- const char *libgl_name = getenv("GLWRAP_LIBGL");
- if(!libgl_name)
- libgl_name = "libGL.so";
- libgl = dlopen(libgl_name, RTLD_NOW);
- if(!libgl)
+ char *lib_names = strdup(get_lib_names());
+ unsigned n_libs = 1;
+ unsigned j;
+ for(i=0; lib_names[i]; ++i)
+ if(lib_names[i]==':')
+ ++n_libs;
+ gl_libs = (void **)malloc((n_libs+1)*sizeof(void *));
+ i = 0;
+ n_libs = 0;
+ for(j=0;; ++j)
- fprintf(stderr, "Could not open %s: %s\n", libgl_name, dlerror());
- abort();
+ if(lib_names[j]==':' || lib_names[j]==0)
+ {
+ int at_end = (lib_names[j]==0);
+ lib_names[j] = 0;
+ gl_libs[n_libs] = dlopen(lib_names+i, RTLD_NOW);
+ if(!gl_libs[n_libs])
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Could not open %s: %s\n", lib_names+i, dlerror());
+ abort();
+ }
+ i = j+1;
+ ++n_libs;
+ if(at_end)
+ break;
+ }
+ gl_libs[n_libs] = 0;
+ free(lib_names);
- return dlsym(libgl, sym);
+ for(i=0; gl_libs[i]; ++i)
+ {
+ void *sym = dlsym(gl_libs[i], name);
+ if(sym)
+ return sym;
+ }
+ return NULL;
-static char *buffer = 0;
-static char *write_pos;
-static struct iovec *iovecs = 0;
-static struct iovec *cur_vec;
-static unsigned length;
+INTERNAL char *buffer = 0;
+INTERNAL char *write_pos;
+INTERNAL struct iovec *iovecs = 0;
+INTERNAL struct iovec *cur_vec;
+INTERNAL unsigned length;
-static inline void next_vec()
+INTERNAL inline void next_vec(void)
-static inline void write_bytes(const char *ptr, unsigned size)
+INTERNAL inline void write_bytes(const char *ptr, unsigned size)
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<size; ++i)
*write_pos++ = *ptr++;
-static inline void write_char(char v)
+INTERNAL inline void write_char(char v)
*write_pos++ = v;
-static inline void write_short(short v)
+INTERNAL inline void write_short(short v)
write_bytes((char *)&v, sizeof(short));
-static inline void write_int(int v)
+INTERNAL inline void write_int(int v)
write_bytes((char *)&v, sizeof(int));
-static inline void write_long(long v)
+INTERNAL inline void write_long(long v)
write_bytes((char *)&v, sizeof(long));
-static inline void write_long_long(long long v)
+INTERNAL inline void write_long_long(long long v)
write_bytes((char *)&v, sizeof(long long));
-static inline void write_float(float v)
+INTERNAL inline void write_float(float v)
write_bytes((char *)&v, sizeof(float));
-static inline void write_double(double v)
+INTERNAL inline void write_double(double v)
write_bytes((char *)&v, sizeof(double));
-static inline void write_pointer(const void *p)
+INTERNAL inline void write_pointer(const void *p)
write_bytes((char *)&p, sizeof(void *));
-static inline void write_data(const void *data, unsigned size)
+INTERNAL inline void write_data(const void *data, unsigned size)
-static inline void write_string(const char *s)
+INTERNAL inline void write_string(const char *s)
write_data(s, strlen(s)+1);
-static inline void write_string_array(const char **sa, unsigned size)
+INTERNAL inline void write_string_array(const char **sa, unsigned size)
unsigned i;
size /= sizeof(const char *);
-static inline void begin_packet(int func)
+INTERNAL inline void begin_packet(int func)
buffer = (char *)malloc(1024);
-static inline void send_packet()
+INTERNAL inline void send_packet(void)
static int fd = -1;
writev(fd, iovecs, cur_vec-iovecs);
-int in_begin_block = 0;
-GLenum cur_error = GL_NO_ERROR;
-static void check_error()
- GLenum (*orig_glGetError)() = 0;
- GLenum code;
- if(in_begin_block)
- return;
- if(!orig_glGetError)
- orig_glGetError = glsym("glGetError");
- code = orig_glGetError();
- if(code!=GL_NO_ERROR)
- {
- begin_packet(FUNC_GLDERROR);
- write_int(code);
- send_packet();
- if(cur_error==GL_NO_ERROR)
- cur_error = code;
- }
-void APIENTRY glBegin(GLenum mode)
- static void (*orig)(GLenum);
- if(!orig)
- orig = glsym("glBegin");
- orig(mode);
- begin_packet(FUNC_GLBEGIN);
- write_int(mode);
- send_packet();
- in_begin_block = 1;
-void APIENTRY glEnd()
- static void (*orig)();
- if(!orig)
- orig = glsym("glEnd");
- orig();
- begin_packet(FUNC_GLEND);
- send_packet();
- in_begin_block = 0;
- check_error();
-GLenum APIENTRY glGetError()
- GLenum ret = GL_NO_ERROR;
- if(in_begin_block)
- {
- if(cur_error==GL_NO_ERROR)
- }
- else
- {
- ret = cur_error;
- cur_error = GL_NO_ERROR;
- }
- begin_packet(FUNC_GLGETERROR);
- write_int(ret);
- send_packet();
- return ret;
-void (*glXGetProcAddress(const GLubyte *procname))(void)
- void *handle = 0;
- void (*ret)() = 0;
- if(glsym((const char *)procname))
- {
- handle = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_LAZY);
- ret = dlsym(handle, (const char *)procname);
- }
- write_pointer(ret);
- write_string((const char *)procname);
- send_packet();
- return ret;
-void (*glXGetProcAddressARB(const GLubyte *))(void) __attribute__((alias("glXGetProcAddress")));
-#include "glwrap.funcs"
--- /dev/null
+/* $Id$
+This file is part of gldbg
+Copyright © 2010 Mikko Rasa, Mikkosoft Productions
+Distributed under the GPL
+#ifndef GLWRAP_H_
+#define GLWRAP_H_
+void *glsym(const char *);
+void write_char(char);
+void write_short(short);
+void write_int(int);
+void write_long(long);
+void write_long_long(long long);
+void write_float(float);
+void write_double(double);
+void write_pointer(const void *);
+void write_data(const void *, unsigned);
+void write_string(const char *);
+void write_string_array(const char **, unsigned);
+void begin_packet(int);
+void send_packet(void);
--- /dev/null
+/* $Id$
+This file is part of gldbg
+Copyright © 2010 Mikko Rasa, Mikkosoft Productions
+Distributed under the GPL
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <GL/gl.h>
+#include <GL/glx.h>
+#include "arraysize.h"
+#include "functions.h"
+#include "glwrap.h"
+int in_begin_block = 0;
+GLenum cur_error = GL_NO_ERROR;
+static void check_error()
+ GLenum (*orig_glGetError)() = 0;
+ GLenum code;
+ if(in_begin_block)
+ return;
+ if(!orig_glGetError)
+ orig_glGetError = glsym("glGetError");
+ code = orig_glGetError();
+ if(code!=GL_NO_ERROR)
+ {
+ begin_packet(FUNC_GLDERROR);
+ write_int(code);
+ send_packet();
+ if(cur_error==GL_NO_ERROR)
+ cur_error = code;
+ }
+void APIENTRY glBegin(GLenum mode)
+ static void (*orig)(GLenum);
+ if(!orig)
+ orig = glsym("glBegin");
+ orig(mode);
+ begin_packet(FUNC_GLBEGIN);
+ write_int(mode);
+ send_packet();
+ in_begin_block = 1;
+void APIENTRY glEnd()
+ static void (*orig)();
+ if(!orig)
+ orig = glsym("glEnd");
+ orig();
+ begin_packet(FUNC_GLEND);
+ send_packet();
+ in_begin_block = 0;
+ check_error();
+GLenum APIENTRY glGetError()
+ GLenum ret = GL_NO_ERROR;
+ if(in_begin_block)
+ {
+ if(cur_error==GL_NO_ERROR)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret = cur_error;
+ cur_error = GL_NO_ERROR;
+ }
+ begin_packet(FUNC_GLGETERROR);
+ write_int(ret);
+ send_packet();
+ return ret;
+void (*glXGetProcAddress(const GLubyte *procname))(void)
+ void *handle = 0;
+ void (*ret)() = 0;
+ if(glsym((const char *)procname))
+ {
+ handle = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_LAZY);
+ ret = dlsym(handle, (const char *)procname);
+ }
+ write_pointer(ret);
+ write_string((const char *)procname);
+ send_packet();
+ return ret;
+void (*glXGetProcAddressARB(const GLubyte *))(void) __attribute__((alias("glXGetProcAddress")));
+#include "gensrc/glwrap.funcs"